Hey! This is my first Narnia Fanfiction and I want to know if its good so please review!

Fearing The Woods

Queen Lucy ran through the halls of Cair Paravel as quick as her little legs could carry her. She was up late that morning and if she didn't hurry she knew Edmund would have scoffed her breakfast as well as his. Lucy smiled at the servants she passed, but carried on running.

When she reached the dining hall, the guards outside it stopped her. Lucy was confused.

'Excuse me, why can't I go in?' Lucy asked, shyly. She was still afraid of the guards.

'High King Peter has ordered us not to let you in. He said that he had matters to discuss with Queen Susan and King Edmund. You are to have breakfast in your quarters.' The guard shifted nervously in his position. Lucy sighed and turned around, wishing she had gotten up a bit earlier.

As she turned the corner and made sure she was out of sight of the guards, she set off running again. Lucy knew of a passage that she and Edmund had discovered years ago, when they were trying to listen to Peter and Susan's arguments about suitors. Yes, Edmund would know she was there but then she had to risk it. She slowed to a walk as she neared the corridor with the passage and, making sure no one was about, she quickly ducked through a door.

As quietly as she could manage, she crept along the passage. Overhead she could hear voices.

'-And what are you going to do?' Lucy recognised as Susan's voice. Lucy tiptoed to the end of the passage and peered through the gap in the wall.

'Susan, calm down. Lucy is older now-' Peter began.

'She fourteen Peter. FOURTEEN!' Susan screamed. Lucy winced. Through the gap she could see Susan pacing in front of the table while Peter sat with his head in his hands. Edmund, she noticed was sitting on his chair looking concerned. What annoyed Lucy the most was that they were talking about her.

'She is a young lady now-'

'That's it! YOUNG PETER. YOUNG!' Susan cried. Whatever it was, Lucy knew it was serious as she only ever saw Susan loose control like that when she was scared and angry.

'Susan! We have to think what is right for the kingdom! I don't like it anymore than you do! I hate the fact that I'm basically giving her to-'

'Peter you don't care! I don't want to hear anymore of it! I ban that country's name from this castle!' Lucy was really confused now.

'Telmar is as we know, not our best of friends. But if we can secure a marriage between Lucy and the prince then we can make that bond stronger!'

'Why Lucy Pete? Why? She is fourteen! Hardly of the age to marry! You want our baby sister to marry a Telmarine? They are vile! I have seen their ways! I will not allow it.'

'Then I shall keep you in your room so you can't stop it' Peter spoke softly, but so everyone could hear him.

'You wouldn't'

'I'm afraid I have no choice. And neither does Lucy. She will live in Telmar and secure a place of peace with Narnia.'

Lucy was crying so hard that it was a miracle she wasn't found out. She looked at her older siblings until she caught Edmunds eye. His eyes widened and Lucy ran.

'Oh no,' Lucy heard Edmund shout from above, followed by the confused voices of her siblings.

Lucy ran as fast as she could but she knew that Edmund would catch her soon if she didn't hurry. Luckily she had reached her room before he had. She quickly pushed her chair up against the door. Lucy knew what she had to do.

She was leaving.

Lucy grabbed her dagger, she left her cordial for her siblings and packed a spare dress. She was just about to pull the chair from the door until she heard pounding fists at her door.

'Lucy! Open the door! Its Ed!' She heard. Lucy backed up against the wall, tears streaming down her face.

'Lucy open up now! That's an order!' Came Peters voice. Lucy let out a wail. Peter was angry and that wasn't good. She would be scolded and punished for this. She quickly wrote a note.

'LUCY PEVENSIE! IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR NOW THEN I SWEAR I WILL BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!' Peter bellowed and Lucy cried out, running to the window.

'Peter, please!' Susan cried.

'Lucy! Get out here now!' Peter yelled again.

Lucy stood on the window ledge.

'LUCY!' Peter yelled. Lucy turned to face the door.


Before she fell over the edge of the window.

Peter stood, shocked at what his sister said.

'Lucy?' Edmund asked.

'Lucy, please!' Susan sobbed. Peter kicked down the door.

'LUCY!' He shouted.

The window was open and there was no sign of Lucy. Edmund and Susan hurried over to the window and shouted out for Lucy.

Peter went over to the note.

It simply said:

I'm Sorry

Peter ran to the window.


So! How was that? Is Lucy dead? Keep reading to find out more!