Hope you like. Set four years after Hermione graduates. Reviews welcome, very much so. Good and bad. I'd like your ideas for improvement, since you'll be the ones reading it, it makes sense to write something that both you and I can enjoy.

DISCLAIMER! DISCLAIMER! I own none of the HP characters, places, events, etc. They are all J.K. Rowlings' property. Anyway, I have nothing, so it would be useless to sue me. You'd get a lot of...nothing. Because I have that. In abundance.

Also! Attention! Those of you, who don't want spoiler-type stuff, don't read this. HBP and perhaps the last installment spoilers are contained in this fanfic. You've been welcomed, disclaimered, and warned.

So, here goes...

Chapter 1

Excellent, thought Professor Severus Snape as he stalked down the corridor on his way from the library. He hadn't given a detention in ages (was it just his imagination or had the students become decidedly...well, dull since the graduation of a few of his students 5 years ago?) and the small cluster of 5th year boys huddled behind that suit of armor were definitely up to something. His gut told him it was something that would land at least one detention for the unsuspecting dolts. Really, trying to hide something in such a well-traversed hallway as this was nearly impossible. Severus smiled darkly as the boys started when his shadow fell over them.

"Mr. Pillix, you will give whatever you are all staring so intently at to me, this instant. Do NOT try to scoot off, Mr. Dravnor!"

Pillix appeared to have been stupefied and the other four looked decidedly green. Severus was holding his hand out, waiting. Finally, Pillix, trembling, gave what he was clutching to Snape. Severus did not look at it straightaway. Instead he sneered at the boys.

"Ten points each from Ravenclaw, Mr. Pillix, Mr. Clorbond and Mr. Jarvis; ten points each from Hufflepuff, Mr. Frakes and Mr. Dravnor. Loitering in the halls with-"

Severus had looked down at the object in his hands and felt the wind knocked out of him. Hermione Granger stared up at him from the pages of the magazine. And she was staring up at him with fire and lust in her eyes. And, she was most definitely not wearing a stitch of clothing. Definitely not, he thought as he let his gaze travel over those long legs, that trim waist, those perfect breasts, and then back down to that hot, tight, wet-
Severus jerked his eyes from the pictures in front of him.

"Where - did - you - get - this?"

The question was asked in a dangerously quiet voice. The boys trembled. Pillix, looking as if he were going to vomit, cleared his throat.

"Professor...er, well...that is...it's mine, Sir. My brother sent it to me, and...I'm so sorry, Professor, Sir. I just-"

Snape cut him off with a look.

"Another fifty points from Ravenclaw, and you, Pillix, will be serving detention with Mr. Filch on Thursday evening. You will receive further instructions from him. Now, all of you listen well. If I ever find anything of this sort in Hogwarts ever again, you will dearly regret it. Get out of my sight, all of you!"

They all scrambled away, terrified. Severus looked after them until they were gone, then he looked back to Miss Granger. She was licking her lips at him from the pages in his hands. She crooked her finger at him as she lounged on a bed, her knees bent, slightly spread so that he could see the merest glistening of her slit. She ran her fingers down her torso, playing with her hard pink nipples in another shot. In yet another, she threw her head back as one hand clutched the headboard while her other hand worked furiously on her...
Severus realized that he was doing much the same thing those immature schoolboys had done. He slapped the magazine shut and read the title.


Severus had seen the skin magazine in various bookshops, and had always snorted in derision at the thought of the clumsy-fingered oafs grasping at its pages. He had had no desire to look upon the nude forms or loose witches. And now, here was Miss Granger, Hermione, his former student, posing in the filthy publication. He was so furious he was shaking as he stalked to his chambers. But then, she had always infuriated him. He threw the offending magazine onto a chair as he passed through his library. He was furious. But why? Hadn't he always disliked Granger? Hated having her hand up, always ready to answer his questions? Abhorred being in the same room with her? So, why should the anger he felt about the pictures in that horrid skin mag feel different than the anger he felt because she knew absolutely everything? The feelings had begun to change and become decidedly worse in her 7th year. She had grown taller, had changed her hair (it had looked most definitely un-pouf-ball-like), and had begun to fill out quite nicely...
And her arrogance had grown just as quickly. She had stopped showing even the slightest hint that she feared him, had started sassing him in class, as well as in passing, and he had had to restrain himself from throwing her over his knee and throttling her. Oh, how he would have enjoyed the expression on her face as he lifted her school robes and brought his hand down on her tight round buttocks.
Severus was feeling a bit warm. Also, a bit constricted. He didn't know whether to be relieved or annoyed at the knock on his door. He went to answer it, and pulling it open, saw Professor Dumbledore standing on the threshold.

"Not interrupting, am I, Severus?"

He swept inside, not waiting for a reply. Severus realized, belatedly, that the issue of "PlayWizard" was still on the chair. Dumbledore had picked it up.

"Did you see Miss Granger's spread, then? Came as quite a shock, but she did seem to be getting quite rebellious in year seven. Can't say I'm surprised that her rebellious streak is still going strong. She needs it, being an Auror."

Snape looked dumbstruck that Professor Albus Dumbledore had read "PlayWizard." Dumbledore continued.

"Just dropped in to let you know that we've found a suitable replacement to teach your Potions classes so that you can give your full attention to Defense Against the Dark Arts."

There was that damned twinkle in Albus's eye. Severus, still a bit shocked, looked at Dumbledore warily.

"Who is it?"

"Miss Granger. Isn't that a bit ironic, Severus?"

Snape decided then and there that Dumbledore's "twinkle" was most definitely evil.