A/N: Not much to say, except Thanks for the reviews. ^_^ Suppose this is the chapter where things start happening. Are joo excited? xD btw I watched Chronicles of Riddick last month sometime, but didn't manage to memorize every pertinent detail...I don't own the movie anymore v_v. so if anyone catches any mistakes or deviation from the main plot feel free to point it out. Don't forget to review!

oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I got my first flame, and it was ridiculously unfounded. :D I don't know why but it made me grin.

So, due to this flame/review... I feel obligated again to mention, This story is a SLASH fanfiction, YAOI, MalexMale!

Disclaimer: No profit is being made from this fic. I do not own the Chronicles of Riddick. I do not own Naruto.

Warnings: -

Five years ago,

I took two people off that planet...

A kid, Jack,
who everyone else thought was a boy,

and a holy man...

searching for New Mecca.

"So now, who do I have to kill, to get this payday off my head?"

House of Abu al Walid, New Mecca, Helion Prime.

Kyuubi is a bastard. Naruto subtly chews his lower lip and studies the darkening sky.

Kyuubi... is going. to. die. When Naruto eventually transcends, Because oh yes, Naruto is transcending, he is going to kill Kyuubi. Painfully.

Because this shit is not funny.


Never had Naruto been in a situation where his body betrayed him so horrifyingly as it had a few hours prior. Riddick had leaned over him on the stairs, contemplatively scraping that sharp edge down his throat. Even with Imam standing down in the entry way with his eyes wide and frightened, Naruto's mind had gone sluggish over at the soft rumbling growl from Riddick. His body relaxed and Riddick practically held him on his feet. Naruto's neck tilted over on its own, to Riddick's appreciative silver gaze. Ears flat on his head, Naruto had bared his throat... he'd submitted.

And boy, didn't that just scare the hell out of him in retrospect. Naruto shivers unconsciously, a definitively perturbed expression on his face.

He feels like banging his head against the window frame. So he does. Hard.

"Naruto. Cease that nonsense." Imam sharply mutters. The study at present is not the comfortable relaxing room it should have been.

Riddick, the bastard, reclines on Imam's chair, Head and face shorn clear of that long scraggly hair. Those silver eyes seem to be all the more dangerous on a clean shaven face. This also clears the view for Naruto to study the defined jaw, muscular neck and shoulders, the masculine lips, seeming to be perpetually quirked in an amused smirk everytime Riddick catches Naruto's glance. Why am I looking at his lips? Naruto jerks his eyes away. And the bastard's eyes gleam, amused, knowingly at Naruto's back. Naruto grits his teeth behind his lips.

Naruto hates Riddick, and he hates how unsettled the air is around the convict. Naruto glances at Imam for reassurance.

He'd have done better looking elsewhere for that.

Imam's whole body is tense, he stands against the wall nearest the door; a frail barrier between the convict and his family. Naruto eyes Imam, emotions wavering between annoyance and support.

He catches Imam's troubled black eyes for a quick moment and scowls, the message passed between them in that moment is as clear and obvious as though he'd shouted it across the silent tense room.

This was your idea.

Riddick chuckles, the hairs on the back of Naruto's neck prickle as he stiffens and turns steel blue eyes at the convict.

"Something's funny?" Naruto murmurs, the words spoken low enough to be interpreted as a growl. Riddick blinks lazily at him, then tilts his head away and studiously ignores the question. Naruto follows his gaze to inhale sharply at the young brown eyes peering through the wooden screen.

Naruto frowns at Ziza, she smiles innocently at him through the screen.

"It is said the comet always precedes them... these world-enders. The Coalsack planets are gone. Eight million settlers missing. The entire Aquilan System is gone too." At Imam's voice Naruto's attention is pulled from the child.

He turns to watch Imam, who is standing at the window staring at the sky. Long brown fingered hands knead the beads of a familiar fang pendant necklace. Imam's gaze falls from the sky to rest on the city buildings.

"Helion Prime shares its sunlight with all worlds nearby. If we fall, they fall. And after that... My God, how do I save my family?" Imam shakes his head and turns from the window.

Naruto's heart thumps in his chest at the slow building thought of his family coming to harm. His brow furrows as he follows Imam's gaze. Riddick's silver eyes are focused on Ziza. Naruto's jaw tightens, fangs digging slightly into his gums, eyes narrow threateningly. Why is Imam so certain of this man?

"Have you heard anything I've said?" Imam growls, frustrated. Riddick looks up then. His gaze sliding from Imam to Naruto.

"You said it's all circling the drain... the whole universe. Right?" He rumbles.

"That's right." Imam answers. Riddick pushes the office door til Ziza's view of the convict is obstructed.

"Had to end sometime." Riddick deadpans. Outrage widens Naruto's eyes as words recklessly bubble up his throat.

"What the hell? 'Had to end sometime' 'the fuck are you talking about? It did not! It does not! People have a choice! They should always have a choice! Don't fucking give up before it's time to fight for what's important to you! IDIOT!" He yowls, shoulders tensed and fists clenched. Riddick surges to his feet and Imam backs up immediately, Naruto stands his ground and glares up at the cold gleam of silver shining down at him.

Despite how the kid hadn't even flinched at his threatening movement, Riddick notes with slight amusement the soft triangular ears flattening into Naruto's blond hair and the slight tremble in his fists. Maybe the kid wants to play again...

"Then by that logic, Nar-u-to, shouldn't you respect my choice to 'give up'." Riddick asks, eyes narrowing calmly.

"Respect is earned," Icy blue eyes clash with silver. Riddick acknowledges then, the steel in the kid's voice. "Not like that though." Naruto finishes, eyes dropping from Riddick's.

Riddick has no reply. Imam swallows, dark eyes uncertain as they examine the two clashing ideologies in front of him.

Thankfully a knock from downstairs draws all attention. However impossible it seems to Imam, the tension in the room only grows til it's almost tangible in the air.

Riddick infinitesimally tenses, his eyes change, gaining a cold terrible look Imam knows, remembers from a dusty planet where darkness spawned monsters. Naruto walks to the window and makes himself look comfortable; inside he's coiled, tense as Riddick. His blue eyes peer down sharply on the three hooded figures waiting outside the front door.

He blinks as an odd breeze ruffles his hair around his fuzzy ears. They flick on top of his head and he turns expectant eyes to Imam.

Laijjun greets the guests downstair. Riddick leans in the shadow of the door way eyes half mast, focused on the visitors. Imam is downstairs directing the stranger's path to his study. Naruto studies the man across the room from under his lashes, he pulls his orange beanie hat down on his head. His ears flattening against his head underneath. He hears Imam speaking in arabic to the guests before guiding three men into the study.

The men who enter the dimly lit room are hidden by their hooded robes, loose masks cover their lower faces, above these, three sets of dark brown eyes examine the room they've assembled in. The door swings behind Imam, Naruto glimpses Laijjun casting a worried glance at them whilst ushering Ziza to bed before the door is shut. Imam greets them in arabic, grasping each hand familiarly. When he has greeted the third and final figure he turns and announces to Riddick.

"The one you want is now here."

And Riddick is in front of the first masked man before Imam's mouth has closed on the last syllable.

Riddick crisply jerks the mask from one unknown face. The others get the message and pull their own masks down. Riddick easily towers over two of the men. He studies each face blankly. Their skin is a dark tan color, not anything like Naruto's golden tanned skin. Their faces convey intimidation, yet their eyes are almost hopeful. A soft breeze wafts through the room disturbing the candlelight, Naruto blinks and Riddick is holding a shiv's razor sharp edge to a soft white throat.

"And who's throat is this?" Riddick mumbles, silver eyes steady on the wavering female form. The knife held at her throat has Naruto belatedly wishing for a kunai. The woman's garb is pure white, it flutters even in air that is still, her hair is starlight, soft and white, falling around a well aged feminine face. Eyes that hold both a serious and warm mood sparkle in the dim room. Naruto shifts uncomfortably. Something about this woman sets him on edge.

"If you cut my throat, I'll not be able to rescind the offer that brought you here. Nor tell you why it's so vital that you did come." At her soft spoken words Riddick tilts his head infinitesimally.

"The blade comes off when the bounty comes off." he replies lowly. Naruto's brows furrow, his mind torn between assurance that Riddick has a hold on the wind witch, and annoyance that he's threatening an elderly woman. Riddick's eyes focus on Naruto for a moment before Imam speaks warily.

"This is Aereon, an envoy from the Elemental race." Imam steps forward and catches Riddicks eyes. "She means you no harm."

Naruto twitches when Aereon easily shifts through Riddick's blade, her body mass flutters from the threatening knife, her form opalescent in the sudden slight breeze. Riddick warily tenses as his target disappears from his sight, his fingers loosening on the shiv handles.

"There are very few among us who have met a Necromonger and lived to speak of it." Riddick pauses, tracking Aereon's voice. Her gaze and voice are compelling.

"So when I choose to speak of it, you should choose to listen." Her eyes meet Riddicks silver easily.

Naruto's ears perk forward, even as he shifts to put more distance between him and the elemental. The first time they had met was a passing glance at a temple meeting Imam had forced Naruto to escort him to. The second time they'd met, she'd looked at him with aged eyes...knowing eyes, and asked him his name. That meeting was tense, Naruto hardly spoke to the witch, even though she seemed to be unaffected by his obvious discomfort. She seemed to displace the awkward air just as easily as she could create a breeze to suit her needs.

And now she hardly paid attention to him, which suited him just fine, but he couldn't shake the tension from between his shoulders, an instinctive prickling in his subconscious told him that she was an unknown, she registered to him neither as a threat nor as an ally, and that's an uncomfortable feeling.

The only thing he had to go on, where the intentions she came to helion prime with. And as far as he could tell, she sought only balance.

"Necromonger." Riddick speaks the word like he's tasting it. Eyes still intent on the white witch but focus distant, like he's trying to recall where if ever he'd heard such a phrase.

Naruto grimaces. The other four males in the room seem to stiffen and shift unconsciously in unison... it'd be humorous to Naruto if the convict and the witch weren't in the room. Aereon speaks, completely disregarding the disquiet.

"It is the name that will convert or kill every last human life... Unless the universe can rebalance itself." The witch says emphatically. Riddick shifts his weight gracefully, innocently stepping closer to Naruto.

"Maybe you should pretend like you're talkin' to someone educated in the penal system. In fact, don't pretend." He rumbles, Silver eyes and lips betray his wry amusement.

"Balance is everything to elementals. Water to fire. Earth to air. We have different words for it. But now we have only time to speak of the balance of opposites." Aereon's eyebrows tilt together somewhat as she says this, her voice passively sincere.

Naruto experiences a steadily sinking feeling. The woman speaking about balance in the universe... where did a half demon from a time long past fit into the balance of the present universe? Could she somehow sense that he didn't belong? Did he truly have no place in current events? Naruto eyes gaze out at nothing, his lips press in a thin line, oblivious to the continued discussion in the room around him.

"-strangled at birth... strangled with their own cords." Naruto jolted back to the present when he registered this sentence. Imam's fluid voice easily speaking such heavy words had Naruto whipping his head to stare wide eyed at the oblivious man.

"When Aereon told this story to the Helion leaders, I told her of you." Imam's voice is somber.

Naruto scrambled to piece together the conversation's flow, despite it continuing on without him.

The hooded men who'd remained silent til now step forward, eyes curious and wary, they fervently question a silently bristling Riddick.

"What do you know of your early years?" One asks, as soon as he's closed his mouth another opens to voice a different query.

"Do you remember your home world?-Where it was?" Imam asks, stepping closer to Riddick.

Riddick steps away from the men even as they ask their questions. His back is to the room, he's framed in the window, soft street light illuminating him. His eyes catching the low light gleam as they absently drift over to Naruto. Naruto blinks at him and lowers his chin, blue eyes innocently curious. They stay like that til Aereon steps in front of the eagerly questioning men and asks.

"Have you met any other? Others like yourself."

Riddick's brow furrow and he turns, an almost insulted look on his face.

"Sister they don't know what to do with just one of me."

Even as the thought 'how arrogant' crosses his mind, Naruto chokes on a laugh and starts coughing to clear his airway. Imam's stern featured face is nigh appalled as he brings a warm hand to thump against Naruto's clothed back. Riddick raises an eyebrow, amused at the boy's fearlessness.

Aereon observes Naruto collecting himself with eyes vaguely curious. The other men in the room look downright annoyed, whether by Riddick's unforthcoming attitude or Naruto's misplaced amusement, it isn't clear.

"You find the fate of our world funny boy?" One of the men finally ask. Naruto's blue eyes are full of unconscious wetness as he gasps for breath. He shakes his head and bites back another random urge to laugh.

"Sorry.." he gasps, trying to look contrite. The men look somewhat appeased. Imam knows better, this displayed by a raised eyebrow and imperious glance which Naruto easily ignores. Riddick is still silently examining him while Aereon opens her mouth and says.

"We met at the temple twice, but I did not catch any surname, Naruto."

Naruto stills at the disguised question. He blinks at the floor, clearing up his vision from moisture as he contemplates an answer.

"Uzumaki." He finally mumbles, not meeting her gaze. She wouldn't recognize it, no one would. He wouldn't have any descendants in this time. He was, after all, the last and only Uzumaki to be born before being turned into a half demon.

"Ah, thank you. Are you perhaps, a blood relative to an elemental?"

The question catches him off guard. He gapes at her for a few seconds. She lifts her chin somewhat, eyes softly compelling an answer as she speaks again.

"From the first time I met you, I sensed a subtle affinity with wind, a trait I'd usually only recognize in a fellow elemental... hence my curiosity."

Stunned, Naruto can only close his mouth and blink at the woman. Imam stares at Naruto curiously himself, mirroring the other three men in the room. Riddick casually leans against the wood wall and calmly watches the entire room.

Affinity with wind, the phrase itself stirred his memories to the forefront of his mind. Naruto frowns, he'd never expected any human to be able to 'sense' any of his differences.

Could he really classify someone like Aereon as a human though. Naruto tilted his head to the side, a speckled brown feather woven into the roots of his hair fluttered softly against his cheek.

"I... don't know what you're talking about." He said steadily. There was no curiosity in his voice, the tone was flat, conveying the desire to seek another topic of conversation.

Aereon graciously ignored this.

"Perhaps you would enjoy a visit to my homeworld. Such an affinity is rare in off-worlders, you could learn to harness whatever amount of control you have over this element and-"

"Not interested." Naruto flatly cut her off, dismissing the entire notion as he walked towards the door. He already had present priorities. Maybe in a few years he'd visit Aereon's world... maybe not.

His thoughts and journey to the study door was cut short.

Imam jerked in surprise as incessant pounding rattled the front door downstairs. They could hear voices demanding entry and then Laijjun burst through the study door, eyes wild and hands shaking.

"They are searching houses!" She clenches her hands, her voice is frantic. Naruto steps forward, eyes worried as Imam hushes his wife.

Laijjun ignores her husband and continues on, voice thick with panic.

"They look for a man, who came here today. They think he might be a spy." Her eyes flash accusingly at Riddick.

"A spy?" Imam hisses.

"Did someone see him come here today?" Laijjun steps closer, her posture and voice threatening. "Did they?"

"Laijjun, stop!" Imam turns to an outwardly unaffected Riddick, his warm face tight with a desperate plea.

"I will send them away,. But wait one minute, please. Will you wait one minute to save worlds?"

Riddick raised a fist clenched around a gleaming shiv and emphatically spoke.

"Not. My. Fight."

Riddick's response had Naruto experiencing the oddest flurry of emotions; Relief, disappointment, hurt, annoyance.

His ears pinned to his head under the hat, a low hiss that raised the hackles of everyone in earshot bled from his throat. Naruto didn't speak a word, he fled the room after Laijjun. Down the stairs to the open doors.

So, who fancies the next chapter being in Riddicks POV? Sorry for how long it took me to update, my other fics haven't been updated for a good long while due to complications with my damn laptop...and they're kind of taking priority right now. Thanks for the reviews, and Thanks for giving my fic a chance. I luff you all!