I have been working on this story for quite some time now and I've just gotten around to converting ALL of my stories onto my Mac and getting them into the proper format. I have a ton in the works that I'm very anxious to share with everybody! After reading the FABULOUS story by vAmpbAbe6 I've decided to post what I have been working on. This, of course, is an Eames/OC story with, again, of course, Arthur/Ariadne pairing. I'm so excited for you all to read this and reviews are very much appreciated! On with the story :]


When we're asleep we can do almost anything

Everything was silent, simple, peaceful. There was only clean, white space. Every color imaginable blended together to create the purest of them all. The temperature was cool, not unbearably cold or excruciatingly warm, just right. It was a perfect utopia.

She breathed evenly, in and out, in and out. Her eyes flitted around beneath her closed lids, imagining, creating, living in the pure white space. Her legs were crossed indian style, her posture erect but relaxed.

A flittering white bird interrupted the stillness of her white world. It flew around her head, distracting her and making her brow crease. She tried to clear her mind and rid her world of the bird. She sighed, realizing it was useless and felt the familiar pull of herself coming out of meditation.

"What are you doing here?" She sighed, opening one eye and staring at her longtime friend, someone she hadn't seen in months. He smiled at the familiar sound of her accent. Manchester.

"We did it," he said simply.

"Did what?" she opened both eyes and stared at him, turning her body that sat crossed legged on the floor.

He sat down across from her and leaned towards her, almost whispering, "Inception."

She immediately slapped him on the arm with a smile and a laugh, "Don't joke with me!"

He smiled and held his hands up, "I'm not joking. We really did it."

She narrowed her eyes, "Dominic Cobb, if you are lying to me..."

"I'm not lying to you," his smile was reassuring and truthful.

She raised an eyebrow, "Who was the lucky fool?"

He passed her a file that she didn't even realize he had brought in with him. She almost scoffed at her unconscious trust for the man, how she let her guard down around those she trusted. He opened the folder for her and watched as her face registered the picture and formed a look of shock.

"Robert Fischer," she stated and then looked at him incredulously, "You performed inception on Robert Fischer."

He nodded and she continued, "You were the ones that made him break up his father's company?"

Again, he nodded and waited for her ton continue. She did, standing up and walking around her studio flat, making wild hand gestures, "You went into his head, levels deep probably, and planted that idea successfully? I can't believe it! You could have...do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

He laughed and defended himself as she went up to him and started beating his arm with her hand, "You could have gotten yourself killed! You...you could have gotten Arthur killed!"

"How did you know Arthur was there?" He asked, disregarding her violence.

She gave him a look, "Cobb, I know you."

He eyed her up, "I think he called you."

She shrugged, laughing, "That too."

"I knew you two couldn't stay away from each other."

She rolled her eyes, "He's one of my best friends Cobb, of course we stayed in touch. You know, after someone I thought was one of my best friends shut me out, remember?"

Cobb grimaced, "About that..."

She held up a hand, "I understand. You lost Mal, Mal was my best friend, the sight of me induced memories and those memories interfered with you getting your job done so you could go back to your kids. I get it."

He looked genuinely relieved, "You do?"

She laid a hand over his, "I do," she said, "But I assume that since you are here, in my merry hometown, you have everything under control and are ready to resume our friendship?"

He rolled his eyes, "You make it sound like I wanted to do this."

"Oh I know it's not what you wanted, it's what was...logical."


She grew serious for a moment, "How is he?"

He knew exactly who she was talking about, "He's been better, but he makes it seem like he's good as new."

She placed a hand over her stomach subconsciously, but Cobb picked up on it. She stared out the window briefly and shook her head, biting her lip, "Is he happy?"

Cobb didn't even have to think about the answer, "No."

"Is that why you're here?" She asked, facing him.

He shrugged, "Part of it. But I actually have a proposition for you."

She grinned then, clapping her hands and then rubbing them together, "You know I can't resist."

"He'll be there, you know," he warned her.

"I know," she sighed, "But we can't keep running from each other forever."

He smiled at her and got up, wrapping his arms around his longtime friend. Placing a brotherly kiss on top of her head, he sighed in contentment.

"Glad to have you back, Stell."