Characters: Neji, Hinata and Hanabi Hyuuga.

Verse: AU...fml

Rating: K

Drabble #11: Nurse-Zilla

Note: I actually wrote this a while ago. And it's all true. Hinata plays my older sister, I play Hanabi, and Neji plays as our mother. XD Yes, I kid you not.

Hinata coughed loudly into her hands, her entire body heaving with the force. Her face was flushed and her breathing was heavy and shallow, rattling in her chest with every inhale. When the body-shaking coughs died down, she moaned and lay back down, her hair fanning out around her face as she rested her head on the pillow.

A rather pathetic sniff, followed by an equally small and whimpering cough, sounded beside her and she turned hazy eyes to look at Hanabi lying beside her in a similar state of ill.

Hanabi's face was a little less flushed, but Hinata could feel the heat radiating off of her in waves. While she had a sore chest and a very bad cough, Hanabi had more of a flu. The younger girl was feverish, sweaty, and couldn't get comfortable without feeling pain from movement.

Both the sisters had been struck down with an illness that had been going around the neighbourhood, and they were sharing a room. While that may not have been too wise, since now they were just sharing germs all day and night by breathing the same air, Hinata had been plagued by horrible nightmares for the last few days, even before she fell sick, and Hanabi had been sleeping in her room every night to help keep them away. It was always comforting to know someone was with you, and that's why Hinata had been glad that her little sister was kind enough to share a bed to help her get some real sleep.

Unfortunately, when Hinata had come home with a slight cough, the morning after, both the girls woke up in much worse states and were now stuck in bed, sick as filth.

"Hinata," Hanabi groaned and the older girl turned her head slightly to look. "I've got a h-headache," the smaller girl whispered. Hinata opened her mouth to tell her to take some painkillers that were resting on the drawer nearby, but instead of words she ended up coughing again. She turned away quickly, not wanting to cough all over Hanabi.

Hanabi listened to Hinata's coughing and grimaced. It sounded very painful. Her head throbbed again and she whined softly, reaching up a hand to press against her forehead only to wince as her joints ached.

Being sick sucked.

Just then, the sounds of footsteps were heard. The two girls looked towards the bedroom door as it opened. Light from the hallway and adjacent bathroom flooded their vision, making Hanabi groan and Hinata turned her head. A tall figure strode into the room and pushed the door partially closed.

With the blinding light gone, they turned back only to see Neji standing there with a surgeons mask over his face and two mugs in his hands. Tucked under his arm was a small box that looked like it held tablets.

"Neji?" Hinata asked, coughing again after she finished and clearing her throat with a wince. "What—"

"Don't talk!" Neji ordered, moving over to the double bed. He held out one of the mugs for Hinata. "Drink this."

"What is it?" she asked, tentatively pulling the mug towards her and sniffing at the light yellow liquid. It smelled a bit like lemon.

"It's Med-Lemon, it'll help you," Neji said as he handed the next mug to Hanabi. "Both of you must drink it. Also, take these," he said, brandishing the pill box to show antibiotics.

"But we haven't eaten—" Hanabi began only for Neji to push her mug to her mouth, forcing some of the scalding liquid onto her tongue. She squeaked, jerking her head back. "That's hot!"

"Of course it's hot! You need to drink it while it's hot for it to work!" he said as if it were obvious, urging Hinata to take a sip. She brought the mug to her lips, wincing when the burning liquid hit her flesh. It wasn't just was scalding, boiling, untouchably hot. How did Neji expect them to drink this?

"Now take these as well!" Neji said once they'd both taken teeny sips. He handed each of them two pills and brandished two bottles of water from somewhere.

"But we haven't eaten!" Hanabi protested again.

"I'm making soup now, just take these in the meantime!" Neji ordered sternly.

Hinata was tired and she wanted to sleep. She didn't think she could eat anything right now. "Neji, thanks, but I'm just going to sleep—" her sentence was cut off when Neji snatched the pills from her hand and forced them into her mouth. She struggled as he uncapped the water bottle and poured the cool liquid in, forcing her to swallow lest it dribble down her chin and soak her chest and shirt. She swallowed the pills and immediately started to cough when Neji pulled away.

Hanabi had watched the spectacle with wide, fearful eyes, her palm held up with the pills and the water resting limply in her hand. When Neji turned to her with a gleam in his eye, she shoved the little white capsules into her mouth and chugged the water down like there was no tomorrow, all the while keeping her eyes on him to watch for any sneak attacks.

"Good!" Neji beamed, pleased with their actions. "Now, you just rest up and I'll bring you your soup when it's finished. Also, drink that Med-Lemon," he ordered the last bit with that same, maniacal gleam in his eye. "It better be finished when I come up here with the food."

Hanabi immediately grabbed her mug, taking another sip. It had cooled down slightly, and she could now clearly taste the medicinal lemon flavour, and it was—

"Oh, that's gross!" she said, sticking her tongue out. A looming presence before her made her look up and shrivel with fear as Neji came closer. "But bearable! It's bearable!" she shrieked hoarsely, taking another gulp as if to prove it. Neji backed away with a hidden smile and Hanabi placed her mug down again, laying down and sighing with relief. Hinata had already curled back under the covers, exhaustion making her hurtle towards sleep.

Suddenly the blanket was yanked off and she shivered while Hanabi whimpered.

The next thing Hinata knew, she was lying on her back while Neji tucked her in tightly, sliding the blanket under her body to keep it from straying away. A nervous giggle made her turn her head and see Hanabi was already wrapped up tight, unable to move a muscle.

"There we go, now you can sleep peacefully! But first drink your Med-Lemon! Make sure you drink it!" Neji warned before turning and stepping out the door. Both girls relaxed at his departure only to tens up again when he walked back in with a spray can. He narrowed his eyes briefly before starting to spray the air. Their noses were blocked, and so neither girl could smell what the spray was. But their eyes spotted the word 'Disinfectant' splashed across the label and they shared a bewildered look.

"Good! Drink the Med-Lemon! Sleep well!" Neji cooed, waving to them before stepping out again and closing the door. They heard his heavy steps leaving down the stairs and the two girls turned to face each other.

"...Beware the wrath of Nurse-Zilla," Hanabi whispered fearfully and Hinata nodded in agreement. In unison, the two girls reached up and grabbed their mugs of Med-Lemon, taking big gulps and grimacing at the sickening taste.

Yes...Being sick sucked.


Yes...yes it does. Especially when my mom is around to 'care' for me. O_e yeesh...

XD Reviews would be appreciated!