Author's Note: I am so sorry it took me forever to update. My sleep patterns have been thrown for a loop, but they seem to be falling back into place. Anyway, I brought another story in hopes that you will forgive me. Also, this is based off a dream I had last night, so I can't promise it will be decent.

Warnings: This is completely AU. Just a warning y'all.

Worth It? : Not a Normal Day

Logan POV

'And Big Time Rush's CD drops today nationwide. Back to you Phil.'

'Don't forget to wear sunscreen because temperatures will reach the high 90s.'

I sighed as I turned off the news broadcast, hoping that there would be a slight breeze as I had to walk to work, almost 4 miles away. I took a good long look in the mirror, making sure that I looked okay. I don't normally care about how I look or what I wear, but my insane manager, Kristy, is anal about us 'looking the part.' I have to wear a collared shirt, black slacks, and I couldn't have any visible tattoos or piercings unless I wanted to get fired. Fortunately, I didn't have any tattoos or piercings to remove or hide.

Other than hating my manager, I really loved my job in the college's library. Spending time surrounded by endless information was the main reason I took the job in the first place. Being allowed flexible hours due to classes was the other reason I took the job, even Kristy couldn't argue with me on that issue. Plus, I could study during the times when there wasn't anything to do or when nobody needed a lesson on how to use the photocopier.

I shut and locked my door to the one bedroom apartment that I could afford off campus. I couldn't afford to live on campus, nor did I have any family within the area. My mother died when I had just turned 7 thanks to a drunk driver. She had barely left the parking lot when she got hit. My father left when I was born, my mom told me he was a 'useless high bastard'. So as I walked down the street, heading toward the college campus, I passed a sign in a shop window that grabbed my attention.

"Big Time Rush CDs sold here!" I read aloud, wishing that I hadn't. Those three almost made me want to give up on any new artist. Instead of listening to what my peers liked I preferred the older classics. My iPod contained all of the songs from my favorite artists. Giving a small chuckle at the line of teenage girls, and the occasional boy, holding their CD like it was the last one on the planet, I continued walking toward the campus.

"Logan! Where have you been? You're a minute late!" Kristy yelled as soon as I walked in, she really needed to learn how to read a clock because I was ten minutes early, not a minute late. I wouldn't dare tell that to her face though, so I apologized and told her it will never happen again.

Wandering through the seemingly endless shelves of books, while placing one or two books back on the shelves in their correct location, I felt someone staring at me from behind so I turned around to see who, it was Kristy. I politely asked her if she needed me for anything, and after I did, I wished that I hadn't.

"Your break is coming up and I wondered if you could do me a favor. I asked for a CD to be held at Mike's Music Mania down the street. Could you go pick it up for me? Don't worry about it if your late coming back, I would imagine it will be insane there since the Big Time Rush CD dropped." She asked sweetly, before adding "I will give you the next two days off with pay if you go." I agreed before I knew what would ultimately happen.

"Oh! Pick me up a coffee on your way back!" She said handing me a ten before literally pushing me out the front door. A group of passing girls sniggered as I tripped and landed on my face. I should have known that it was theirs. Kristy asked me to get a CD, not theirs! After I got Kristy's CD, I waited in line at the coffee shop, waiting for the indecisive girl to decide if she wanted a muffin or cupcake, not that I cared, Kristy said I could take a long break.

"You like BTR?" The person asked from behind me, I could hear the astonished tone in his voice. I just shrugged my shoulders before moving ahead to order. I got myself a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese and asked them to wait to make the coffee before I left. Sitting by the window, as I ate my bagel, watching the people as they walked around without a care in the world, buying things that they didn't really need just to make them feel better about themselves. I walked down the street toward the campus, Kristy's coffee in hand while my iPod played whatever song was next when it happened.

A car turned the corner and didn't notice me walking and hit me. Except it wasn't any car, it was his car. I recognized him from the poster earlier, the shorter one. He rushed out and kneeled next to me, unsure whether or not to touch or move me. I sat up and groaned, for two reasons, the pain in my head and the fact that my iPod was smashed.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry; I should have been paying attention! Are you ok? You're bleeding! I am taking you to the hospital." I couldn't remember much after that because I passed out; I was bleeding from my head.

Hospital Room 206

I opened my eyes to a bright light, wincing as I looked around expecting someone to be there. Nobody was there, not even the doctor. So I pressed the call button and a nurse walked in holding a tray of food.

"Oh, you're awake. I will get the doctor, here are some snacks, the boy outside didn't know what you would want. Shall I send him in?" I wanted to ask what had happened but instead I just nodded. The person who owned the car slowly opened the door, before entering completely.

"Are you ok Logan?" I gave him a pointed look and he laughed, "Of course you're not ok. I practically ran you, a fan, over. So I am very sorry about that." Did he really think I was a fan? I laughed before groaning, my head still hurt. As if he was on cue, a man wearing a fancy suit and a doctor walked in, laughing about some joke that I didn't understand.

"How are you feeling Logan?" Dr. Richard asked, I told him that my head still hurt quite a bit and that I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. He explained that because of the crash I had a hairline fracture in my right leg, where the bumper hit. And he informed me that I will have to stay another night to make sure that I don't have any internal bleeding or a concussion.

Once he left, I was introduced to Mr. Miles, Carlos Garcia's attorney. He offered me enough money that I could literally stop working for the rest of my life and be okay. I refused.

"All I want is three things, which shouldn't be too much. I want my iPod replaced, the CD that I picked up replaced and signed by all three of you, and for you, Mr. Miles, to talk to my manager and explain what happened as I am sure that you would want to keep this quiet." I knew that the attorney would make it happen, and so he agreed and asked if I would keep quiet about this whole incident. I nodded before wishing that I hadn't as my head continued to pound from the pain.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to hit you." Carlos said looking like a kicked little puppy. I could tell that he felt really bad for hitting me, but I couldn't take his money or anything. I just wanted my life to go back to normal. He got up and left, leaving me to fall back asleep.

A/N: Wow, I can't tell if this is really good or really crap. So I guess I will leave it here. There will be some Cargan in later chapters, just not in this one. Anyway reviews will be great! Thanks for reading!

Have a great day!