Hello adoring fans!

I wrote this awhile ago and will continue it if people like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Sum: Draco failed the Dark Lord and he failed his family. Harry rescues him. Harry and Draco slash. Rated for a reason.


Hair went just past his shoulders.

Grey blue eyes.

Covered with a blindfold.

Thin petite male body.

Naked and chained.

Draco Malfoy had never looked better to Harry Potter. He was not gagged. Harry thought was lucky he needed to speak to him after all. Harry didn't have a plan, but he could get along well enough without one. Harry had saved Draco. Draco just didn't know it yet.

Harry walked closer to him. Draco flinched at the sound of boots on stone, but made no other visible sign of realization. As Harry came closer he could see that Malfoy was shacking from the cold or terror he couldn't be sure.

Harry could not denie how utterly hot this picture was. He wanted to touch him. Ravish him. He would soon after he recovered he supposed.

"What did you do to deserve this I wonder?"

Draco stilled. It was a familiar voice, but not in this place. Two months ago, maybe one he would have spoken demanded even to know who was specking. Now he kept silent. He didn't know the answer this voice wanted.

"Not going to answer? I'm not surprised."

He hesitated he could be hurt for not answering, but it might be much worse if he said the wrong thing.

"Please sir. I am here because I displeased our Lord." Draco rasped out painfully. It was always painful to speak now. He did not get much food or water. Gods he was thirsty. When his throat was in use it was used by the Death Eaters that found the most use out of the prisoners. That always hurt.

The voice was silent for several seconds. Draco prayed that the man for he thought the voice was male, had not found insult in his tone or words. A hand came up to brush against his cheek. It startled him horribly. He knew he jumped, but he did manage to not cry out. Hopefully that wouldn't be enough to cause punishment.

"I guessed that much." The voice was close to him and spoken softly gently even. He couldn't tell what this person would do. Would he hit him? Curse him? He could be trying to make him drop his guard.

The hand held his chin firmly, but not painfully making sure he was facing the speaker.

"What exactly did you do to displease our Lord? I want to hear you say it."

Did Draco hear a hint of sarcasm when he had said "our Lord"? He couldn't be sure. Maybe it was a newer recruit of Greybacks. Maybe he really didn't know or only wanted to mock him. This didn't make him feel any better. The werewolves were cruel and violent. They were also lost patience easily and did not care about matters like gender or permission when their instincts were strengthen close to the full moon.

"I did not kill Dumbledore. I could not kill the child in the raid. I believe my father was captured again. I suppose you've come to tell me he is dead."

I froze and whimpered weakly. My tone was off terribly. I did not sound properly ashamed of my actions. I spoke bitterly about my father and I dared to imply I either knew why this person was here or that I was irritated at his presence.

The hand caressed my face soothingly. "I have not. He is still in Azkaban. Are you aware your mother has turned traitor Draco."

"Wwhat? She wouldn't" Fear for my mother came over me, but so did hope. Maybe they would show her mercy. She did not have the mark. She might be safe.

"She has. She begged her head of family. The head of the Black family. You remember who Sirius Black named his Heir?"

"…Harry Potter."

"That's right. I know he destroyed your mother's marriage papers. She's not a Malfoy anymore."

My head was spinning. Why would Potter help her? It was her dearest wish to be away from my father. Why grant her that and give her protection?

"What do you think of that Draco? Tell me?"

Finally Draco spoke. "I don't know why he would help her. I'm glad she's happy."

It must have been the shock that cause him to speak out like that. Glad his mother was happily away from the dark lord? Was he begging this man to kill him?

The hand had gone up to his hair now. It played with the strings and petted them. The room was cold and the hand, this person who was so close and was breathing in his ear was warm. That's the only reason he leaned into his hand while he was frightened. He was scared of this person so he sot comfort from him like that made any sense what so ever.

"Do you think he would help you?"

My world stopped.

"No one would help me."

I was broken. I was crying now. This must have been what he came for. Of course it was. They only came to hurt me.

"Shh shh easy darling. Do you want him to help you? Tell me."

Both hands were on my face now and they wiped at my tears. It was the kindest I had been touched in a very long time. God I hate him for this. This is his game to make me say they I want out loud. That I wish I could be with my mum. That I would do anything be away from this place. Was he doing it so he could kill me? Were there other people here to watch him make me condemn myself as a traitor? I don't care. I want to die!

"Yes goddamn it! Yes I want him to help me! I want anyone to help me! Yes I want get on my knees to those Gryffindor basterds and want to bloody beg them to fucking help me!"

I screamed at him and soon started to cough. My throat hurt so much. I felt something being pressed into my mouth. Water. Dear gods' water. I was so thirsty and it made my throat feel so much better. I cried when I had drained the glass and it was taken from me I cried and I begged.

I felt myself slowly being lowered to the ground. They kept me string up in different positions wanting to make me as uncomfortable as they could. They also liked the positions for rape. I did not fall to the hard floor though. He caught me. Pulled me to his chest and made soothing noises.

I don't know how long I cried on his shoulder. I don't know exactly when he removed the bindings that kept my hands my back and to my legs. He retied the ropes on my wrist only he did so in front of me. It was not nearly as painful. I could also have taken off my blindfold if I wasn't sobbing against him that it. He left the ties on my legs off. After I had calmed a bit he gave me more water.

It felt odd to be blindfolded on someones lap without being harmed but not as strange as being allowed to drink my feel. I'm ridiculously grateful to this person for not hurting me, for getting me out of the worse of my bindings, for giving me water, and holding me now. I don't really care who he is or why he did what he did. I am as close to happy as I have been in a long time.

I whisper my thanks to him and then I fall asleep in his arms.

Please tell me what you think and if I should continue.