Chapter 1

Bella P.O.V

Edward has been distant since my birthday. Jasper attacked me but I knew it wasn't his fault. He felt all of the others bloodlust.

Edward ignored me the last three days. Today he wasn't at school. When I got home he was there but he had this look I'd never seen.

"Come for a walk with me." he said as I got to him.

He basically dragged me through the woods until we were about five miles away. He turned to me.

"Bella, we're leaving. My family and I. people are starting to notice we're not aging." he said.

"Your just going to leave me here?" I asked.

"You were just a toy to us. You'll forget us in time just as we're already forgetting you." he said and ran.

He. Just. Ran. Away. And. Left. Me. In. The. Woods. I walked home that night. It hurt what they did to me but I wouldn't let anyone see that. When I got home I acted normal for Charlie. When I say normal, I mean like they didn't even matter.

For now I'll lock my pain up. I can only hope to be happy again one day.

Three Months Later

I found out that Jake's a werewolf, well a shape shifter. The pack and I got along good and we've become best friends.

Paul warmed up to me and now is like an overprotective brother like the rest of them. Leah is glad to have a girl to talk to who's not an imprint. She likes the way I look at things.

Everyone was happy when I talked to Leah about imprinting since she was a bitch after what happened to her. I told her that she would imprint one day and would regret everything she said when she knows the pull you have to your imprint. She agreed and imprinted on a boy named Aaron two months later.

Even though everything has been good I can't help but fell something big is going to happen soon.