Hey guys! So, I had this idea for another story and it was bugging me, so I just had to write it down. I wasn't expecting much, just something different to write. But now I just can't seem to stop writing it. It's insane how much I'm enjoying writing this one, which is saying something cause I really enjoy writing my other stories. So this is a little different from my other stories. First of all it's entirely in Alice's p.o.v and secondly it's not just about Alice/Bella relationship. Don't worry it's definitely going to be a bellice fic, but I'm going to try and have a richer plot and build up into the relationship eventually. Now this is very different from my other fics, so try and stick with it- you guys are my biggest inspiration:) so, enjoy.

The room around me was dark, cold and smelt of mold. The only light came from the television, sitting on top of an upside down crate, in the corner of the room. The thick curtains were blocking the raise of the rising sun. A figure lay in the middle of the room, still and silent. As I slowly approached, now able to see the figure was a girl, no older than sixteen; I could see her chest was not moving. She was dead. Her eyes wide open, staring up at the ceiling, were glazed over. A syringe lay next to her, mere centre metres from where her hand lay cold and useless on the floor.

I shot up in bed, panting like I'd just been running flat out. Cold sweat coated my body, making my pyjamas stick to me. I ran my hands through my messy hair, trying to calm myself down. Another vision? Come on!

I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 4:45 am. I still had time. I threw the covers off myself, and flung out of bed, exiting my room and as quietly as possible sneaking down the staircase and out the back door, pulling a jacket off the coat rack and quickly buttoning it up before closing the door quietly behind myself. I sneaked across the back yard, climbed the giant tree in the backyard and entered the tree house. I pulled the disposable cell phone from my pocket and dialled the familiar number, 911.

"Hello, I need an ambulance at the old Johnson manor. A girl had an overdose and I don't think she's breathing. Hurry!"

I hung up before the operator could ask me who I was. Every time I called, they'd ask me. And I never told them. What could I say? Oh yeah I just had a vision that someone was about to stab someone else, please show up to the movie theatre and stop it from happening. Yeah, cause that's completely in the norm and wouldn't make me seem like a crazy attention seeker at all.

I climbed down the tree, before sneaking back across the yard and into the house. Once in the safety of my room, I placed the cell in my bottom draw, before stripping the coat off and hopping back into bed. Hoping with all of my heart that the medics would get to her before she died.


I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I traced the prominent dark circles under my hazel eyes, noting how, mixed with my pale skin, it made me looking quite unhealthy. I ran a hand through my layered black hair, messing it slightly. Usually a girl of my age would be in the middle of trying to decide if they were going to wear their hair up or down, but at the moment I was wondering whether the girl from my vision was dead or not.

These were not the type of things seventeen year old girls should be thinking about. I shrugged slightly, giving my reflection a nod, before exiting the bathroom to get dressed and head down for breakfast.

"Geeze, you look like death warmed up. Did you even sleep last night?"Emmett asked me in between shovelling scrambled eggs into his mouth.

I slumped into the kitchen chair, rolling up my sleeves before pouring myself a glass of juice. Seeing I wasn't going to answer him, Emmett shrugged and went back to eating his breakfast with gusto. Although that seemed to be the only way he ate.

"Mary Alice, honey, are you still having trouble sleeping?" my mother asked me, her strikingly blue eyes full of concern.

"Mum, I'm fine. People can go eleven days without sleep before they die. I've only missed a couple hours. So, in two hundred and sixty-four hours, if I still haven't slept then you can start worrying."

"See, the girl can still do math, she's fine." Emmett pointed at me with his fork, trying as well to put my mother's mind at ease.

"Well I for one believe even with over a week without sleep, my Mary Alice could do the most complex mathematical equations." My Father stated proudly, kissing me on the top of my head before sitting down at the table.

"Dad, it's Alice." I stated for what seemed like the one millionth time. No matter how many times I corrected my parents, they were adamant to call me by my first name. I hated it.

"Well if it gets any worse, I'm taking you to get checked up by Carlisle."

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't do jack for me. How were you exactly suppose to stop someone from having visions of the future when they went to sleep at night? I was pretty sure there weren't any doctors working on a cure for that.


As Emmett pulled into the school parking lot and parked in his usual spot, I noticed a group of people gathered around one of the parked cars a few parking spaces over.

"What's that all about?" Emmett asked, exiting the car and peering over the top of his car to get a better look.

"I dunno." I answered, gathering my stuff and closing the passenger door behind me. Although I had an idea.

"Hmmm, " He rubbed his slightly stubbled chin thoughtfully, "well I'm gonna go find out. You coming tink?"

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled, trailing behind my older brother. As we got closer to the bunch of people, who I could now see were gathered around the school's gossip queen, Jessica.

"...Paramedics got there just in time, ten more minutes and she would've died. But seriously, heroin? Eeew, that stuff is major, even for a druggo like her. Angela's lucky she's alive, maybe next time she'll think and-"

"I'm going, cya." I muttered, not wanting to stick around and listen to Barbie talk about another person behind their back. Although I felt extremely relieved that I'd called just in time and that she'd survived. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I could finally breathe again.

At lunch time, it seemed like all people could talk about was Angela's overdose.

"She was so stupid."

"Dude, heroin is so hard core. I didn't think the chick could take it. Ha apparently not, eh?"

"You think she, like, overdosed on purpose?"

"definitely a cry for help."

"Pathetic if you asked me."

I jumped slightly as Mike slammed his tray down on the table, positively seething.

"What the hell are their problems? Can't they talk about anything else? Bunch of dicks."

Eric, Ben and Garret mumbled their agreements. I pushed some food around on my plate, keeping my head down.

"Have you heard anything?" Garret asked anxiously, rotating his apple between his hands. Mike played with my of his leather wrist cuffs, before shaking his head, causing his fringe to flop down in his eyes.

"Parents wouldn't tell me anything. Which is bullshit, I'm her boyfriend I have the right to know. It's like her parents don't care if I'm in her life or not. Pfft, three years, just..." he trailed off, shaking his head.

"But she's still alive, that's what we have to focus on." Ben added, picking at his black nail polish.

"You'd say that, wouldn't ya Cheney? After all it's your stash she-"

A loud screech filled the cafeteria as Ben Jumped up from his chair, causing it to fly behind him. Eric rose from his chair to, a challenging look on his face.

"Easy man." Garret warned, standing up as well and resting a hand on Ben's shoulder. Both guys continued to stare at each other. That's when I decided to speak up.

"Guys, sit down. It's not the right time."

They all looked at me, before they begrudgingly took their places back at the table. I turned to Mike, placing my hand on his forearm.

"We'll find a way, ok? I'll get you into see her. We just have to wait a little while."

Mike nodded, before turning to look at Ben. His jaw stiffened slightly.

"You're not the only one who feels guilty," he said stiffly, before standing up, dumping his tray in the trashcan and exiting the cafeteria.

"What's he on about?" Garret asked, turning to me.

"He was suppose to be with her last night." I answered. After that, our table remained silent for the rest of lunch.


I rested my chin on my propped up arm, staring out the kitchen window. I had my homework spread out on the kitchen in front of me, but it was useless trying to concentrate with a mind a million miles away.

"Where's your study group?"

"Hmmm?" I looked away from the kitchen window, blinked a couple times trying to get my mind to focus.

"Study group." My mother repeated, "Taking a day off?" she asked as she opened the fridge and retrieved the milk for the coffee she was making. I hadn't even realized she was in the kitchen.

"Oh," I looked down at my textbook and slowly turned the page, "yeah we, uh, called it off. We weren't in the studying mood."

My mother laughed lightly.

"Well you are teenagers; it's unusual when you are in the mood to study. But it doesn't mean you should just give up and-"

"Mum, drop it, they've all had a bad day." Emmett interrupted mum's teasing lecture, as he sat down at the table across from me.

She looked taken aback for a moment, before asking,

"Why, what happened sweetie?" concern etched into her face.

"A friend's in the hospital, uh accident and we're just," I shook my head, before shutting my textbook and standing up, "not in the learning mood."

I grabbed my stuff and exited the kitchen, heading up to the solitude of my bedroom.

"Mary Alice, if you want to talk about-" my mother called after me.

"Yeah, yeah I'll tell you." I called out, adding under my breath, "If I want to."


Well that's the first chapter. Like I said before, I'm going slow and building up. I hope you continue reading and as many fanfiction writers before me have said, reviews are appreciated. They're like big hugs with words, without that awkward feeling you get when you think the other person is smelling you...that just me?..ok...anyway cheers=D

H x

Next chapter sneak peek:

I paused, my mind racing as I tried to think of an excuse. This must be what the dream was about. He was going to give her the lesson, she was going to crash and then one or both of them would die. This had to be it.