Come Out and Play

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I only own Ali.

"I really have to figure something out," Mike breathed, in his locker room.

"What's there to figure out? Clearly Ali has no interest in being with you," A-Ry pointed out.

"She's just being coy with me," he dismissed. Alex had to try very hard to not laugh at his friend and mentor's stupidity. Obviously, he wasn't going to be backing down anytime soon. And while Alex wasn't looking to rain on Mike's parade, he knew that the champ was going to have to face reality sometime soon.

"Okay," he gave up. No point in arguing this with him. Mike was determined. Alex was just going to have to watch him continue to make a fool of himself.

"You don't seem very confident in me," Mike shot.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Listen, if you can make it happen with her, trust me, I'll be really happy for you. But it just seems like she's not really ready to change her mind about you anytime soon. I just don't want you to end up disappointed."

"Listen," Mike mocked him, "Ali is gonna realize what's good for her, and she'll be with me. I can guarantee it."

"Like I said, if it happens, I'll be happy for you. I'm not trying to bring you down. I'm just trying to be realistic here."

"Well, prepare to be very happy for me."


"I'm gonna make it happen. She's beautiful, and the fact that she's playing hard to get is definitely a turn on," he pointed out.

"As long as she's actually playing hard to get, and you're just not saying that because you really don't want to accept the fact that maybe she doesn't want to be with you," Alex interjected.

Mike glared at him. "Watch it, A-Ry. Don't try to piss me off. You're really walking on the edge right now," he spat.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry," he relented.

"Much better. Now, do me a favor…go talk to her. Talk me up. Convince her that I'm just what she needs, okay? If I'm the one bragging about myself, it's not as effective as if someone else is doing it."

"Alright,' Alex reluctantly agreed. He left Mike's locker room. During his search for Ali, he really resented the WWE Champion. He was pretty sure that Ali would laugh in his face for even trying to make Mike seem like anything other than a desperate, annoying, infuriating brat. But he would do what he was told to. No point in arguing over it.

Alex spotted Ali sitting in the catering area, by herself. She seemed to be relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet. He actually felt bad for being forced to interrupt her, but he knew he didn't have too much of a choice in the matter. He sat down next to her. "Hey Ali," he greeted.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh God. What do you want from me?" she asked. "Did Mike send you here to bully me into dating him?"

"Well…pretty much, yeah," he replied.

"Don't even bother. It's not gonna happen."

"I know. I tried to tell him that he has to give it up, but he thinks that you're playing hard to get with him. I tried explaining that that really wasn't the case here, but he didn't believe me," Alex admitted. "He thought I was trying to rain on his parade or something. I don't know, but trust me, I get it. I know he's really overreaching with this."

Ali laughed. "So, what's the deal? Is he just stupid? Or delusional? Or both? What's his defect?" she questioned.

Ales sighed. "I honestly don't know. He doesn't handle rejection very well…but I guess you've figured that out by now."

"Just a bit. So, why are you not sitting here, defending his psychosis and singing his praises?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "I'm not stupid, Ali. You've made it very clear to everyone that you're not a fan of his. Shoving him down your throat isn't gonna help that. It'll probably just piss you off even more," he told her.

"You're obviously the logical one out of the two," she said with a smile. "Let me ask you a questioned. Why do you bother putting up with him? You're talented and smart…and not a complete douche bag."

"Thanks, but if I wanna get anywhere in this company…hell, in this industry, associating myself with one of their top Superstars…and the Champion is the best way to do that," he answered.

"But he treats you like you're supposed to just stand around and be his bitch or something. You don't need that," she said.

"I can handle it, ya know? I know that one day, I'm going to be the champion, and then, Mike won't be able to run his mouth anymore."

"I don't think he'll ever stop running his mouth," she pointed out.

Alex laughed. "You're probably right about that," he agreed. "So, what's your story, Alessandra?"

"My story?"

"Yeah. Why are you here?"

"I came here to meet Michael," she replied. "I keep trying to give him a chance, but he's just too much to deal with sometimes."

He nodded. "I can see that being a problem. You only just met him?"

"Yeah. I never knew him while I was growing up," she admitted.


"Yeah. He had no interest in being a father to me when I was born, so I guess now, he's changed his mind or whatever."

"That's rough. I couldn't imagine what that's like."

"It's not the worst thing in the world. My step dad is really great. He's always treated me like I was his own daughter," she explained.

"That's good, then. SO, why all of a sudden did he have you come out here?" he asked her.

Ali shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't know."

"Well, I think he's an idiot for not being a part of your life for so long," he told her.

She smiled. "Thanks, Alex."

"So, I know this is gonna sound weird, but if you're ever free, I think we should hang out. Not like a date…but…you're new here, and you seem really cool. I like talking to you," Alex spoke.

"I think that'd be really great. I'm sure we can find some time to sneak away from the annoying Michaels in our lives and hang out," she replied.


"You're really not the dickhead that I thought you were," she finally admitted.

"Thanks. I had a feeling that you'd be cool. It takes all I have to not laugh hysterically in Mike's face every time you turn him down."

"Well, what can I say? I have a sharp tongue."

Alex smiled at her. "Alright. I'm gonna go back to the locker room before Mike starts getting ideas in his head."

"Oh God. We definitely wouldn't want that happening. Mike thinking is never a good idea. And I barely even know him."

He laughed. "Exactly."

"Well, maybe you can sneak away from your master and come to my room tonight. We can chat and watch a movie or something," Ali suggested.

"Alright. That sounds good to me."

"Cool. I'll text you…actually, I don't have your number," she said, pulling out her cell phone from her pocket. He gave her his phone number, which she subsequently saved in her phone.

"I'll see you later," he said with a wink.

"Bye," Ali said with a wave, as he left the catering area.

Ali was slightly suspicious of Alex's intentions at first, but he really seemed to understand her irritation with Mike's antics. And if she was going to be completely honest with herself, Alex was pretty cute. Considering that she was going to need some friends while she was here, who better than someone who understood how annoying her suitor was? Regardless, it would be nice to hang out with Alex. She would just have to wait until Michael finally went to bed and left her alone.

Alessandra was sitting in her hotel room. She had left the door slightly ajar, so that Alex would be able to come in without anyone knowing that they were hanging out. Michael would start jumping to conclusions, as he usually did. And she didn't put it passed Mike to do the same thing. He'd probably lose his cool. He just seemed to be that kind of guy to her. So, it was probably best that their newfound friendship remained a secret.

The door opened, and Alex quickly stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind himself. She smiled.

"Hey Alex. What's up?" Ali greeted, standing up from her bed. He walked over to her and gave her a quick hug.

"Hey Ali. Not too much. How are you?"

"I'm good." She sat on her bed and patted the seat next to her. He acquiesced and sat down. "So, what are you up to?"

Ali smiled. "Not much. We can watch a movie…or chat…or whatever you'd like," she told him.

He shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me. I'm good with whatever you choose. It's just nice to finally hang out with someone who isn't always trying to bring me down to make himself feel better."

"Well, I'm definitely not looking to do that."

"No wonder why we get along so well."

Ali took the television remote off of the night table next to her and turned it on. She flicked through the random channels, finally settling on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. "I love this show," she said.

"Me, too," he agreed.

"We seem to have some important things in common," she commented with a smile.

"That we do."

She laid down on the bed. Alex kicked his sneakers off and followed suit, laying next to her. "So, how'd you manage to get away from your master?" she asked with a grin.

He laughed. "Oh you know…waited until he went into the shower and left," he replied with a smirk.

She laughed. "Oh wow. What a brave man you are," she teased.

"Would you wanna have to explain to Mike some bullshit excuse as to why you were leaving?" he replied.

"Good point," she relented.

He smiled. "Don't take this the wrong way, Ali, but you really are very beautiful," he told her.

A slight blush crept onto her cheeks. "You're very sweet, Alex," she replied with a smile. "You're much better looking than your handler, I think."

He grinned. "Yeah, but he's the champ. Why wouldn't the ladies go for him? He's the one with the fame, making the big bucks."

"That's not what it's all about. You're not an asshole like he is," she pointed out to him.

"Why thank you."

"Thank YOU. It's nice to not have to deal with a douche bag for once. Between Mike and Michael, I'm so fed up already."

"I'm sorry that you have to put up with their bullshit."

She smiled. "It's fine. Just nice to escape it once in a while."

"I hear that."

Ali inched closer to him on the bed. Alex hesitated for a couple of moments, before putting his arm around her. She cuddled up against him, while they comfortably chatted with the television on.

"So, what did you do last night?" Michael questioned Ali.

"Just hung out in my room…watching TV," she replied. It was the next morning while everyone was waiting in the airport terminal, waiting to board their flight to the next WWE Monday Night Raw destination.

"That sounds like a nice, relaxing night," he commented.

"Yeah. I had fun," she replied, pulling her cell phone out of the pocket of her sweatshirt. It showed that she had a text message.

'I had a fun time last night,' she read the message from Alex.

She looked up. Alex was smiling at her. She returned it, before looking back down at her phone.

'So did I. We have to do it again,' she texted back, before looking back up at him and sending a wink in his direction.

"I think we're making some progress in our relationship," Michael commented to his daughter.

"Yeah…I like being here, usually," she replied.


"Yeah. When you're not being a pain in my ass, and Mike's leaving me alone, I really do like being here," she explained.

"I'm trying not to annoy you, Ali. I'm just trying to be protective of you," he told her. She rolled her eyes at that statement. "What?" he questioned, noticing her obvious annoyance with what he had just said.

"But I keep telling you that you don't need to be protective. I'm an adult now. I've already gone through that whole phase where I needed to be protected by my father. And you missed that. Trying to do it now is really just aggravating me," she explained.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"I know. Just please try to not be obnoxious about it all. That is the most annoying thing ever," she quipped, before looking back down at her phone.

'Tonight?' the text read.

'Sounds like a plan to me,' she replied.

"Who are you talking to?" Michael asked her, trying to look over her shoulder. She his her phone screen from his prying eyes.

"Obnoxious," she warned.

"Sorry. Sorry."

"Thank you. If there's something that I want you to know, then, I'll tell you of my own accord. Don't pry," she told him.

"Alright," he relented.

Ali looked back up, catching another smile from Alex. For once, she was finally happy to be here. All it took was for once person to be her friend and make her comfortable.

A/N: I know its been forever, but this story is still getting reviews, so I figured it was time to update, finally. Seems like Ali and Alex are getting a bit closer. Hmmm...Mike and Michael probably wouldn't be too happy about that. What do you guys think? I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll try to not go so long without updating. As long as I know people are still interested, I'll keep updating :o) Love you guys! XoXoXoXoXoXo