A/N: This bizarre idea came to me and I had to write the story!

I (Sadly) don't own Toy Story or Big Bang Theory.

"Buzz Lightyear al rescaté!" Rang from the TV in apartment 4A. Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Raj and Howard were watching Toy Story 3 on High-def Blu-Ray.

The credits began to roll. "Aw, it always makes me cry at the end." A choked-up Penny said.

Raj whispered in Howard's ear and the latter gave him a weird look. "He says 'I'm with ya, sister'" Howard told them.

Penny stood up and began to gather dishes.

"You know, as much as I admire the works of PIXAR, I find this completely impossible." Sheldon said.

"How so?" Leonard asked.

"How so? For one Leonard, toys do not talk. In fact, they can't talk. Second, due to the fact that they have neither an adequate skeleton nor nervous system, they wouldn't be able to do anything. Thirdly, if toys could do these things, they would almost definitely not be worrying about trivial things like whether they get played with. They would be organizing to take over the world."

"How could toys take over the world?" Penny asked, doubting his hypothesis.

"Think about it Penny! There are millions of toys mass-produced every day. In sheer numbers, they have plenty of members to take over the world. However, because they can't move, they wouldn't be able to."

"True. Would you like some hot cocoa?" Penny asked.

"No. I feel that it is time for me to retire." Sheldon left and got into bed.

"Sheldon, Sheldon, come out and play." Sheldon heard a voice calling him. He opened his eyes and saw every toy from the Toy Story movies gathered on the end of his bed.

"You can't be here. You aren't real."

"We're very real Sheldon." Woody said seriously.

"No, you aren't" Sheldon said firmly. "You are a figment of my imagination."

"No, we aren't Sheldon." Buzz responded. "If we weren't real, could we do this?" The large group of toys began crawling up towards Sheldon's face, repeating the same phrase:

"We are real Sheldon."

He shot out of bed, running towards Leonard's room.

Jessie looked over at Buzz. "Gee, do you think we were too hard on him?"

*Knock Knock Knock* "LEONARD AND PENNY!"

*Knock Knock Knock* "LEONARD AND PENNY!"

*Knock Knock Knock* "LEONARD AND PENNY!"

"What Sheldon?" Leonard asked, tying his robe.

"The toys from Toy Story are trying to kill me!" Sheldon fretted.

"No, they aren't" Leonard said "Go back to bed."

"No, they ARE! Come and see!" Poor, frightened Sheldon dragged the couple to his room.

"See!" He said, gesturing into his room.

"Where?" Penny asked, very tired.

Sheldon looked into his room in disbelief.

"See?" Leonard mocked. "No monsters." Penny chuckled and the two went back to bed.

Sheldon warily climbed back into bed, forgetting to look under his bed. For if he had, he would have seen the smiling faces of ninety-some-odd toys.