AN: Hi Guys I am Albertino. I am new writer so I hope am as good as I should be and please go easy on me. This is my first story if you have any suggestions please tell me. This story is about the same as the canon for most but you will see so difference from the very beginning. Thanks for listening to me and on with the story. . .

PS I like to write using Japanese word but I am not that good so please bear with me. . . Wandering Maverick I hope you don't mind since I got some ideas in how to write a story from you because I read your story Ascension of the Kitsune … so the rasengan is much more damaging therefore it will tear and grind object and people. It is also Mature because of the blood and lemon I might put in it. . . hehehehehehe if you would like give me a suggestion and I might use it here and without farther ado on with the story. . . Oh I forgot. . . hehehehe. . . I don't own Naruto but I own everything I made up for this story . . .

. . . - stopping for a while

Naruto - Normal/Human speech

Naruto - Human thinking speech

Naruto - Demon, Summon, Pissed off jinchuuriki & human normal speech and Human jutsu casting

Naruto - Demon, Summoning thinking speech


September 10th

It was a beautiful morning in the Ho no Kuni, specifically in Konohagakure No Sato. Konoha was the ninja village for Ho no Kuni and in that said village the Hokage was sitting in office in the middle of the village in Hokage Tower starting his on his dreaded paper. He yawned saying "Oh. . . I hate this. . . Chikusho! Paperwork. I rather have the Four Ninja World War than this damned paperwork!"Grumbled the recently appointed Yondaime Hokage Namikaze Minato.

He was 28 years old about 179.2 cm tall. He has bright blue eyes, sunshine blond hair with jaw length bangs framing. He was wearing standard Konoha-ninja uniform with two bands each on both of his sleeves, a flak jacket and a forehead protector with a short-sleeved long white coat over his normal attire, decorated by flames-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "Fourth Hokage" written vertically down the back, and closed on the front by a thin orange rope.

He was a war hero and veteran of the Third Ninja World War, nickname Konoha No Kiiroi Senkō. He was named that due to the fact, he decimated the huge armies of Iwagakure No Sato who were fighting with Konohagakure at that time and had been ranked a SS-Class a never before given rank which also included a Flee No Site order in all bingo books. He was a Master in Ninpou Fūinjutsu and Jikūkan Ninjutsu. He was using an S-Class Jutsu which he created and named the Hirashin No Jutsu.

After the end of Third Ninja World War, the five elemental countries started to stabilize and along with them the smaller countries as well. Since Konoha and its allies have won the war Konoha stood at the top of the Ninja food chain and since the Hokage is to be the strongest ninja in the village therefore Namikaze Minato. But not known only by the very few he trusted that the use of the Hirashin No Jutsu was a Kekkei Genkai lost and thought to extinct over 80 years.

However, the truth was that the Namikaze Clan were not extinct but hidden themselves under the protection of the newly created Konohagakure No Sato. The Clan had become the secret protector of Konoha and only known by the Shodaime Hokage who has given them the same rights as the Uchiha and Senju Clans. Nevertheless, due to the continuous wars their numbers decreased to the point that only one member namely Namikaze Minato is left.

As he was thinking of how he has started to rebuild his Clan and to publicly announce that he is from the ancient and legendary Senkō Clan a. k. a Namikaze Clan. His clan is an ancient clan that had been shinobi before the appearance of Rikudou Sennin. His clan did not use chakra therefore did not use ninjutsu or genjutsu but they were perfect for stealth and assassinations.

They had a kekkei genkai named Kaisoku and it allow their minds to process information and they had an IQ greater than that of the famed Nara clan, also their bodies had the fastest reflexes so that even a Sharingan user cannot copy jutsu used by a Namikaze. They were the Shinobi before the shinobi they were the Senkō Clan.

He snapped out of thought when he felt his wife entered his office. She saw that he was in deep thought so as to not disturb him she closed the door. She tried to sneak in but was caught by her husband who was hugged her back the second she set foot in the office. She blushed and moaned since kissed her nape and started to nibble at her earlobe. She shivered as he kissed and licked her outer ear and then as suddenly started; he stopped, he flashed back to his chair with a big goofy smile on his face. His wife was frustrated but was still blushing bright crimson; she wanted to yell at her baka husband for turning her on but could not.

Namikaze Minato was having the time of his life as he smiled and dumbly scratching the back of his head with his right hand. His wife started by saying "Minato-kun! You know that you're not supposed to do that to me since I am in ninth month dattebane!" Minato chuckled and said "And you know that you are suppose to give birth by the tenth month, so don't worry Kushina-chan", as he whistled to his very beautiful wife.

Uzumaki Kushina who was 28 years old the so-called Akai Chishio no Habanero and she was from Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure but it was destroyed a long time ago. She had long bright red hair that reach down until her calves, with strands that framed both sides of her face, and with the left one parted by a hair clip. She was fair-skinned, shiny violet eyes and a very beautiful face and she wore a high-collared, sleeveless loose-fitting dress with an apron over it, a black band on her left wrist and standard sandals.

Then started imagining and thinking to himself, "She has such an amazing chest but they grew even bigger, toned stomach (Now heavily pregnant), curvaceous full thighs (now much more fuller )", then he snap out of his daze and blushed as well, he mumbled something about a perverted sensei. She saw blush and giggled "What's wrong Minato-kun is that hard not to think of anything perverted about me? Hentai! " He ignored the comment and coughed in fist. Then Kushina laughed at her perverted husband and his silly antics. He said, "What are you doing here koishii? I thought you were asleep. You must do anything tiring so you and my Sochi can be all right. " She pouted said in a sad very cute voice, "But youkou, I was bored at home. I had nothing and Sandaime's wife Biwako-sama keeps telling not to do anything at all just walk around and eat. " Then he thought about and he felt sorry for her. He got up of his chair, walked over to her, held her shoulders and started to kiss her rather passionately. Kushina who was in a daze for a bit snapped out of it and kissed him back with fire that is more than enough passionate that was flowing from her. Then they separated and Kushina asked, "What was that for? Not that I didn't like." she blushed.

Minato said with a hint of sadness in his voice, "It's because I am apologizing for not being there with you."As he let, his head drop down hiding his eyes. She replied, "You're such a baka hubby, Youkou! That is why I love you so. I know you are busy but what to do? You are the Hokage. You must protect not only me and our son but the entire village so I forgive you, baka Hiro-san?" He was overflowing with joy as to what his koishii had said to him.

He knelt down on one knee and was tenderly touching and robbing gently as he said "You are lucky little one, having such a mother", and kissed her heavily pregnant belly. She laughed as she felt a kick and it surprised Minato greatly. He could not believe that a life that he and his koishii is about to be born. He did not believe he would be a father soon! They laughed together and asked what she doing tonight. She looked at him dead in the eye and he just laugh aloud. It was a happy day but soon change everything will change.

October 10th Konohagakure No Sato

It was a dark and shadowy night. The moon had an eerie and gloomy crimson glow to it. The wind was cold and ominous as it sent chills down the spine of the Konoha shinobi. Two who sent to patrol the edge of the village felt something bad was going to happen. One of them who was Hatake Kakashi Jonin student of the Yondaime Hokage and the other was his self-proclaimed eternal rival, Mighto Gai. They were talking about this weird night. "What an odd night this is Gai?" There was a sudden explosion heard from about 20 miles of the borders of Konoha. Gai shouted, "What was that?" Kakashi then screamed, "We must report this quickly to Minato-sensei!"

Somewhere 20miles off of Konohagakure

Two shady figures were walking in a slow pace. These two people if you may call them that were very strange. One had the ANBU mask of a snake the eyeholes show golden yellow snakelike eyes and the other had orange with horizontal black tiger strips designed mask with one eye hole on the right eye and his showed the crimson color with three tomoes swirling. The Snake-man asked the Orange masked man in an angry tone,"Was that necessary Madara? You have woken the whole village to our surprise attack!" The man known as Madara said uninterestedly, "What is there to worry about? With the Kyūbi No Yoko nothing can stop us let alone a Hidden Village Orochimaru, you did your half of the bargain by find where the Kyūbi was hiding so now let me do mine. You do know that I have total control over the Kyūbi with my Sharingan. You do want the last Uzumaki don't you?" He keeps quiet and they continued.

Konohagakure's Hokage Tower

Kakashi and Gai came to Minato's Office only to find the Sandaime Sarutobi-sama doing the usual Hokage paperwork. Sandaime stopped his work and looked angrily at the pair "What is the meaning of this?" Sandaime said as he inquires from the two youngsters. Kakashi said "Sandaime-sama! A disturbance heard about 20 or more kilometers away. It might be an explosion so we came as fast as we could to tell Minato-sensei". "By the way Sarutobi-sama, where is Yondaime-sama?" asked Gai. "Oh . . . you don't know? Kushina-chan has gone into labor about five hours ago and Biwako-chan is with her. Minato-kun is in the hospital with her right now". "Okay, what do we do about that explosion, Sandaime-sama?"Kakashi asked looking worried. Sandaime said that he would send a team to investigate what happened there. Kakashi and Gai quickly bowed and left the office to go to the hospital.

Meanwhile in the Hospital

Minato was pacing nervously up and down the hallway in front of the Delivery Ward. The place was all white with the smell of medicines and sterilizers was heavy in the air but he was not concerned about that. Then suddenly felt a slight tremor, cautiously he looked but saw that he was the only felt it. It must have been something big and it was far away and felt like this. He remembered where he was and stopped thinking about it since he had no time to worry about other things except his wife and soon to be born sochi. Then Minato felt that someone is coming quickly towards him and saw two people.

Minato said "Yo Kakashi and Gai! What are you two doing in the hospital? I hope that none of you were injured. " "No, we are not Minato-sensei, but did you feel that tremor just now?"Kakashi said as he was panting and catching his breath, which caused by the running from one end of the village to the other and then to the hospital is kind trying. Nevertheless, Mighto Gai stood there with stupid smile, Good-Gai pose with his right hand and said while also laughing "Hahahah. My Eternal Rival I beat you at I was here first, Kakashi!"

Kakashi seemingly said, "Oh you say something Gai?". This caused Gai to mumble something about cool and hip rivals. Then they heard laughter coming from the Yondaime and he said "You know Kakashi I am about to be a father. Me? A father? I can't believe it, Kakashi!" Kakashi and Gai congratulated him on becoming a father and Kakashi said "Sensei you will be a great father." Then they both saw the look on Minato's face was cold, hard and pale as if something bad will happen and it drain all the color out his face. "Did you report your findings to the Sandaime?" inquired in an authoritative tone. Both boys froze at the sudden change in his behavior. They both stood at attention in front the Hokage and said in union "Hai!"

Hokage's Office after Kakashi left

The Sandaime called his secretary and told her to get him an investigation team here in as soon as possible. She bowed and left to get the team. The Sandaime said to himself "I hate this crappy job, not one day back and I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen. First, the Yondaime had to deal with my favorite student who went horribly wrong and had escaped somehow before Minato-kun got there, and now this. This is going to be a very LONG night indeed!"

Then after 5 minutes, the door opened and a squad entered therefore four ninjas. They all bowed to the Sandaime and he raised his hand to stop since they had no time for formality. He said in a Hokage's voice, "I need you four to investigate that tremor felt by Kakashi and Gai at the Southern Gate." He looked at them and saw a perfect team for investigation because they had Byakugan eyes, Inuzuka nose and canine companion, and the Aburame's insects; the team leader was an Uchiha.

"Anything happens there immediately retreat and report back to me at once. Is that clear?" said the Sandaime. All the ninjas nodded then bowed and turned to leave the office and stopped when they heard the old hokage say, "Good luck and come back safely."They bowed again and ran off to the intended location. The old man just sat there, sighed deeply and thought, "Good luck men, I think you'll need it."

10km from Konohagakure No Sato

"I hate these ANBU masks. I like my opponents to see my face when kill them. " said Orochimaru with gleeful voice. He was excited to kill those Konoha ninja who betrayed him. "Oh you are really into this, aren't Orochimaru? Or is it that you will get an Uzumaki and an Uchiha that got you so hyped up?" said Madara angrily. Orochimaru was shocked but did not show it. He countered by saying, "Oh really, I did want an Uchiha but now that you mentioned it I think I might get one on the way back." Madara narrowed his eyes and looked at him with an angry glare.

Orochimaru looked at him with an evil smirk and said, "Oh I thought you didn't about your clan Madara. You're not getting soft, are you?" Madara said unfazed by the taunt, "Oh not really, but I don't want you to gain too much power, that's all."

"I think when we are about 5km from Konoha, we will begin the operation, understood?" ordered Madara. Orochimaru just smirked and looked at the direction of Konohagakure No Sato while thinking, "I have to get the Uzumaki then I will get the Uchiha so that I can be perfect and I will be able to learn every jutsu in the world and I have to find the weakness to this damn Uchiha. Kukukuku. " He smiled and chuckled evilly.

Madara was thinking in the same way as the snake, "I have to make sure that Orochimaru does gain much more power so that I can easily eliminate him later." Then he looks to the north and looked at Orochimaru said, "Hey! We have company at 12 o'clock. They are four ninjas be prepared to finish them off. " Orochimaru's smile grew larger as he thought of how to kill those ninjas. He then took out his sword the Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Kū no Tachi from under the cloak he was wearing.

7km from Konohagakure No Sato

The Investigation team was running at top speed. The leader asked the Hyuga to use his Byakugan so that they can see ahead. After nodding he shouted, "Byakugan!"Veins at the sides of his lavender eyes bulged and his pupils appeared. His vision was in inverted colors. His range increased to a few km. He spotted a pair of men in black cloaks about less than 1km away with huge amount of chakra but what was weird was that the one of them had a very evil chakra while the other had a very vile and disturbing chakra that was very familiar.

Then he concentrated on their faces but the one with evil chakra was wearing an orange mask with black horizontal tiger strips with one eyehole that is on the right eye, then he looked at the other one. Luckily or unluckily, the other was Orochimaru since he was not wearing a mask and had Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Kū no Tachi in hand and he looked like he was looking at him directly and a smirk started to appear on his pale face.

Then the Hyuga saw him talk to the masked man, since he can read lips he relayed it to his commanding officer. "Orochimaru is saying that he is going to kill us and since they have a Hyuga, an Uchiha, an Inuzuka and an Aburame in our group!" Then out of nowhere, Kusanagi sword came and plunged into the Uchiha in the abdomen and he fell down to the ground only to change to a log with the sword in the middle of it.

"Oh he used the Kawarimi no jutsu. Smart. "mocked Orochimaru. All of the ninja thought of fight but remembered the Sandaime Hokage is other order. They all looked at each other then nodded. They all took out a pair of smoke and flash bombs and activated them simultaneously creating a huge flash of light and smoke to blind Orochimaru. They all made one Kage bunshin and used kawarimi to replace themselves with their clones.

They had about 10 minutes before he will come after them after all this Orochimaru one of the Sannin. Therefore, they had to run at their top speeds if they were to reach Konohagakure. Orochimaru cursed and Madara appeared beside him. Looked at him with disappointment and said, "Look at what you have done! Now I have to go ahead of the intended plan. I will summon the Kyūbi now so be ready, okay?"

Then pricked his thumb with a kunai and did five hand signs then finished by shouted "Kushiyose No Jutsu!" and a Keiyaku Fuin appeared on the ground then there was a huge puff of smoke. After the smoke disappeared there was an enormous creature, this creature was the Legendary Kyūbi No Kitsune. Kyūbi let out a load roar as it looked at the village. Then Madara looked at the surprised Orochimaru said smugly, "I hope my pet didn't scare you, did it?"

Orochimaru was impressed since not even his strongest summoning Manda had this size or chakra and started to sweat nervously. "I am going to get your Uzumaki. You go after them and kill them. " he ordered him then a dimensional spiral started to appear on his mask and spread to his body then he vanished without a trace.

15 minutes ago in the hospital

The Yondaime was in the delivery room with his wife holding and squeezing her left hand gently using his left hand. His right was on her head as he stoking her long beautiful red hair as he said words of encouragement. He was very nervous because of Kushina's pain during labor. Doctors who was doing proceeding delivery said, "Come on Kushina-san you can do it! I just one more push and your done. One last push come on, you can do this!"

Then after Kushina pushed with all her might, you could the sound of a crying baby. The doctor said, "Congratulations, You got a bouncing baby boy!" "Oh! He is so cute! Definitely takes after his father. "said the nurse who was taking the crybaby to his mother. Kushina held out her arms and accepted the crying baby and he stop crying immediately after his mother held him. Kushina looked at her baby and saw that her baby boy had mostly his father's legendary blond hair and an even deeper set of blue eyes they looked like the vast dark blue ocean but has inherited the shape of his mother's face and eyes.

"I am your Kaa-chan, sochi-chan." She then looked at Minato who just shed tears of joy at the birth of his son. He reach out and touched his sochi's face and stroked his cheek and said, "Welcome Sochi. I am your father, Oh god I am a father!""Sorry to intrude but what is your sochi's name? Can you come with me Hokage-sama to do the necessary paperwork? But before that sign here both you and Kushina-sama about your sochi's name?" said the doctor as he brought them the documents to sign.

The Yondaime and his wife looked at each other. They remembered the book Jiraiya-sensei wrote and said, "Our sochi's name is Namikaze Naruto!" happily then took the papers and gave it to a ninja to take it to the Sandaime Hokage after the Doctor and nurse signed on it as witnesses and are the ones who performed the delivery and put the documents in an envelope. He gave the doctor who placed the document in an envelope and gave it to a ninja to send it to the Sandaime.

The ninja took the envelope and ran to Sandaime. The nurse took baby Naruto from his mother to wash him. The Yondaime went out of the room to follow the doctor and the nurse as the dried his small body and placed a new blanket around him. The nurse took baby Naruto back to his mother who was in her room. She gave him back to his mother who was waiting with open arms as she embraced her child rocking him to sleep.

Then a figure at the back of the room as soon as the nurse turned to towards the door. The figure went behind Kushina pressed a pressure point and knock her out. Then silently heaved her on his shoulder as he was about to talk he sleeping baby the nurse turned. She screamed immediately and the man took the baby in his arms and took out a kunai. A nanosecond later the door flew open as the Yondaime came in the room running.

Then he saw a man dressed in a black cloak with hood over his head and an orange spiral with one eyehole with is on the right eye only. The Yondaime changed his face to that of war. He crouched into an offensive stance. His eyes turned cold and froze holes through the orange mask man. Minato was about to reach down to his kunai holster to get his notorious marked tri-kunai. But the masked man pointed his kunai to the Hokage's son jugular and warned,

"Stop it right there! Do you want your son to die at the ripe old age of 5 minutes?" The Yondaime complained and asked cold tone, "Who are you? What do you want from my wife and child? Are you here for some kind of revenge against me?"

The masked man signed and said, "I have nothing personal here. I am only doing my side of a bargain with a snake." The Yondaime looked at him wide eyed as he realized that the masked man was talking about Orochimaru. He then heard the man say in an matter-of-fact tone, "Yes It is Orochimaru who wants your wife but your son is an insurance policy against you. That is all there is to it. And to as who I am, I am Uchiha Madara."

Minato's face changed from that of anger from hearing of Orochimaru to that of utter surprise when he heard the name of the masked man. "That is impossible Uchiha Madara died... due to the battle he had with the Shodaime Hokage-sama, Senju Hashirama-sama!" "No, I did not die but I lose badly. I have had been wounded a wound that did not heal to this day." said Madara cryptically. "You will get your son back after Orochimaru gets what he needs from the Uzumaki."

The Yondaime as now too angry to get surprised as to how they known that his wife was from the Uzumaki clan since this information was known only by Hokage and the people very close to Kushina and they swore secrecy on her identity. Then Madara started a jutsu the Yondaime never saw before as the space around his right eye lines that of a spiral. It continued until it consumed him completely and he disappeared without a trace.

The Yondaime knew with Orochimaru with him, he could not fight fairly. Therefore, he decided to go to the Sandaime for help against the two S-class missing ninja in order to get his wife and son back. He had a look of determination to protect the village and his loved ones.

Near the Kyūbi with Orochimaru

"What is taking him so long?" said the mad scientist inside Orochimaru as he was in a hurry to make new experiments on the Uzumaki's body, since it's a well known fact that the Uzumaki clan is known for their very incredible longevity. They live long lives and he wanted to know why and to find if it is copied. Then he snaps out of his thoughts as he felt Madara use his jutsu. Madara appeared and said, "Here you go I got you your Uzumaki. And stay away from the baby as we had angered the Yondaime Hokage and we have not to do with his son."

Orochimaru saw the knocked out red head which he confirmed as the Uzumaki woman and then saw a small bundle then he looked disappointed of letting go of such a rare specimen. Madara looked at the Kyūbi and mentally ordered to attack Konoha. The Kyūbi got up and with all its strength leaped toward the Village. It landed in a huge explosion and it destroyed the outer wall and Southern gate.

It roared and the force of that roar blow away apart of the Southern gate, external wall and some buildings close to roar's proximity and caused an explosion. That alerted the entire village of an attack. The Konoha ninja had got out of their home prepared for battle with an enemy. They saw that their enemy was in fact the demon fox that could level mountains and create tsunamis with a swing of its tails they all got scared. However, they still defended their home against the monster. The Kyūbi entered Konoha rampaging destroying everything and the civilians were scared to death. The Konoha ninja of Chunin and higher levels all assaulted using all sorts of weapons against the giant fox. Only for the attack did not even faze the great beast, and swatted them like flies using it tails.

Before Kyūbi attacked In the Hokage Tower

As he entered the room, the Old Hokage was waiting for something but has to come yet. He gave him the document and read. He smiled and took the Hokage stamp and stamped the document making it officially legal. Then the door flew open the Old Hokage took out a kunai out of nowhere and it did the ninja with him as well. Then four figures entered the room as hokage relaxed and said, "What is the meaning of this?" He looked at four ninja and they looked like they been in through hell and they apologize by bowing. The leader said, "Hokage-sama we have some very disturbing news." The Sandaime got the message and dismissed the ninja with him. The ninja bowed then with a puff of smoke he disappeared. "Okay now tell me what happened out there?" order the old hokage. The leader bowed and started his report.

Flashback 20minutes ago

The leader said to his team, "We must get to the village at once to inform Hokage-sama. . . "stopped as he heard the sound of a sword pierced the air. He shout, "Scatter!"They did and then the same sword that Orochimaru had came fly in plunged into the tree branch and then into the ground below them. Orochimaru was fighting them and they were out-numbering him 4 to 1. But he still was playing around with them as they would attack him using taijutsu from four difference directions and slip though like the snake that he is and he was not even attacking only dodging. Konoha ninja got frustrated and started to use ninjutsu. The leader being an Uchiha did 5 hand signs and shouted his clan's favorite jutsu, "Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" Then the all took off and went back to Konoha and Orochimaru was hot on their trail. Nevertheless, they were shocked to see a large shadow in between the trees and thought that Orochimaru had summoned a large snake.

The Uchiha leader told the Hyuga to check it out and what he saw shocked him to the core. As he was trying to tell them what he saw a hail of kunai rained on them, they all escaped but not without injure. The Uchiha had the Sharingan and the Hyuga had the Byakugan so both of them got out with small scratches and cuts while the Inuzuka and Aburame had couple of kunais cut deep gash on their arms and torso. Then Uchiha made some hand signs to create a genjutsu and said "Zansatsu Miseru no jutsu!"Then he said, "A little more guys and we are home free! Let's go!" They went and Hyuga saw that Orochimaru got fooled genjutsu for 5 minutes giving them all the time needed to enter Konoha. "

Flashback end

The Sandaime face looked like he sees the Shinigami himself. He did not think his favorite student would be back so soon for revenge. Then he remember something did not add up and asked the Hyuga, "But what I don't get is what did see you that made you freeze like that?" The Hyuga paled as he remembered and nervously said, "I saw the Kyūbi. . . Kyūbi No Yoko! And it was staring right at!" "Nani!" shouted the old Hokage. As his ordered, his men to go to prepare for the Yondaime appeared in a flash of yellow light. They bowed and left afraid as the saw the Yondaime Hokage face. He was very angry but his face show no emotion and his eyes showed a great amount of rage and anger. Nevertheless, he was controlling himself he did want to lose concentration on his main concern, which are his wife and child. He calmly asked, "Before I say anything Sandaime-sama I need your assistance in rescuing my wife and child from a man who proclaimed that he was Uchiha Madara". The old Hokage was surprised was an understatement. Nevertheless, he said, "I thought it was Orochimaru who is attacking the Village. . . "

All of a sudden, a massive explosion heard and earth started to shake. The Hokages both knew what caused that. The Sandaime took off his Kage robes and was ready for combat. He wore a black jumpsuit with gray shoulder armor, a gauntlet on his right arm, a Leaf forehead protector bandanna with long straps and a ninja helmet that he wears under it. The kanji for "fire" (火, hi) was inscribed on the back of the outfit. He also has two shuriken holsters strapped to either side of his back. Then he bit his right hand thumb, did five hand signs then finished by shouting "Kushiyose No Justu: Enkōō: Enma!" Then Keiyaku Fuin appeared on the ground and with a puff of smoke, the Monkey King Enma appeared before them. "What do you need of me, Sarutobi?" the monkey king. "Enma! We have a dangerous situation here. The village is being attacked by the Kyūbi No Kitsune and Uchiha Madara along with Orochimaru is the reason why." said Sarutobi Hiruzen. "Nani? Kami-sama … What a terrible combination… A man thought to be dead some 80 years ago and your sick student. I know that Orochimaru will be like this but when did this happen, Sarutobi?

"I don't know he just left before we chose who would be the Yondaime? And when I heard about it was too late to get him back or kill him for that matter." said the Sandaime sadly. He was planning to make Orochimaru the Yondaime and then he just left after giving his student Anko a weird mark on her neck and when we found her, she was almost dead. This event caused him to be an S-class missing ninja. Sandaime said in a firm voice, "Now Enma change to your staff form and get ready to do battle with my former student." Enma nodded and shout, "Henge: Kongōnyoi!" and transformed into a staff and jumped to the Sandaime's hand. The Yondaime looked at the battle ready Sandaime and said, "Okay Sandaime-sama, you go help the ninja and I will stop you former student and so-called immortal."

Sandaime replied, "No, I am going with you! I want to stop my former student myself, since he is my responsibility!" The Yondaime countered by "You have to help the ninja defend from the Kyūbi. I have an idea Sandaime-sama. You and ninja give time to get wife and child as I battle both Orochimaru and Madara then be back to help you with the Kyūbi." The Sandaime agreed two Kage level ninjas must not leave the village; one must stay to protect it in any case.

"Okay know this I don't like it one bit as you're going to face not one but to S-class missing ninja. Let Kami-sama be with you." "Okay Arigato gozaimashi-ta Ojii-san." said the Yondaime and bowed. He stood up and was ready for battle as was concentrating on find the Shiki he placed on her chest in the case they separated in battle or in this case, ones kidnapped. He concentrated on whole radius of the village and beyond that for about 20km. He opened his eyes as he had found her.

She was about 5 to 7km behind the Kyūbi in the forest. He told the Sandaime "Ojii-san I might not make it out of this so good luck with the paperwork." with small smile. The old Hokage was shocked at what he heard the young man say before he could even the Yondaime vanished in a yellow flash of light. Sandaime then looked out the window and prayed "Kami-sama help everyone out of this crisis".

About 7km out of Konohagakure

Madara give the Uzumaki to Orochimaru as he held placed her on the ground as he observed her. He saw her bright red hair and he knew she was from the Uzumaki Clan. Madara came to her and placed small baby in her arms. "Now hurry up, Orochimaru. Before..." there was a flash of yellow light suddenly the Yondaime Hokage of Konohagakure No Sato, Namikaze Minato appeared in front on his wife and child who were lying on the ground.

Look the Yondaime gave them with his eyes was that like of the eyes of the Shinigami himself. Orochimaru felt a freezing chill run down his spine as he saw those blue eyes. Madara did not even flinching at the look. "Orochimaru what do you want with my wife?" said the Hokage. "Oh she is. You are a lucky bastard to have wooed the last Uzumaki, Minato-kun.," said Orochimaru with that sick twisted smile on his pasty pale face.

Orochimaru summoned a small snake out of his back and it stealthily slithered down back to his leg onto the grass-covered ground. In those moments, Uzumaki Kushina was stirring in her sleep because of the sound that was disturbing her. Madara saw what Orochimaru was up to and got ready to fight the Yondaime. The Yondaime had other plans as quickly as he did some hand signs so fast that Madara's Sharingan could not even see what the hand signs he was making.

Then he came to attacked Orochimaru who was a shocked by the speed the Yondaime displayed since even Sharingan users were not even a quarter of the speed he used. A barrier-like wall with spiral-like design appeared in front of the Yondaime. He throws his unique kunai at Orochimaru who only leaned his head to the left so that the kunai missed him and landed behind exactly. "Is that the best you can do Yondaime-sama?" said Orochimaru mockingly.

Then the Yondaime smiled as that is what he wanted the kunai to do and said, "Did you forget who I am teme?" Minato formed his famed technique in his right hand and he vanished in a flash of yellow and attacked Orochimaru from behind pushed his technique into Orochimaru's back and yelled "Rasengan!" Orochimaru screamed as the jutsu slammed to his back and started to grind into his body tearing his skin and muscles.

Then the Yondaime pushed Orochimaru straight to the barrier-like wall and it transported to the edge of Hi no Kuni near the border of Kaminari no Kuni. Then the Yondaime said "One down one to go." turning toward Madara. Then he saw what might haunt him for the rest of his life. A small snake coiled up was getting ready to bite is child. Nevertheless, as it was about to strike a hand stood in its way causing it to bite the hand saving Naruto.

The hand then crashed the snake alive. Those hands belong to a protective mother who was Kushina as she has woken up. Madara saw this with interest as to what will the young hokage do. Minato then grabbed his wife and child flashed away to his clan home. Madara saw the Kyūbi is finishing the Konoha ninja and they had the Sandaime with them. Konoha ninja are now attacking the Kyūbi with ninjutsu, which has stopped it from advancing, but not strong, enough to push it back. The Squad leaders shouted, "Hold your ground. We need to wait for the Yondaime Hokage-sama!"

Namikaze Safe house

"Kushina-chan please stays with me I will need you for what I about to do.," said Minato as he cried. "Minato-kun I will be with you all ways but now I want to stay with Naru-chan. You go get it over with." She said as she cried. Minato looked at her one more time the he flashed to fight Madara. Kushina was rocking Naruto and singing a lullaby as he started to cry.

With Kyūbi and Konoha ninja

Madara ordered the Kyūbi to use it ultimate attack which it complied by starting to collect black and white chakra in front of its mouth and formed a large black ball of chakra. "Oh no! If we let that Kyūbi finish that attack then it will destroy the entire village," said the Sandaime with panic in his voice. Then the Kyūbi fired the ball at the village as it when to slam to the Hokage Monument, a spiral-like barrier appear and absorbed the attack and saved the village.

However, there was an explosion behind the village. All saw that and shouted "Yondaime-sama!". Shikaku of the Nara clan saw this said, "Minato-san must be near to perform his Jikūkan Ninjutsu." to Choza of the Akimichi clan. Then they saw Namikaze Minato standing on the statue of himself with his shiki kunai in front of him as he used it as a medium for the jutsu.

Then a figure appeared behind Minato silently trying to grab the Yondaime. Minato grabbed the shiki kunai in a reverse grip. He in a flash spun and stabbed his kunai through his attacker's skull but instead to feel blood and flesh the kunai just passed through him. This shocked the Yondaime as his hand sailed through the masked man. Then when his hand passed through his head and was on the other side of his head.

The masked man grabbed Minato's left arm and said, "You'll have to fight me. And it's over." His eyehole started swirl to create distortions in space and was trying to taking Minato somewhere. Minato used his superior speed and reflex to jump and use the Hirashin to escape. Madara said to himself "He jumped again. I must immediately suck him in faster the instant I touch him."

Other side of Konoha

Yondaime fell on the ground in the training ground where he used to train his team. His head was full of questions. He was thinking, "He dodged my attack. Then he solidified and tried to suck me in...What the hell was that jutsu?"As he was, about to get up he looked in front of him and saw the same distortions as before and Madara appeared. He said, "I won't let you get away."

Minato was thinking, "Can he use Jikūkan Ninjutsu too? So that's how he was able to move Kushina so quickly!" "He was able to past the ANBU under the Sandaime's direct control. That is not all but he was able to tame and control the Kyūbi. And he was able to get through the barrier around Konoha ...There is only one ninja I could do all that."

"You really are the Uchiha Madara?" said Minato. Madara removed his hood and revealed a orange mask with black strips across the mask and one eye hole on the right side. "No, you cannot be...He is dead." said Minato. "Well, who knows...?" said Madara uninterestedly. Minato said, "At this point, it's not important who you are... But why are attacking Konoha?" Madara answered saying "I guess you could say... it's both a whim... and a plan..."and concluded by saying "It's for both war... and for peace..." as he started to reveal his sleeves and showed a handcuff on both arms and a connected to each other with a long black chain.

Minato was speechless at this but he brain was going a hundred km an hour trying to figure out this mysterious man "Either way... He is no ordinary ninja! He can control the Kyūbi and is better at Jikūkan Ninjutsu than I am or the Nidaime...combined with those dangerous ideologies... I have to put a stop to him here or he might unleash something even worse that the Kyūbi!" Both men got ready to engage in battle.

Minato was thinking about how to fight this Madara "If I jump to the village... He will follow me and make the battlefield even more chaotic... But like Madara, his kuchiyose probably can't keep the Kyūbi here for long...I'll just have to trust the Sandaime to take care of the village...I have to stop this guy here!" Minato took out his shiki-marked kunai and held it in his left hand, stood in his famous battle stance getting ready for Madara who is rushing over to him shouting, "There is no hope for you!"

The Yondaime then stabbed in a forward motion but again the kunai passed through him along with his hand, arm then he totally passed through him. Madara pulled the chain he had with him, Minato threw his kunai, and it lodged into the ground a couple of meters away. Then Madara had Minato chained up as he turned to touch him but Minato jumped and appeared near the thrown kunai crouching with his right hand in a half ram hand sign.

Minato thought, "His body...My physical attacks don't work on him. He only solidifies when he is about to attack...In other words, I have to attack him when he attacks me!"As he looks at Madara, he thought "But it's risky for him to attack. And with the Kyūbi's Kuchiyose in mind, he probably wants to get this over with as soon as possible..." and as he turned around and faced his enemy once more.

He rushed towards his opponent as he snatched the ground lodged kunai he used earlier and charged. He finally concluded "It's all down whose attack is a split-second faster!" The two men charged at each other once more and time seemed to slow down dramatically. As they got close, Minato threw his shiki marked kunai towards Madara. However, he did even flinch as he saw the kunai coming and targeting his face.

The kunai slipped through and his speed did not change as most of the kunai passed through him Minato had the Rasengan in his right hand at the ready. When they were a few centimeters from each other the kunai was almost out behind Madara's head. Madara's right hand was almost touching Minato's left shoulder. Thinking that he won he said "Victory is mi-..." and Minato jumped at the very last moment and hit Madara with the technique as he shouted "Rasengan!"

The rasengan did it job in grinding and tearing at Madara's back the same as he did to Orochimaru before but slammed him to the cold hard earth. Madara was surprised was understatement and thought "Shimatta! He jumped to that kunai!"At the same time, the Yondaime Hokage grabbed the kunai mid-flight in the air while saying, "That is the Hirashin Level 2."

As he slammed to the ground, the rasengan explodes cause major damage to the surrounding area and Madara himself but then marked Madara's back with Hirashin shiki. Madara jumped back in a back flip and when he land held his left arm. His left arm and back damaged and were bleeding too much. Then Madara got stabbed in the chest by Minato instantly. Madara felt that one thought to himself "Ugh! Hirashin No Jutsu! I see...! He must of placed some sort of marking on me!"

As Minato was holding Madara, he placed his hand on his torso and a Keiyaku Fuin appeared to which Madara was shocked and shouted "A Keiyaku Fuin! Are you trying to break my contract with the Kyūbi!" Minato replied, "Now the Kyūbi will no longer be yours to control!" Madara said "No wonder you're the Yondaime Hokage. I am impressed you were able to wound me and wrestle the Kyūbi from me..." as Madara stated those distortions appeared around him "But the Kyūbi will be mine once more... I am the ruler of this world... I have many means in my disposal ..." Then he vanished the same way he appeared. Minato was thinking to himself "That feeling... He's not lying..."

At the Kyūbi Battlefield

The Kyūbi's eyes started to change from a normal eye to that of an Uchiha Sharingan and finally it own Kitsune eye that was blood red with a black slit in the middle of it. Then the Kyūbi who get got out of a hypnotic trance created by Uchiha Madara's Sharingan leaped back out of the village. Sandaime saw this while being with his old teammates Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu who were wearing the outfit as Sarutobi's and shouted "We got it out of the village! Continue with the attack!"

The squad leaders Konoha ninja were shouting, "Hold it off until the Yondaime gets here!" Minato used the Hirashin and jumped to Hokage Monument on his statue's head. He was shocked at what he and thought "This is terrible...!" and started with hand signs and created a Kage bunshin and ordered it to go to Kushina-chan and get her to the safe house at the back of Konoha and did another set of hand signs as he saw the Kyūbi started its Ultimate attack again. Sandaime said "Oh...Are you going to try that again?" Then the Yondaime shouted "Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu"

A random Konoha ninja shouted, "It's the Yondaime!" The toad boss Gamabunta fell on the Kyūbi pinning it as its mouth still had that black ball of concentrated chakra and it was pointing towards the Sandaime and Konoha's direction. Minato remembered what Madara said and said to himself "Kushina...I'm sorry... " Then the Yondaime shouted to Gamabunta "Hold the Kyūbi for a little while!" "Even I can't hold him back for long!" replied Gamabunta to Minato. Then Minato said, "I'll need lots of chakra to send something this big!" Then suddenly the Kyūbi vanished and Gamabunta fell and landed on the ground. Sarutobi asked to himself "Minato... Where did he send the Kyūbi?" Then he saw a flash and a mushroom cloud some kilometer, and said "Over there!"

Minato's Safe house

The house as it destroyed by Kyūbi's attack but nothing happened to Minato physically but he was nearly exhausted of chakra. "I have to get the barrier as soon as possible...!" he said as he was panting. The clone used the Hirashin and appeared in front of the original with his wife and child. Minato though as he took her and his child and released the clone as they were hiding from the Kyūbi "My chakra is almost gone..." "Minato-kun I can still... fight...,"said Kushina weakly as the poison is killing her.

She released spiked chains made up of her chakra from her back to the Kyūbi. Minato looked in horror as his dying wife chain and held the Kyūbi in place. Minato was holding baby Naruto who woke up and started to cry. Kushina coughed up blood and said, "I guess ...we woke him up... Sorry...Naruto..." Minato was speechless but said "Kushina ..." Then she said, "I'm going to draw the Kyūbi in...Moreover, it will kill me... That way...I can put off... the Kyūbi... being used to destroy again. That's the only way the last of my chakra can be of help to you." She looked at Minato and smiled saying "Thank you...for everything."

Minato was shocked but could not say a thing as he looked at her. She said "And most importantly...when...I think about...What our life would be like... together...If I lived... I can only picture...happiness..." Minato was sadden to brink of tears when she started talking but now his eyes watered and a tear of sadness fell and almost started to cry. However, Kushina continued and said "There's... one thing... I regret... It is I would get to see... Naruto grow up..." Minato then said after cleaning the tears in his eyes.

"Kushina...There is no need for you to die with the Kyūbi. Use the remaining chakra so you can be with Naruto forever...!" The only intelligent reply Kushina had for her husband had been "Huh...?" "I will seal your remaining chakra along with your soul and mine in to Naruto so you and I can be with him as he grows up and seal the half of Kyūbi in Naruto using the Hakke Fuin and the other half in my soul."

"But how are you going to do that? Oh no! Do not tell me you will use the Shiki Fūjin? But...with that seal you'll...!" "One more thing I need to divide the Kyūbi since it is impossible and is not strategically feasible, either to seal him fully... Nevertheless, if you died with the Kyūbi then the Kyūbi will come back and will throw off the Biju balance. If the Kyūbi is left without a jinchuuriki it will be used again."

"Jiraiya-sensei once told about a prophecy and he thought that I'm the one that will bring a revolution in the ninja world. But I think its Naruto will be that savior so I will seal the Yang half of the Kyūbi in Naruto." Kushina gasped at her son being a jinchuuriki. However, Minato said, "I know what you will say but...You know about the revolution that Jiraiya-sensei was talking about...there was also catastrophes that will come."

He looked in Kushina's eyes and said "Today... I realized two things. The masked man who attacked you, and I fought... He will bring catastrophe upon us! Moreover, this child is the one who will stop him. As the host, he will clear the way for the future. For some reason, I just know." Sandaime came running and saw what Minato was doing. Kushina said "Minato...But..."and she didn't continue as her husband started a series of familiar hand signs and made a kage bunshin.

That clone Minato started chanting "Snake, Boar, Ram, Rabbit, Dog, Rat, Bird, Horse, and Snake"as he finished chanting he clapped his hands and shouted "Shiki Fūjin!" The clone Minato said to Kushina "Have faith in this child! After all, he is our son!"After that ghost-like creature that had black eyes with golden pupils, red horns, white long shaggy hair, a demonic face a knife in its mouth and was wearing a white Shinto priest robes and had prayer beads tied around it's left wrist.

The Shinigami held a human-shaped chakra by its hair signifying holding Minato's Soul. Original Minato said to Kushina "I must seal our souls in with the Kyūbi as to prevent Naruto from drawing to much of its power. Are you ready? Since the only way to do, that is for the Shinigami to take our lives when I use this new sealing jutsu along Shiki Fūjin and I called Kihaku Fuin no Jutsu. It is a kinjutsu I created to remove the souls of any human and seal it in without the need to invoke the Shinigami.

But I have to do it before my clone finishes sealing the Kyūbi." The clone already started the sealing. He started by sending the Shinigami's hand that was sticking of the clones' stomach. The Shinigami's hand stretched latched to the Kyūbi. "I don't want our son to have...such a heavy burden alone," said Kushina.

However, Minato replied "Don't worry you will be with him and me inside waiting for him to make contact and then we will help him." Minato's clone finished as the Shinigami's hand pulled half of Kyūbi being the Ying chakra and yelled "Fuin!" The clone felt very heavy, as the chakra was huge. Original Minato summoned the jinchuuriki ceremonial cradle with candles and a stand and placed Naruto in it and the clone came yelled "Hakke Fuin!" and started to seal the Yang chakra of the Kyūbi in Naruto.

The Kyūbi saw that they are trying to seal him in that newborn attack as he decreased in size because of Hakke Fuin Minato, Kushina prevented the Kyūbi from harming their child by stand in the way of his claw as it through them, and the tip stopped very closely to Naruto. Both laughed with blood in their mouth at the persistence of the fox's will to escape as Kyūbi cursed them both.

The original did eight hand signs and yelled, "Kihaku Fuin No Jutsu!" at the same time as the clone and both his and Kushina's chakra and souls got out of their bodies and entered the seal on Naruto's stomach with the Kyūbi's other half as the clone finished the ritual. The clone saw the Sandaime and told him that Naruto was to a hero by Minato and Kushina for sealing in the Kyūbi. Clone Minato said, "Good luck with the paper work, Old man."

The clone looked sickly then it dispersed in a pool of smoke. The Kyūbi had already vanished as did the life of the Yondaime and his wife for the protection of their village. Sandaime thought that this was the worst night in his whole life. Nevertheless, he was proud to have known such an powerful and loyal couple to Konoha. The Sandaime created a couple of kage bunshin as the ANBU and the other ninja came to see what happened to their Kage.

Only to see the Sandaime's grief struck face as he and his clones he something and he ordered the ninjas back to the village, as he has to prepare for problems later. He ordered the kage bunshin to take the bodies and Naruto to the hospital. The Sandaime went to the hospital and made a new birth certificate and three death certificates. The birth certificate was for one Uzumaki Naruto and the death certificate was for the Namikaze family who he told were dead because the Kyūbi.

Minato died as he stopped the Kyūbi and his wife Kushina died at giving birth to their son who died with her as well. It was a sad day, a very sad day indeed.

17th of October a week later

It took a week for village to mourn the dead. It's was in the morning. Then it was all back to normal but it was too fast because the village needs to rebuild and gain what we have lost. So he was forced as Hokage back the village needed a Hokage until someone of Minato's caliber is found. In addition, the village must show that the Kyūbi's attack did not affect them in anyway.

There is another problem nagging at him in his mind. That problem was Uzumaki Naruto who nobody but he and his old teammates who are the ninja council with his rival Shimura Danzō for the Hokage position know about him. His teammates Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu asked what he would do with the Kyūbi jinchuuriki.

His wife Biwako was taking care of the baby at their home in the Sarutobi clan estate. Danzō told Sarutobi to give him the child to change him in to a weapon to protect the village and control him. However, Sarutobi refused because he did not want Minato and Kushina's son turned into a weapon after the sacrifice they made for the village.

Then Sarutobi finally said "Listen I have to tell the villagers about Naruto condition and Minato wish." "I can't tell them about him being Minato's and Kushina's child because I have to protect him from Minato's enemies both inside and outside the village. And I mustn't let the Namikaze kekkei genkai fall in the hands of anyone but Naruto when he grows up!" thought the Sandaime Hokage. "I don't know why Sarutobi is bothering with thing but I must add it to my Ne!" thought Danzō.

Then Sarutobi dropped the bomb on them as he said, "I will take care of Naruto until he is ready for the ninja academy at the age of 8 years old." Danzō looked like that nothing happened but mentally he was yelling. "Why? What do I have to do to get that damn kid in Ne?" thought Danzō. Danzō looked at them and then said "If there is nothing else, I will be taking my leave." in a calm voice.

Sarutobi chuckled inwardly as he looked at Danzō with an all business look and said "Danzō stay away from this child as for him to have a normal childhood." The Sandaime Hokage who stood there already knew Danzō as his plan but Danzō did not do anything and left without saying a thing. "I have a painfully annoying job of telling the villagers that the Kyūbi didn't get killed but sealed. Oh this is as Nara Shikaku puts it troublesome!"

Sarutobi Clan Estate in the Evening

The Sandaime camehome to his clan's home in the evening after an exhausting day. As he told the civilians about how the Kyūbi cannot be killed but it was sealed in a newborn child who was named Uzumaki Naruto, but the villagers all what the child's death as the thought it was the Kyūbi reincarnated as a human. The Sandaime told them of Minato, the Yondaime's wish in making this child a hero for saving the village but most of the population was not convinced.

However, a handful few were convinced. The child is a hero because they knew the Yondaime's skill in Fūinjutsu. Nevertheless, the civilians might cause problems for Naruto so he made a decree or law punishable by death that it forbidden to talk about the Kyūbi and what happened to the younger generation so Naruto can have some sort of a normal life. As he opened the door to his home, he found his wife in hallway waiting for him.

She looked at him questioningly "They will find out sooner or later but it's better if I tell them so that I can make a law from anyone telling him about the Kyūbi." said Sarutobi. "I hope you know what you are doing, koishii." The Sandaime signed heavily as he knows it will never be easy for Naruto. Moreover, Sandaime thought that "Maybe I can train Naruto so that when he is ready to live as a ninja if he wants it, that is." Noting that the Sandaime closed the door of his home, little did he know that a legend is about to start about this child.

AN: I hope you Guys like it since this is my first fic so you be the judges and if I have any mistakes please point it out me so I can improve and give you better quality or whatever it is you. Well, Ja nee! Oh...PS Thanks to my reviewers I have this fixed version. Therefore, here are the names of the Japanese words I used.

Zansatsu Miseru no jutsu - Tragic Death Display Technique

Kihaku Fuin No Jutsu – Soul Sealing Technique

Hirashin No Jutsu - Flying Thunder God Technique

Konoha's Yellow Flash - Konoha's Yellow Flash

Ninpou Fūinjutsu - Ninja Art Sealing Technique

Jikūkan Ninjutsu - Time-Space Technique

Rikudou Sennin - Sage of Six Paths

Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Kū no Tachi - Sword of Kusanagi: Long Sword of the Heavens

Shiki Fūjin - Dead Demon Consuming Seal

Akai Chishio no Habanero - Red Hot-Blooded Habanero

Kushiyose No Jutsu: Enkōō: Enma - Summoning Technique: Monkey King: Enma

Kaisoku - High speed

Henge: Kongōnyoi! (Transformation: Adamantine Nyoi !)