A/N: So this is canon-compliant, which is really not my style. But it was written for Ellie (s i l v e r a u r o r a) as a dare, so...yeah. And, Ellie, I hope you like it. I did you a favor and left out the TeddyVicky I was planning. Maybe I should do dares from you more often, I actually started liking this song and even these people *gasp*.


all that you need now

is in your soul

('simple man' - shinedown)


They're brightbright lights, sparkling and shining and lighting up the world with their silvery Veela glow.

There's Victoire, all silver-blonde hair and sweet smiles, straight white teeth and heart of gold.

Dominique, all bubblegum-pink nails and long dark eyelashes, strawberry-blond waves and flirtatious winks.

And Louis, all blue diamond eyes and sarcastic sneers, raised eyebrows and heartbreaking drawl.

All three of them have got that wow that everyone wants to have. And they're going to take over not just the world, but the universe someday, and they know it.

But, sometimes, they have their doubts. 'Cause they may be part-Veela, but they're part-human, too.

Still, they know how to stick together.

So, on Vicky's birthday, while everyone else cries, they go out into the garden and eat cake and run around, ignoring the tragedy that is Vicky's namesake.

And when Louis gets his heart broken, the first time it wasn't the other way around, Vicky goes out and buys him a huge stack of books to read in bed and Dom slaps Adya Patil, for "what you did to my brother", in the middle of Transfiguration and gets detention.

And after Anthony Corner calls Dom a whore in front of the whole 5th year, Louis uses some of his best hexes, including the Bat-Boogey one (taught to him by his Aunt Ginny) and Vicky conjures up tissues and hugs Dom as she cries.

The three of them are best friends, star siblings, permanently carved into each other's souls.

'Cause, yeah, maybe they've got beauty (Vicky), smarts (Louis) and fame (Dom), but all they really need is each other.

And they will always be lights, twinkling and dancing and, as long as they're together, they will never go out.