"And welcome back. It is an honor to have our next guest because she's so busy it's nearly impossible to book her. She's a Tony Award winning actress, a best-selling author, and has a new album coming out next year. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the beautiful and talented, Rachel Berry."

Rachel walked out of the hallway and into the studio as she heard her name being called. She took a second to glance into the audience, where the studio was in standing-ovation formation applauding her entrance. This made her smile even more as she waved and hugged Sandy, the television host.

"Rachel, it's so great to see you, how are you?"

"I'm great, Sandy, thanks for having me on, life's been busy but it's been absolutely wonderful."

"Busy, of course, you won a Tony for you're leading role in your high-school teacher's musical, is that right?"

"Yeah." Rachel nodded, "Will Schuester was like another father to me and at his wedding actually he gave me a script and told me he'd love to have me on board. It was a wonderful experience, you know, Broadway had been my dream since I was in elementary school so standing up there accepting a Tony for my work was unbelievable."

"The show closed a year ago, any plans to move onto a new show?"

"No." Rachel laughed, "Broadway was a rush but you know it's been a sacrifice. Finn had to fly in from California every other weekend and-"

Sandy cut her off at the topic of relationships, "Finn...that's your husband."

Rachel couldn't help the grin that took over her face, "The love of my life."

"You were on Broadway for almost a year, how did you two keep your relationship strong?"

"Well, Finn and I dated in high school, he was actually in glee club with me, and um, we lost touch from college on so after we reconnected years later we were almost inseparable. Me doing Broadway was always sort of a tense topic for us, but he's amazing and let me follow my dream. And what works is that he's not only my husband, but my best friend so even though doing long-distance was hard it was so so worth it."

"And you moved back to L.A., so he must love that."

"Yeah, I mean after the show was over I knew my heart belonged in California with my husband. What's great about L.A. too is that I can work on my album with some great producers and record labels over there and be close to my family."

"Expanding family." Sandy was sure to add, "How are your twins?"

"Audrey and Aaron are just the greatest, they're almost six months old now. Audrey has the cutest gurgling noises so she's already testing out those pipes of hers. And Aaron is big and tough like his daddy, so I know Finn sees football in the future." Rachel gushed.

Sandy showed a picture of the Berry-Hudson twins on the screen and the crowd cooed and applauded. Then the slide changed to one of Finn holding Aaron with one arm and his free arm wrapped tightly around Rachel. She was holding her daughter while she rested her head against his as they both wore adoring faces at their children. The studio audience absolutely went insane and Rachel smiled, internally adoring her family as well.

"Well I'm so glad to have you here, thanks for stopping by when you came back to New York."

"My pleasure, Sandy, my whole family is in town for my cousin, Linda's wedding to Finn's friend, Derek, so I'm gonna try and get my kids to fall in love with New York at a young age." Rachel joked.

"Look out for her solo album next summer, it's gonna be a winner I promise! Thank you Rachel Berry!" Sandy announced as the show cut to commercial.

Rachel was coming down from the high of appearing on television when she walked back to her dressing room. When she opened the door, Finn and a chic double stroller were waiting for her in the small room.

She instantly ran and jumped into Finn's big and strong arms. He hugged her tightly and met her for a much needed kiss.

"Honey?! I thought you weren't flying in until tomorrow?" Rachel said in disbelief.

Finn gave her a classic crooked smile, "The three of us agreed, we couldn't wait to see you."

Rachel went to the stroller and picked up Aaron (Audrey was asleep), "Well I missed you all so much."

"I watched the interview on the TV here, my wife was pretty great." Finn said after she sat Aaron back down and the two sat on the sofa.

"Well it's easy to talk about myself and my family and how great my life is." Rachel laughed.

"We do have a pretty great life." Finn reflected, wrapping his arm around his wife.

Rachel suddenly sat up and grabbed two bottles of water, throwing one at Finn, who was obviously confused.

"To Jesse St. James." Rachel raised her...water bottle. And now Finn was seriously confused.

"Jesse? What…"

"If Jesse hadn't abandoned me in the Seattle airport three years ago, none of this would have happened. No flight to L.A., no getting my stuff from Jesse's house, no holding hands with you at the mall, no kissing you in the driveway, no saying I-love-you at your mothers house, no chance for Mr. Schue to give me my big break, no fight that broke us up, no engagement backstage at my first show, no wedding on the beach, no Tony award, no Aaron, no Audrey, nothing. My whole world would be different if you didn't show up to make it alright."

Finn nodded graciously, moving in for a quick kiss, and after it was finished Rachel was still stuck on the issue, "Who would have thought, though, after all this time we'd finally end up together?"

Finn weighed the answer in his head, "Well you said it yourself in high school, I was your first love and you wanted more than anything for me to be your last….I think this is exactly where we're supposed to be."

"It took some time, though." she laughed, "It was a roller coaster."

"Well love does crazy things to people. I mean Derek Watson, of all people is getting married this weekend." Finn took the chance to jab his best friend.

Rachel stood up and slung her hand in her husband's, "I love you, Finn."

Finn bent slightly to place a kiss on her head, "I love you, too, Rachel."

A/N: And that, my friends, is where we end Make it Alright almost three years later. This was my first fanfiction ever written (and the last one I've finished haha) so I just want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this story. I know my updated was shaky at best, it was all your encouragement that pushed me to give this fic a proper ending. I hope it was as fun for you as it was for me.
