Well here's the next Arc of my Tegami Bachi story, I put it at mature because there are going to be some situations that may need to be rated, especially since some where in this fanfic a lemon is going to appear one way or another...but anyway I apologize if some characters may seem OCC so I hope you don't mind. So read, review and enjoy!

In a dark room, illuminated only by the light of the moon that was shining through the window through the gaps of the curtains. Inside the room a small blonde girl was curled up on the couch with a white animal on her head while below her a large feline was curled at the floor snoring on top of the carpet. On the bed however were two figures sleeping extremely close to each other, well one of them was sleeping while the other one was shifting in his sleep.

The figure continued to toss and turn until he let out a gasp and sat up breathing heavily as he held a hand over his heart, trying to calm it down. The figure's large magenta eye was wide in shock as you could see a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his head.

"G…Gauche…" the figure said quietly to himself.

"Mn…Lag?" the body next to him asked sleepily as he bleary opened his eyes to look up at the other boy.

"O-oh…sorry Zazie I…I just had a bad dream." The boy replied smiling nervously making the other boy sit up and pulled the silver haired boy close to him.

"Again? That's like the third one in the row kitten." Zazie said softly as he brushed his fingers through Lag's hair.

Even though it had been three years the two of them had grown significantly, Lad still retained his slim figure, despite all the deliveries he's done and traveling. His hair was still as mess as when he was twelve but it was a bit longer, he had grown taller and stood at least 5'4. Although his height was nothing compared to Zazie's, the darker haired bee had shot up to 6'2 and had also grown the muscle Lag wish he had himself. He remained the same, but tended to be a bit more affectionate when it came to the silver haired letter bee.

"I…I know but I don't know why I keep dreaming about him…" Lag replied looking up into Zazie's eyes. The other teen sighed and kissed Lag's forehead before wrapping his arms around him pulling Lag close.

"Its about Gauche again isn't it?" Zazie couldn't help but sigh as Lag weakly nodded, "honestly…you'd think these dreams would be some sort of sign…"

"Well there have been more abduction of letters usual…" Lag said quietly, "and several of those people say it was Gauche…"

"I know you want to believe there's still good in him but have you even figured out how you're going to bring him back?" Zazie asked.

"I…I'll come up with something I'm sure." Lag stated firmly but let out a surprised yelp as Zazie had taken this chance to lean down and kiss the silver haired boy's soft skin on the neck. "Za…Zazie! That…that' tickles!"

The cat boy couldn't help but grin, "Oh really? Still?" he said and continued his assault on Lag's neck making the magenta-eyed boy bite his lip to stop himself from groaning as he felt Zazie's hands trailing his over his chest.

"Za-Zazie!" Lag nearly cried out if he didn't bury his face in the other boy's chest, "Niche and Walsiolka are right over there!"

The cat boy huffed but relented much to the younger letter bee's relief.

"and about your dream, try not to think so much about it, come on we have to get up early to catch the carriage back to Yuusari. Its going to be a long trip back." Zazie said before pulling him back down to the bed and tucking the other boy under his chin as Lag wrapped his own arms around him.

"R-right…" Lag replied softly as he closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep with Zazie holding him tightly, "g-goodnight Zazie…"

"'nite kitten…"

The next morning….

"Lag…Lag wake up we have to get up before the carriage leaves." The cat boy said gently shaking the boy next to him.

"Mmnn? F-five more minutes Sylvette…" Lag mumbled stretching a bit and his nightshirt rode up showing off some of the smooth skin underneath as Lag continued to mumble much to Zazie's amusement.

"Lag….get up or I'll make you get up…" Zazie teased shaking the boy's shoulder. The other letter bee just mumbled again and curled up hugging the pillow to his chest.

"You asked for this kitten." The cat boy stated smirking as he turned Lag over to face and moved his face closer to Lag's and was soon kissing the other letter bee on his lips.

The cat boy gently massaged his lips against the sleeping boy's own as he pressed his body closer to Lag's. The sleeping been started to frown and tried to move but found he was quite stuck where he was and not only that but air was becoming a problem for him. About a few seconds later the magenta eye opened just as Zazie pulled away allowing him to smirk down at the panting silver haired boy.

"Good morning kitten." Zazie sniggered as Lag pouted sitting up looking at Zazie.

"That's not fair." Lag whined, "I couldn't breath!"

"Well I tried to wake you up earlier Lag but you wouldn't so I had to resort to other means of getting you up." Zazie replied giving Lag a devious look, "and trust me I could've done something else…"

Lag gulped as he felt a shiver go down his spine when he heard how Zazie had said 'something else' and he was half curious on what the 'something else' was but he had a feeling it would be better if he didn't ask.

"I…I better go and wash up! I'll be right back Zazie!" Lag squeaked out as he ran to the bathroom leaving a dust trail behind as Nichie and Walsiolka yawned and woke up as well.

"Where Lag go?" Niche wondered as she stretched.

"He went to wash up." Zazie replied as he got out of the bed and grabbed his uniform and started to change while the blonde maka girl was trying to wake up Steak on top of her head.

"You and Lag didn't do anything?" Niche asked her eyes narrowing looking at Zazie who just rolled his eyes.

"I know Aria made you report anything Lag and I do to her but no, we didn't do anything Niche." Zazie replied dryly before grumbling under his breath, "wish I could've done something last night though…"

Walsiolka's ears twitched as she looked up at her master amused at Zazie's mutterings as she scratched her ears, trying to wake up.

"We go back to Sylvette now?" Niche asked once Steak was awake.

"Yeah we finished our delivery yesterday so we can just take a carriage back to Yuusari." Zazie stated, as he put on his letter bee uniform.

The dark haired letter bee was looking around for his gloves and then remembered he had left them in the bathroom when he had changed in there and washed up before going to bed. He turned and made his way there, all the while a smirk was dancing on his lips as he grabbed the doorknob and entered. During that time Lag was washing his face and didn't hear the door open.

'I can't believe how much Zazie has changed once we started going out…' the silver haired bee thought to himself as he shook his head trying to get rid of the stray droplets in his hair.

He reached around looking for his towel, and didn't open his eyes because he still had soap over his face and didn't want any to get in his eyes. He started to get a bit frustrated as he couldn't find it suddenly he felt a towel being thrown over his head and let out a startled yelp as the person started to wipe his hair and face for him. Once he was all cleaned he was able to open his eye and saw a smirking Zazie standing in front of him.

"Za-Zazie! What are you doing in here!" Lag squeaked out.

"I forgot my gloves in here." He replied innocently waving his uniform gloves in front of Lag grinning, making the boy pout.

"That couldn't have been the only reason you came in here." He said grumbling and got his answer when Zazie wrapped his arms around Lag's waist pulling him close once more.

"You're starting to become more observant kitten." Zazie said amused.

"No you're starting to get predictable." Lag replied grinning right back to Zaize who just raised an eyebrow.

"Predictable huh?" Zazie asked and eyed the smaller bee.

Before Lag could say anything or stop him Zazie moved and attacked Lag's neck like he did last night, sucking hard on a spot for a few seconds before he gently bit into the other' bee's neck making him cry out shocked. The bite wasn't deep enough to draw blood, but would be rather visible and hard to hide. Zazie licked the mark one more time before pulling back to admire his work.

"Why did you do that for Zazie!" Lag cried out, horrified when he saw how hard it would be to hide the mark even with his collared uniform.

"You said I was becoming predictable, was that predictable for you kitten?" Zazie asked laughing at how red Lag was getting.

"Zazie!" he whined.

"Besides I've seen others looking at you, and that's just a mark to let them know that you're taken." Zazie stated firmly, glowering at the thought of other people looking at his kitten.

"You could've warned me…" Lag mumbled as he rubbed his neck while Zazie mussed up his hair and walked out of the bathroom satisfied. "….I wonder how Aria-neesan is gonna react…"

In the Headmaster's Office back in Yuusari...

"So I take it your delivery went well? No run ins with any marauders?" Aria asked looking at the two as she adjusted her glasses.

"No ma'am, we had taken a carriage from here to the town and back, there weren't any signs of us being attacked." Zazie replied a bit bored, "nor were there any traces or clues in the town either about them."

"I see…that's good the last thing I need to see is more letter bees getting injured." Largo replied from his desk smiling at the two, "so was your trip eventful?"

At that remark Lag quickly tried to bury his head in his clothes, really trying to avoid looking at the two adults while Zazie just looked smug making Aria suspicious.

"Letter Bee Zazie…what happened…" Aria practically growled out glaring at the darker haired boy.

Over the years of Lag working with the hive, Aria had become almost a surrogate older sister to the silver haired boy and would always try to make sure that he was all right, especially when he was out alone with the cat boy. It didn't help that Zazie found amusement in getting under Aria's skin when he found out how irritated she became instead of her usual cool and calm demeanor.

Largo and Dr. Thunderland Jr had become use to the antics between the cat boy and the sub-master of the Hive and would just watch the two as if it was an everyday thing, which it pretty much was most of the time.

"Nothing Sub-master, we just had to spend the night in an Inn because of how late the delivery had ran and looking for information about Reverse." Zazie replied breezily just making the blonde woman even more suspicious.

Lag was trying in vain to stop the two from arguing but it seemed just as hopeless as any other time.

"Zazie…must you aggravate Aria-neesan?" Lag almost whined looking at his boyfriend who just shrugged in reply with the smug look on his face. Unconsciously Lag rubbed his neck, which was the exact wrong thing to do as Aria moved right over to the silver haired boy as her heals clicked on the floor.

"Lag…let me see your neck." Aria said in a bit of a strained voice, it didn't help that the younger letter bee's face suddenly turned red as he laughed nervously.

"Its nothing Aria-neesan! Really I just have a bit of crick in my neck, slept in a weird angle for my neck!" Lag quickly replied hoping that Aria would accept his answer.

Apparently over the years, not only has Aria grown to care for Lag but also she had learned to read him and knew when he was hiding something from her. She folded her arms and looked like the ever-commanding sub-master she was known for.

"Lag….let me see your neck." She said with no more delays

The magenta eyed boy could only grimace as he nodded, knowing he couldn't avoid this anymore then he wanted to.

"Yes Aria-neesan…" Lag sighed as he pulled down his white collar of his uniform and there was a nice reddened patch of skin that had distinct bite marks.

"Uh…I think Dr. Thunderland wanted me to check out something he found out in his lab, come along with me Lag Seeing!" Largo said as he quickly stood up and grabbed Lag as well before left the room as Aria turned and gave a scathing glare to Zazie.

"ZA-ZIE….." the sub-master said in a voice so dark and ominous that it made the hairs on the back of Zazie's neck stand up as he looked at the blonde haired woman.

Once the huge doors shut behind them the two winced at the explosion and could hear several things being tossed at the letter bee.

"Of all the things you did, you marked Lag! "

"Hey it was to keep other guy's claws off of him!"

"You're not an animal that needs to 'MARK' their territory!"

"Hey you haven't SEEN the looks some other bees give Lag!"


"When you say it like that you make it sound like a bad thing…."

"Just wait until I finish getting through your head that you cannot DO those things to him!"

"Its just a hickey its not like I did anything else….much…"

"Just what is that suppose to mean!"

"Whatever you want it to sub-master~"

"You and your cheek…I swear you're going to regret it one of these days Letter bee Zazie!"


"Do…do you think Zazie will be okay?" Lag asked as the two walked down the stairs where Niche and Walsiolka was waiting for him and Zazie.

"I'm sure your boyfriend will be fine." Largo teased, chuckling when Lag's face turned red, "still not use to having a relationship with another guy?"

"S-sort of sir…I…I just never thought that this could actually happen." Lag replied playing with his fingers.

"Love works in mysterious ways." Largo quoted as they reached the bottom of the stairs, "now why don't you run along home, I bet Sylvette missed you and would like to hear all the…details of your delivery."

"Y-yes sir! Please tell Zazie where I am if you see him." Lag said bowing to the headmaster as he called for Niche and Steak to go home.

Largo watched the three leave smiling, "I don't think I need to do that since I'm sure Zazie already knows." He said before wincing as he heard something echo as it crashed against his door back upstairs.

"I'll have get another office set…" he mumbled to himself as he turned to head to Dr. Thunderland's office when he heard several letter bees stop what they were doing and had turned to stare at who had entered the bee hive. Largo turned to see for himself and his eyes widened at the two figures.

"Well this is unexpected…" Largo muttered to himself and quickly moved back up to his office to stop any more damage.

"Well if it isn't little Largo Lloyd." A booming voice said making the purple haired man wince as he bit a bit harder into his candy.

He grabbed the nearest bee and quickly muttered to them, "run to my office and inform sub-master of our…guests…"

The letter bee nodded and hastily made his way past Largo as the headmaster turned to greet the guests.

"Hazle Valentine and Caribs Garrard…to what do I owe this pleasure?" Largo asked looking at the two men in hats and trench coats.

"You should know what we came here for Largo, we were sent from the capital to check on your…progress with Reverse," the shorter of the two said as he removed his hat and looked at Largo through the dark lenses of his eyewear, "we would like to discuss anything you might have stumbled upon along with the reports."

"Of course…" Largo replied sighing as he ran a hand through his head. 'I know that Reverse has become a major problem for the letter bee's but I didn't think it needed inspectors from the capital…' Largo thought to himself wondering what was going on, usually he would receive a heads up on any investigators from the capital. Largo was getting a bad feeling about this whole situation, 'Something is going on and it can't be good….'

To be Continued...