Hay guys :) this my first proper fanfic so be brutal :(, please R&R :) theres gonna be some hikaruxharuhi, tamakixharuhi and OBVIOUSLY KyoyaxHaruhi (best pairing in my opinion) the story line is running along kinda how the anime runs like with the main events of the host club, this story starts a few weeks before the beach episode ^.^ i will have a lemon warning so if you dont like it skip to the end of the warning :) thanks and ENJOY! p.s ignore the spelling mistakes, microsoft crashed on my laptop so using an alturnative thingy. I DO NOT OWN OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB... sadly :'(

"Why" she thought to herself, "why me, why must I end up with... THE SHADOW KING?" Haruhi cried out in despair along with Tamkaki (who was evesdropping on the conversation going on inside the headmasters office) this is what happend:

1. Kyoya and Haruhi were called to the headmasters office during a club activity and Tamaki followed them out of cuuriosity.
2. Second year Kyoya Ohtori and First yeaar Haruhi Fujioka are to build a secret relationshipand bee married after Haruuhi graduates (due to their fathers orders).
3. Kyoya and Haruhi both unwilling to go against their fathers decisions, although Haruhi was kinda trembling at the thought marrying the shadow king, Kyoya was wondering how they were going to keep up a secret relationship...
"Well my father certainly never gives up with his 'games'", Kyoya said with a smile forming across his face "Well Haruhi what do you say?" he asked her politely. She looked at him she could see his dark luring eyes behind his glasses, they had a devilish shine to them, she smiled "I accept". "Good so your both up to it i'll let your fathers know immediatley" said the chairman, they turned to walk out of his office "Oh there was one condition, Haruhi you must move into Kyoyas house today."
"Agreed" Kyoya replied.

- Walking down the corridors-

"Well now Haruhi i never expected you to agree to this" Kyoya said. She was walking slightly infront of him he looked at her, she was quite small but he hated tall girls anyway at least she was smart, he couldn't handle someone like tamaki. She stopped to look at him "Hmmmmmmm I guess I agreed because I wanted to try something different and get to know you better because your the most shut away from all the hosts, exculding Mori senpai though" She rplied with a growing smile. "Haruhi"
He lightly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, he planted a light kiss on her forehead, she jumped back a bit cheeks as bright as anything "W-w-what was that for" she stuttered out still flushed "Well, its only natutral to kiss my girlfriend" He said with a smile and walked in to music room 3.

-Back at the Host Club-

Hikaru and Koaru came bouncing over the second Haruhi walked in the door she simply said that Kyoya's family had invited her to a party and that he was to be her escort to the party and back, not quite beliving thats what it was for, she walked past them and sat down at her table to tend to some customers. Haruhi was in the kitchen making some more commoners coffee (Kyoyas request) she heard the curtain close and she saw a piece of paper right next to where she was standing, "What the hell?" she tought. It was a note:

Everything you own has been moved into one of the master bedrooms at my house, stay after school for 1 hour for 'studying' i'll be back with a car to pick you up.
Kyoya P.S I've left a phone in your bag its already been set up with any numbers you need, if anyone asks its so i can contact you during the party.

"Sheesh" she tought while looking through pages of words in the books in one of the reading rooms, "He's really serious about this relationship isn't he?" the thought to herself. She walked out to the school gates to see a smooth black limo waiting for her.

Kyoya showed her the basic layout of the house, they were only in one section but it had 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, 4 bedrooms (all with their own bathrooms), a living room, also its own little garden and 2 studies, it was like a little cottage next to the house. Haruhi's eyes grew wide when she saw it, "I don't have any maids or servants over here because i don't want you to feel awkward, that and you'd do all the work yourself anyway" he stated.
She looked at him eyes still wide like a childs that had just seen mickey mouse at Disney Land, "Are you sure its not because you want my homemade cooking every day?" She quizzed him "Speaking of food, are you hungry I could make us something if you want" she asked. "Yeah but I'll be in the office, the host club are taking a trip to Okinawa tomorrow so I have to arrange it" he said.
"That should be fun"
"Yes, yes it will be"