My name is Rue.

I am 12 years old, and I am the oldest of six kids, and I try my best to provide for them.

I live in District 11, the agriculture district.

Other districts think we have food, the comfort of a full belly every night.

But for me and everyone else I know in this district, plentiful food is hard to come by.

I work in the orchards as someone who climbs up to the highest tops of the trees.

Sometimes I think that up there is the only place I can be myself.

I've never really had any friends, besides the mockingjays I sing to during the day.

But most importantly, today is the reaping day.

The day where two kids ranging 12-18 go get killed in a bloody ruthless battle just to show us that the Capitol has total control.

I absolutely hate it.

But theres nothing I can do about it either. I'm just a 12 year old girl trying to get through life, day by day, hour by hour, until the day I die. Just as everyone else.

Its probably about dawn now, as I sit on the highest branch of the tallest tree, with birds flitting around, eating the cherries that if I even move an inch toward my mouth, I will be punished ruthlessly by the cruel whips of the so called "peacekeepers".

The sun shines directly at me. Time to go home.

I get to the exit of the orchard, and hold out my arms, waiting for peacekeepers to roughly look for any hidden food that I could have put away under my thin clothes. Not like I'd try. Last time I saw someone try to steal before, they were shot.

After the peacekeepers make sure I haven't stolen anything, I head home. Our house is a small hut, much too small for 6 kids and two parents. Only the youngest or the sickest sleep on the one bed, the rest on mats on the floor. When I come in, my mother is making breakfast, the usual crescent roll with the seeds. I took mine off the plate, and ate it quickly. We were saving the rest of our food for after the reaping, where we are supposed to celebrate. I've already asked for my tesserae, enough to feed everyone in my family.

Of course that also means that my name will be put in 8 more times.

"Rue, it's time to go to the center square for the reaping."

I slip into my dress, a light blue feathery looking dress, that if I went up in a tree, would be ruined in seconds.

I walk into the square, and into the section for 12 year olds. Even next to kids my age, I'm still small around them. I look at the older kids and I see Thresh, a person like me, no friends, someone who works in the grains. But he is also huge. I have never seen someone so big. He could have held me in one hand.

Before I can think anymore, Lia, the escort to the Capitol, began the normal speech that they tell each district about how it is an honor of every tribute taken to the Capitol and how proud they should be. I force myself to zone it out.

Finally its time for the reaping to begin. Lia starts with the boys. "Thresh Stayron"

He stands up, and lumbers toward stage, and grunts at Lia. Lia looks so different. Her purple hair curls perectly around her face, with almond shaped green eyes and long curved fingernails. Thresh, tall, dark-skinned and stockily built.

"now for the girls". I wait anxiously, and I feel the stare of my family as the whole district holds their breath.

"Rue Lovalle"

All I can think of is, "what about my family?"

This is not good.