A/N: edited version: Even though the Pervels have been motioned there is still going to be no Deathly Hallows. I am keeping what I have in mind for them to myself at the moment. So nyah! If you missed the edits from chapter 1 you should go back and read them we learn a bit more about the adults in Harry's life and about his parents.

A/N: Thanks for the great response. I forgot to mention that Chap1 was unbetaed, sorry about that. I now have a beta so hopefully the worst of the errors will disappear. I have only had a couple of reviewers ask for the omake having to do with the Dursleys so not quite yet. If more of you respond and ask for it will appear. For the record it will be what happened to them in the original timeline, not the new one. I may include a few of the Magical people in the omake and the only thing I know about it is it will read like a epilogue, basically a wrap up of side stories away from the main character. One point of fact to most confusing reviewer, the title of the Story is "To Kill That WHICH is Immortal," not To Kill a Witch Immortal. How you got that I don't know hope that clarifies things for you. Again thanks for the praise this chapter should answer most of the questions I have from my reviewers so far the only ones it that wont are ones about the Tournament. The only one I will answer is yes Harry will compete, as for whether or not the events will change I haven't full decided yet but I am leaning toward yes. Although one will still involve a dragon (to cool to pass up) and one will involve a hostage. I am even considering combining the two for an adding element of danger, but that most likely won't happen. What I can tell you about the events is that they will increase from three to eight. Some of them you will recognize from the story "Brave New World" by bellaphron30, not entirely sure I got the authors name right. But you can find it here on and it is the recommended read this time around. Warning though it's an H/OC Hr/ Ron story, but both are actually more believable than Cannon. Well I think I have wasted enough of your time. As is true for every author on this sight I am not making any money off this, my only rewards are your kind words. So even if you are tempted to just click the alert or favorite button (which I appreciate as well) please drop me a line.

"And so it begins…"

Consciousness returned slowly to Harry, as he slowly returned to the world of the living; quite literally this time he ran through his usual routine. Toe, check; fingers, check; ankles, wrist, knees, elbows, neck; as he finished making sure his body still moved like it should he opened his eyes. He immediately recognized the blur around him. He had awoke here often enough, hospital wing, but when? That was the million galleon question. He knew where he was just not when he was. Turning to his left and feeling around he found his glasses and put them on. The first thing he saw was a head of bushy brown hair the person it belonged to was facing away from him but Hermione's hair was distinctive. The only time I remember Hermione and I being in the hospital wing over night at the same time is the end of third year. Harry thought that means, he turned his head and looked passed the foot of his bed across the room. There was a mass of red hair sticking out from under the blankets on one of the beds. The occupant's left leg was elevated and heavily bandaged. Yup there's the lazy git, if the three of us are hear together and I am the first one up that mean Sirius just left on Buckbeak. Harry threw off the blankets and slid his legs off the bed; he slipped on his shoes and began to quietly make his way out of the room. At the end of his bed was a familiarly shaped package which he grabbed. After creeping out the doors of the hospital wing he slipped the cloak out of the package and over his body. When he noticed how much it still drug the ground again he goggled a moment was I really that small? Throwing the question after a moment he began to make his way to the Defense hall. He wanted to see Remus before the marauder left.

Harry made his way to Remus office without incident, but unlike last time Dumbledore and Snape were standing outside the door arguing.

"You shouldn't have told the students of his condition Severus it was not your secret to tell you have your own secrets and I will not betray your confidence just to teach you a lesson. But this year makes me think you are falling back into your old ways you will have to do much to make up for it." Dumbledore send in his grandfatherly voice.

Snape merely sneered. "I told you it would end this way from the moment you hired him Headmaster, now that he has attacked me and several students as well a second time perhaps you will lesson to reason. Werewolves have no place in society; they should be put down for the good of all. Also since you will need a new defense instructor I would like to put my name forth yet again. When I took Lupin's classes for him the students excelled under me perhaps now you will see my merits and that I truly belong here teaching defense not monitoring dunderheads who will never understand the fine art of potions. I have no patience for it.

"No Severus I will not allow you to teach defense next year or the next. There is too much chance of you slipping further from the path. Besides, with the tournament next year the ministry and I have persuaded Alastor to come out of retirement and teach next year so that he can be on hand for security reasons." Dumbledore sighed. "Remus was going to be asked to take a leave of absence at the end of the year at any rate to allow Alastor to take the position next year. He was then going to be allowed to resume his position the following year. I might have even been able to talk Alastor into letting him share the burden the next year and staying on to cover his classes when his illness made it necessary for him to miss a few days. There is nothing wrong with werewolves as you well know Severus they are simply misunderstood and mistreated. Magical society as a whole drives them to the darkness; they turn to it because they have nowhere else to turn. If Lucius had not fought me so hard about the Wolfs bane bill we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Your need to redeem every dark being you run across will be your undoing."

"Do you include yourself in that statement Severus?"

Snape sniffed disdainful but did not respond. He turned and moved away his cloak billowing. I have got to figure out how he does that, Harry thought as he watched Dumbledore sigh and follow the potions professor. Harry waited a few minutes more then removed the cloak causing the painting he was standing near to gasp as he startled it. Harry winked and the young woman in the painting as he stuffed his cloak into one of his pockets, who blushed prettily. Harry had decided since he knew what was coming not to worry about it so much; he would bide his time until Riddle came back then the gloves would come off. And to hell with preserving the time line I am not going through fifth year again being an angst ridden git; or putting up with Umbridge. Shaking his head he filed those thoughts away for later; he would deal with the problems as they arose. Better to live in the now than worry about the future, dad said that just caused you to get ulcers. The long talk he had with his parents and Sirius had been a big help, he had cried, laughed, raged and cried again. In the end he had felt better than he had in years. He wasn't sure how long they had talked but it did wonders for him. Harry knocked on the door and moved inside after Remus had called "Enter"

"Ah Hello Harry, I was hoping to see you before I left. It seems Severus told his Slytherins about my little problem." Remus gave a long suffering sigh and looked down placing his hands in his pockets. "I am sure by morning the headmaster will be inundated with owls demanding my sacking."

Harry nodded, "Better to choose to leave with your head held high than be shown the door I suppose." A debate rage in Harry for a moment then he moved forward and hugged Remus. The surprised werewolf balked a moment before returning the hug. "If you wait 12 years before contacting me again I'll never forgive you Moony." Harry looked up to the old wolf's face. "I just got some of my real family back I don't want to lose it again."

Remus smiled, meeting Sirius must have had a bigger effect on him than I thought. "I won't stay away this time Harry I promise, I let Dumbledore talk me into it last time. He told me your guardians would not take me being part of your life well and that they had requested I stay away. So it will just be letters until you get away from them alright?"

Harry snorted, "The Dursleys hate EVERYTHING magical Remus, and the fact that you're a werewolf would have barely been of consequence."

Remus' expression became thunderous as he released Harry and began pacing. "The Dursleys! What was Dumbledore thinking he read the wills he knew how they felt about James and Lily, and there was no love lost between any of them." He turned suddenly like he was going to find Dumbledore and tell him what he thought of this.

Harry stepped in his path, "Don't Remus, pretend everything is fine, I have…" Harry trailed off and got a sneaking smirk on his face before he continued, "plans for the summer and you going off on Dumbledore will make him watch me more closely I need him convinced I am going back to my relatives so he does look to closely at what I am doing, not until it's too late for him to do anything."

Remus knew that look; James always got that look before something happened. One of his solo pranks where he would pull something that usually left the others, himself included in awe. Like the time he pranked the entirety of Slytherin house causing them to have pink robes, for a week. The reason it had lasted so long was because it took that long for the Professors and prefects to figure out that he had placed the spell on the entrance to their common room. Every time one of them went through the door it changed the color of their robes to pink. "You seem different Harry what changed in you since we last talked? Your more confident, and self aware than you were. It's almost like you are a whole new person."

"I feel like a whole new person Moony, last night I, well, I don't know what to call it. Calling it a dream doesn't seem to do it justice, but saying I was visited by my parents doesn't seem right either. But we talked for a long time and they told me some things like about the will which you just confirmed as true. Perhaps it was just wishful dreaming on my part, but I woke up this morning feeling better than I can ever remember feeling. Well except last night." Harry said that last part with a blush.

Remus arched an eye brow at that "What exactly happened last night, besides Sirius getting away I mean I doubt helping him escape is what you are talking about."

Harry mumbled something and looked more embarrassed, before summoning his courage. "Hermione held me in her arms as we flew Remus. I don't really understand why but even though she was scared and holding to me very tightly just her holding me felt better than anything I have ever felt before."

"You my boy have it bad."


Remus snorted, "You're in love Harry, or at least very infatuated with the young Ms Granger," He placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, "tell her how you feel Harry I believe you will find her receptive to you." Remus said with a knowing twinkle in his eye remembering Hermione's bogart. "Now as I am no longer your professor I feel no need to keep this from you any longer." He said as he moved toward his desk he retrieved a blank piece of parchment that folded many times and handed it to Harry. "Try to hang on to it in the future aye?"Remus said teasingly.

Harry smiled and took the map, "I will I need to go pack for the train tomorrow, take care Moony and keep in touch." Harry said as he started towards the door, he stopped after a few steps then turned back to Remus and hugged him again before leaving the room. He never saw the tears that glistened in Remus' eyes or heard the silent vow Remus made to watch over his friends' cub better in the future.

After making his way to the Gryffindor dorms and packing his trunk, Harry wrote a short note then tried to summon Dobby. "Hope this works, Dobby!"

The over hyper elf appeared bouncing on his toes "Master Harry Potter sir calls for Dobby?"

Harry blinked a moment the shook his head. "Yes I need you to take this to my relatives on Privet Drive, you remember them?" at Dobby's nod Harry continued. "Place this on the kitchen table, and then tell them you need to know their response. Then come back to me and tell me what they said."

"As you wish Master Harry Potter sir" The little elf took the letter and disappeared with a pop. Harry turned and finished the last of his packing then set his trunk at the foot of his bed. He heard a pop behind him and turned to find Dobby standing there looking torn about something.

"Back already Dobby? That was fast, so what did they say?"

"Does Master Harry Potter sir what to know exactly what they said?"

"No Dobby I can well imagine what was said but did they agree with what the letter asked?"

"Yes Master Harry Potter sir they said that was fine and asked if you would see to it that this became perminate."

"Good, now have a seat over there on Ron's bed and tell me why you are calling me master Harry Potter sir."

Dobby after much bawling and groveling about what a great wizard Harry was calmed down and sat on the bed and began his tell. "When Master Harry Potter sir freed Dobby, Dobby was needing a new Master, but didn't want any master so Dobby binds himself to Master Harry Potter sir knowing that Master Harry Potter sir would call for Dobby if he needed him till then Dobby finds work and puts his payings into Master Harry Potter sirs vault."

"I thought you wanted to be free Dobby?"

"House elves can't be free without bondings to a Master or House elves' magic fades and then they dies."

"Really," at Dobby's nod Harry mumbled to himself. "Hmm need to make sure you have a long talk with Hermione." Then where Dobby could hear him, "ok so let's talk about rules then. First you are never allowed to punish yourself. If you feel you have done something that warrants a punishment, come to me and we will talk about and decide an appropriate punishment, understand."

"Yes, Master Harry Potter sir."

"Second, just call me Harry please or you have to be formal about things sir, or I would prefer Mr. Potter. Never and I mean never call me master.

"Yes sir"

"Thirdly, and this is the most important you will be paid and expected to wear a uniform, I will not give you clothes just money for your own or fabric so you can make your own. You will also take one day off a week where you can do anything you like."

"Anything Dobby likes? What if Dobby likes cooking and cleaning?"

"Then that is what you can do but you are only allowed to cook what you want to, that day. You are not allowed to cook things people ask for. Understand?"

"Yes sir Dobby understands. Would sir like Dobby to make his trunk so it shrinks and is weightless on command?"

"No, not this one I am replacing it this summer. I'll call you tomorrow from Kings Cross I need you to rent me a room for a few weeks at the Caldron, also go to my relative's house and gather anything I missed when I left this summer."

Dobby nodded vigorously then asked, "Does sir need anything else?"

"No Dobby you may go, try and find a uniform you like while you wait for me to get out of school if you want to." With a formal bow the little elf popped away. Harry stood stretch causing his back to pop several times before he began to make his way to the common room. Wonder what Hermione is up to?

Harry quickly discovered what Hermione was doing she was entering the common room looking for him. "There you are you scared me to death Madam Pomphrey is very upset with you she wanted to make sure you were alright before you left this morning. Where did you go?"

"To talk to Remus before he left. Snape let it slip about Remus' furry little problem and he has resigned rather than be fired." Harry said mildly.

"Oh, I am sorry Harry I know how much you liked him and it would have been great next year if he came back you two could've talked about…" Hermione stopped mid sentence and stared at Harry, because he had silenced her by placing one finger on her lips.

"I know Hermione, but I'd rather not think about that right now. I have something else on my mind I need to talk to you about."

"What's it about?"

"Last night, when we were," Harry checked the people nearby to see if they were listening they seemed preoccupied so he continued softly, "When we were riding Buckbeak."

Hermione whispered back, "What about it, did I squeeze you too tight, I did didn't I. I am sorry Harry I just am so scared of heights I. What?" Hermione was puzzled because Harry had chuckled softly.

"No Hermione, you didn't squeeze me to tight, it's just the feeling left me wanting to go flying with you again if it meant you would hold me like that again." Harry now looked embarrassed. "Or maybe see if you would want to do that when we were on the ground."

Hermione blinked and her brain locked, the only thing she could think was He likes me! It took all her strength to not squeal like a little girl and jump up and down. Hermione Granger does not squeal. "What are you trying to say Harry?"

Great, she going to make me actually say it, oh well Gryffindors forward. Harry took a deep breath and said, "Would you like to see if we can make a go of it as more than friends?"

"Yes I would Harry" Hermione beamed a smile and wrapped her arms around Harry and pulled him into a tight embrace and kissed him on the cheek. They held each other for a few moments then made their way out of the common room holding hands.

Harry and Hermione spent the next day and a half spending time together and getting used to belong in a relationship. Ron's reaction was mild, though Harry would never repeat exactly what he said, but had scowled at Ron the couple of times, Hermione asked Harry about it before they boarded the Express. "Harry why do you scowl at Ron whenever he walks into the room?

Harry froze up a moment, and then sighed, "He asked me why I asked the bookworm out then made a disparaging comment about you being a practice girlfriend." Harry winced as Hermione's eyes widened at the tale. "I was in shock over that statement and stood there doing a fish impression and well…"

*Flashback last night*

Harry gaped at Ron as he tried to remind himself that this Ron was only 13 and had not been through the D.O.M. fiasco yet. He had just recovered enough to speak when the walking stomach opened his mouth again.

"It's a good idea to practice with someone you can trust and with all the reading she does she can help us get our technique right, so when is it my turn with her?"

Neville, who had been in the dorm, jerked his head up at that just in time to watch Harry slam his fist so hard into Ron's face that blood spurted all over both their shirts the crunch of Ron's nose was sickening as well. Harry stood over Ron glowering down at the boy with utter contempt. "Weasley, Hermione, is no one's practice girl that you would even consider something like that is beyond the pale, what gives you the right to treat anyone that way."

Neville, winced Ron was not known for thinking before he spoke especially when upset, having your nose smashed tends to make one upset, "She should feel lucky anyone would want to date a nag like her! She isn't even all that pretty! All she'll ever be is an uppity mudblood that needs to learn her place!" Even as he finished speaking Ron couldn't believe what he just said, "Harry I…

"No Ronald I think you have said enough." The cold emotionless tone coming from Harry cause real fear to grip both Neville and Ron, while the former tried to remain as still as possible in the hopes that he wouldn't draw the ire of their dorm mate, the former was praying to whatever deity was listening that he lived through this. The oppressive quality the air in the dorm had taken seemed to be super charge with Harry's magic. Neither boy new they friend was capable of this level of anger, Ron silently swore he would do his best to ensure he never again gave Harry cause to be this angry at him again."I think it best if you avoid Hermione and myself for a while Ronald, I include Hermione because she will eventually ask me about this, and you know how I feel about lying."

Ron gulped and nodded then watched silently as Harry stalked out of the room, he left out the breath he had been holding and hung his head in shame.

Neville moved over to Ron, though he didn't really want to he felt someone should check on him. As he helped Ron to his feet he asked, "You need to see Pomphrey?" At Ron's negative head shake he continued, "What were you thinking Ron? You know how Harry feels about that kind of stuff, you came off sounding like Malfoy. I think it going to be a long time before Harry forgives you over this one, perhaps you have forgotten but Harry's mom was a muggleborn to. You probably just ruined the best friendship you will ever have." With that Neville left the dorm leaving Ron standing blood dripping from his nose, in near tears at his own stupidity.

"What have I done?" The worst part for Ron was he couldn't think of a way out of this, worse still he couldn't think of a single person who wouldn't hex him after asking them for advice on the matter, well his parents wouldn't but the yelling he would receive after explaining what he had said made him cringe. Ron sighed and grabbed a towel and a changed of clothed before heading into the bathroom to shower. He needed time to think.

*End Flashback*

Hermione sat staring at Harry with several emotions playing over her face, shock was present and hurt obviously was showing on her face as well as confusion. Finally, she asked the question that was bothering her most. "Why would he say something like that?"

Harry sighed, delving into the psyche of Ron was not something he wanted to do with his new girlfriend in a compartment they had to themselves for the moment. "To hurt me mostly, I shock him with how hard I hit him I think and his mouth engaged before his brain. You especially should know how Ron is when he is mad." At her nod he continued, "I think he regretted it from the moment he said it I could see it all over his face, not even he could believe the garbage he spewed after I hit him. What he most likely won't realize is that I am just as mad over his earlier comment as the latter. At least until he feels I have had enough time to calm down, and talks to about it. Not to mention he knows I would tell you what happened when asked."

Hermione sat back and considered a moment then leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. "I don't think I'll be forgiving him for either comment very soon." There was a hard steel to her voice that Harry recognized from the few times he could remember Hermione being truly pissed. "I think we should give him the summer to think about it and see what happens in the new year. Let's just enjoy the train ride home and worry about Ron only if he shows up. He didn't and the two of them enjoyed a quiet train ride home interrupted only by the walking ferret coming back to make his usual boast.

Hermione invited Harry to come over to her house sometime during the summer, and gave him her number to so that he could call her if he wanted or was allowed to. Harry asked Hermione to watch Hedwig this summer so she would be able to fly around some, and wouldn't be locked in her cage all summer. Harry kissed Hermione on the lips for the first time just before they left their compartment; it was a tender moment that the two of them would treasure for many years to come.

Meeting the Grangers was not as scary as Harry thought it would be and they seemed to like him quite a bit, Hermione's letters home apparently featured Harry a bit. Her parents agreed that Harry should come over for dinner some night if allowed and offered to come get him if he needed a ride. He hugged Hermione by with a promise to talk to her soon and watched as they walked to their car.

Harry watched as Hermione's parents loaded her trunk into the boot of her car and set Hedwig on the back seat. Just before she entered the car Hermione turned toward Harry and smiled then waved. Harry smiled back and waved in return. As he moved into the restroom to change he was already looking forward to seeing her again. He decided instead of waiting for his birthday he would settle everything with Gringgotts then head over to her house. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would gain access to one of his manors and could invite the Grangers over for the summer and give them a taste of the magical world.

Harry stepped into the men's room and waited until it was empty then he called Dobby and asked him to take his trunk and wait for him at the Leaky Caldron. He then tapped into his Metamorphamagus talent and changed his appearance his hair lightened to light brown and lengthened to his shoulders, his eyes turned blue, his scar faded from view and he grew to just under six feet tall. As he was growing he poured a limited amount of magic into his clothes to make them shape to fit properly. He stepped out of the stall and checked his appearance in the mirror at the last moment he decided to add a neatly trimmed goatee to age himself a bit more. Satisfied he moved outside to the taxi stand commandeered one and told the driver to take him to Charring Cross Road. Well the adventure really begins now, he thought as the cabby weaved thru traffic.