Wunn day, when Chikaru was raping teh focking shit out of her loli harem, she came to a conclusion.

"I WILL DOMINATE TEH WORLD!1!1" She said naked after sexing with Remon.

Kagome who sat naked in her lap hugged her teddy-bear because she didn't liek it when Chikaru went evilly and stuff so she just hugged Oshibaru because she thought it was real because she was azn, lol.

"I MUST MAEK AN EVIL PLAN!" Chikaru said not naked anymore because she finally put on a rob.

So she planned all evilly all day and night and she even stopped raping everywun of her harem bcoz she was evil and wanted to dominate the world and stuff, lol.

So after weeks of planning she made an evil plan that was all evil and eviller than Hitler, Satan and other evul ppl all combined except it has also some good things in her evil plan liek what Jesus, Ghandi, and that guy who freed the slaves and became the 16th president or sumfing (A/N: I forgot his name!1!) all mixed together. So her plan was good and evul at teh same time bcoz Chikaru is like a god, except she's asian and stuff.

"I WILL NAO COMMENCE MY EVIL PLAN!" She said all dramatically and stuff coz she was now in her evil mode. "RITE NAO!1"

A/N: Oooh what will her evil plan be? Plz review k thanks!1111!11!