Hello all...Sorry that I'm taking so long but RL came back to bite me in the butt then decided it'd be better to let me sink into acid or something. A very good friend of mine was killed in June. I'm trying to get ready for college. My highschool band is going down the tubes cause the new director we have is a jerk. The only good thing happening right about now is church and Kingdom Hearts. Sorry to be so down about this but I needed to vent. Hopefully the chapter will make up for it.


Okay so this chapter was typed while I was at college for orientation. It's not going to be that accurate but I was listening to the Last of the Mohicans theme and unable to access the internet. This came out of nowhere and I just had to type it before I forgot. Hopefully you all like it.


Alot of the stories on my favorites list are either not updating or complete. I need reading material! Leave a review with your rec. please! Preferably in Glee, Harry Potter, Naruto,Gundam Wing AC, Supernatural, Alex Rider, Kingdom Hearts, whatevers on my favorites list. Also I don't do crack!fics. I'm not that great with humor.

Let me know what you think!

The Dream


He leapt nimbly as a deer through the evergreen forests on his way to see his brother. Strange objects had appeared on the horizon and they carried even stranger creatures! They weren't Earth children; at least he thought they weren't. If anything they were Moon children, their skin was so pale. Besides they were accompanied by Dark children so it made sense, to him at least.

He had almost reached the spot where he usually met his brother when a sharp pain caused him to fall to the ground. He tried to turn around, see who his attacker was, and fight back but all he could see was blackness. What was going on?!

**************************Scene Change****************************************

Rain soaked through his clothing as he shakily pointed his bayonet at the man responsible for his blindness, for the destruction of his people and... for raising him. He was so confused. Arthur had hurt him so badly and yet... he had taken him in and raised him. Arthur had destroyed his people and yet had given him so many new and wonderful ideas. He...he couldn't kill the man, the country who didn't even know the damage he'd caused. He couldn't.

***************************Scene Change***************************************

"Alfred, Oh Alfred, come out and play big brother!"

Alfred tried to keep his harsh coughing to a minimum as he shivered miserably in the attic of his home. 1864 was turning out to be worse than 1863 had ever been. He was taking over the whole house and trying to kill him! Nowhere seemed safe anymore least of all his own home. He'd never felt as useless as he did now and that dang secessionist knew it.

"Oh there you are big brother; I'd wondered where you'd gotten to. Of course I knew it was only a matter of time before I found you."

Alfred tensed as he felt a mouth placed near his ear.

"So useless aren't you big brother? After all what can a blind, helpless, weak country do to help in war?"

Alfred couldn't take it anymore...the taunts, the verbal and emotional abuse. He'd been here a HELL of a lot longer and fought in a lot more wars than Murdoch had years alive. Just because he could see... He finally did the one thing he'd been longing to do to the little upstart first appeared. He punched the idiot right on the nose. Murdoch was so surprised that he fell backwards onto his butt, shock showing clearly on his face.

"Get out of my house, you little upstart!" Alfred was seeing red, so many of his boys, his children dead because this idiot wanted to be a country.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alfred woke with start, drenched with sweat. He hated it when he dreamed. He felt movement next to him and a hand reached up to cup his cheek.

"Al? You okay?"

He smiled slightly as Mattie yawned tiredly.

"Yeah it was just a dream." Alfred replied as he pulled his brother closer smiling a bit wider when he realized that Mattie had already fallen back asleep.

"Just a dream."

Tis' terribly short and I'm sorry for this but I'm worried that my next chapter is too cliche. If someone would like to preread it and help me figure out DocX, I would be grateful. Since I have nothing that requires my doing I'm going to work on the next chapter tonight. Should nobody offer to help me with the next chapter I WILL post it and just ask for your feedback. If I get enough I will take the chapter down and rewrite it with your reviews in mind. But that's ONLY IF nobody offers to preread. The preread will go to the first person who offers if I get more than one.