Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama and I never will

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important update! I know and I'm extremely sorry about that. Since I was going through my last year of high school and are now going to college, I've just been swamped with stuff, but now I finally gotten to upload a new chapter and I will hope you guys will forgive me. Also, I was having this chapter be beta read so as to avoid any future spelling errors or grammar errors.

In this chapter, you will meet one of the Seven Deadly Sins (character profile will be on deviantart website) as well as three more friends of Gwen's friends/demon-killing partners and a surprise cameo of one of the Total Drama contestants. I thank all my fellow fans and watchers for your patience and hope you are pleased with this chapter.

Warning: Death, crude language, violence and a character's huge ego's


Chapter 4:

Curiouser And Curiouser


Time heals all wounds, that's what everyone keeps telling her for the past three years. Yet the pain from losing her daughter was as fresh as they day she went missing. Helena Blackwood tried so hard to deal with the pain of not knowing where Gwen was, of what could have happen to her. So many awful and vile thoughts went through her mind as she conjured up what could have happen to her, but there was no proof, no evidence; the officers told her it was as if her daughter had just got up and walked away.

'What did I do to deserve this,' though Helen. She tried to be a good mother even after her husband's death, but it was difficult. She has become a single parent, working two jobs, raising two teenagers, but she tried as best as she could to support the three of them while still being there for her children. Her children were all she had left of her husband, Travis, the love of her life, god rest his soul.

Gwen had been her first born as well as her only daughter; despite her gothic appearance, Gwen was a very wonderful girl, caring and helpful, always eager to help Helena around the house. Much of her husband's personality transferred to Gwen: artistic, dark, mysterious, yet kind, generous and helpful. Though she didn't have that many friends, she wasn't a gloomy girl and she never suicidal, at least Helen never thought she was. And when Kevin, her son, was born, Gwen became a big sister, teaching and protecting him as best she could.

Then she went and gone on that damnable TV show! Now Helen wasn't one to judge but she begged her daughter not to go; whether it was fear of her getting hurt, being disappointed about not winning, or she plainly didn't want her daughter to leave, she fought with her for two weeks before the cab came to pick her up. Gwen continuously reassured her that she would be fine and that the prize money would go for her college education, Helen was proud to have raised such a responsible daughter.

Now due to her job, she could never really watch the show and her friends weren't into reality shows either, but she'll hear all about it once her daughter came home. Then the letter came about another season. Helen was devastated but she allowed it when she heard this might be another chance for Gwen to win; after all, she was the runner up for the Island. Then a third season reared its ugly head and the curly haired woman was determined to say no to this, but apparently the fine print prevented it. God, how she hated the fine print!

When she learned that the contestant would be return, Gwen's mother was ecstatic! She started planning a small 'Welcome Back' party with her, Kevin and Gwen's goth friends, but she had to wait for Gwen to call to tell when she was coming home. So she waited. And waited. And waited some more. She waited for about a week when she finally decided to call Chris McLean. And all hell broke loose.


Apparently, during the night of the Total Drama Farewell party, Gwen has disappeared from the hotel they were all stay at. Through the security camera, the goth girl had left her suite, all dressed up, and walked out of the hotel, never telling anyone where she was going or what she was doing. The Canadian police tried to look for her, due to her reality television stardom, yet they failed to locate even the slightest trace of her outside the hotel.

The world of Helen's started crumpling down; her daughter, her sweet and beautiful daughter, had gone missing and no one knew where she was. What's worse is that no one had even bothered to contact her! For days, Helen waited by the phone, hoping that her daughter would call her and tell her she left the hotel for another or she was staying at friends house or, heck, she could have just say that she walked to another city and needed someone to come get her. Anything! Anything at all, she just wanted to hear her daughter's voice again.

But nothing came.

Days turned to weeks then months and finally three years passed with absolutely no leads to her daughter's whereabouts and the case was stored away in the cold case files. Although many of Gwen's fans send her letters and cards to try to cheer her up and hopefully keep the case alive, it sadly didn't work. Birthdays, holidays, and New Years all went by, but the two remaining Blackwoods celebrated with less enthusiasm then before.

And now here she was, the mother of tw...one, sitting on her couch as she flipped through the pages of her family's photo album. Helen started at the photo ever since her son left for school early that day, not caring that hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch and hadn't even prepared dinner. The photos of her daughter haunted her the most, Gwen had been so happy in these pictures, so alive, yet they were only images. What did she go wrong?

"Mom," turning her to her right, Helena spotted her now sixteen year old son, Kevin staring back at her.

Helen immediately smiled, hiding the photo album underneath one of the couch's pillows, "Oh, hi honey! I didn't hear you coming in. How was school today?"

Kevin was no fool; he knew what his mother had been doing. Walked up to his mother, the teen boy reached underneath the pillow and yanked out the album, flipping it open to the page where his mother left on. Staring back at him was a photo of his beloved sister, her eyes filled with happiness, laughing at the camera and posing in front of her room. Looking down on her mother, he sighed as her smiled seemed to flatten down.

"...mom, don't do this to yourself," pleaded Kevin.

"Her birthday's next month," said Helen, blankly staring out of her window, "She would have turn nineteen. She should been in college now. She wanted to be an artist and have a gallery..."

"MOM! STOP!" cried Kevin, shaking her, "Please don't do this to yourself. I know it's hard to move on, but you have to!"

"How can you say that!" cried Helen, "How can you move on knowing that Gwen could be out there, alone, cold and scared. Maybe she has amnesia and she's wandering the streets without memories. Or she was sold to a human trafficking and she trying to break free!"

"Mom, it's been three years! There was never any reports about a kidnapping and as far as we know, Gwen could have just runaway."

"NO! Gwen isn't like that! She'd never runaway when she knows she has a loving family waiting for her to come back."

Kevin could see the tears rolling down his mother's face, her eyes become bloodshot and red; "Mom...what if what the police said was true. That the reason Gwen never came home was because she's..."

"NO! That's not true!" yelled Helen, "She's out there I know it! Why can't you just believe me?"

"Mom...Gwen's dead," replied Kevin, "Accept it and move on. Please."

"No...never...I'll never accept it."

Shaking his head in despair, Kevin releases his mother and headed towards his room, trying to get his emotion in check. Helen never left her spot, still staring at the window with her family's album at her feet. Never. She will never give up looking for her daughter. Somewhere out there, on this planet, her daughter is walking the streets and Helen will find her and drag her back home. Gwen can't be dead, she would never accept it.

"I know my daughter is out there," stated Helen, "I won't stop looking for her."


Anyone walking through here would have either lost their stomach or promptly fainted at the grisly sight. Blood practically covered the walls, oozing down to the already stained floorboards; flesh and torn muscle were tossed over the counter, hung from the light fixtures and stuck to the bottom of shoes. Despite most of the occupants of the bar being killed, their lifeless bodies shredded beyond recognition, you could still hear the squish! and gurlp! sounds of boots stepping on the remains. It was like a scene from an R rated horror film, only this wasn't fiction and the blood wasn't colored corn syrup.

Severin was having the time of his psychotic life. Finally, Gwen had allowed him to go on a high-leveled mission with the intent of slaughtering all enemies in the vicinity, meaning every single motherfucker had to have their throat slit and their guts torn out of them. The emo currently was using the head of the gangleader as a soccer ball and kicking it back and forth against the sides of his bloody boots. Giggles came out of his mouth, which would have sounded cute had not been for the reason of his pleasure.

Not that far away, leaning against the not-so gory bar countertop, Kanani sneered in disgust with Severin and his psychotic nature. She'll never understand what gives men like him pleasure in killing; what possible joy do they get with offing others? Sure these gangbangers deserved it with all the trouble they were causing in the hood, but the way they died was too inhuman. This is why she left the slaughtering to Gwen, at least when she kills human, real humans and not human-disguised demons, she kills them quickly. Unlike Sev, who would make them die slow and painfully.

"Having fun there, eh sicko," hissed Kanani; she never really liked Severin, "What's next? Laughing at funerals? Kicking puppies? Drowning babies? Huh?"

Sev stopped the head rolling with the heel of his boot before kicking the cranium, full force, into the wall. The head and skull immediately cracked open and all the contains splattered all over the wall in a circle splatter pattern. He laughed, "Well excuse me for helping New York get rid of some of its most shittest residents. If I remember correctly, didn't one of these asshole try to rape your sis?"

Kanani tighten her lip in a thin line, she didn't forget, just didn't want to relive it. She recalled how scared Little Jaylee was coming from her way to school, being 13 years old at the time she shouldn't have to face the evils of world, at least not yet, "...he's dead now."

"Oh come on now! Don't tell that you didn't love it," questioned Severin, standing only three inches away from the girl; he may have been a shorty and Kanani a giant, but that didn't stop him from getting in this girl's face. "You wanted to murder that son of a bitch for hurting your sis. He was the first guy you killed, right?"

Scoffing, Kanani pushed Severin away from her and started walking through the pile of human entrails, ignoring the squishing sounds it was making under her tennis shoes. The window was tinted, so people on the outside couldn't peek in, but the gangs on the inside could see who was trespassing on their grounds. With them dead, the window gave the teens inside that advantage; she saw no one outside, just her beat-up old minivan she got cheap at a used car lot parked on the grass.

"See something?" asked Severin.

"Nah," replied Kanani.

"No surprise," stated Severin, wiping the blood on his hands over the fabric of his jeans, "People probably know this is gangster territory and wouldn't dare come near here. Even if they heard screaming, most are too chicken to call 911."

"Come on, people aren't that heartless! I'm sure...


"Wha' the...?" trailed Kanani, staring at the ceiling, it too stained with blood.

Sev just laugh, "Looks like Gwen's havin' fun."

Kanani sneered at the emo, disgusted with his humor, "Gwen isn't like you, asshole. She takes no pleasure from killing."

"Ha! Sure she does! Ending these sinners' lives is what she lives for! It's the reason she was brought back from the death for: eliminating the filth from this planet."

"Then why hasn't she come for you, huh?" remarked Kanani, pushing Severin out of her way, stomping towards the exit, "I'll wait outside. Tell me when Gwen done so I can leave. Unlike you, I have a soul and don't want to play with dead men's blood."

Slamming the door behind her, the African American Beauty left the smirking emo in a slaughter house of a room, giggling under his breath. He never understood women like Kanani: hard-headed, independent women who want to do want was right yet still try to take pity on people and be loving and caring. Blah! Couldn't she understand that what they were doing was for the greater humanity?

Sev saw no problem in enjoying in their duties, being proud of cleaning up his city from all the assholes that wretch this place. He didn't know why Kanani was so uptight about it. These were out-of-control gangster that did anything and everything to people and didn't give two shits about who they hurt. They deserved to be put down like animals. No pity or grievance, just metal digging into their hearts, that's all Sev knew was right.

Gwen understood it had to be done, so why didn't Kanani, sure he knew that it was wrong to take another person's life, but which was better: the life of gangster, who would more likely rape and or kill innocent people, or the lives of all those innocent people that the gangster could have killed? It's a no brainer if you really care about the innocent. Most people would never have the guts, or the stomach, to do what he did, they were weak.

He loved the centuries back when people who killed thugs and rapist were heroes, now, in today's society, people who kill other people, despite that all of their victims were criminals, were looked down upon or ridiculed. This is why he loved Gwen, she could see right into people's souls, see who was truly good and who possessed a black heart. Severin was tired of hearing rapists and pedophiles getting off without a trial or a murderer let go for 'good behavior.' Crime went down drastically thanks to the 'Angel of Death', a nicknamed given by the media for Gwen's killings along with 'Slaughterhouse Queen.'

Even with the police trying to hunt down 'Angel', they were having a hard time ignoring the threats given by the public who started condoning the killing when they learn the crimes of her victims. No longer were people going to say that 'any killing is wrong,' nope, now with streets being safer and the nights being more pleasing to walk through, people were going to start saying that killings or criminals were needed. Religious fanatics will take back their words if they heard that Gwen killed under the orders of gods and families were already praising her for protecting children and slaying pedophiles. Heck, he overheard girls at his school worshiping her for taking down eight rapists in one night, something the cops could never do.

Gwen truly was an Angel of Death, a goddess and warrior in her own state; no one could ignore that if they met her. Blunt and to the point, no middle man to 'soften things', there was no point, everyone had to face reality. And Gwen was reality and punishment for the damned; no more wanting for accident, diseases or old age to kill these fuckers, nope, just the cold, sharp blade of a bitter goth with enough anger to slaughter crops of sinners.

Yeah, Sev loved the day he met Gwendolyn Morana Blackwood.


Had it not been for the face that she sensed the blood of over twenty innocence's on his soul, Gwen would have bestowed mercy upon the sniveling coward. But he hurt too many people, his selfish need for money and escaping death cause the killing of good mortals. There was no mercy for him. He had to die as brutally as the people he sold out. Gwen was sure to be as slow as possible when she sliced him in half.

Now he laid in two, cut vertically beginning from crotch to head, possible the worse way to be cut. Sliding the sword back in its sheath, Gwen wiped her face and hair, trying to erase the trace of blood as much as she could. Even after three years, she never got use to the splatter of blood on her face, probably because the blood came from sinners like this piece of shit that was in front of her.

"Ya done here, sweetheart?"

Gwen glanced back to spot Sev leaning on the doorway, his hands and legs soaked with blood, specks of brain matter entwine with his black locks, a sadistic smile on his face. He was like a gladiator, basking in his kills, the blood staining his body yet looking so strong and brave. To most, he would seem like a deranged serial killer, yet to the goth, he reminded her of a dark angel, solider of the Heaven who killed all those that defy the order. Sev might be blood crazy, but he knew how to kill.

"Yeah," stated Gwen, "Where's Kanani?"

Severin pointed his thumb behind him, "Outside. Couldn't handle the sight."

Most people wouldn't had they been in that bloodshed scene, Gwen understood Kanani's reason and held no ill will against her. She was, after all, only human. Allowing the undead girl to pass through, she and Sev made their way out of the crackhouse and into the ghetto. Kanani was a few feet away, waiting inside her car, arms crossed over the steering wheel with her head rested on top of them. Unlike Gwen and Sev, she was almost devoted of blood stains save for her shots and some spots on her shirt and jeans.

Knocking on the window, Kanani pressed the unlock button and let the two in. The three of them, well mostly Sev and Gwen, reeked of blood and death, so much so that Kanani had to open the window to air them out. Turning the keying in the ignition, the dark skinned girl started up her 'baby' and drove away from the lot. Nobody would come to the aid of a crackhouse unless it was the police and it was a bust, other than that, no one would come out to check it out. They were safe, for now.

"We're goin' by my house!" stated Kanani, "There ya'll gonna take a shower, change of clothes and then I'll drive you home."

"Okay, mother," snicker Sev, earning a smack in the back of the head by said girl.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." hissed Kanani, "I may hate your guts, but I won't risk my neck for you because you think it's funny to walk around covered in blood."

"What about your siblings?" asked Gwen.

"Now you don't have to worry about that sweetie," smiled Kanani; she might have hated killing and despise Severin, but she could never hate a nice girl like Gwen, "They're all still at school. That's the beauty with having eight brothers and sister all in kindergarten and middle school: home alone until 3:30pm."

The drive to Kanani's home was fairly quick; Gwen was only glad that her dark skinned friend moved out of the ghetto into a safer and low crime neighborhood in New York. The streets were no place for children and killings were frightened frequent. All the money that Gwen had gotten from her job went to pay for Kanani's new home, getting her back in school and helping her support her siblings. Gwen didn't need the money anyway, nor did her suppliers; after all: the dead have no use for finances.

No place in this world was safe, especially one littered with demons and sinners, but the Ridgewood neighborhood was fairly safe place. This is where Kanani's home located in, a lovely townhouse with a dark brown paintjob, five bedrooms and a backyard for the kids to play in. Not exactly high class but it was enough that nine siblings, minus their parents, could live in with some benefits.

"Alright..." began Kanani, poking her head out her window as she parked, "Most of the neighbors are at work and there are few cars in the streets. Wait for me to open my door then you just come running in."

"Jeezes, you act like we're escaping from a prison cell," said Sev.

"Well, ex-cuse me for not wanting my neighbors to ask why two people covered in blood are entering my home!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." motioned Sev, leaning back in his seat and waving his hand, "Just go unlock the door, Nani."

Growling under her breath, Kanani stomped out the car, slamming her door on her way out. Gwen rolled her eyes, this was all too déjà vu for her. Kanani and Severin acted almost like Courtney and Duncan which sickened her greatly to think about those two assholes. The only difference was that Kanani didn't need lawyers to fight her battles and Severin wasn't afraid to hit a girl with all his might. And, of course, they're arguments weren't to hide their 'love for each other.' They completely loathed each other and it was noted never to put these two in a room alone with any type of weapons. One would surly die.

After unlocking her door, Kanani motioned them to come in. Both the goth and emo quickly got out, close the door behind them and ran into Kanani's home. Thank god the blood had already dried, otherwise they would have left bloody footprints. Locking her car, the African girl closed the door behind her, putting the chain on and walked into the living room where Gwen and Sev were standing. The two reeked of death and decaying flesh, a smell they all, unfortunately, had gotten use to, but Kanani wasn't letting her siblings smell it.

"Now then," Kanani pointed towards the stairs, "Shower. Now. Both of you."

Sev looked at Gwen and made a swiping motion with his hands, "Ladies first."

Gwen lifted her arms in mock defeat, "Fine. Whatever."

Already familiar with the layout of the home, Gwen headed directly towards the main bathroom, the one in Kanani's room. Like Gwen's own bathroom, it was pretty spacious, not much decorated it except from some personal toiletries and some towels. The African girl was never much for decorating; she rather kept things plain and simple.

Stepping into the shower, clothing and all, Gwen turned on the showerhead, allowing a burst of cold water cover her. Better to remove any bloodstains before they set and cold water was the only way to remove them, thank god for her numbed skin. Once the train of bloody water cleaned up on the tub's floor, Gwen peeled away her outfit and tossed them into a corner. She grabbed a bar of soap and started scrubbing at her skin, stitched and all, removing any trace of her victim from her body.

'The life of a killer,' thought Gwen, watching her skin go from red to almost white, 'Ironic that I'm being cared for by angels while I mercilessly kill people, even though they do deserve to die and most of them are demons. Isn't one of the rules of the bible is 'Thou Shall Not Kill Thy Fellow Man' or something like that?'

After washing both her hair and body from blood, Gwen wrapped a towel around her body and proceeded to dry herself off. Grabbing a comb from the sink, she started brush back her wet, dyed blonde hair from her face. Knocking on the door, Kanani came in with an oversized T-shirt and some shorts and handed them to the goth.

"I don't have any underwear for you to wear," said Kanani.

"I wasn't expecting you to have," replied Gwen, slipping on the outfit.

Kanani stared at Gwen's hair, "Need some scissors?"

Nodding, the two girls walked into the hallway and headed straight for the living room. Sev was already in the other shower Kanani didn't have to worry about him getting on her nerves. Snatching up some fabric shears she had, the dark skinned girl began snipping away the blonde hair, leaving the goth with her natural brownish black hair just below her ears.

Brushing off any hairs that got on her clothes, Gwen sat down on the couch and started channel surfing through Kanani's cable. Her own TV back home sucked since it only got the most basic channels; even though Circe offered to hook her up, she had to decline. The computer and cell phone she had gotten from her was enough, she didn't want anyone getting nosy about why a politician's kid was installing cable in a supposedly abandon bell tower.

The channel surfing stopped at the History Channel with reruns of shows telling how Armageddon will happen from the view points of different religions. Gwen didn't really pay attention to that stuff, why should she when she's dead and that the end of the world wasn't really going to happen unless she failed to stop Desdemona. Plus she learned all this stuff from lessons with Chichi. But unlike Gwen, Kanani was curious.

"Hey Gwen, I was wondering," started Kanani.

"If it's whether I will kick Sev out of the group or if I'll kill him, then no" replied Gwen in monotone, "Unless he starts going on a murderous rampage and killing innocences."

"NO! Well, I would like that...but it's not what I wanted to ask, which religion exist?" asked Kanani.


"I mean I've seen Chichi and the Virtues and they're all white skinned angels that people see in Christian religion, even though most are depicted as male..."

"Well actually, angels are genderless," stated Gwen, "Chichi is neither male nor female since in their heaven there is no gender so this is no gender-bias in there world. People tend to think that all angels are male because they appear to look male when in reality they have no gender. The only way for an angel to become a certain gender is for them to choose one for themselves when they come down to Earth. If you ever read of the nephilim, you'll understand. Beside, not all angels are white; I've had the pleasure of meeting this sweet African angel once."

"So there's African angels too?" asked Kanani, "What about Hindu or the Japanese gods?"

"All religions exist," stated Gwen, her mind going back to all the lessons she learned from Chichi, "From the laws and histories of Heaven, to the existence of Nirvana and Tian, the Chinese Heaven, every religion that existed during the Beginning all do exist. Different sections of Heavenly worlds float above our heads that include the Christian and Catholic heaven along with the Japanese heaven and their gods and goddess, Hinduism's multiple planes above earth, the Olympians and even Jainism's Deva Loka exist somewhere out there. The spiritual worlds are limitless so different heavens exist for different religions and their followers. I just follow the orders of the Christian and Catholic since they were the ones that ordered my resurrection."

"But what about the belief in how the earth was created?" questioned the African beauty, "Each religion has their own way of telling how Earth and the humans came to be? What about evolution or the Big Bang Theory, huh?"

"Ever hear of the multiverse theory? Well, that's basically want causes all the existence of multiple heavens. Like the theory states, there are hypothetical set of multiple possible universes, short version: there unlimited worlds that explore every possible outcomes in life and how life was created. Worlds where only one religion is practice and if religion never existed and worlds were certain people aren't born. Heck, there's even worlds were I don't exist or I'm never resurrected."

Kanani was in awe, "That's amazing. And here society is fighting about which religion is should be practice when in reality all religions exist; therefore no one has to abandon their belief for something else."

"Right. Whatever religion they practice is which heaven they will be going to, depending whether or not they've earned the right to enter. Unless your atheists, in which case you go to a different plane for that."

Gwen continued flickering through the channels of the television set before finally giving up and tossing the remote onto the other side of the couch. Kanani finished the laundry and handed Gwen her, now clean and dried, clothing just as Sev came down in his boxer shorts, his hair still wet from the shower.

"God damn it!" he cursed, smelling his arm, "Can't you buy soap that DOESN'T make me smell like a flower?"

"Hey, genius," scowled Kanani, "I didn't know you were coming here, sorry I didn't have the entire room to your specific. Maybe next time I'll just toss you butt naked into the streets!"

Gwen sighed as she tried to block out the fight that was happening next to her, sinking deeper and deeper into the couch.

Note to self: NEVER put Sev and Kanani on a mission together.


Pride itself is a disease, much like HIV: contagious and fatal. The same can say about vanity, an obsession with one's own outer appearance. 'A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you' - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity. Our world is run by sins, no man can deny that, and if they do, they're either lying or blinded by their own demons. The evil our founding father once tried to prevent now runs our systems; legal, illegal, morally, we nothing but puppets to our desires.

Morbid as it sounds and many do not wish to listen, people want to be blissfully ignorant of what's happening around them. Ignore the evil, the poverty, the hungry, the sick and injured; if they don't affect our lives, they mean nothing to us, though you'll never hear them saying it. Humans are cruel that way, sad to say but very true. Most don't admit it and most don't want to admit it, pride won't let them accept defeat and failure, they want to feed on ignorance and false sense of accomplishment and security. And when time is up, your pride swallows you whole and discards you like trash, the same way you treated everyone else.

Vanity, however, guarantees a worse and far more humiliating life and death for its victim. Obsessions with you outer appearance, how you look to yourself and, more importantly, to others. Are you ugly? Pretty? Fat? Skinny? Do you have muscles? Curves? Vanity, the devil's favorite sin, constantly fed and spoiled by our insecurities, giving it more power and strength upon our lives and you can never escape. When was the last time you, yourself, have been belittled for being unattractive? Why do we go out on a length to appease others when they call us ugly? Vanity wants us to. A siren call: be beautiful or suffer public humiliation.

This is why Lauren, the Vice of Pride and Vanity, adored her power so much.

Being breathtakingly stunning with a manipulative wit has always been Lauren's main choice of weapon in getting what she wanted. Much more effective than any silly old gun or knife. The personality of a typical rich bitch, spoiled to the core, not giving a damn who she had to step on to get what she wanted; men, women, children, elderly, animals, even her own sisters, she'll trick whoever whenever she wanted if it was in her best interest or she was just plain bored.

Humans were her favorite play things because they could be so easily tricked, look at all the serial killers and baby rapist they had roaming the streets. To Lauren, mortals were nothing but stupid guinea pigs waiting for her to mess with. She enjoyed watching their lives disintegrate before her eyes. Better then beating her sister, Envy, or sucking the beauty and pride out of the Hell-damned sinners, turning them into repulsive, wrinkly-skinned elderly beings. So much fun to watch them cry!

Yes, she was sick and evil, call her what you want, she didn't give a damn because you'll take it back when she charms you, tricks you, then crushes your ego beyond repair and laugh at your misfortunes until the day you die. Besides, she is the Vice of Pride and Vanity, petty words hardly could tear at her vile and cynical disposition, she thrives on anger, fear, and despair. Reference to her wickedness will be taken as complements; hardly anything will offend her because your weak against her and you know it. She's the Devil's favorite and she get what she wants.

Like now, walking down the runway in Milan; the critics, the photographers, the magazine editors and the rich clients, all eyes were on her, not the outfit, not the designer, on her, solely her. Attention is what Lauren seeks and craves, it what feeds her enormous egos, and attention is always what she gets, whether it was in Hell or on Earth, she always captures an audience.

Strutting back into the dressing room, the other model glared viciously at the vice, hoping their stares would destroy her, but Lauren just laughed it off. As if glares would ever break her, the amount of vanity that went through this room was strengthening her with each passing second. Stupid, foolish mortal women, their own jealousy and vanity would be their own downfall. Snapping her fingers, two dressers, whom were actually demons disguised as humans, came to Lauren's aid and removed her dress and jewelry and slipped on her much more beautiful and expensive dress.

Waving them off, the vice, patted down her dress, making sure it was perfect for her, she started heading towards the exit. No sense in staying in a room with girls whom were lower then you but also giving you jealous glares as well. As she took her first few steps, another model had the audacity to trip her, the vice of Vanity and Pride. Luckily for Lauren, as said vice, she knew how to fall with grace, but it still pissed her. This mortal had some balls to pull this shit on her.

"Oops!" sneered an overly tanned redhead, "Did I do that? So sorry."

Lauren stared turned pure ice, the room became that of a freezer. "Oh, it's quite alright," said Lauren, her voice was seductive yet frightening, the girl was going to regret it, "Not everyone can walk in heels. Not to mention, well...you know."

"E...excuse me?"

Lauren stood down at the girl, she was going to have fun and with an audience of forty models, dressers and makeup artist, "My dear, have you looked in a mirror lately? You skin is, above all, the most awful shade of skin tone I've ever had the horror of looking at. Far too much skin damage, slick with oil and dirt, and such a disgusting odor. Not to mention the dreadful dye job and extensions you got, or all the split end it comes with it. Did God make a mistake when he created you? And honestly, tell me the true, how many donuts did you sneak from the snack tray?

"It honestly surprises me that you can still fit into that dress," sneered Lauren, "Is it tight around the waist? Oink, oink, oink little piggy, your mouth is as loose as what's between your legs. Sleeping with the designer? I guess that's a good way to be part of a high class runway show like this, especially for such a lower class beginner such as yourself. But that certainly drops your 'class' status now does it? What would your boyfriend say, I mean, if a slut like you has a boyfriend. A sugar daddy probably. Here's a tip honey, to get ahead in this game, I suggest getting a trainer, a better hairstylist, a plastic surgeon to fix your mess of a face and for once in your life keep your legs close. But I guess you won't be able to do that last one now will you?"

"YOU BITCH!" she shrieked, lunging at Lauren.

Lauren sidestepped the girl and tripped her, just as she did to her. Only instead of gracefully falling onto the floor like Lauren did, she stumbled and fell face first onto the catering table. Other models cringed as they hear the clanking and shattering sound of plates and glass hitting the floor, all the food and drinks fell onto of the fallen model. The vice smiled seeing the blood spill from the cuts the girl received from the glass and the once gorgeous and expensive dress she had on was ruin beyond redemption.

"Oops, did I do that? So sorry," mocked Lauren.

Giving one last smirk, Lauren walked out of the room, letting the model like her own wounds. Unlike all the other models, whom still stood in their place instead of helping the poor fool get up, Lauren had her own private dressing room, far away from everyone. For there was no way she was going to share a room with other models not as beautiful or blessed as she was. Once she arrived in her DR, she grabbed her bad and proceeded to leave the building, it was getting late and she really didn't care if the show was over or not, in her mind, the designer was lucky to even be here period.

Roads and streets were bare of life, like her chambers back in Hell, only she stood in the center. True, she was disappointed that no one was there to be mesmerized by her beauty, but no matter, it would be less trouble anyway. Instead of driving or taking a limo to her hotel, she decided to walk. Why, you ask, would someone so vain and egotistical do something as normal as walking? Lauren had her reasons and her reason was following closely behind her, unaware of the dangers of approaching a vice with no one around.

"You stupid bitch!" hissed the model, still wearing her ruined dress and smelled of wine and sweets, walking up to her until she was just inches from Lauren, "You'll pay for that! My agent will destroy you! You'll never work at any fashion show or model shoot ever! I swear that I'll make your life miserable..."

Grabbing the whiny bitch by the neck, Lauren hoisted her up into the air. The women started choking, clawing at Lauren's wrist at in attempt to free herself but to no avail. Smirking, the Vice opened her mouth forced the other women to open her mouth as well. A pinkish-red mist started flowing out of the mortal bitch's mouth and straight into Lauren's. As this happened, the women started aging; her flesh got saggy and pale, her hair turned grayish-white, her figure got skinnier and boney.

However, the exact opposite happened to Lauren; while her victim grew older and uglier, she became fair and lovelier. Her hair grew curlier and longer, her body had transformed into a gorgeous hourglass shape, eyes shone with lust, beauty and power, and lips turned as red as blood. Letting out a soft sigh, Lauren let go of the now aged women's neck and let her crumpled body fall onto the ground in pain.

Lauren had stolen her beauty.

'Or whatever beauty she had left' is what Lauren thought. Turning 180, Lauren casual strolled away from the aged model, now dead on the streets, her heels gracefully clacking on the cement. The dead girl would be found the next morning but she'll hardly be recognizable due to her sudden aged self. Hopefully she has ID on her.

Lauren concluded that the medical examiner would claim that her aged state would be due to drugs or stress or some shit like that and the death would be label an accident. They'll never find her fingerprints; they'll never find one shred of evidence of her being 10 ft within the body. The girl is dead and she would walk away even more beautiful than before.

Oh yes, for Lauren, it was sooo good to be sinful.


Wall Street is the financial district of New York City, home of the New York Stock Exchange, big business and corrupted bank officials. Circe remembered coming here quite often during her childhood with her tutor, trying to educate her in New York's economics. But even as a child, the brunette remember how cruel and tainted these bankers and CEOs were, always wearing that evil smirk, walking around with thick pocket and dressed so neat and clean, so different from their struggling clientele, always arguing with the tellers.

Since she was a politician's kid, she was allow inside the offices as long as she was quiet and didn't bother anyone. Employees would talk during their breaks about business deals that their bosses made and how the contract would squeeze money out of their clients and put it in their pockets. Despite being so young, Circe could understand that whatever these CEOs did wasn't in the best interest of other people, but rather themselves.

That was the reason on why Circe had snuck into the Federal Reserve Bank's safe, stuffing large wads of money into multiple duffle bags. She made a mental note to thank Raven for temporarily distorting the security camera long enough for her to sneak pass guards and slip into the safe. Thank the many heavens above that Gwen befriended a highly intelligent super nerd with hacking skills.

Yank out her phone, the Punkish girl searched through her contacts until she found one titled 'Squirrel' and called; "Hey! Almost ready here! Ya in the air ducts or what."

A muffled groan was heard on the other end, "Yeah, I'm just 12 feet from you. And hey! You try crawling through eight stories worth of air ducts. It isn't as easy, nor as fun, as one thinks."

"Quit your whining," replied Circe, "This isn't fun for me either but someone's got to send a message. Beside, this will totally be worth it in the end."

Ending the call, Circe waited with the, now stuffed with cash, duffle bags until the air duct lit popped open, revealing a punkish looking boy with a shaved head and multiple piercings; "Toss up the bags and let's get a move on before the guards come in."

One by one, each bag came flying up at the opening and into the waiting arms of 'Squirrel', whom pushed the bags into the duct with him. Once the last bag had entered the ducts, Circe took a page from the movies and Gwen and run towards the wall. Digging the toe of her boot on the wall, jumped to the opposite wall, landed on the tips on her toes, bounced back on the other wall then back until she got higher and higher, finally grabbing the edge of the opening of the duct.

Lifting herself up, Circe slipped inside the duct with 'Squirrel' and the cashed filled bags. Oh, how she wish she could see the faces of the bank owners when they see the empty vault. This is want they get for keeping money from their clients and the citizens of New York, greedy motherfuckers.

"What are you? Jackie Chan?" questioned 'Squirrel', "Where did you learn those moves?"

Circe smiled, "Oh, just a friend of mine."

Moving pass the boy, Circe grabbed as many bags as she could carry through the rather spacious duct. Using her cell for both light and looking at the bank's blueprint as she navigated through the dark. After several minutes of bumping and hitting her head on the top of the duct, Circe finally found an opening and took the opportunity to kick it open, find a rope ladder dangling in midair.

Grabbing as much bags in her arms, the punk girl leaped forward and grabbed onto one of steps, clinging onto it as she dangled back and forth over darkness. Once it the swinging stop, she took a breath and started climbing upward where another opening, this one leading towards the roof. Pushing it open, Circe crawled onto the roof before motioning 'Squirrel' to follow her.

A warm and gentle breeze brushed against her hair and skin, warming her up. Walking to the edge, Circe took a peek and saw herself overlooking Wall Street, the people looking like ants from high above the building, going back and forth, some without a care in the world. To think that for a moment, this place seem so peaceful to live in, not realizing that demons live among us until she met Gwen.

"Hello! A little help here!"

Spinning around, she spotted her friend struggling to get up. Sighing, Circe went over to help him up, struggling to get both him and all the bags of money up with him. God, the boy was heavy! Either she needed to work out more or he needed to lose some weight. But ignoring that, Circe suddenly notices the absence of three people.

"Where's Raven and the others?"

"Here we are!"

Over by the rooftop entrance, Raven Webb, a cybergoth and another one of Gwen's best friends, came out along with two other punkish/gothic looking males, both staring at Raven's impressive 'chest assets.' Despite the two horny guys, they were doing their part by helping the cybergoth carry her supplies. After Raven started unpacking her stuff, Circe quickly and quietly slapped the two lust-dazed guys back into the real world had them help unpack the supplies.

Pulling out her laptop, Raven started working her magic on the security system, turning off certain cameras, freezes images and sending static to the screen. Handing each guy and even number of money bags, Circe motioned them to go to three of the four corners of the building while she stood guarding the exit.

"Ready?" asked Circe, taking out a few tiny smoking bombs and tossing them into the door before shutting it behind, hearing the cracks of them breaking.


Pressing the 'insert' button, a short alarm rang out from on top of the building, catching the attention from all the people below them. On cue, the three guys and opened each bag and turned them upside down, allowing the cash flow out of the bag, the wind blowing them everywhere on the streets. Pretty soon, the entire atmosphere was filled with falling money.

The citizen started screaming in happiness, dropping all of their stuff and started reaching for the sky, hoping to grab the floating bills and to stuff in their pockets. Cars came to a screeching halt, the drivers and the passengers jumped out the vehicle to join the crowd of eager money catchers. Some even had the guts to jump onto the cars and bus to have better leverage over others.

After a few minutes, the bags were finally free of their contents and her stuffed into one another until it was just one bag. They quickly dragged themselves to the back of the building to opened the supply bags they help Raven bring up and pulled out black hoodies and threw them on, putting the hood on to cover their faces. With Circe, she heard the charging steps and coughing of security that was coming up to the roof. However, Circe had locked the door and was barely holding it back with her weight.

"Guys! Time to go!" hissed Circe.

"Fine!" said 'Squirrel', "Okay, now be careful guys case the rope is pretty unstable..."

"Just shut up and jump!" yelled Circe.

"Are you insane!" yelled one of the guys, "There is no way we can survive..."

He never finished as the guys were pushed into the opening by the girls. Raven, then Circe followed them over the edge, closing the hatch just before the rooftop door burst open with a cloud of smoke and some coughing, slightly blind security guards. The teens grabbed onto the ladder and quickly descended down into the darkness until they reach the bottom, which was the #7 elevator shaft, the elevator which was controlled by Raven had stop just underneath the fourth floor.

Yanking the rope until it snapped off, the guys, using their combined strength, opened the door, revealing an empty hallway. Pushing themselves inside, they quickly ran towards the back exit, making sure not no one, especially the guards, saw. The five breathed a sigh of relief when they exited the building and into the streets with all the happy, screaming citizens grabbing the still floating cash.

"You two are insane!"

Raven and Circe just laughed.


Guilt is something that can consume the human soul if the secret or crime is too much to bear. She felt like she was going insane each and every day, the memories flashing through her mind, reminding her of what she had done, or rather what she had failed to do. Although she begged for someone to help her, to stop the suffering, but it never came and she probably knew, deep down, that it never will.

Three years had pass and yet the plague of her guilt followed her, bringing with it a storm of nightmares, paranoia and insomnia. Sometimes the girl felt as if she was slowly losing her sanity and her parents would soon have to call the mental ward to take her away, perhaps that would have been better; medication can often erase memories but only temporary. Even if it was only for a minute, she would desire it just to have that minute of peace.

She could hear the other girl's screams, her cries for help every time she shut her eyes; crying, begging, laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, her limbs slashed off yet she clinging for life, refusing to die. An intense heat surround them both, the odor of burning flesh sicken her, feeling the taste of bile coming up her throat. The wounded girl's words came out in gurgles due to her neck being sliced open, but you could still distinguished her pleads.

"He..lp...me..." she cried, her finger twitched as if she was trying to reach her, "Ple...ase...help...me."

And then she would wake up. All the blood and cries, the heat and smell, everything just disappear and she would be back in her room, safe and sound and still alive. But it would only be for a while, until she shuts her eyes again, until she remembers the pain and the suffering. Guilt was consuming her life, destroying her sanity and slowing killing her from the inside out. She wanted this to end.

"Heather!" called her mother, snapping the girl out of her guilt trip, "Sweetie! We're leaving for dinner in a few minutes! Please hurry up!"

"Coming!" she yelled back.

That's right, the girl would was suffering such mind wrecking guilt was Heather Wong, the Queen Bee and bitch of Total Drama. Surprising, I know, but it's the truth. Ever since the incident, she had been distant from everyone: her 'friends' at school, her family and everyone else. Even her position as the Queen Bee at school was taken away, yet Heather hardly rose a finger to stop or prevent it. Maybe this was just karma's way of getting her back for all the wrong doing that she had done. Even so, what she had witness, it should have never happen.

In front of her was a full length mirror, something that was bought in the past in order to stroke her vanity, but now she wished she could just same it into a million pieces. Her raven colored hair had return to its original length, just slightly taller and still possessing her supermodel-like figure. Heather wore a Chanel LBD that hugged her curves as well as some black high heels; her family was to attend a meeting with one of Mr. Wong's clients at one of Toronto's high class restaurants.

"Yo, Heathie," sneered her younger brother from the doorway, "Quit staring at you pig face and let's go!"

The girl didn't even bother to make a comeback.

She watched her kid brother run down the hall where her parents were waiting for her. Making sure she was presentable, she stepped one foot out the door only to quickly turn back into her room and opened one of the vanity's drawers. Inside was a tiny black jewelry box laid right in the center of the compartment, lifting the lid revealed a cluster of gorgeous necklaces, rings and earrings, all decorated with different gemstone. All except one, it was a bracelet made of both black and white pearls, with tiny silver charms in the shape of skulls.

Quietly, Heather slipped on the bracelet, ignoring its gothic appearance greatly contrasting against the outfit. Mrs. Wong yelled for her daughter once more before Heather ran out of her room and outside where her family had already started up the car. The Asian girl's fingers tugged gentle on the bracelet, the familiar face of a teal haired goth entered her mind and soon she was back on her guilt trip.

"I'm so sorry, Gwen."


And scene! Finally I got around to updating this fic! I also update my other fics but I'm gonna focus on this fic for the time being. Once again, thank you to all my fans for being up with my procrastination and I hope you guys like my artwork on deviantart as well.

Anyway, I finally revealed three more friends of Gwen: Raven, Kanani, and Sev (you already met Circe last chapter) and Lauren, the Vice of Pride and Vanity.

New profiles and images will be posted on dA sometime this month or next month.

NEXT: Chapter 5 - Kissing Corpses

Read & Review!