Same story I posted over a year ago with a few changes. Hope I made it better. Again dedicated to my sister Mallory.

Tap. Tap. Tap.



"Tony, would you stop that?" Ziva asked without looking up from her book.

"But I'm bored," whined Tony.

"I don't care. Just stop"

Tony sighed, "okay."



Then Hm hm hmmmhm hmm hm hm


"Toony," Ziva warned.

"Sorry Zeeva."


5 minutes later.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Tony, I told you to stop that." Ziva said with her head still buried in her book.

"But Ziva-"

"I. Don't. Care."


Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Either stop or hand me the pen."

"I have nothing else to do."

"You can be silent. Now hush," she commanded.

"Fine," he grumbled.


2 minutes later.





"Tony hand me the pen. Now."Ziva glared as she finally looked up from her book.

"I can't its my one of a kind 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom Crystal Skull' Pen. See look," he said while waving the pen in her face. "It even has Harrison Ford's signature on it"

"Tony. Hand me the pen or I will break your wrist"

Tony relented and handed her his pen. "No need to get violent," he muttered

"I heard that. Now be quite so I can read my book in peace."


A few moments of blessed silence.


"Watcha reading?"

Ziva ignored him.

Tony reached over to grab the book.

"Remove your hand or I will do it for you," she threatened.

"Geez. Who put you in such a bad mood this morning?"



3 minutes of silence.


"Zeeva. I'm boored"

He waited a moment for Ziva to respond. She didn't.

"I know let's play twenty questions! Please Ziva. Come on"




"We could play-"


"Or eye spy."


"Can I have my pen back?"

"Tony, if you do not stop, I will tell Gibbs the real reason you were late yesterday and show him the pictures of you drunk at the New Year's party."

"You wouldn't," Tony exclaimed in horror.

"I would."



For 5 minutes.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Ziva that really is annoying."

"I know."


Tap. TapTap. Tap






Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Please stop," he tried again.

" It doesn't feel so good on the other end of the rod does it Tony?" Ziva said smugly.

"It's stick Ziva. And no it doesn't. Are you happy now? And will you pleeease stop."




Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Zeeeva," he whined.

Ziva answered in a too sweet voice, "yes Tony?"

Tony sighed in defeat.

Ziva grinned.



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Thank you for reading,
