The Laws

Doctor Who (3rd Doctor) / Caprica Crossover by Mr Scirev.

For more fanfics by Mr Scirev please visit www . Scirev . net

Chapter 3

Suddenly a flashing red light appeared on the TARDIS console. "What's that", Jo asked.

"It's a warning.. it's something else trying to dematerialise on our location but not succeeding.

It's another TARDIS!"

"Could it be the Master?" Jo wondered.

"Most likely."

The blinking light went out completely.

"The other TARDIS has gone to the past.. a few days or a few weeks, I can't tell which."

"So someone else is interfering here.." Jo commented.

"Well some other Time Lord has been here, probably the Master as you thought. The question which remains is what is he doing, and why. We will have to investigate."

"I think he must be getting something from Caprica, something he really needs."

"That's good thinking, Jo, but think about this. The Master and I were friends when we were children. He looked into the Time Vortex, drove himself mad. So his motives can't always be simply explained."

"Oh Doctor last time we saw the Master he shot you..."

"And then he escaped. He wants to control the universe. He may want to pervert the Cylons to change them into his design, his tool to control everything in existence." the Doctor continued.

"So Doctor, will we investigate at this time, or do we go back?" Jo asked.

"We have no choice. We have to go back a month. Spend some time here. Try the local cafes, have a cappuccino or two. Live like the Capricans do."

"What did you mean by Laws earlier, Doctor?", Jo was curious.

"Oh I meant the Laws – the Three Laws of Robotics – by Asimov. They were devised to ensure friendly robot behaviour. They are not infallible – problems can still occur – but it's better than nothing. Even with this robot Greystone is creating, how can he be sure it will not attack him?"

"He can't be sure I suppose. But, Doctor, wouldn't such Laws ensure that the machines are subservient – indeed, slaves – to humanity?"

"Yes that would be a likely risk."

"Life is never without risk", Jo replied.

So after this discussion, the Doctor dematerialised the TARDIS. Their destination, the same location but a month before. Hopefully, they would precede the Master, or whoever it was.

The Doctor made a sound which was quite like a hmm but different. "What's the matter, Doctor?", Jo asked.

"Firstly: he – whoever he is – has not arrived yet. But we will detect his arrival. I will set up an alarm which will detect it."

"Is anything wrong?" Jo asked. She noticed something was wrong.

"Yes. Secondly: there is a number of plastic meteors on this planet."

"Plastic meteors? Oh, I almost forgot. Autons!"

"Indeed Jo. It appears indeed that they are planning to invade Caprica. Perhaps the Master is in league with them."

"What can we do? Contact the authorities?"

"The authorities, my dear Jo,will never believe that aliens are attacking. This planet believes that only humanity exists. Any stories of encounters with aliens are simply explained as fictions or the fever of some sick mind.", the Doctor explained.

"So where does that leave us? If we can't do anything why don't we just leave? This isn't earth, after all."

"No. This isn't earth, indeed. But these people – they are people indeed – are your ancestors, Jo. Changing established history here would result in a change to your present. I call this old testament style humanity since they can be quite brutal. Capricans and the other human races here didn't care much for what you call human rights. They have and will be the worst of humanity. Even the best of them at times were the worst. It's sad but true. That behaviour will never be justifiable."

"I'm shocked. But yes, let's get involved and learn more about what is going on." Jo said. Of course, Jo could not tell from what the Doctor said, whether or not any equivalent of "human rights" existed, but it seemed that these people did not care much about any such concept.

"There are a few locations where these meteors are, so let's go to one of them. This place is called the Colonial Ministry of Defense, their headquarters is on Caprica."

Story (C) 2011-2016 Mr Scirev

All Marks are owned by their owners.

Doctor Who, The Doctor, Jo Grant, the Time Lords and the TARDIS are the BBC's

Battlestar Galactica, The Cylons, Daniel Greystone, Number Six, Caprica, Sharon/Boomer are Universal Studio's

This fanfic is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations and story are the property of the author. This story may not be posted or printed elsewhere without the consent of the author.