Okay so I finally updated. First if you haven't you have to read most of chapter two, when it says from this point on the endings differ this one starts. So I have been working on this chapter forever but I had to finish my summer homework and take finals then there was a new semester and yesterday I had drivers ed till 5 30 and then like an hour and a half of homework but I finally finished it and updated. This is the happy ending so yay its happy :D please review :)

Must read chapter 2 to understand this end (read until point it says from this point on the endings differ)

He was right where she had left him, panting on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth. She looked away unable to handle the pain that he was in only to notice that he was about to be in a whole lot more, Arlong had a gun pointed as the middle of his chest. She saw him pull the trigger and felt the world start to play in slow motion as she pulled on his arm as hard as she could to send him off balance and away from the oncoming bullet.

"What?" she heard the green haired teen say before he looked down and saw her, "Nami?" his voice cracked on her name like he didn't want to believe that she was actually there.

"There's no time," she said, "he will fire again." She saw Zoro nod before standing up to face the man who didn't fight fair. She watched hoping with all her might that he would get away unhurt. It was only a few minutes until sirens could be heard but to her it felt like years. She couldn't break her eyes away from the fight even as cops poured into the room and began to arrest Arlong's entire gang. When he the man that he had been fighting got handcuffed and pulled away with tranquilizer flowing through his veins the green haired boy sighed with relief before turning to where the spirit of his friend had been. His expression turned to confusion then fell to the depths of sadness when he noticed that she was no longer there.

"Where am I?" the red headed girl in question asked as she looked around the area she had been whisked away too.

"A place in my imagination," a woman's voice told her, the girl turned around to see the spirit that had given her the trip through her memories.

"How did I get here?"

"I brought you, I have to tell you something. The fact that you can affect the living world means something Nami," the woman said without waiting for a response, "it means that you can return."

"What do you mean I can return?" the girl asked not wanting to get false hope.

"I should tell you some things about what happens when you die and how you become a spirit first," the woman continued as if she hadn't heard the question at all. "You see if you accept death and have nothing still tying you to the earth or if it isn't strong enough that you regret or fight death than you turn into a million fragments of light. Now if you have something tying you to the earth than you turn into a spirit but when that reason is done that you will turn into a million light fragments as well."

"But I wanted death, why did I come back?"

"You were tied to it, you didn't want your death on most levels but your forethought was clouded by what had happened making you think that you wanted it. Anyway most spirits have no effect on the living, it is a very rare case when they can change anything in the world of the living. I believe your cause of death had something to do with it and your age, I can't be sure though," this last part sounded as if she was talking to herself.

"What did you want to tell me?" Nami asked frustrated that she couldn't see what had happened on earth, if time hadn't paused this time Zoro would think that she hadn't actually been there and she didn't want to hurt him again.

"Oh Nami," the woman said with a smile on her face, "the amount of effect you have on the world is great enough that you can enter it again."

"Wait what does that mean?" she asked not wanting to hope for anything.

"You can gain a mortal body again," the woman said still smiling.

"What's the catch?" Nami said, it was far too good to be true.

"You just need the energy of another spirit, just close your eyes and you can regain life," the woman said and Nami complied, her thought wasn't working after she had heard that she could go back to earth and be alive again. She felt a warm glow envelope her and suddenly realized how much energy she required from another spirit. She opened her eyes in panic but it was already too late, the woman was gone forever leaving only a memory left of herself. Nami felt tears in her eyes as she realized that the woman who had given her life twice was now gone forever.

"Thank you mom," she whispered as the last traces of light vanished into her body and it descended down to the earth. She cried until she reached the ground and then stopped, she had more important things to deal with now.

"Nami?" she looked up and saw Zoro look at her with pain in his eyes and a flicker of hope.

"Yes, I'm here," she said quietly as she walked slowly towards him. She saw him reach out and brush her cheek lightly before tears formed in his eyes and he hugged her tightly to his chest. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed them on his back trying to comfort him and prove that she was really there at the same time.

"How?" he cried against her head.

"I never left," she said simply, "I was a spirit for the last few days."

"So your leaving again?" he pulled back when he asked this. She saw his expression filled with pain and shook her head.

"No, I'm back for good." With that his expression of joy was uncontained and he put his hand under her chin, pulled her face to his and kissed her full on the lips.

A group of teenagers were standing around after a fight, they had won but they still felt the pain from the loss of their friend. They heard the door to the house they had exited open and close and looked up expecting to see the last member of the group and all gasped at was actually there, the girl they had lost was standing there like she had never left. Tears poured down their faces as they all hugged her tightly unable to even ask her what had happened.

A large man with blue skin sat in a court room glaring at everyone around him before looking up sharply when the jury entered with the verdict.

"On the account of murder in the first degree do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?" questioned the judge.

"Guilty," answered the speaker for the jury ignoring the glare from the man they had just sentenced to prison.

"On the account of child abuse do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?"


"And on the charge of rape do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?"


"Then I hereby sentence you to life in prison," the judge said to the blue man with a clang of his gavel. A red haired eighteen year old in the back of the courtroom let out a sigh of relief and felt eyes on her. She turned to see the green haired man next to her smiling at the verdict of the man that had put her through hell.

They were the only two in the entire park that twilight and they were sitting on the bench in a comfortable silence. They hadn't been able to sit down and talk since she had come back from the beyond, too much had happened to fast. Without looking at her the boy put his hand on top of hers, she glanced at him and saw a slight blush on his cheeks and smiled slightly. The boy noticed out of the corner of his eyes and smiled a bit as the blush deepened. A few moments later the girl leaned up against his shoulder and moved his hand off hers to put it around her shoulder. The girl turned her face up and a second later their lips met.

"Be my girlfriend," the boy murmured when their lips parted. The girl opened her eyes at this a blush covering her cheeks.

"Of course," she whispered and again their lips meet.

Rows of seats were filled with almost college aged people in blue caps and gowns with gold tassels. There was a nervous excitement buzzing around the room as no one could sit still. An announcer began to talk and soon rows of students stood up in line and moved one by one onto the stage to receive a diploma. Large smiles covered the faces of almost all in attendance. A girl with red hair threw her cap in the air and laughed as she was twirled in the arms of her love with her head thrown back and when she brought it up again she was met with a kiss. The kiss deepened and they broke apart only when they heard the claps and whistles of their friends.

A couple stood outside the boy's house hugging goodbye before they departed for college. The girl to be an meteorologist studying weather and they boy to open his own dojo. They would be a two hour flight apart as they went down their separate paths and a long distance relationship wasn't something to look forward to. After all they had been through they had only experienced a few months of bliss before their lives brought them down separate paths once again. They looked at each other for a moment before breaking apart to go their different ways without a glance back.

A green haired man was standing outside of his car at the airport glancing at the people walking by seemingly uninterested as he leaned back against his car causing more than one girl to stop and stare or peek at him as she walked by. He openly stared as a curvy red head wearing form fitting slightly skimpy clothes despite the cold weather made her way through the throngs of people leaving men gaping in her wake.

"Hey gorgeous, need a ride?" the man's deep voice rang out flirtatiously.

"No, I'm waiting for my boyfriend," she responded as she got closer.

"Well then let me help you keep warm while you wait," the man responded flashing a wolfish grin.

"That's very kind of you," she said with a smile as she approached.

"My pleasure," he said as he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her to him giving her a kiss as soon as humanly possible. She threw her arms around his neck to deepen it and felt the glares of passing girls on her back. She pulled her mouth away and they stood with their foreheads touching as she smirked at their jealousy, she knew how attractive the man in front of her was.

"Thank you for keeping me warm but I haven't seen my boyfriend in four months and I really want to have the joyful reunion as soon as possible."

"Why don't I drive you?" he responded flashing another devilish smirk as he let her go and opened the passenger side door.

"Why thank you," the woman responded as she climbed into the car and he shut the door behind her. She watched as he put her luggage in the trunk then walked around to the driver's side and got in.

"I think a couple of guys out there had it in for me," he stated as he started the car.

"It's nothing you couldn't handle and some of those girls seemed about ready to claw my eyes out," she responded casually.

"Well I couldn't blame them, I mean who wouldn't want a chance to be with this?" the man asked and the woman just rolled her eyes.

"You wish," she said chuckling slightly under her breath.

"Well I did get the hottest woman on earth as my girlfriend," he said glancing over at her. She blushed slightly at it and looked away with a small smile on her face.

She was staying at her boyfriend's house over winter vacation, it wasn't her first time staying with a guy overnight but it was her first time when it wasn't with a group of friends and she was nervous. She had almost fully recovered from the scars her old guardian had given her and she was ready to try and give the man what he wanted that night.

"Hasn't changed much I see," the woman said as she entered the one bedroom apartment inhabited by her boyfriend, "did you make any changes at all?"

"I didn't feel the need to," he responded as he entered behind her with her luggage.

"Well it didn't need to be changed," she said as she looked around the home that gave her so much comfort, it was the place where she had reawakened her will to live and it reminded her so much of the man she loved.

"My thoughts exactly," the man said as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder, he had to bend down to do so. She smiled before reaching up to remove his arms and grabbing her luggage and walking into the bedroom. She smiled as she saw that it was exactly the same as it had been before. She saw her suitcase on the dresser that she had spent a long time on when she had taken a trip away from this earth. She turned and saw him in the kitchen starting to prepare dinner.

"I didn't know you cooked," she said as she grabbed the things she needed to store in the bathroom from her bag.

"I thought you gathered that from when you were my undead stalker," he said without looking up using the name she had to describe the period they didn't like to remember.

"Scrambled eggs don't really count," she said before disappearing into the bathroom to organize her stuff.

"Hey I made a hamburger too," he said in defense as he turned the stove off and put the shrimp he had made onto two plates along with the rice he had put in the rice cooker before leaving.

"Thank you," she said as she sat down at the table, "and those half count."

"Fine," he said as they dug in and chatted about what had happened in their four months apart.

"That was really good," she said as she began to stand up and take her plate to the sink.

"Allow me," he said as he grabbed her plate and put it in the sink.

"Such a gentleman," she said with a slightly sarcastic tone and smiled.

"Watch out or you get to sleeping bag tonight," he said in response.

"You love me too much to do that," she responded with a smile.

"Darn you woman," he said with a shake of his head before running the water and washing the dishes. The two continued to wash and dry while keeping up a conversation about their lives and what was going on with their friends. Eventually their chat turned into a make out session and at 21 years old the green haired man finally lost his big V.

A woman with red hair that went just below her shoulders looked at herself in the mirror inspecting her long white dress. She was twenty one and was already tying the knot with the love of her life, well it had been one of their only options given the circumstances. She turned sideways to inspect the slight bump of her belly and smiled, she couldn't wait until she had her own functional family, she had even transferred to a college in the town to avoid splitting them up. She heard the music start and knew it was time for her to go, she gave herself one last glance and left the room. She got up to the alter and joined hands with the man standing across from her unable to keep the smile from her face.

"You may now kiss the bride," the short man finally concluded giving way for the young man to tilt his wife back over his arm and kiss up her neck to her lips causing members of the audience to laugh.

"Get a room," someone yelled causing the rest of the group to laugh though it did give the point to the newlyweds and they stopped their actions to look out at the people gathered there and then run down the isle to the reception outside.

After nine months of mood swings and cravings and a few hours of screaming a baby girl was in the arms of her mother for the first time. She opened her large brown eyes to the world to lay eyes on a twenty two year old man and his slightly younger wife. The couple was smiling as large as their faces would allow as they looked at their new daughter with her green hair and brown eyes she was the cutest thing they had ever seen.

"What do you want to name her?" the new mother asked quietly.

"Bellemere," the man replied causing his wife to smile up at him.

"I think that's perfect," she breathed. In their moment of bliss neither thought about how hard it would be to raise their daughter while the wife was still in school and the husband had just started his dojo.

A cheer rose from the crowd as the new college graduates walked down the aisle to start their lives as adults, among the graduates was a 23 year old woman who had completed her five years of college and was ready to get a job to help support her family. In the crowd watching was a 23 year old man holding his one year old daughter both smiling at the red haired woman.

"You did great Nami," the man said as he pecked the woman on the lips.

"Mommy," the little girl cried pulling them out of the moment and causing the woman to laugh as she saw her daughter reach her arms to her.

"I've got you Bellemere," the woman said as she hoisted the child onto her hip and looked down at her.

"Hey why am I being left out?" the man questioned with a feigned hurt expression.

"Come here," the woman said and the family was soon in a hug.

"What was that about?" a man asked his wife as she put down the phone.

"Oh it was nothing," she responded as she moved to play with her two year old daughter, "just someone telling me I got the job on the research team at the college."

"Really? That's great," the man said with a smile, he knew that his wife had wanted that job and it was a really good position.

"I didn't say what college," she responded.

"What do you mean?" the man said, his smile falling slightly.

"It's in Minnesota," she said without looking up.

"So we can move," he said not seeing the problem.

"What about your dojo?" she asked finally looking up at him.

"I can put another teacher in and start another dojo up there, it would increase the profits anyway."

"But you worked so hard on this one!"

"It's not a problem, my dojo can move easily or I can just start another one, this job won't move if you refuse it."

"I can't do that to you."

"Well I am saying we should move, it will expand my business anyway."

"But Zoro…"

"It's settled we will move at the end of the month, that gives us enough time to settle everything," the man said with finality seeing the relief in her eyes.

It had been hard to say goodbye to their friends and leave the apartment that he had lived in for most of his life but they were now almost to their new home and new life in a different state. They pulled into the driveway of a one floor house and got out of the car, it would be the first time that the woman would see her new house, her husband had been the one who had sorted out all of the things up here.

"It looks nice," she commented as she picked up her daughter.

"Wait until you see the inside," the man responded as he unlocked the door. The woman walked into a largish room with rooms branching out on either side, she walked to the right and found the kitchen/eating room. There were two doors off there, one was a bathroom and the other was the entrance from the garage. She walked back to the first room and continued into the wing she hadn't seen. She entered another largish room with three doors branching off of it. She entered the first door to find a blue room obviously meant for their daughter, she saw two doors in the back of the room and went to investigate.

One of the doors was a closet and the other door lead to a bathroom, she entered and saw that the toilet had its own little room and there was a sink by both of the doors leading out of it. She opened the other door leading out of it and found a yellow room the same size as the blue one had been and had a closet as well. She left that room and was back in the room with three doors branching off.

"So she gets a bathroom attached to her room?" she asked her husband.

"Yeah, and the only other way to get there is to go through the other room first."

"Seems nice," the woman responded knowing that her husband intended for the second room to be a bedroom for another child. She then entered the last room to find a green room larger than the other rooms had been, it was obviously the master bedroom. She found that it had its own bathroom with two sinks, a toilet, and a shower. She looked at the other door in the room to find a walk-in closet.

"Like it?" the man asked.

"Of course!" she responded.

"Now you have to see the backyard," he said as he took her hand and brought her to the kitchen where there was a glass door leading out to a small deck with a few steps down to a fenced it back yard.

"You didn't," she said as she saw the grove of trees.

"I didn't," he responded, "mikan's can't grow in this environment, but this house had apple trees and I hoped they could substitute."

"I love you," the woman said as she kissed him on the lips, "Now let's get the furniture in here."

The woman's eyes widened when she saw the result and she rushed to tell her husband, already knowing what his reaction would be.

"Honey, I have to tell you something," she said as she leaned against the door frame of their room and watched her husband play with their three year old daughter.

"Yes," he said glancing up.

"I'm pregnant," she said in one breath causing her husband to drop the toy he had been holding and to look up sharply.

"You mean it?" he asked.

"Yes she said with a smile on her face.

"That's great!" he said before jumping up and giving her a hug.

"You're a big sister now," a 26 year old man said to his four year old daughter while holding her up to see her mother holding the new babies.

"You have to take care of your little brother and sister," her mother said well looking down at her beautiful twins.

"What are their names?" asked the little girl taking her thumb out of her mouth to ask before popping it right back in, the rest of her face remained blank of emotion.

"Kuina and Ace," she said naming Zoro's childhood friend who had died and Luffy's brother who had passed away a few years earlier. She saw Zoro's appreciation at using the name of the girl who had dreamed to be the best swordsman before her untimely death. They all looked down and the girl with red hair and large brown eyes, just like her mother, and they boy with green hair and black eyes, just like his father.

"I want to stay home with daddy," the little green haired girl pouted.

"But it's your first day of kindergarten," he mother said as she looked down at her oldest child.

"I don't want to go!" the girl said stubbornly.

"Don't you want to start school?" a green haired man asked as he entered the room with a one year old boy on his hip.

"But I want to stay home with you," she said pouting even more.

"But you are a big girl now," the man said, "and when you get home I will spend time with only you."

"Okay," the girl said looking down.

"And now I can go back to work at the dojo," a 31 year old man said to his wife after dropping off their three children at school.

"But I can't believe that all our children are in school!" the woman responded looking at the school that held all three of her children. "Aren't you worried about them, our little babies are at school now!"

"Bellemere will take care of them, she is 9 after all," the man responded.

"I know," she sighed, "but I can't believe they are all at school now."

"But it makes it so I can go to work in the day, this is really good for us."

"I know."

"Congratulations," a woman said as she hugged her 11 year old daughter after the elementary school graduation ceremony.

"Yeah, good job sis," a seven year old boy said with a smile as his twin sister just smiled and nodded.

"I can't believe you are going to be a sixth grader now," her father said as he hugged her.

"But I'm still your little girl, right?" the girl asked uncertainly as she looked up at her father, she was definitely a daddy's girl.

"You will always be," he muttered into her hair.

"Mom I'm ready to go," a fourteen year old girl with green hair said as she tapped her foot impatiently by the door to the garage.

"Bye sis," a ten year old boy said looking up from his cereal.

"Good luck in high school," his twin said as she entered the room rubbing her eye.

"Sorry sorry," a woman said as she rushed into the room, "I'm not used to leaving this early yet."

"I can't be late for my first day of ninth grade!" the girl responded.

"Don't worry we will be there in plenty of time," she said as she pulled on her shoes. "You have no problems taking the twins to school do you honey?" she yelled.

"Not at all," a green haired man said as he entered the room and walked over to them. "Good luck in school," he said as he gave his oldest daughter a hug. "Bye sweet," he said to his wife and gave her a peck on the lips and then two of his favorite girls were out of the door.

"And you have your schedules?" a red haired woman asked her twins as they stood by the door ready for their first day of middle school.

"Yes mom," the boy said with an eye roll while his shier sister just nodded.

"I'm just checking," she said "I don't want you to forget anything important."

"Why isn't dad driving us like he usually does?" the boy asked ignoring his mother's comment.

"He had to go in early so I am bringing you, is there a problem with that?"

"No," he daughter answered in a quiet voice.

"Well than let's go," their mother said and opened the door to the garage.

"I can't believe that our eldest is entering and the twins are entering high school!" a woman exclaimed to her husband as she put on her makeup for the formal dinner they were having to celebrate their children's graduation.

"I know," he responded as he put on his jacket, "our children have grown up fast."

"It is going to be so strange to have Bellemere at college."

"MOM," a boy's voice came through the door, "Are you ready yet?"

"One moment Ace," the woman responded before taking one last look at herself and leaving the room.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" a room full of people yelled as a pair of 18 year old twins walked into the room. The girl blushed and the boy stepped back in surprise that he immediately tried to cover up.

"Wha…" he said.

"Congrats on graduating high school," their father said as he walked up to them and gave them a hug.

"Thanks," the red haired graduate said with a blush as she hugged her father back.

"Hey mom, dad, I have to tell you something," a twenty three year old college graduate as she walked out of the line of people who had just received their diplomas.

"What is it," the mother asked with a foreboding tone.

"Well there is good news, and well that's it.

"Well say it," her father said.

"I'm pregnant."

A happy family surrounded a green haired 24 year old lying in a bed with a baby in her arms. She was the oldest child and she had now given them their first grandchild, a little boy she named Franky. Her parents smiled down at the little boy and up at their daughters fiancée, thrilled at the additions to their family.

A woman with gray streaked through her once vibrant read hair sat in a pew at a church holding her first grandchild, a boy with blue hair named Franky. She heard music and turned to see her eldest daughter walk down the aisle on the arm of her husband. She felt tears in her eyes as she watched her daughter get up to the alter and she knew she was crying when her daughter was married.

"And all of our children are out on their own," a man with gray streaked green hair sighed to his wife as they watched their twin children go up on stage to receive their college diplomas. The woman nodded as she remembered her own college graduation with her husband and daughter watching from the crowd.

"I feel so old," she responded as their children left the stage and it sunk in that all of her children needed her no longer.

"You will always be young to me," her husband responded as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Always the gentleman I see," she said with a blush.

"Will you two stop it," a young woman with green hair and a small child commented, "you are in a public place."

"Sorry Bellemere," the woman responded, "you know your father." The woman just shook her head, she was used to her parents romantic bursts by now, and turned back to watch the rest of the graduation ceremony.

It was their second grandchild and they were thrilled. They had thought their family complete when their children were born but they couldn't deny that it felt great to have two grandchildren now from their eldest daughter, especially when she let them babysit. The smiled down at their first granddaughter, a little girl named Brooke and instantly could not imagine life without her. They knew that their daughter would be ecstatic about the birth of her second child, she had recently discovered that she loved being a mother.

Once again a woman with gray streaked red hair found herself sitting in a pew in a church. There was more gray in her hair than the last time and the red was even less vibrant as she held her three year old granddaughter on her lap. She turned and felt déjà vu as she saw her husband walk her second daughter down the aisle to her almost husband. She smiled as he sat next to her and held his hand as they watched the ceremony, she almost cried as she watched her last daughter be promised to a man and be fully separated from their family. She watched as her shy, sword master daughter marry the love of her life, the man who had broken into her shell. When her daughter was given the chaste first kiss from her husband the tears found their way out of her eyes and she smiled through them at the sheer joy on her daughters face.

A third and fourth baby added to the family and the old couple could not be more thrilled as their second daughter became a mother to twin boys. Johnny and Yosaku were the two children of their own twin girl. They smiled as they saw four year old Brooke look curiously at the boys then back at her own mother who looked ready to burst with her own baby at any minute.

A fifth child was added to their family as their eldest daughter held her third child in her arms with a look of pure love on her face. Her second son was named Tom and an adorable little boy with a four year old sister and a seven year brother to love him along with his parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle and his two cousins.

Long after his sisters their only son finally settled down with a wife. The wedding had just been at the courthouse, the couple had wanted to save all of the money for the honey moon, it was when they returned that they noticed why there had been such a rush, there would soon be grandchildren from three sources.

Their son had finally given them a grandchild, a boy he had named Roger. They looked at their grandchildren, all of them were in the room, a boy of thirteen, a girl of ten, three boys of six and last but not least a boy of almost a week. They smiled as they took in all of their grandchildren, it was unlikely that any more of them would come after this, but they could always hope.

An old couple sat on their couch with an old photo album spread before them. They saw the pictures of their children growing up and they saw the births and lives of all six of their grandchildren. They smiled over wedding photos and the births of their eight great grandchildren knowing that there were more on the way. They looked at graduation photos and birthday parties, keeping all of the images close to their hearts as they flipped through the pages. They smiled at one another as they came upon their own wedding picture from all those years before. They reminisced about the birth of their children and watching them grow up. They then moved back to when they had been dating and then even before.

"Remember when Kuina asked up why we never had any more children?" the woman asked with a smile on her face.

"And I told her that the condoms had stopped breaking," the man said with his own smile, it still held the same devilish quality that had brought her to him all those years before.

"And her face turned bright red," the woman said with a small laugh.

"But it was true," the man answered as he leaned back next to his wife.

"That is was," she answered remembering the nights they had shared even after having three children together.

"We had a great life together," the man said as he placed his hand gently over her own.

A family in black gathered to say goodbye to the couple who had been together since kindergarten. The couple had children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even two great great grandchildren to miss them. They had lived long, full lives and given much to the world and they died happily in their sleep holding hands. There were few tears at the funeral, they would be missed but their lives had been so long and their end so happy that tears didn't seem right.

Above the funeral the spirits of two young people hovered, the woman with vibrant red hair and the man with short green. They looked down at the people saying their last goodbyes to them and turned to face each other their eyes filled with love. The man grabbed the woman he had always loved and squeezed her tightly to his chest as their sprits started to change into millions of fragments of life.

"I love you," was the last thing heard by either of them as they turned into light.

Hope you liked it, it took forever to write and I promise I will update my other one soon. Please review :)