Oneshot for the Newlyweds

By Loveless1617

[Author's Note]: Well, it was my brother's birthday yesterday, so I wanted to just release the chapter for that, but seeing that I was notified of another birthday, I had to give a shout-out to another reader~ (though it's a bit belated)

Happy Birthday nikkiru~ ^^

Hope you had a fun birthday!

Chapter 1: First Chapter!

It's been awhile since our wedding and we're finally back from our first honeymoon,

but we're still in the middle of our lovey-dovey life as newlyweds~

(though that doesn't really change the fact that we still act the same way towards each other).

And during that time, there are three things that I learned to love about Wolfram as my newly-wedded wife. Those three things...


Wait, what was I doing before this again...?

I think I had to do something...

Oh right, paperwork.


Man, I don't even think I've started yet...

Wolfram's going to get mad if I don't start soon.

I should probably try to distract him the whole day...

"Yuuri~ Yuuuuuri~" Yuuri refused to get up, however, and just rolled over on the couch. "Yuuri, wake up~"

"Hm...?" Yuuri felt around for the other person and pulled him in closer without opening his eyes.

"Ah~" Wolfram fell on top of him. "Hey, let go~" He struggled to be freed, but his grip on him only held on stronger.

Yuuri smiled, knowing full well what kind of expression his lover had on his face.

"Geez, you idiot~" Wolfram sighed, and hit him on the head.

"Ow!" Yuuri sat up and started to rub his head, then turned to Wolfram. "Wolfram, that surprised me!"

"That's cause you weren't getting up," Wolfram pouted, as he started to sit up. But Yuuri quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him onto his lap.

"Woah, woah, woah, where do you think you're going?" Yuuri laid back down and pulled him down on top of him.

"I'm cooking right now, Yuuri~" Wolfram said, as he tried to sit up.

"Mm~" Yuuri refused to let go and just pulled him in closer. "Take a break, Wolfram~"

"But aren't you hungry? You were moaning in your sleep about food, so I had to go and do some shopping for food." He moved away from Yuuri's arm and sat up.

"Now that you mention it..." He started to rub his stomach as it started to growl.

"See? What were you doing here that you couldn't just come down and tell me that you were hungry? If anyone finds out that the maou's spouse is starving the maou, it'll totally ruin my reputation." Wolfram frowned at the thought, but shook his head of the idea. "And what are you doing on the couch sleeping? At least go rest on the bed, or-"

"No, I must've just fell asleep after looking over the papers." Yuuri scratched his head and took just one look at the stack of papers he had left before falling back down on the bed and complaining. "Gaah, I really don't want to do this! Gwendal just pushes a huge stack of paper into my hands as soon as I get back. Even before saying 'welcome back', it's 'go and sign these, now that you're done with your break."" He did his best imitation of Gwendal and Wolfram couldn't help but laugh.

"My brother isn't at fault, you know. You should've known that you'd be forced to sit in a desk for a couple hours to finish writing these up, right? Especially after a month-long cruise."

"Mmm..." Yuuri pulled Wolfram back down on top of him and held him close. "Don't remind of my work and play with me, Wolfram~"

"Geez, are you an idiot?" He gave him one quick smack on the head before trying to pull away. But Yuuri refused to let go again.

"No! I wanna go do something and stop working!" He whined, in a childish way. "Play, play, play!"

"No, I have to finish cooking-" Wolfram gasped. "Ah!" Wolfram abruptly sat up. "Man, it's probably burning now!" He ran out of their bedroom and headed probably for the kitchen to turn the stove off.

"Eh? What?" Yuuri cried, as he watched him leave. But he just sat up and looked at the rest of his paperwork with disgust. "Meh, it'll be okay if I take a break, right?" He looked at the time: "It's eight o' clock... If I eat and take a short break, I should be able to finish this before I go to sleep..." Yuuri nodded and stood up. "Alright, I'll get ready~" Yuuri walked into the bathroom to wash his face a bit and prepare for dinner.

Yuuri quickly finished up in the bathroom and walked out to the kitchen. Wolfram was busily preparing the food and taking care of the plate setting that he didn't even notice him coming in.

Without a word, Yuuri just walked towards him and hugged him from behind.

"Gaah!" Wolfram screamed in surprise, nearly falling back after jumping up like that. "W-What are you doing?"

"Wolfram, are you done cooking yet~?" Yuuri whined, as he wrapped his arms around him and looked over his shoulders to see what he was making.

"Go away, I'm cooking~" Wolfram said, without a glance in his direction. He kicked him away when he refused to let go and went back to chopping the vegetables. "If you have time to bother me, go set the table."

"Yeah, yeah." Yuuri said, as he grabbed a few plates and set them on the table. "Man, I really don't wanna start going back to do work~" Yuuri whined, as Wolfram brought the food he prepared to the table.

"What are you talking about?" Wolfram said, as he put them down and hit him lightly on the head. "Of course you have to go back after this. We're done with our honeymoon and we both have to fulfill our duties." But Wolfram had to admit that it would be a pain to go back to their usual work routine after a long month to themselves.

"I don't wanna go~" Yuuri complained again, as he sat back in his chair.

"Just eat, for now." Wolfram walked away to grab the rest of the dishes. "I just cooked whatever cause I don't really know how to cook yet." He explained, after looking at how simple all his dishes were.

"That's fine~" Yuuri said, as he prepared to eat. "Besides, I know you worked hard to learn it." He smiled.

"It was a bit hard, but there's nothing I can't learn after practicing a bit." Wolfram said, as he sat down too. "Let's eat now~"

Yuuri picked up his fork and picked some food off his plate.

Wolfram just curiously stared at him as he took his bite.

"How is it? Is it good? It's my first time cooking so~"

"Wow, this is good!" Yuuri exclaimed, as he took a bite.

"R-Really?" Wolfram asked, sighing in a bit of relief.

"Yeah, a lot better than what I was expecting."

"...Well, that's good enough." Wolfram nodded, as he took a bite himself. "Uwaah, this turned out pretty good~"

"See? It's good~" Yuuri took another bite and they both continued eating. "But you know, if you don't let the maids do their job here, we're both going to have to do all the work here."

"Mm..." Wolfram nodded.

"Like the cooking, the cleaning: laundry, washing- the list is endless, you know? And since it's a large house... I mean, why do we even need ten rooms when it's just the two of us? Without including the living room, three guest rooms, the study room, the bathrooms, the kitchen, the dining room, and the patios outside with the pool... I mean, isn't that too much?"

"What are you saying? As the maou, it's-"

"Yeah, yeah. It's 'necessary'. But cleaning all that, on top of your duties at the castle is almost-"

"Geez, I know! I know, but..." Wolfram took another bite and continued talking with food stuffed in his mouth, "I just wanted to do everything as a couple and have the place to ourselves..."

"Hm? What did you say?" Yuuri asked, but all he got back was a glare.

"Nothing," Wolfram frowned, as he looked the other way and blushed. "It's just that I can handle everything here, so it's fine without any maids."

"Eh? Are you sure? I mean, you've never really had to work a day of your life, so-"

"I can do it!" Wolfram insisted.

"I mean, I know you can, but..." He stopped for a second to think of the right words, but he left it with, "Just don't overwork yourself" and continued to eat.

Wolfram nodded, and did the same.

Yeah, the first thing I learned to love about Wolfram has to be that he's extremely caring and likes to do these things, though it's not even necessary for him to do so. After all, he can always get some of the servants and maids from the main castle, but he wants to do the chores himself. It's kind of cute that he can act like this for me...

By the time they were both done, Wolfram cleared the table and started to clean the dishes.

Yuuri, on the other hand, just sat on the chair and observed him intently, watching his every move as Wolfram began to scrub and wash the dishes clean.

"...Yuuri." Wolfram mumbled, knowing full-well that he was being watched.


"What are you doing?" Wolfram asked, without turning around.

"I'm just watching you~" Yuuri sat back in his chair and smiled. "I just never thought I'd ever see you cook and wash dishes before,"

Wolfram threw a clean rag at him and yelled, "If you have time to observe me like that then help~ I thought you were going to be busy with your paperwork!"

"Haha, well, about that..."

"Alright, alright. Just help me then," Wolfram sighed, then moved aside to give Yuuri some room to stand. "just dry them and put them away." He explained, as Yuuri made his way over.

"Ne Wolfram," He called, as he tossed the rag on the countertop. He came up from behind him and slipped a hand under his shirt. He leaned in closer and started to breathe into his neck and kiss his neck. "I wanna do it~"

He gently caressed his hips and even suggestively moved his hands lower to tease him.

"Geez, can't you do this afterwards?" Wolfram asked, without much complaint. He let Yuuri fondle him a bit before turning him around and stealing a kiss.

Another thing that I love about Wolfram is that he's definitely dropped his guard against me and becomes defenseless against my attacks. But I'm honestly glad that he does, because that means he's accepting it more and more, right? ...Or is that not right...?

Maybe, 'getting used to' fits more?

Well, either way, it's a lot cuter to see him act like this...


"Come here, Wolfram~" Yuuri whispered, as he helped his lover down into the bed. "Did you wash up beforehand?" He leaned in and breathed in the pleasant aroma around him. "You smell so good..."

"Cause we do it everyday..." Wolfram blushed, and sat on Yuuri's lap to let his body be consumed by Yuuri's alluring kisses.

"Of course~" Yuuri pulled him in closer and kissed his chest. "How could I not?" He repeatedly made kiss marks all over his chest and torso until they were filled with his marks.

"Stop saying those things~" Wolfram murmured, as he settled down on top of him. "Or else..."

"Or else what?" Yuuri asked, as he took a nipple in his mouth. He lightly bit it and looked up at his face with a teasing grin. "What are you going to do?"

"Mm..." Wolfram moaned as he slowly let his body come inside him. "You're teasing me again..." Wolfram pouted, though it felt so good that he could hardly stop himself from changing his expression.

"Of course I am~" Yuuri smiled, though he also couldn't control himself either. He slowly carried Wolfram up and pushed him down into the bed. "I just can't help it when you act like this." Yuuri leaned in closer and kissed him again.

"Mmm..." Wolfram wrapped his arms around his neck and held him close. "Hurry, Yuuri~"

"Mm, you want it?" Yuuri asked, as he prepared himself to enter and watched Wolfram cry out lewdly.

"Yeah, I want it~" Wolfram pulled on Yuuri's hand and pulled him closer.

"I'm going in..." Yuuri whispered, as he gently pushed inside. "It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"


"It only feels good now, right"

"Aah, Yuuri~"

"Since we do it everyday..." Once he pushed all the way inside, Yuuri began to move.

"Ah, more~" Wolfram grabbed the sheets around him and spread his legs. "I want more~"

"I know..." He thrusted in faster and faster each time. "I'll open you up so much more than before. Even better than before..." They kept going on until they were almost at their climax- but even then, Yuuri didn't stop fucking him until he breaks.

"Aah~ I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Wolfram screamed.

Yuuri smiled and gently wrapped his fingers around Wolfram's burning erection. As he repeatedly pushed inside him, he started to stroke his rod.

"Aaah!" Wolfram let out a high-pitched cry as he arched his back into orgasm.

After panting so much after cumming, he collapsed in Yuuri's arms and pleasantly sighed...

Wolfram walked out of the bathroom after taking a nice, long bath.

"I think I'll bring the maids once in awhile..." Wolfram frowned at the fact that he was admitting defeat, but he had to admit that it was doing everything on his own was out of the question.

Yuuri laughed and nodded in agreement. "It's best to leave it to the professionals, right? We can at least try to clean and stuff once in awhile, but things like this are just really out of our league." Wolfram smiled and nodded, then snuggled in closer before falling asleep.

And the third and most important thing I got to love about Wolfram throughout the beginning of our life as newlyweds...

"I love you, Wolfram~" Yuuri whispered, before giving him a quick peck on his lips.

"Mm... love you..." Wolfram muttered in his sleep, before moving closer to Yuuri's body.

"Mm, yeah. It's exactly this..." Yuuri smiled and looked up at the ceiling before shutting his eyes. "These three things..."

[End Chapter]

Next chapter: February 14, Valentine's Day!