As the last 30 minutes of the hour started to fly by, Charmy went back to annoying the three older birds until they decided to bring him back to Vector and Espio.

"Hey, Jay!" the bee said happily as he plopped down onto the couch next to Jet.

"For the last time, it's Jet!" the hawk snapped. "…and what now?"

"Why is the sky blue?"

Jet glanced over. "What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking about the sky and why it's blue!" Charmy replied. "Do you know?"

"No, I don't."

"Ok then…." Charmy paused to think a little. Then he snapped his fingers. "Ok! Why is the grass green?"

"Go bug Storm or something and leave me alone!" Jet ordered.

"You trust him with me?" Charmy asked. "After he gave me chocolate and caused me to have a sugar rush?"

Jet fell silent for a moment. "Good point," he mumbled. "Then go find Wave!"


Wave was busy in her workshop, tuning her gear; something she hadn't done in a while. She grabbed a bolt from a greasy box and fixed it where she wanted it on the gear.

"Slowly now…" she uttered to herself as she slowly turned her wrench.


Wave dropped her wrench in surprise and the bolt, along with a few other pieces of the gear, fell to the floor with a clang. She growled as she faced the 6 year old bee in the doorway.

"What do you want? Didn't we tell you to chill out until we take you back to your friends?"

"I am chilled out! Doesn't mean I can't move around!" Charmy replied. He started walking around the room, snooping through everything.

"Hey! I don't mind if you look, but don't touch anything!" Wave warned.

"I won't!"

Wave looked at him for another brief second before continuing on with her work. Everything seemed to be going peacefully. But everybody knows that wasn't going to last.

Especially when Charmy saw the fire extinguisher.

"Hey Wave, what does this do?" he asked as he lifted it in his arms clumsily.

The swallow looked towards his direction and panicked. "No! Charmy put that back! Right now!" she demanded.

"Tell me what it is, first!" Charmy argued.

"It's a fire extinguisher! Now, put it back!"

"How does it wor-..!" The child pulled the handle on the extinguisher and foam exploded out of it wildly. Wave immediately rushed over to the bee who was screaming loudly as the extinguisher's force whipped him from side to side.

"Let go of the handle! Let go!" Wave repeated as she tried grabbing the bee's hands and pry them off of the handle.

"I can't!….This is so cool!" Charmy called out with a big toothy grin. Foam hit the swallow, sending her to the ground with a thud. Charmy was now being thrown around the room in circles.

"Wheee!" he cheered as he spun. "It's like a roller coaster!"

"Charmy! LET GO OF THE-…" Wave yelled but was cut off when she heard something hit the ground and shatter. She jerked her head around and saw her rare glass decorations being hit by the foam and shatter on the ground. She also saw blueprints and other important papers being ruined and sent flying in the room.

But she panicked when the foam struck her newly improved extreme gear and it hit the ground, chipping the sides off and denting it.

She sped over to her gear and picked it up to take it on the far side of the room. But she was knocked down once again with a face full of foam.

"WHEEE!" Charmy continued to shout in glee.

Wave sighed loudly and buried her face in her hands. She looked up when the foam stopped coming and something hit the wall with a loud metallic bang.

Charmy crashed the fire extinguisher!

Wave marched up to the bee, highly upset.

"Oh my gosh, Wave!" Charmy laughed. "That was sooo fun! You have to try it! You-"

"Charmy…" the mechanic cut him off with a shaky breath as she wiped away foam from her eyes. "I think it's best if you leave now…"

"But I wanted to-"

"GET OUT OF MY WORKSHOP!" the swallow bellowed.

This sent Charmy flying out of the workshop in panic mode.

Storm was in his room, lifting a few hand-held weights when he heard Charmy knock on the door quickly.

"Who is it?" Storm asked.

"It's me!" Charmy called.

"Oh, come in!" Storm gave the young one permission to enter his room. Charmy walked in slowly, gazing at everything before eying the albatross lifting weights.

"Whatcha doin'?" he asked, sitting in front of Storm.

"Oh, just getting stronger!" Storm replied. "Do you need something?"

"No…just wandering around." Charmy said.

Storm set down his weights and sat on the end of his bed. "You came here…why?"

"I fire extinguished Wave's workshop so she told me to leave." the bee said simply.

"You fire extinguished…? Never mind…" Storm shook his head. "What about the Boss? Why aren't you with him?"

"He told me to bug Wave. So I did. And now you were the only one I hadn't bugged yet."

"Oh…Wonderful…" Storm rolled his eyes.

Charmy nodded and looked around. Nothing interesting to him was in the room. Until he spotted Storm's extreme gear.

"Hey, is that your gear?" the bee asked as he crawled up to it and sat next to it.

"Yeah. Wave just tuned it a few ago. I wouldn't touch it if I were you." Storm warned.

"Oh, ok…" Charmy mumbled sadly. "I just wanted to see it, was all."

Storm held his breath. He didn't know what to say. Half of him wanted to let Charmy hold it and see it, but the other half told him that if he allowed that to happen, he would regret it.

So he went with his instinct.

"Fine…I guess it's ok if you hold it." the brawn smiled.

"Awesome!" Charmy grinned and snatched it into his arms. He looked it up and down, eyeing it's beauty.

"Wow, Storm! This is amazing!" he said. Then his eyes feasted upon the boost.

"What does 'boost' mean?" the 6 year old found himself wanting to push it.

"S-Something you d-don't need to t-touch!" Storm barked. "Don't hit it!"

"Hit it? Ok!" Charmy misunderstood Storm's warning. So without hesitation, the bee pushed the boost and it sent the board flying out of control through out the room.

"Charmy!" Storm yelled furiously. "Look what you've done!"

"What are you talking about? Look at it fly!" Charmy pointed to the gear and started jumping up and down. "Go! Go! GO!" he cheered.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Storm started to chant his own cheer as he tried to catch the run away board.

It all ended very quickly; it hit the window, broke the window, and it fell to the Earth below. Storm and Charmy watched it fall until it was no longer visible.

The albatross glared at the bee. He wasn't too thrilled.

"So…" Charmy chuckled nervously. "Do you know why the sky is blue?"

Storm grasped the young one by the collar of his vest and threw him outside his room.

Charmy walked into the living room once again to find Jet snoozing on the couch. A thought hit the bee.

"I wonder if the prank I pull on Espio will work on him!" He whispered to himself as he ran into the kitchen.

Inside one of the cabinets he finally spotted whipped cream. "Bingo!" he laughed as he ran back to the sleeping hawk.

He gently laid out Jet's hand and put a large pile of whipped cream on it. Charmy then grabbed a feather out of nowhere and hid behind the couch.

Ever so lightly did he tickle the hawk's face with it. After many moments, the hawk start to turn his head away from it, but he didn't lift his hand.

Sighing in annoyance, Charmy continued this process.

Finally, Jet went to rub his face, only to be surprised with whipped cream being planted on his face.

The bee laughed hysterically and fell to the floor as Jet gasped when he touched the whipped cream.

"ARGH! Charmy, your dead!" Jet growled as he jumped up from the couch.

Charmy instantly stopped laughing and bolted for the hallway with Jet on his heels.

"Come back here!" Jet demanded.

Charmy took a sharp turn down another hallway. When Jet tried to follow him, he only found himself running straight into Wave, knocking both down with a groan.

"Ow…Jet, what's your problem?" Wave snapped. "And…what's all over your face?"

"It's the kid! He pulled the old Whipped Cream Prank on me! Now, get out of my way! I've got a bee to hunt!"

Wave snatched his arm.

"He ruined my workshop with a fire extinguisher! I want in!" the swallow smiled evilly.

"Don't forget me!" Came Storm's voice. "He threw my board out the window!"

"Ok then…" Jet stated. "We ALL got a bee to hunt. Let's go!"

Charmy didn't have time to stop and catch his breath before he heard the three birds coming after him.

But he then found himself cornered. He turned to left, but Storm was there walking towards him.

Charmy turned to the right, but Wave was there and she too was walking towards him.

Charmy went to turn around and run back but Jet was right behind him.

"Now…I think there's something that you should say to all three of us." Jet said in a low tone.

Charmy tried to swallow away the lump that formed in his throat. "A-And that would be…what?"

"Say your sorry…"

"For what?"

Wave stepped in from behind the bee. "You ruined my workshop."

Storm was beside her. "And you threw my extreme gear out the window."

Charmy hung his head low. "Man…you all are no fun." he muttered.

"All you have to do is say one word." Storm added. "Maybe we'll consider forgiving you…"

"Forgive him? Yeah right…" Jet snorted.

"Jet…he's 6 years old." Wave reminded him.


Wave rolled her eyes. "What ever…come on, Charmy. Let's go." The mechanic took Charmy's hand and led him back to the living room.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see…"

"Wave, you really are a genius!" Jet smiled as the three sat on the couch and watched the young bee in front of them.

Charmy sat in the middle of the floor. A leash connected to a harness that was wrapped around him and Storm held onto the leash.

He was also eating a chocolate bar.

"By the way, when were you all going to tell me that there was chocolate around here?" Jet brought up.

"I never knew Storm kept some in secret." Wave admitted. "But I gave Charmy some of mine."

"And how is this not giving him a sugar rush?"

Wave smiled and closed her eyes. "Sugar-free chocolate!"

The bee licked his lips as he finished his chocolate bar. He smiled up to the swallow.

"Thanks Wave!" He thanked.

"No problem, kiddo." Wave smiled back.

Then suddenly, Charmy turned his attention to the leader.

"Hey Jay!" he chuckled.

Jet's left eye began to twitch. "…What?" he hissed through clenched teeth.

"You never told me why the grass is green!"

"THAT'S IT!" Jet hollered as he snatched the leash from Storm and dragged the bee with him to the door.

"Whoa, where we goin' now?" Charmy laughed.

The Babylon Rogues spotted the Chaotix back in the park where they last seen them.

Jet ran up to them frantically.

"Take him! Take him back!" he cried as he shoved Charmy to Vector.

"Whoa, dude! Calm down!" the crocodile was shocked from Jet's sudden behavior. "What did he do?"

"Just take him back!" Jet didn't answer the question.

"Come on, Jay!" Charmy said. "Please tell me why the sky is blue and the grass is green!"

Storm and Wave glanced at each other, wondering what their leader was going to do. Jet's eye continued to twitch, but he seemed to remain calm. He bent down to eye level with the bee.

"You really want to know, Charmy?" he asked in a soft tone.


"Ok…the sky is blue because it's not green!" he snapped.

Charmy was silent.

"And you wonder why the grass is green?"

"B-Because its not…blue?"

"Exactly! Look who's catching on!" Jet threw his hands up in the air. He walked right past his team mates without a word.

As the detectives watched the three walk away, Espio looked at Charmy.

"So…what did you think of those guys, Charmy?" he asked.

Charmy giggled happily. "Best babysitters ever!"

Vector chuckled from this. "Do you think we should hire them again sometime?""Definitely!"

Jet suddenly came running up to them. "Oh, and kid?"

"Yeah?" Charmy smiled.

"My name is JET!"

A/N: Ok this is the last chapter of this story! Hope it was good and I hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! Review please!