I don't own the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles or any of the characters

Chapter 7 –The Ice Witch

It appear to be a perfects day in the town square. The sun was shining. Only a few clouds in the sky. There would be a gentle breeze that occasionally go by. Nothing else would be expected. Since, it was the high of spring.

Fiona was waiting near the statues. She would come up to stand on her toes, then come back to plant her feet back on the ground. She would repeat this for small amount of time. It was one of thing she do, while waiting for her date.

It was not long, before Domeki showed up. She greeted him with a cheery smile. "Good afternoon, I glad that could make it"

"Well, it would be great, if we got to know each other better" he replied

After exchanging smiling, they heading to the marketplace. They plan to buy some fruits and other type of food that did not needed to be cooked. The reason for this, was they would have a picnic at Lover View. A spot that overview of the valley. Many couples go there, to have some time to themselves.

It might be rather early for them, to go the Lover View. However, it was one of only places that was private. Fiona did not want everyone in town to make to fuss about her dating someone. Especially, this was their date.

Once they made selection, they began to head over their destination. On the way, something strange was happening. The temptature was rapidly dropping. This was making Fiona shutter.

"What is wrong, Fiona?" asked Domeki

"Is it just me or is it getting colder"

He was about to answer, that he did not notice. It was then, I few flakes fell for the sky. "How is this possible?"

"It has be Alcyone" asked Fiona, "she must be attacking the town"

With hearing that, Domeki grabbed her arm. Leading her away from whatever danger that would come towards the town. For, she would face the witch's terrible wrath. It was best to get her to safety.

"Domeki" Fiona cried "what are you doing?"

"I need to get you to safety. I will take you back to my place"

"What? Why? I can handle, whatever Alcyone plans to do"

"No" he said, "I promised Kasey to keep you safe"

Fiona yanked her hand away. "Kasey, why would she ask that of you? We trained together as kids. We are a team. She knows how strong I am."

"I cannot say for sure. I think she wants you to be protected" Domeki said

Just then, there were screams and shouts coming from the gates. Fiona darted in that direction. She went too fast for Domeki to stop her. Not that it would have mattered, she was not that the type of person that abandons anyone in trouble. Especially, they are from the town.

When she reached the gate, she was shocked at what she saw. Around the edges of the wooden gates, ice was spreading. It was fast. Eventually, the entire gate would be covered. Then, the gates would be weak enough for whatever was behind it, could break through with ease.

Fiona took off the charm from her necklace. Then, as she spoke an incantation, it turn into a staff. Wings stretch out and the twist rings continue down into a sheath. The center crystal glowed with a light inside core.

"Spirits of the winds and embers that burn, I call upon thy. Please, aid me in saving my home. Come together, created a force that make the icy forced vanish"

Two tiny little figures came from the staff. They were a wind and fire sprite. As the float closer and closer to the gate, they began to swirl together. Until, there was a stream of a flame breeze touch the ice.

At first, it appeared to be working. The ice was melting away. However, there was a sudden blast of frigid air, came from the other side. This let more ice to creep along the gate. Even when, Fiona order the flame sprite to intensify the heat. It fail to melt it away.

Fiona watched. Her heart froze with fear. She could not prevent the witch from coming in. Alcyone is powerful than she imagine. Not to mention clever, figuring out what Fiona was doing would incredible insight.

"Fiona," Domeki shouted

"Domeki, I couldn't do it. She is about break through" she said

He stood there look at Fiona. It was as if, he was making a tough decision. Finally, he went over to the guard house.

"What are doing?" asked Fiona

"We cannot just let her do whatever she wants. I will fight" he said. He grabbing a bow and a quiver of arrows. He was ready to take whatever was behind that gate on.

"Oh, thank you" Fiona said

Just then, a giant crush can from the gate. The witch finally broke through the gate. Through the mist and dust, her silhouette could be seen. She was not moving any closer. However, her ice made giants were coming in full forces.

The guards attempted to drive their icy foes back. However, it was to no avail. Arrows would break or splitter away, as they came into contact with the surface. They would also be flung into the air.

Fiona and Domeki ran out of the guard house. One of the ice beings, ran towards them. Domeki fired one the arrows at it. When it came into contact with the icy surface, it just bounce off. It continued its charge, unfazed. i

Fiona called another flame breeze. Only this time, she command it to intensify the heat. There was a roar from the giant, when the flames spread throughout the body. She then, direction it towards that other giants.

It to have the affects they wanted. The giant ice figures began to melt. That is when she made her grant entrances. Alcyone walked through the gate. Her long wavy black hair flowed behind her. Along with her long white gown. The sphere on her staff glowed brilliant.

As she did, she made her way into the city. Her eyes could not help fall upon Fiona. With that, she came to a stop. "So, there you are. My dear Fiona. You are looking well. I true you have a wonderful life"

Domeki readied to fire an arrow. "How dare you! Talking to her in that fashion. As if, you are long time family member or friend"

"Domeki" Fiona whisper

"Well, I am a friend of her father"

"What kind of friend would kill the person that trusted them," he continue

"Trust," Alcyone began to say "It funny that you mention that word. When the man betrayed me, he did not wait for me to return"

"W...WH…WHAT" Fiona exclaimed

"You have not heard. Your father and I had deep relationship. We could have marry, if that little witch"

"You are lying"

"Am I? Why not ask your friend? She knows the truth"

"Fiona" Kasey came across the square

"Speak of the devil"