Lucky me

Genre: Humor, Action, Romance~

Pairing: Agon x Sena

Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 © Inagaki Riichiro and Murata Yusuke


Bold- Japanese & Headings/ transitioning

Italicized- English

Bold & Italicized- emphasis



Thank-you to the reviewers:

Thank-you to Stargazer, here's more, sorry it's really late.

Thanks itachisgurl93, I'm glad you find it cute, sorry for the lateness.

Thank-q to ItWillBeeOKJim for reviewing, I'm glad you like my portrayl of Mamori, yes she has a crush on Sena, but she sorta did in the manga too, but ended up liking Hiruma... it was really obvious... Hm, I'm not sure if I should have Hiruma lusting after him, but if I did, I'd definitely get a kick out of that, torturing characters is my favorite passtime... I'll get back to you on that. Oh, that photograph, just the usual blackmail Hiruma's got...

Thanks to Sachiel Angelo for reviewing. Sorry it's really late. Hahaha, yes poor Mamori, Sena really is, well actually Sena isn't, but he is... I guess he's pretty much in denial. Again, the Japanese, well there are some words that are best left untranslated, cause they are speaking in Japanese. Like for example, Senpai, you don't go calling older students, upper classmen Jeremey... you just called them Jeremey... and you don't go calling other people by their last name, it's a Japanese thing, since using first names is only meant for people on a close relationship level... and I sorta talk like that in real life, I speak like what four different languages, sometimes I accidentally type the way I talk... grammar error and all... but I do appreciate the concern.

Thank-you mimi234stny(dot)rr(dot)com for the five total reviews. I'm glad you like the way I portray Sena, and his quick wits, I also am glad you find him stalkable, and I apologize for the late wait, that is if you're still reading this fic. If not, then I'm sorry to have loss such a passionate reader/reviewer.

Thanks hell-kill for reviewing, or rather the laughter. I hope you find this chapter as funny as the last, if not, well I really apologize for wasting your time.

Thank-you daemonkieran for the review. I'm continuing this fic, though I'm not sure how long it will be for an update.

Thanks to yayubaru1 for the review. I'm sorry making you procrastinate on your English assignment, I hope you did well on it, and I'm sorry for making you wait for this chapter. And yet again, I apologize if this chapter isn't any good...

Thank-q to lunachiarolover reviewing, I'm glad you enjoy this fic so far, and my torturing Agon, I hope you like this next chapter, so sorry for the 7 month wait...

Thanks SisterFreaks for the review, I'm glad you enjoy this fic. I hope you like this next chapter.

Thanks to KitsuneDango for reviewing. I'm glad you find it a fun story, that you were enjoying it, I don't know what I would do if he met Shin, maybe make Sena hand him his cellphone to see if the rumors were true? I hope I can reach your expectations of this fic, if not, I really do apologize.

Thanks darkstar7789, I'm glad you like the story, here's a continuation, sorry for the 5-7 month wait...

UnderGroundSorrow... well I'm already on someone's hitlist so you'll have to wait your turn, unfortunately... my good friend has dibs on my head before anyone else... but I'm glad you love the story and Agon. No Sena isn't perfect, in fact, he's a hypocrite... but yeah, he won't save anyone, just those he happen to find, he can't just ignore a distress puppy you know... Hahaha, you think I'm afraid of Hiruma... hahaha! Hiruma fears me! I do some embarassing things to people in public, hence my friend is after my head... ahem, excuse me, enjoy the fic!

Thankies to TheLovelessRose for reviewing, here's an update.

Thank-you to lazyass joker for the review, here's an update.

So very sorry KitsuneNaru for waiting 5 months, but yeah, I'm a terrible awful, lazy, unmotivated, and tired person. So here's the update and it only took an additional 6 days?

Warning!: This chapter is entirely a flashback, well until the end which loops back to the present. Oh, not only that, but this will be attempted in first person point of view… I might give in to third person mid way. I really don't like writing in first person…

My hand went numb, I'm freezing cold...E-enjoy...

Chapter 6: I'd rather be a Friend

Okay, so this happened a few months after I just turned fourteen. It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do since my mom was working late again.

The living room was dimly lit by the television set and there I was sitting on the sofa in a weird position, and by weird position I meant I was sitting upside down, while watching some late night shows.

Why was I sitting in a weird position you may ask, well I was bored… really bored, and wondered if the shows would seem more interesting if they were viewed in a… different perspective. And I was sadly mistaken, those lame shows stayed lame. But that's when the home phone rang, and that's when all the trouble began.

Reaching for the telephone, which was lying on the table in front of me, since I just ordered pizza, I answered "Hello, Kobayakawa residence"

"/Sena!/" SLAM!

"Ow!" the scream of my name took me by surprise, and I happen to flip onto the coffee table, thus half landing on the floor, half landing on the table.


"…Un-Unsui-san?" I groaned, recognizing the voice on the other end of the line. I sat up and listen as he shouted out something most people wouldn't comprehend. But I'm not most people.

"/My mother floor, home trashed, hospital, Agon nowhere!/" If you didn't understand, let me translate that for you. I came home and my mother was on the floor, the house was trashed she's in the hospital and I can't find Agon anywhere… And by the tone, he was dead serious and deathly panicking.

"O-okay…! Have you tried calling him?" I sat up suddenly, my legs crossed.

"/He won't pick up!/" Unsui let out a cry of dismay "/I called and called but- My mom, Sena, she's-!/"

"… Okay, just calm down, I'll find him and-and I'll take him there, okay?" I never heard Unsui-san so panicked before, it must have been really serious. She must have been dying…

"/T-thank-you/" and the line went dead.

I sighed and took the phone over to recharge. I know I said I would find him, but where was I gonna find him? I tried calling him, but the phone just said the number was not available at the moment.

"What kind of shit did I just drag myself through…?" Alright, I have a foul mouth, so sue me? (KH: remember he's telling Mamori and Hiruma this story).

If I knew Agon, and believe me, I knew him a little too well, he would be out raving about with some bit-… woman.

"So where would he take a girl in the middle of the night… besides a hotel, it's only what nine thirty, Agon isn't so quick" Oh yeah, Agon is a womanizer, big time. Hiruma can vouch. Womanizer or not, a friend is a friend.

So off I went to my mom's room.

I figured, he'd be in a club to pick up girls, but me being so small, they'd check for some form I.D. So yeah, it's a known fact that woman, if beautiful, and a woman, if loaded, gets into clubs more easily than a short boy would.

Yes, that meant cross-dressing, and bribery. "Oh, if mother could see me now…" I muttered to myself as I got dressed in that horrible thing.

"I'll never wear this color again" I looked myself up and down in a mirror, and as you can see with the lack of my blazer, I don't.

So yeah I put chap-stick and a little bit of perfume, which smelled pretty good… I did my hair up a little, while I grabbed my wallet and stuffed it in the inside of my jean shorts… Hey, I'm not gonna go walking around in a dress without something underneath, okay? !

So yeah, I hopped into my mom's … yeah, okay I know it's illegal, but at the time- just let me tell the story. (KH: It's illegal for people under the age of 18 to drive in Japan.)

So I hopped into my mom's new civic and- yeah I'm not allowed to touch it anymore… wait I didn't I tell you to shut up, okay, then I'll tell you to both shut up and let me tell this story.

I jumped into the frickin' car I wasn't old enough to drive and drove off to one of the clubs, I'm not old enough to get into and got inside with a little bit of bribery. (KH: And flirting, but he wasn't going to tell them that.)

Once inside all I could see was crowds of people dancing and grinding into each other like horny animals they are… oh yeah, there were people drinking and talking, but god knows how with all that music blaring… lights flashing every color. If I wasn't in a hurry I would have party too… but I was so,

"How the hell am I gonna find that Jamaican-wannabe in this crowd? !" laugh all you want, but when he finds out you laughed, he'll probably kill you. Anyways… (KH: Hiruma's cackling away.)

"Hey baby, want me to buy you a drink?" a drunkard came up to me and dared to ask me that…

"Ah… no thank-you" I backed away, apparently he got the hint… or not.

"Did that motherfucker just feel me up? !" Again, I have a foul mouth, but wouldn't you shout if someone groped your butt? (KH: He's talking to Mamori, no one would dare grope Hiruma's bony ass…)

"If I wasn't in a dress…ooo I would whoop your- damn it Sena, calm down… I won't start a fight, nope, I won't beat the shit out of that mother fuckin' ba-" Okay so I was cursing, for while, while I searched for Agon…

After fifteen minutes in, I couldn't find the fu- I mean idiot anywhere.

"This is hopeless… he might not even be in this dump" only fifteen minutes and I was already smelling like booze and cigarettes… which I hate

Oi, why you writing this down? You got a death wish don't you? (KH: One word 'Hiruma')

Huh, ah, right the story.

There had to be an easier way to find him in that crowd of people, I thought to myself 'How do you catch someone's attention in a club…?' then I turned to the dj… "That'll work" Of course, if it didn't, I would just get kicked out, or if he wasn't in this club and I had to try again in different clubs… I'd probably be banned from all clubs here in Tokyo… but… lady luck was on my side tonight.

Huh, let me get to the good part.

I stepped up onto the DJ platform and issued a challenge "I got a challenge for anyone who is man enough, to take me on. But qualification are needed, you have to be tall, dark, and handsome… with head full of dreads… sunglasses are optional" I said in my most feminine voice, and last bit was a little rushed.

"What kind of challenge?" someone shouts up, most of the men were leering at me, ugh…

I was not flirting with them nor was I showing any leg, hey where'd you get that picture? ! Hiruma, give me them! All of them! (KH: He just jumped Hiruma and acquired more pictures of himself…) Better be all of them… Anyways on with the story, I shouted back to the crowd.

"A dance challenge" I shrugged.

"Oh, and what do we get if we win?" someone else shouted up.

"Ha… that's if you could win, which you can't… but if you win… you get me for the night~"

Hey, I was confident in my skills, okay. Lots of guys lined up. Heck, I never knew Japan had so many dread heads, but apparently they were all in that club that night.

"Must be dread night" of course half of my hair was in braid like dreads and the other is let down and my hair was tied up, see… (Shows Mamori the photo he confiscated from Hiruma.) Yeah, I'm quick with my hands, I can braid at the speed of light… Hm, oh yeah, so I spotted Agon in the line, or rather he was coming up the line, knocking everyone down instead.

"Typical…" I had to laugh.

(KH: Yeah… I'm gonna switch back to third person… not all of the flirting will be told to Mamori or Hiruma, but I'm telling you all the true happenings.)

"Yo, Agon" Sena greeted the dreadlocked teen, Sena had his arms crossed. Agon just looked the small brunette up and down.

"Damn, you pretty hot" Agon slurred, but still arrogant as ever.

'Ugh… he must be drunk…' Sena grimaced. In fact, he could smell the alcohol that Agon probably drowned himself in, from where he was standing.

"Hey no cutting in line, wait your turn pal" the first few men in line came up to Agon, itching for a fight.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Sena tried to warn them, but it was too late, Agon swung one arm and they went flying.

"Hey!" a few other guys shout, stomping up to them.

"Ugh, there's no time for this" Sena groaned as he scratched his head. He grabbed Agon by the arm and pulled him, or rather dragged him through a throng of people watching the small brunette speed away.

'How much do you friggin' weigh man? !' Sena struggled, of course when he looked back he saw Agon not cooperating with him, instead the man was out of it like he didn't know if he wanted to go with Sena or stay.

"Agon, move your ass" Sena grunted as he pulled.

"Don't order me around" the dreaded man glared at the small brunette pulling his arm away from Sena's grip.

"You're such a pain in the ass… Fine be a brat. I'll just tell Unsui-san and your dying mother, 'Agon is too busy fucking girls to come see you on your death bed…'" Sena shrugged, walking smirking as he felt Agon grip his shoulder.

"How the fuck do you know Unko, my mom's not dying…"

"Ba-chan's in the hospital, Unsui-san was practically crying over the phone…" Sena rolled his eyes.

"… Who are you?" Agon narrowed his eyes and leaned closer into Sena's personal space.

"Oh for fuck sake, it me Sena!" Sena stepped back and waved his arms.

"…" Agon looked like he was processing the information, or he had a bad case of the runs.

"Come on retard…" Sena dragged the drunk dreadlocked teen out of the stuffy club and into the cool night.

Once they reached Sena's car, which was parked a little ways away, Agon had sobered up a lot. (KH: I guess that God-speed reflex is good for something after all?)

"Sena… why the hell am outside instead of in a club getting laid?" Agon asked, turning to the small teen who was driving, "and what the hell are you wearing?"

"Because, Unsui called and pulled me from my boredom, he was panicking, he couldn't get a hold of you and your mom's in the hospital, and two, shut the fuck up I had to wear this, how else are they gonna allow an underage kid into a club? You're an exception Mr. 6 feet 3 inches" Sena rolled his eyes, knowing what Agon wanted to counter with.

Agon was smirking, that is until he suddenly realized that his mom was in the hospital "Floor it" Agon ordered.

"I would… except, I have no idea what hospital, Unsui-san didn't tell me" Sena shrugged.

"…" Agon stared at the brunette like Sena was trying to explain that there is no gravity on earth, it's all in our heads, so it's okay to jump off a cliff without a parachute.

"And my phone just died…" Sena showed Agon his phone with left hand, while keeping his eyes on the road.

"…" Again, no gravity… (KH: Okay if you don't get it, Agon is making the 'Are you fuckin' stupid' face at Sena… twice)

"So, which hospital do you think she's in?" Sena turned slowly to Agon, and blinked twice.

"The one closes to our house…" Agon supplied.

"Roger that, I suggest you put your seatbelt on it" Sena said with puckered lips.

"Just shut and drive…" Agon grunted.

"Kay, don't say I didn't warn you" Sena grinned and went wild…

(KH: Kids, don't try this at home. They are fictional characters whom can be resurrected, you cannot…don't do this especially in a residential area, its bad enough you'll be suicidal enough to try, but don't go killing off the little ones and the oldies…Alright go back to the story)

Sena switched to reverse and floored it, avoiding car after car behind him or rather now in front of him, whom honked and shouted indecent things at the two whom just gave a smirk, and a smile (Agon, Sena accordingly).

When there was finally enough room in between cars, Sena swerved and turned 180 degrees in a swift half circle motion, and shifted to drive and floored it, avoiding car after car until he got on the right lane (I don't know how he got on the freeway or how he exited it), but then he continued to floor it until he was on a quieter road, where the only sound that could be heard for miles was the sound of a roaring car. Then they arrived at the hospital, they hoped Agon's mom was in, but Sena didn't slow down, instead he turned the steering wheel all the way to the right and swerved into a parking space and placed the car on park.

Unbuckling his seatbelt he got out of the car, but not as quickly as Agon who was already in the hospital, unnerving the person working in the reception desk.

"I'm sorry, but my friend here is worried about his mother, so could you please, kindly tell us where Mrs. Kongo's room is?" Sena did his 'I'm so sweet, I'll give you a cavity' routine and got the room number in a flash.

They were running up the stairs, since Agon thought elevators were too damn slow, and got to the room to find Unsui sitting down in a chair next to the hospital bed.

"Unko, how's mom?" Agon strode into the room, Sena stood by the door, arms crossed behind him.

"A-Agon" Unsui stood up and step to the side as he looked down at the pale woman "she's, she's okay now…"

"…" Agon walked up to the bed and looked down; he noticed that she looked so small wrapped in the white hospital sheets, like a child…

"What happened?" Agon demanded, as he stared straight into Unsui's eyes, almost like he was judging his soul.

"…She was on the floor by the time I got home from practice… the living room was trashed… I think it's him"

"Che, it's definitely his fault" Agon spat.

"Ah, I don't mean to bud in, but are you sure it's not stress?"

"…" the twins turned to the small brunette.

"What do you mean Sena-kun?" Unsui asked, he looked a little agitated.

"How the hell is it stress when the living room's trashed, huh pixie?" Agon also leered down at the brunette.

"Well, for one, baa-san's been working what two to three jobs, last time I talked to her she was sporting a headache from at least one of them, and as for your living room being trashed, that's partially both of yours fault, when is your living room ever clean?"


"And before you go blaming this on me, you two are never around at home, I mean I help out more at your home than you two are ever seen at home with your personal agendas of training and sports or sports and woman, so you two are equal horrible selfish teenagers"

Before either could blow up in the small brunettes face, a voice agreed with him "It's true, you boys are never around… but you have your own lives"

"Yes, they have their own lives Baa-chan, but shouldn't they care about your health, the one feeding their mouths and the one who took care of them single handedly from babe to hormonal rage?"

She chuckled, at Sena's theatrics.

"At-at least let them notice before you're so ill that you break down…" Sena muttered, "Excuse me" he walked out.

"… Sena-kun is right… I'll, I'll quit football and-"

"Unsui, that's not what Sena was trying to say… he didn't mean for you to quit your dream… he meant to say, don't leave me out of your lives, I am, and still will always be your mother"

"I'll get a job"

The other two in the room were a little shock to say the least…

"I might as well, that way I'll have money to spend on my honeys" Agon sneered.

"Yeah, that's what I thought… Womanizer till the end" Sena stepped back into the room with a smirk on his face. He knew Agon was getting a job to lift the burden of feeding his mouth, but he wasn't lying about the honey money either…

"Guess what Baa-chan, you can leave tomorrow, but you'll be on bed rest for an entire week"

"W-what, but I can't-"

"No buts, your jobs are all secured, I had a little chat with the managers, let's just say… some people owe me a few favors, oh and don't worry about the hospital bill, it's covered"

"… Sena"

"Don't worry, I'm here for you Baa-chan, you just can't rely on these children, what you need is a man" with that Sena bowed.

Unsui's mouth went slack and his eyes widened and his mother laughed openly.

"Heh, what man, the one in the dress?" Agon crossed his arms.

"…Touché, but with that comment, there is a price to be paid… mark my words Agon Kongo" Sena leered bending forward and smirked.

If it were anyone else, they would have felt the chill go down their spine, but Agon Kongo just took that comment as a form of challenge.

"Name that price"

"Oh, I think I'll keep this one for now, heaven knows I also cash in favors" Sena rubbed his hands greedily, as he turned his back on the dreadlocked teen.

"Hold on"

"Hm?" Sena turned his head slightly to the side, only by the corner of his eye could he see Agon.


"I'm fine, go" his mother shooed him.

Sena turned fully "I'll come pick you up tomorrow, probably by taxi cause my mom's gonna grill me for taking her car, but I'll pick you up" he smiled.

"Thank-you Sena-kun, but its fine, you've done more than enough" she dismissed him "I know Agon will give you enough trouble for the night, seeing as he's going to be spending a night at your place"

"… I see…" Sena eyed Agon, and arched an eyebrow suggesting 'When were you gonna tell me that?'

"Che, like there's anything to eat at my place" Agon shrugged.

"Right…" Sena turned away again, and walked to the door.

Agon was still lingering a bit, mentally communicating with his twin about the welfare of their mother, Unsui was probably suggesting that he stay the night.

"Are you coming?" Sena placed one hand on the door frame and turned halfway to look into the room, unknowingly he posed a great picture or charming and enticing. His head tilted upward like he couldn't be bothered, yet at the same time, the smile that meant playfulness. And his legs did not hurt either, oh no, they only added to his appeal, that and the light from the hallway gave him a radiant look, like he was glowing.

"…" the twins couldn't help but stare…

"Hurry up slow-poke, I'm hungry" and with that the smallest brunette left.

'*Sigh*, if only Sena-kun was a girl, he'd make one heck of a daughter-in-law… well I only need one boy to give me grandchildren… I wonder which' neither boy knew that their mother was deciding their sexuality as Agon said his goodbyes-er grunts, and went after the small brunette.

(KH: Okay the story Sena tells Hiruma and Mamori end right here, but the flashback continues on, kay?)

The drive back was a quiet one, and neither spoke until they had gotten to the Kobayakawa's residence,

"Mom's probably not home yet, but make yourself comfortable… rather I know you will, so why bother saying this?" Sena muttered as he parked in the driveway.

"…" Agon was oddly quiet, and Sena suspected it was because of the spiel he did about them being children…

"So what do you want for dinner mister?" Sena asked as he opened the door.

Agon just arched a brow as he got out of the car and closed the door.


"You didn't make dinner yet?" the ever vigilant Sena, hasn't done something according to his schedule.

"Hey, like I said, mom's working later tonight and well I was just gonna- OH SHIT! MY PIZZA!"


"I-I ordered it before Unsui-san called and this whole thing happened, ah man… they probably thought I crank called them…*sigh*" Sena face palmed himself, and slam the door of the car shut as he dragged himself to the door. 'I'm gonna have to go and apologize… and pay for it, poor delivery kid is gonna get it pulled out of his wallet otherwise…'

Agon just scoffed knowing what Sena was planning on doing, and thought it was a waste of time and effort for someone he didn't even know.

"…So… what do you want for dinner and I'm not asking again, if you don't answer and you'll just have to eat the shit I make…" Sena crossed his arms.

"Whatever I want huh?" Agon leered at Sena, who happened to still be in that sea foam dress.

"… Sorry big boy, but I'm not on the menu" Sena batted his eyelashes, knowing Agon was playing around, he went to go unlock the door, once inside he took off his shoes and placed the keys down.

"Oh, and why not? I'm great in bed" Agon boasted, as he took his shoes, without taking his eyes off the small brunette, who was now tying up his hair (KH: Sena has shoulder length hair, it's just it spikes up… if he lets it down it goes all the way down to his shoulders)

"That's nice to know… but I rather stay just friends… cause I know how much of a pain it is to be your lover… I pity the girl who ends up with you…" Sena went to turn on the lights to the kitchen, after turning on the lights of the living room.

"Who says I'll settle down?" Agon followed into the kitchen.

"Hah, tell that to me when you're a decrepit old man" Sena went to get some things out of the fridge and cupboards.

"Hah, like I'll ever be decrepit" Agon walked over to the fridge, still eyeing the brunette, though unintentionally.

"Age does it to you… but knowing you, you'll probably be the only grandpa around the block with a six pack"

"Eight pack" Agon boasted as he grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

"six is a better number" Sena said as he leaned upward to grab a bowl to put the vegetables in, that's when the dress, which only came up to his thighs, which surprised Agon, since it was clearly Mihae's dress, so how short was it on her, lifted up a bit and Agon noticed Sena had short jeans on… and that's when he noticed he was staring at Sena's legs and ass…

"Shit!" Agon swore.

"Huh?" Sena turned to the cursing teen.

"Go change" it wasn't a suggestion, it was an outright command.

Usually Sena would bite back saying not to order him around and do it eventually, but… this time he had to agree with Agon.

"Damn, I forgot… Alright be back in a bit, watch the boiling water" and the rest of the night went off without a hitch.

After Sena got changed, Sena finished making dinner, Mihae came home and they all had a nice dinner together.

(Going back to present time, therefore, FLASHBACK OVER!)

"So yeah, we went to my house and had dinner when my mom got home" Sena explained to the two,

"I see… that's so nice of you Sena-kun" Mamori smiled.

"Yeah… real nice" Hiruma smirked which made Sena narrow his eyes at the lanky blonde. He was just about to chew out the demonic teen when the bell rang, and they all rushed to class, well Mamori and Sena.

Mamori left first, and after she was a distance away Sena stated "I mean it Hiruma, leave me alone. If I didn't make myself clear the first time, let me tell you this now. I want nothing to do with you or your club…if not, there will be hell to pay… I-don't-make-empty-threats…" and with that the spiky haired brunette was gone.

"Heh, interesting… Sounds like a challenge…"


KH: For some unexplainable reason, the small teen seemed to attract the insane population… and he ends up stuck with them…

So yeah, I don't know when I'll update this fic… I'm kinda running out of ideas… and motivation… must be the cold... I've gone numb, the windows won't shut...