Hey everyone! It's me again. This is sort of a spin off to one of my other stories "I'll Be Your Nightlight." If you don't read it, don't worry you won't be completely in the dark for this story, but it will explain why Santana is doing what she is doing. And also… I'd really appreciate any constructive criticism for anything I've written, so yes. Anyway, here's the spark notes version in case you don't want to go and read "I'll Be Your Nightlight" : Brittany earns stickers from Santana when she does something good. She only needed eight more stickers until she received "Santana's Super Secret Surprise". Well, here we are eight stickers later!

Just wanted to mention a few things before we get started. It's one surprise, but it will be split up to about six chapters. You'll understand why I do that as you go on. Also I realize Brittany may be a tad bit out of character, but y'all know what I'm talking about when I say it's IMPOSSIBLE to write her the way she's written in the show. And I realize Sectionals happened in the winter, and this story takes place sometime in the spring. There's a reason for the season, so just pretend time doesn't really matter. I know it doesn't go in tune with the show, but hey that's what FanFiction is all about.

I would also like to give a HUGE thanks to my pal (( tee hee )) Cognitivism for really helping me out with this story. You're a champ! Oh and killercereal, I finally give you "Santana's Super Secret Surprise"!

P.S. Glee is not owned by me or my family. The only thing that's mine is the idea. I have stolen the characters.

The word no according to the Webster Dictionary is used to express refusal, denial, disbelief, emphasis or disagreement. The word no is used by parents all over the world every second of the day. The word no is a favorite in the eyes of teachers. The word no is coincidentally the first word Santana Lopez ever said and she has been a fan of that word ever since. There are only two situations in which the word no means absolutely nothing to Santana Lopez: when she's not the one using it, or whenever Brittany Susan Pierce is involved. For some strange reason Santana forgets the word no even exists once Brittany wants something. It's because of this bizarre phenomenon Santana Lopez found herself on a paddle boat, with a swan painted on the side, in the middle of a pond, sitting next to her best friend one Sunday afternoon.

"San! Look, look, look! That duck just waved at me! Did you see it? Did you see it?" Brittany squealed as she leaned over the side of the boat to try and get the duck to come shake her hand.

"Yes, Britt I saw it. Now will you please stay in the boat? If you fall over I'm not fishing you out!"

Brittany looked over at the brunette with puppy dog eyes, "Can I least keep my hand in the water and let the duck come to me?"

"Alright, fine. But your back absolutely HAS to be touching the seat at all times. Otherwise hands stay in your lap. Are we clear?"

"Clear… Party pooper."

"Oh, I'm sorry for not wanting anything to happen to you if, God forbid, you make this boat tip over. I must be such a horrible person for actually wanting someone I care deeply about to be safe," Santana retorted, the sarcasm in her voice reaching an all time high.

"Yes you are." Brittany closed her eyes, smiling to herself, as she let her head fall lazily back onto the seat of the boat.

The two girls sat back allowing a comfortable silence to blanket them as the cool spring breeze tickled their skin. Santana stole a glance at the blonde next to her. Brittany still had her eyes closed and her fingertips were tracing slow circles in the water, all attempts to get the duck forgotten as she was lost in her own world. The smile that had danced itself across the Latina's lips faltered as she remembered what was in her bag and realized she didn't want to break the peaceful state her best friend was currently in. But she knew this was her moment of opportunity, and if she wanted her plan to work she needed to act now.

As she grabbed her bag Santana suddenly became very thankful of her good fortune. She had this day planned out for weeks ever since Brittany earned her last sticker for dancing at Sectionals even though she was terrified of messing up. Seeing the light in Brittany's blue eyes when she realized she accomplished something all by herself had been the inspiration for today's activities. But when Brittany had begged Santana to go on a paddle boat today with her, Santana became extremely worried her plan would no longer work. As it turned out, however, the blonde had unknowingly made the situation much more convenient by bringing them here.

Making sure Brittany's eyes were still closed the brunette reached into her bag. When she felt her fingers curl around the desired object, she quickly pulled it out and threw it across the pond into the water.

"Oh my God, Britt!" Santana suddenly cried out.


'Do you see that?"

"What? See what?"

"That!" Santana pointed to where what she had thrown landed, "That big, shiny thing in the water!"

Brittany sat up as far as her body, and Santana, would allow her to. She scanned the water until her eyes landed on the object in question. "Yeah! I see it! I can't tell what it is though. Can you?"

"No. Let's go see what it is then!"

The Latina began pedaling furiously, but stopped when she noticed her partner in crime wasn't doing the same. She was too busy bouncing up and down from anticipation.

"Brittany, I understand you're excited, but if you don't help pedal then we're just going to go in circles all day. And then someone else might see it and beat us to it. If that happens we'll never know what is over there!"

That was all Santana had to say to get the blonde to start pedaling as fast as she could. Within seconds the two girls found themselves next to the mystery below the surface. Santana strategically positioned the boat so that Brittany was not next to the object, otherwise she'd jump into the water in a heartbeat. However, the blonde was straining her next as she tried to lean across her friend so she could see what was in the water.

"I can't see it! San do you see it? What is it?"

"I'm not sure we'll have to get it out of the water."

At those words Brittany practically threw herself across the brunette in an attempt to reach the bottom of the pond. Santana had an instant heart attack as the boat began rocking dangerously to the left.

"No," Santana caught Brittany before she fell over. "You sit back down. I will get it."

Reaching back into her bag the Latina pulled out a small fishing net. "Thank you Uncle Phil for being such an avid fisher." Lowering the net into the water Santana struggled to lift what she had originally thrown in with only one arm since the blonde was currently squeezing the life out of her other one.

When she finally got the net out of the water she watched as blue eyes grew ten times larger as the owner of them recognized what Santana was holding.

"It's a message in a bottle!"

Sure enough, inside the net was a clear bottle with a rolled up piece of paper inside. Once Santana got the bottle out of the net she immediately thrust it into Brittany's awaiting grasp. "Open it."

Before the smaller girl could even blink, Brittany had the bottle opened and upside down, dropping the paper into her hand. Slowly unrolling the piece of paper the blonde furrowed her eyebrows as she read what was written.

"Well? What's it say?" Santana asked feigning curiosity, but still really excited.

"I'm not sure…"

"That's okay sound it out."

"No I know what it says. I just don't know what it says."

"Read it aloud."

"'I fly but I'm not a bird. I need a person to get me in the air but I'm not a plane. I come in many different shapes and colors but I like it best when I'm diamond shaped and yellow. Two plus two is four and four equals one. When you find the message it will give you your next clue'," Brittany stopped to look up at the girl next to her. "NEXT CLUE! San there's more! There's another clue after this one!"

"That's awesome! It's like a mystery! And if you figure everything out you'll be like a detective!"

"I know! I've always wanted to be a detective. This is so cool!"

"Alright, let's calm down for a sec. We have to figure out what this clue means before we can figure out the next one. I fly but I'm not a bird…" Santana scrunched her face pretending to think. She wanted Brittany to figure this out with any help from herself.

"Oh I know! It's Finn! Finn can fly!"

"It's most definitely not Finn." Okay, maybe I'll help her out a little.

"Okay, never mind then. What else? You need a person to make it fly but it's not a plane. And we're positive it's not Finn?" Santana shook her head. "Just checking. It likes being diamond shaped and yellow. Hey, my cousin has a yellow, diamond shaped kite! It flies but it's not a bird…"

"Say that again."

"What? It flies but it's not a bird…?"

"No before that."

"My cousin has a yellow, diamond shaped kite?" Suddenly a smile flashed across Brittany's face as she realized why Santana was nodding at her while grinning. "That's it! It's a kite! It flies and needs a person to get it in the air! Kites come in different shapes and colors, and sometimes they are diamond shaped and are yellow!"

"You're absolutely right! Good job Brittany!"

"Now where are we going to find a kite…" The Dutch girl trailed off as her eyes searched the sky. "Yes! Come on Santana we have to go to the park! That's where we'll find our next clue."

Both girls began paddling back to shore faster than they've ever run for Coach Sylvester in all the years they've known her. Santana never had a bigger smile on her face as she watched her friend's determinism to get to the next clue. Brittany Susan Pierce was on a mission.

Phase one complete.