It was the silence that pulled Booth out of a deep sleep. As he blinked his eyes open in the early predawn light that was filtering in through the window, the only discernible sound in the cabin were the soft snores of his partner lying next to him. It seemed that the wind at least had stopped and it was entirely possible that the Sheriff's information about the weather clearing was right on target. He let out a sigh and slipped out from under the covers, donning some of the clothes he had so eagerly shed before as he made his way over to the window to assess the weather situation.

"Damn." His voice was louder than he'd intended for it to be.

"What?" Brennan rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and turned her attention to where her bedmate had escaped. "Why are you up?" Truth be told, she had been looking forward to waking up next to him.

"It stopped snowing." He was frowning as he made his way back over to where she was still laying.

She wrinkled her nose. "Oh." That of course meant that there was probably no rational reason to not head back to DC as soon as they could make themselves ready. They were here for work after all and they owed it to their victim to get to the case as quickly as possible so that justice could be properly meted out.

Silence spread between them for a moment as they just looked at each other. Booth rested his hands on his hips. "We should probably head back." What he really wanted to do was crawl right back into the pile of blankets with her and try and make them both boneless again.

She propped herself up on one elbow, not making any pretense about openly studying his features. "I suppose given the weather conditions that it would be out of the question to ask you to stay like that for the drive home." She had always known that she found him pleasing to look at, but after last night, she had a whole new appreciation for the view that was Seeley Booth.

He snorted out a laugh and puffed his chest up a little. "Like what you see, huh, Bones?" He was appreciating the view of her before him as well, even if most of it was all covered up under a nice homey quilt.

"I do." She smirked. "That should be abundantly obvious after last night."

"Yes, you were rather enthusiastic." He smirked back. Any awkwardness that he'd been afraid might surface in the light of day never appeared, it was if they had naturally shifted into this new phase of their relationship and nothing else had really changed.

"As I recall, I wasn't the only one." Her protest was muffled by one very sexy FBI agent who just couldn't help himself.

The drive back had been fairly uneventful, save for the furtive glances and the blatant handholding. Neither one of them seemed to be able to wipe the grins off of their faces. By the time they arrived back at the Jeffersonian, it was a minor miracle that Booth didn't just jump her in the back of the Sequoia after they'd pulled into the parking structure.

Even though he had his own part of the investigation to get to, he followed right along after her, all the way to her office, taking note that far more people than he'd expected were in given the weather that had just blown through.

As they stepped into her office, Brennan couldn't resist tugging him towards her by the edge of his jacket. "You know the sooner we wrap up this case, the sooner we can resume our extracurricular activities." She looked up into his eyes to find that they were twinkling at her.

"Then I should go do my FBI stuff so that you can do your lab stuff." All the specifics that he might normally go into seemed unimportant as he leaned in and kissed her, workplace be damned.

She eagerly reciprocated, letting her arms drift over his shoulders as she felt his tighten around her waist and pull her close. They lingered like that until it was obvious that they were no longer alone.

"O-kaay. Apparently, this isn't a good time." Cam didn't even try to conceal the delighted smirk that played across her lips.

"Uh, no, now is fine." Brennan smiled at the other woman and grabbed for her partner's arm as he stepped away to keep him from leaving just yet.

"I just wanted to let you know the results of our preliminary examination so you could begin yours, Dr. Brennan." Cam paused momentarily as she glanced from one partner to the other. "When you're ready of course." The implication was there that what she had walked in on was long overdue and she wasn't going to be the one to break it up. At least right away.

"I was just going." Booth smirked at Cam and then turned his attention back to his partner. "I'll call you later, Bones." There was no way he was not going to see her after they wrapped up their day, even if it meant he had to go all cave man on her and drag her from the lab by tossing her over his shoulder.

"Okay." Brennan's smiled widened as she watched him turn and leave, admiring his retreating form just because she could.

After a long moment Cam cleared her throat. "So you and Seeley huh?" Not that she needed any confirmation after the display she'd walked in on.

Brennan glanced over with a very please smile. "Yes, Booth and I have decided to embark upon a monogamous emotional and sexual relationship, which given the oddly overt curiosity that all of you have had about our relationship status shouldn't really surprise you."

His arms encircled her waist from behind as she dished the contents of the takeout cartons onto two plates. "That was very good work of you, Bones, to figure out that our victim was a suicide and not a homicide." Without a murder to solve, there was no reason to continue investigating a case that wasn't.

A smile pulled at her lips when he started to pepper kisses against her neck. "Unless you want to run the risk of spilling Thai chili sauce on your man parts, I would suggest that you keep your hands to yourself until we finish eating."

"Man parts?" Booth stepped away in mock shock. "What happened to my squinty Bones?"

She rolled her eyes and turned and handed him both plates before grabbing the necks of two beers. Heading towards the couch in the living room. "I've learned that it's best to use small words when you're in a heightened state of arousal. Words like penis and testicles require stringing together a few more words. 'Man parts' seemed to sum things up nicely." There was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

He followed her, enjoying the opportunity to ogle her. "I see." As they sat, he made a very obvious glance at he features. "Well, I wouldn't want to injure any of my man parts, especially since they are very fond of your lady parts." He shoveled in a nice big bite of food and started munching.

"I am aware." She slipped a forkful into her mouth and savored the taste of one of her favorite dishes and stared at him openly. After a few minutes of eating, she set her plate down on the coffee table. "I think this food could be warmed up, don't you?"

"Mine's just fine." He took another bite and began to chew when he felt her hand on his bare thigh. He glanced up to find a predatory look in her eyes and nearly snorted a noodle out his nose. "Oh."

She took the plate out of his hand and set it on the coffee table while he took a nice long swig of his beer. "The microwave will heat it up very quickly."

He set the beer down and looked directly in her eyes. "For the third time tonight." Not that he was complaining or anything, but he did need to keep his stamina up at the rate they were going.

"Well it's very distracting watching you eat in while you're in your underwear." It was very logical after all. Any woman with eyes would understand her quandary.

He snorted as he regarded what she was wearing. "Well the same could be said for you." A camisole and panties did not an outfit for dining make, although, he was certainly enjoying the view.

"We wouldn't even have to leave the couch." She looked at him hopefully.

He couldn't argue with her logic. With that he gently tackled her and shut her up with a kiss as he pulled the afghan from the back of the couch over them.

The End