So I learned that it's not so good to post when I'm that tired. I thought I was offering two choices but I see now I gave you three. I think I've got something that will make everyone happy, though.

Kate shifted uncomfortably in her chair, realizing that all eyes were on her, on them. It was like being on the witness stand in court. She took a sip of her drink, realizing that the longer she delayed in telling the story, the bigger the deal they would think it was.

Finally she shrugged. "We lulled him into a false sense of security, enough so he turned his back on me, and I knocked him out cold."

"Yeah, but how?"

"We made ourselves seem as harmless as possible."

"Yes, that was already implied." Lanie spoke up now, adopting a tone normally used by a mother interrogating her children as to which one broke the lamp. "He would only have felt secure if you seemed incapable of harming him. What we are asking is what convinced him?"

"We appeared to be inebriated."


"And…very occupied with one another."

"Occupied." Now it was Esposito's turn.

"Yes. Castle communicated…something to me, something he was very passionate about, then I offered my rebuttal. There was more input from both sides, and a rather intense struggle ensued in which we each sought to gain the upper hand. The thug was so drawn in by this…powerful expression of our needs, he totally dropped his guard, convinced we were no threat. And then I brained him," she finished with a satisfied nod.

Kate had been looking around the table as she spun her tale. As she finished speaking she'd made her way back around to Castle, who sat smiling at her, incredulous.

The others looked to Roy for confirmation. "That's what the report says. Though it was phrased a little differently."

"How was it phrased?" Lanie asked, the one person with least access to said report.

"In the report Detective Beckett refers to it as a marital squabble, and I think she used a more official word than 'brained'"

Castle had chosen that unfortunate moment to take a sip of his beer, which was promptly propelled back up by a coughing fit.

He regarded Beckett. "I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want to be married to me."

"I don't, why do you think we were squabbling?" she retorted with a wink. She concentrated on taking a sip of her drink, trying to ignore the three sets of suspicious eyes trained on her. Finally she looked up. "So are we going to finish this game or what?"

When the last hand was played, Kate stood up from the table a hundred dollars richer. Esposito and Lanie made their exit first, followed not long after by Ryan and the Captain. Kate lingered, gathering glasses to bring to the kitchen. She felt a gentle hand on her wrist. "Dear," Martha began with a knowing look, "when you retire from police work, you ought to consider trying your hand at theater. I do believe you have a knack for it." With a showy yawn she drifted back out to the living room, where Kate heard her bidding her son goodnight.

Kate ventured back out with the full knowledge that, for the time being, they were alone. She glanced around, unsure of what to do next. "Well, I guess I'll be going," she offered weakly.

"Don't you think we ought to talk?" he asked softly.

"About what?"

"For starters, about how you're allowed to lie like that on an official report?" he teased.

"Yeah, well, I didn't particularly want to have our first kiss chronicled in the news paper's police blotter section, did you?"

"No, I get enough press coverage as it is… Hold it." He paused, processing what she'd said. "First kiss. As in 'beginning of a sequence', that first? As in 'more will be following'?" He watched her carefully, not daring to believe his ears. His head was already swimming a little with pride, she'd told the story as well as he could have, if not better, speaking the truth yet still allowing them to keep their experience private.

She crossed to stand before him. "Yes, that 'first'. Exactly when did you start having trouble with basic words?"

"Funny. I think it was right around the time I watched you talk circles around me. Which, by the way, was incredibly hot." His expression sobered. "What about Josh?"

"He's gone again. Off to Haiti to save more lives. I can't compete with that. I particularly can't compete with Nurse Noble Sacrifice who is down there getting cozy with him."

His heart clenched at the bitterness in her voice. He cautiously reached for her, folding her into a hug. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not. It's only fair I guess. My heart had been elsewhere, it just took me a while to admit it." She pulled back to smile up at him.

"So, how high can you count?" he asked, enjoying the perplexed look she gave him. "We're keeping track, right? First kiss, second kiss, nine million four hundred thousand and third kiss?"

"I think after a while the situation matters more than the number."

"Why Detective. I had no idea you were such a romantic!"

"Really? Well now you do. And just to be sure you never forget it…" She reached up and pulled him to her, initiating a kiss that took his breath away. He groaned and threaded his fingers through her hair, cupping her head. They stood there, drinking one another in, until Kate began to sway on her feet.

Reluctantly he loosened his hold, still keeping her in the circle of his arms. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. It's late and I'm tired, that's all."

"Well then, let's go to bed."

"That's my plan," she agreed, and hope flared within him, until she reached for her jacket.

He caught her hand. "You're welcome to stay here."

"Do you really think that's the message you want to send Alexis?"

"Please. We're far from strangers. You've done it before."

"Yes, when there was an empty room."

"I would really… love… to wake up with you tomorrow. We don't even have to go any further than we have already. Just let me hold you." When she still looked dubious, he made one last offer. "What if we leave it up to chance." He grabbed the deck of cards off the table. "We'll cut for it. High card wins."

Kate couldn't deny that being in his arms was wonderful. Why not?

He saw her capitulating. "Ladies first?" he offered, holding the deck out to her. She found herself secretly wishing for a low card, and quickly hid her disappointment when she drew a king.

Not relishing the thought of losing, he closed his eyes and cut the deck again. They flew open at her words. "You win after all."

He glanced down at an ace and grinned. "Really? Because we never did establish whether aces were high or low."

"No, no, you won, fair and square. But since I wasn't planning this, do you have a shirt or something I could borrow? Or I could go ask your mom for something."

"NO, no. Let's not disturb her. She needs her beauty sleep. I'm sure I can find something." After all, what man didn't want to see the woman of his dreams clad in one of his shirts?

He motioned for her to go ahead of him, through his study and into his bedroom. He pulled a t-shirt and a pair of draw-string pants out and handed them to her, motioning toward the bathroom.

Closing the door behind her, she was impressed that he was being such a gentleman. She changed, then washed her face. Looking around she realized she didn't' have a toothbrush, so she simply helped herself to a little mouthwash to freshen up. When she opened the door he had already changed for bed, in an outfit very similar to hers. "All yours!" she offered. He grinned wickedly, his eyes traveling over her body. "The…the bathroom, I mean. The bathroom is all yours! Nice try though."

She saw that he had pulled back the covers, so she gingerly slipped between them, waiting. When he emerged from the bathroom, he actually looked a little nervous. He climbed into bed and studied her. "What time do you want the alarm set for?"

She shrugged. "Seven?" He nodded and made the adjustments, then turned out the light and reached for her. As she nestled against him, he both heard and felt the sigh of contentment, and his heart soared.

SO? Is everyone happy now? Can I fire the bodyguard? I'm going to leave this one incomplete for now, in case I feel inspired to continue. I do need to get back to "So Good Together".