Author's Note: Hiya everybody! I've been reading Sherlock fics for a while and it's been a while since i've written any fanfiction so i was surprised when this idea just took my brain over! Plus i haven't found any mpreg on here yet so enjoy! Sorry if characters are a bit OOC i did try.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock, the BBC does. Firework is by Katy Perry.

Pairings: Sherlock/John

Warnings: Mpreg and fluff.


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Being pregnant was starting to take it out of Sherlock. He was tired all of the time, he couldn't walk properly so he waddled to Scotland Yard instead of walking in his long, proud strides and he was getting emotional about the smallest things. It had been a steady process of getting upset by small big things such as Anderson's comments and the blood at a crime scene but now it was everything; things on the internet when searching through things for cases, a bad smells, and east enders weirdly enough.

Today was a nightmare, worst than normal as Sherlock waddled into Scotland Yard late at night; the cramps in his stomach where becoming so painful he had a lean against the wall and take a few deep breaths. They had started this morning when John had crashed out to go to the surgery for his shift. Sherlock had almost asked him to stay because he felt so uncomfortable and this was his fault! Why should Sherlock suffer when John got to walk around without any pain or the constant need to pee, or losing the ability to run or having to eat carrots with ice cream with gravy?

He leaned against the wall and breathed out through gritted teeth as another pain in his stomach blew all thoughts from his mind. Sherlock looked about as he heard voices, he didn't want any random police officer to find him so he pushed open the nearest office door open and closed it behind him before flipping the light on and lowering himself into a chair as another pain knocked his legs from under him. Sherlock breathed out slowly waiting for the pain to stop until the police officers had left and their voices quieted down. Gently Sherlock pushed himself out of the chair and made for the door when another pain ripped through his stomach sending Sherlock to the floor; great he thought, 'I'm in labour.'

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Contractions, that's what they were and it was so painful- interesting his brilliant mind said and again another pain. He slowly tried to pull himself up against the wall and to control his breathing as he looked down to see his trousers were wet. Great, his water had broken.

Try to relax; he told himself, it's not going to take long. But as his mind flashed to thinking about actually having the baby, he thought about the health classes John had made them take and how everything they had planned for had happened in a hospital, with doctors, a bed and drugs... Oh drugs Sherlock thought as the pain intensified. Suddenly he was scared, for the first time Sherlock Holmes was scared. He was alone, in labour, and was in too much pain to call for help.

He started to panic. Sherlock Holmes normally didn't have feelings or care about having the company of others but right now both were suddenly very important. It was all he could think about to the point he didn't even look up when he heard the door open.

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

"Sherlock?" it was a familiar voice.

He looked up through his tear filled eyes at Sally Donovan. Another contraction hit him and he cried out in pain, collapsing forward.

"Sherlock! What are you doing here?" Sally continued bending down to his level.

"I should be asking you that." Sherlock spat back from pain and trying to keep things as normal as possible.

"It's my office, freak, I know being pregnant has made you more of an arse than normal but..."

"It's coming..." Sherlock groaned at her almost in disbelief at the woman's ignorance.

"Now?" She swallowed. He nodded quickly as another contraction ripped through him. Sally stood there for a few minutes in shocked silence and then made a move to pull Sherlock up.

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

"What the hell are you doing?" He cried out in pain.

"We need to get you an ambulance and I don't want blood all over my office." She said as she helped him up.

"Lestrade! Anderson!" Sally yelled and Sherlock groaned when she yelled for Anderson he was the last person he wanted to see him like this. They had only gone a few steps when Sherlock cried out again and doubled over from another contraction. Struggling to him up Sally called out again and Anderson came running from the direction of Lestrade's office, closely followed by Lestrade.

"What's wrong with the freak?" Anderson asked clearly uninterested. Sally looked up in disbelief just as Sherlock had earlier and snapped at him. "He's in labour idiot."

"Wait, what right now?" Anderson asked as Lestrade leant down beside Sally and Sherlock. Sally stood up and whacked Anderson around the head as if to say 'well yeah!'

"Sherlock put your arms around my neck." He said in all seriousness. Sherlock looked at him like he had asked him to jump off a building. "Come on; swallow that pride Sherlock, before I change my mind."

Sherlock nodded and did what he was told. Lestrade lifted him from the ground and began to walk to the exit. Sherlock just moaned with pain and tightened his grasp around Lestrade's neck as another contraction ripped through him.

"Was that another contraction Sherlock?" Sally asked as her and Anderson followed behind Lestrade. Sherlock nodded as another one crashed through him and he tried not to push.

"They are very close together boss," Sally said to Lestrade. "I don't think we are going to make it to the hospital."

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Anderson over took Lestrade and Sally and pushed a door open which was ahead of them, "Bring him in here we are going to have to deliver the baby here!"

Sherlock wasn't having that even though Lestrade changed from heading to the exit to heading the door which Anderson had opened. He started to pull away from Lestrade trying to get away from the idea of having a baby with only Lestrade and Donovan there to help him; no he needed hospital, doctors, drugs and his doctor."John..." He breathed out as Lestrade placed him down on the floor of the empty office. Lestrade looked down and seeing how much pain Sherlock was in took charge.

"Ok Anderson I'm going to need scissors, blankets and anything else we might need and I need you to call for an ambulance." Anderson didn't need to be told twice before he was running out of the room and towards a first aid kit. That taken care of he turned back to the man on the floor trying to copy the breathing of his Sergeant. "How close are they together?" He asked Donavan as Sherlock shook from pain.

She looked at her watch. "They are right on top of each other." A worried look passed between them and Donovan turned to Sherlock"How's it going Sherlock?"

He shot her a look that could kill. "I'm great thank you; it's like being on holiday on a beach...AAAHHH!" Another contraction? "I need to push..."

"No don't push! Sherlock just focus on breathing, focus on me, that's it breath in and out, in and out..." Breathing is so boring, Sherlock through over and over, it's boring, just transport...

"Sherlock you need to do what I tell you!" Donavan snapped.

Sherlock tried to copy her actions but the pain was becoming so bad he just couldn't and showing more emotion than he had in years he began to cry out loud. "The baby's coming, I need John..." He sobbed out. Anderson crashed back into the room, with medical things in his arms. "Called for an ambulance, found some medical things and a book on medical emergencies and I called John he said he is on his way."

"Sherlock, it's ok, did you hear John's coming its going to be ok." Lestrade said. Sherlock nodded tears still running down his face. "Ok I need to have a look to see if everything is ok." Sherlock looked more panicked than he did in a while. He did not want Lestrade seeing his well; it was for John only... He pushed himself up and cried out in pain and discomfort. "No I don't want you to...No... ahhh!" He cried out as he tried to push.

"Sherlock stop!" Lestrade said in a stern voice and suddenly Sherlock knew why he was a detective. "Me and Anderson will wait outside while Sally does it ok." Sherlock thought about it for a minute before a huge contraction ripped from his body. That made the decision for him as he felt Lestrade get up and push himself and Anderson from the room leaving Sally with Sherlock.

Sally helped Sherlock stand up to remove his boxers and trousers and then laid his coat over his legs to give the poor man some dignity.

"Ok boys all done." She cried before taking a look under the cloth before Lestrade could. When she looked back up her face looked worried. Lestrade crouched down behind Sherlock supporting him and taking his hand. "Not good I think we are going to have to deliver the baby here."

Sherlock panicked again, "No! You can't! Where's John help!" Lestrade gave out a quick gasp as Sherlock's finger nails dug into his hands.

"Ok Sherlock you have to listen to me, we don't have any choice, we can't move you, and I can see the head." Donavan said. Sherlock's eyes were as wide as plates. Anderson looked very uncomfortable at that moment. Lestrade less so.

"Guys we need to help, Anderson that means you too." Anderson went bright red and then nodded. "Good man." Lestrade said as Anderson came closer. He turned his attention back to Sherlock.

"You have to do everything I tell you- ok?" Sherlock nodded now in too much pain to say no. Lestrade smiled at his co-workers. "Ok, right. Erm... Sherlock ok on your next contraction I want you to push, not too hard but I want you to push."

Sherlock suddenly let go of Lestrade's hand and "Aaahhh!" As he pushed and the pain undertook him.

"Ok Sherlock, its ok the worst is over. Just push a bit more... come on..." Sherlock had the feeling to push again. Actually thinking about what was going on was too much and Sherlock's world had become two things the pain in his stomach and the urge to push.

He closed his eyes and pushed more controlled and calm than he had felt in a while as he heard Anderson saying the head was out. He continued to push his body trembling with pain and nervousness at the task it was doing. He suddenly felt something turning and moving. Than Lestrade telling Donavan to remove Sherlock's coat from his legs so he could wrap the baby in something. Sherlock pushed one last time and then heard Lestrade's voice talking to him.

"Sherlock open your eyes."

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Sherlock hadn't realised he had closed his eyes but he slowly opened them, feeling exhausted. He looked at Lestrade and then at the baby in Lestrade's hands wrapped in Sherlock's big navy coat. He just stared at the baby while Lestrade and Anderson cut the cord. He felt a hand on his shoulder "You did it Sherlock." Sally said kindly to him as Lestrade handed the baby to him gently. Sherlock looked down at the baby. "You're beautiful..." He said quietly as the evening slowly caught up with him.

Sirens could suddenly be heard, Anderson headed for the door, "That will be the ambulance." And with that he was gone. Sherlock smiled down at the baby as he heard a panicked voice from the corridor. "Sherlock!"

With that John Watson crashed into the room looking out of breath. He looked at Sherlock who smiled at him. "Look what we did, John." John bent down as Lestrade backed away leaving the parents to have a moment.

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own