Note: this is a more light-hearted one shot. I know it's labelled as one shot 2 but I decided to put it first.

One shot 2

Every time that we meet I skip a heartbeat – Scouting For Girls

A game of sorts had developed between them both over the past two years since his rise to the throne. Publically their relationship was widely known to be only business. After all she was the esteemed water bending master and princess of the South Pole, and he was the fierce Fire Lord, neither was anything but polite and reserved beneath the scrutiny of the public and nobles.

The rare brushing of a hand or a slight caress, that alone was all they could afford. For it wouldn't bode well if the Fire Lord was found to be in love with the Water Princess, especially when he was meant to marry Mai. A similar story surrounded Katara, her life leaving her unsatisfied and unhappy. It was expected of her to marry Aang and continue on his race, yet the idea gave her no comfort. And when she'd look upon her brother's family, a sorrowful smile would grace her lips, as she envied his happiness and his freedom to be with the one he loved.

A few months passed and soon the guests for the war reunion were beginning to arrive at the Palace of the Fire Lord. A thin smile was plastered across his face as he uncomfortably greeted his guest, while Mai attached herself to his side. Managing at some point to pry himself away from her, he headed to visit his uncle.

"Zuko!" Iroh cheerfully greeted. "What brings you, nephew to my quarters today?"

"Uncle, I wanted some advice."

Taken aback by his nephew's answer, Iroh gestured at a seat while he poured some hot tea. Declining the cup, Zuko nervously attempted to explain.

"Uncle... I..."

"You are no longer in love with Mai" Iroh nonchalantly answered.

"I... How.."

"In fact I'd go as far to say that you were never in love with the broody female."

"Uncle" Zuko tried to interrupt.

"Perhaps you are thinking yourself in love with someone else?"

When Iroh was met with silence, he knew that his suspicions were right; his nephew was finally beginning to see what he had known for quite some time.

"Maybe a certain beautiful water bender who is to visit very soon?"

"Uncle!" Zuko cried out in alarm.

"Fear not nephew. I shall not say a single word except this. If you do have feelings for her, don't let her walk away because you will one day regret it very much." With this as his final words, Iroh heaved himself out of seat and wandered off to inquire about a new delivery of tea, leaving his nephew alone to his thoughts.

Am I in love with Katara? He silently considered. Memories resurfaced, all leading him to the same answer. If being obsessed with her smile, and entranced by her laughter, if her flowery scent was enough to leave his mind reeling, if all it took was his name spoken from her lips to dishevel his thoughts, then indeed he was in love with her, he summarised.

Immediately with this realisation followed painful thoughts. What was he to do about Mai? He didn't want to intentionally hurt her. And what about the Avatar? Did Katara love him?

A loud knock at the door brought him back from his thoughts.

"Fire Lord, the Avatar and his friends have arrived."

Nodding at the guard, Zuko dismissed him. With his imminent meeting with Katara approaching, Zuko's heart began to thrum loudly in his chest. Hoping Toph not to be present, he knew that she'd instantly pick up on his anxiety.

"Zuko!" yelled Aang as he greeted the Fire Lord informally.

"Avatar Aang" Zuko greeted, remembering his formalities.

"No need to be formal with me Zuko!" Sokka said as he drew the Fire Lord in for a manly hug.

"Sokka" Zuko laughed. "I'm surprised that your belly hasn't caught up with your ferocious appetite yet."

"Hmpf. That's chief of the water tribe to you Zuko" Sokka huffed at Zuko's insult.

"Ignore him Fire Lord, he's just grumpy because Katara told him to wait till dinner before he could eat" Suki chuckled as she playfully shoved Sokka.

"Suki, please call me Zuko. How are the Kyoshi warriors?"

"They are well thank you."

Before Zuko could finish greeting all his guests, Toph had announced that she had just felt Iroh nearby, demanding that everyone followed her to see, she led them all away, claiming that it had been such a long time since she had tasted his tea. Never one to ignore any source of sustenance, Sokka dragged Suki along, while Aang with his own curiosity followed.

An awkward silence developed as both Katara and Zuko realised that they were alone at last.

Looking away, Katara pretended to be entirely focused on the interactions of Zuko's guards outside. Taking her lack of attention as a chance, Zuko began to examine the water maiden. The last time he had set his eyes upon her had been quite some time ago, nearly two years prior. His observations were well met. Gone was her lithe teenage form, now replaced with well developed curves that were hugged by the silk fabric of her dress. A narrow waist followed, leading to where her dress ended and the tanned length of her long legs began. The dress fell to her knees, leaving enough to the imagination yet not enough for him.

Shaking away his indecent thoughts, Zuko berated himself before addressing the stunning female.


Turning to face him, she smiled.


He felt his breath catch and his unspoken response died at his lips.

"Zuko?" she repeated, this time with more force as she moved towards him.

Drawn in by her bewitching scent, he had to physically force himself to tear his gaze away momentarily.

"How are you?" he finally asked.

"I'm fine. How is life as the Fire Lord treating you?"

Laughing, he replied, "Well. As well as I can be. There is always some sort of work requiring my attention."

Scowling at him, Katara rejoined, "Zuko you know better than to over work yourself. You should take a break now again." As if to show her resolve she stubbornly crossed her arms.

A smile broke across his lips as he couldn't help but find this act cute.

"Do I not get a hug? Even your oaf of a brother managed it" he mocked.

Cheerfully laughing, she wrapped her arms around him.

Overwhelmed by how content he felt with her in his arms, Zuko knew that if he didn't have her as his, belonging to him alone soon, he would quickly grow cold and perhaps manic. For it had been so long since he had felt so calm, so wanted, that he had almost forgotten the feeling. Drawing away from her, he maintained his hold around her waist.

"Zuko?" she smiled up at him.

"Tonight after dinner, I need to talk to you" he answered before kissing her softly on her head. Moving away, he told her to go find the others as he still had work to do.

Confused by what had just happened Katara stumbled away, still in awe by Zuko's actions. Sure he always left her feeling happy, but today she could not help but admit to the strange look in his eyes. A mixture of lust and love. Did she love him, she mused. Making her way to a secluded area outside, she sat down on a bench. Knowing that she only loved Aang as a brother, she knew that soon she would have to end things between them. But did that mean she could pursue things Zuko? Did he even return her feelings?


With Dinner ending smoothly, Zuko watched and waited as everyone left slowly. Sokka was quick to make excuses for himself and Suki. A happy grin graced his face as his belly was now full. Bored with the lack of entertainment, Toph had declared that she wanted to go for a hike and explore nearby. Unwilling to let Toph go alone, Katara had only agreed to it when Aang had valiantly offered to go with her. Only Mai, Zuko and Katara were left in the grand dining room.

Unable to watch Mai paw at Zuko, Katara muttered her excuses before standing to leave. Alarmed by her sudden resolve to depart, Zuko wished Mai away.

"Mai" he acknowledged, forcefully moving her hands off him in disgust. "I'm sure you are tired and I have much work left to be done, I think it'd be best if you went to your room."

"But Zuko" Mai argued.

Silently watching the exchange, Katara remained standing, having to restrain her laughter.

"Mai I told you I have work. Now leave me in peace."

"Fine" she huffed while leaving; only pausing to glare at Katara.

Glancing at the Fire Lord with uncertainty, she was met by an outstretched hand and a warm smile. Moving towards him, she placed her small hand in his before being led to a garden.

"It's beautiful" she mumbled in admiration. Her gaze swept the majestic scene. The garden was alighted by paper lanterns, giving the garden an ethereal image.

Secretly overjoyed by her reaction, Zuko recollected that Mai had found his private garden to be boring, deeming it a waste of space. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he smiled as she gasped at the sudden contact.

"Zuko, what if someone sees?"

"I don't care" he breathed against her neck.

Turning to face him, she was silenced by the lustful expression in his eyes.

Brushing his fingers against her cheek he continued, "No one will see us here, it's my private garden." A laugh escaped his lips as he felt her relax within his arms. "Katara I need to tell you something."

"So do I Zuko" she rejoined.

"Let me tell you first. Otherwise I may never tell you out of fear."

Sensing his growing hesitancy, she cupped his face in her hands, reassuring him that everything was fine.

"Katara, I don't know how else to say this. I love you."

A silence ensued as he searched her gaze for any clues as to how she felt.

"What?" she eventually managed.

Pulling away from her embrace, he sustained to speak, unable to fully face her.

"I've loved you for so long, I don't know when it started but I know that I have never loved Mai because all this time the person that I needed beside me was you. Every time I see you smile or hear you laugh, you don't understand what it does to my heart. Or each time your near me you don't know how much I want you. I intend to end things with Mai tonight even though I know nothing can happen between us."

Breathing deeply in, Zuko anticipated her response. Still he was met by silence. About to turn around, he was shocked when he felt warm hands slide across his waist, drawing him into a tight embrace. Whatever words he was about to say remained unspoken as he felt her kiss his cheek.

Facing her, he was met by a tearful Katara. Holding her hands he asked, "Katara?"

"I'm crying because I'm happy" she smiled. "Zuko you don't understand that all this time I've been so confused about you and even today when I realised that I loved you, I thought that you felt nothing for me" she confessed.

Waiting for an answer, she discarded her surprise when she felt soft lips upon hers, enveloping her. Deepening the embrace, both only broke away for air. Resting their foreheads against each others, Katara questioned, "now what?"

"Now we deal with the hard part."

"We have to finish things with them don't we?"

Nodding, Zuko replied, "But at least I know after everything that happens, I'll get to return back to you."

# ~ Am I alone in your heart, have I hope with your heart? She's such a teaser, she's such a star. Give me a reason or gimme' a chance ~ #

Will post more in future R & R