
Freddie was sitting in the diner Sam worked at back when they were in their senior year of high school, having lunch with his best friend.

"Sometimes," Freddie sighed. "I just wish I could get married, and get my mom off my back. She rings me every few hours you know, just to see if I've met a girl yet."

"I can't blame her, if I was your mother and you were turning thirty four this year, and never really had a serious girlfriend, I'd want to find you someone," Sam commented. "And fast. Who wants to have to take care of their adult son for the rest of their life?"

"Oh ha-ha," Freddie rolled his eyes. "Love is overrated anyway."

"How do you know if you've never been in love?" Sam challenged.

"I've made an executive decision about this." He replied with a shrug, eating a couple of lukewarm chips. "Why is everyone so obsessed with finding this one person to spend the rest of their lives with anyway?"

"Quite the cynic Fredweird," Sam said, slurping the end of her milkshake, and reaching for Freddie's. "And no one can face spending the rest of their lives alone."

"Even you?"

Sam paused in her downing of Freddie's drink. "I don't know, I've never really thought about it."

Freddie was kind of surprised, of all the people he would have thought that Sam would have straight out answered that no, she didn't need any nub to take care of her.

Maybe his best friend was going soft, something to do with hitting thirty four? That, or she was actually a hopeless romantic- secretly, of course.

"So, if someone asked you to marry them today, you might say yes?" Freddie asked. His question was absurd, that much he knew, but he wanted to see her reaction.

"Are you offering?" Sam smirked.

"I guess I am," Freddie played along.

"Of course," Sam began. "You'd have to do it properly."

With that, she stood up, and started to leave the diner.

As they stood outside the diner, Freddie had an idea.

"Hey, Sam?"

The blonde haired girl spun on her heel, and looked at Freddie, who was now down on one knee.

"Marry me?" He looked up at her, his soulful brown eyes full of laughter.


Freddie looked like he was going to die of shock. "I- We're only joking Sam."

"Actually," Sam said. "If you think about it, it makes sense."

"How?" Freddie hadn't moved from his awkward position kneeling on the pavement.

"You need to get your mom off your back," She explained. "And I want to get married."

"You want to get married? To me?"

"You were my first kiss Fredweird, among other things." Sam shrugged. "Why not be my first husband?"

"You're crazy."

"So, you're taking back your proposal of marriage?"

Freddie looked at her carefully. She was his best friend, and had been for so many years. She wouldn't be the worst person to get married to, for however long it lasted.

"This is such a stupid, crazy, bad idea." He sighed.

Sam grinned. "You're in then?"

"Yeah, of course I am!"


Author's Note: This is just a short introduction/prologue sort of thing to the main story, which I will put the first chapter of up soon! This is obviously a future fic, but just in case you didn't figure that much out, you know now xD

Reviews are love!