A/N: Hi guys. Sorry for the massively long wait. Had a lot of stuff going on and all my writing got put on hold for a while, a very long while. lol.

Anyways, i am hoping to get back into the swing of things now and here is just a small chapter to get the ball rolling again. Will be picking up with the comedy and drama again next chapter but just wanted to start off with a little short filler chapter while i get my bearings on where i want this story to go from now on, etc.

Please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors as i am currently without a Beta.

Hope yous all enjoy it! And don't forget to READ and REVIEW! :]

Chapter Twenty-Five: Makeovers and teapots

"Why, oh why, do I always let you talk me into these things?!" I huffed as I checked my 'new' appearance out in the mirror. Lexi's beaming face came into view behind me as she started squealing in excitement.

"You look soo cute Olli! Vincent is going to be all over you!"

I cringed as I gaped at my heavily made up face, my eyes lingering on my tamed hair as I raised a hand to try fix it so it looked more like my usual messy bob, but to no avail as Lexi's hand shot up and stopped me even coming in contact with it in the slightest. I sulked, heavily, before my gaze then turned to my midriff exposing gypsy top, my love handles looking extra squishy as they sat in clear view over my jeans for all to see. I hastily tried to pull it down, settling a moment later to hide my squishy middle by wrapping my arms around my front.

"Oh stop it! There's nothing wrong with you, you look beautiful" Lexi fussed as she attempted to swat my arms back to their original position of fiddling at my sides.

"I seriously beg to differ…." I trailed off as I trudged from our dorm room into the bathroom and started trying to sneakily remove some of my heavy make up with a wetted towel. What has she put this stuff on with? Super glue!

"Ugh!" My blonde friend huffed as she stomped in behind me and pulled the towel out my hands, "Will you please stop nit picking and worrying! Vincent is going to think you look awesome, no doubt about it at all. He will love it!"

I sighed heavily as I resigned to the fact that there was no backing out or time to change outfit now, "That's what I am afraid off…."

The walk into Hogsmeade was quicker than usual. I had an inkling it had to do with how time seemed to speed up right when you would rather it slowed down, me wanting time to stop all together at the current moment. If only I had a time turner I could turn the clocks back to when I was cornered by Vincent and hexed him with a tongue tied curse, then he wouldn't have been able to ask my out in the first place. Problem solved! I huffed at how that was never going to happen and kicked a stone with my brown heeled clogs, well Lexi's brown heeled clogs I should say as everything I was wearing at the current moment belonged to her and was magically shrunk and expanded to fit me and my plump midget frame. Lexi's idea after declaring that nothing I owned was sexy enough to woo the Ravenclaw star Quidditch player. I counteracted her with I wasn't trying to woo him but was given a look that clearly said 'you need a date Olivia, so shut it!' I knew better than to mess with her after that. No-one should mess with Lexi Kingsley when she gets into her makeover mode. She's super scary when around make-up and clothes, totally in her element.

I continued my nervous stroll through Hogsmeade town looking for Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop where I was to meet the larger than life Vincent. Why he suddenly changed the meeting spot from the Great Hall to here earlier today was beyond me, but he seemed determined he had to do something in town beforehand now so didn't really have any other option other than to say yes. Well, I thought I had the option to cancel but big grinning Vinnie just wouldn't take no for an answer. So pushy so he was!

Lexi insisted on walking me into town, her having arranged to meet Sirius at the Three Broomsticks around the same time. My attempts to try and get them to tag along to Puddifoot's however fell on deaf ears as she insisted that Vincent and I should be left alone. Ugh! What was she expecting to happen while we were alone? The two of us smooching our faces off? As if! Pretty hard to do that considering I didn't fancy the poor sod in any way shape or form. I only have eyes for Severus, and Vincent was clearly as far from my Slytherin crush as could be. I shuddered at the thought of Vincent even touching me today I was that repulsed by him. Now, don't get me wrong, he seemed like a lovely guy, well lovely if you were into that 'big headed I love myself so much and so should you' sorta thing. Which I wasn't in the slightest! I would much rather spend my afternoon talking about potions with Severus (who actually seemed to have a brain!) as I had absolutely nothing in common with Vincent, but Lexi was insistent that I should go and just try and have fun. Fun! Ugh, as if that was going to happen while listening to big Vinnie rant on and on about his work outs, and Quidditch plays.

Just at that precise moment I felt my left ankle come away from under me, my feet not used to walking in such high shoes as I was usually in clumpy boots. Trust me to fall and ruin all Lexi's hard work before I have even had a chance to show it off, I mentally grumbled as a small scared squeak escaped my lips. But before I managed to hit the ground I felt arms catch me and pull be back to my feet, the smell of mint encasing me as my face was smothered in black velvet robes.

"Clearly, White, you should be chaperoned while out and about in public," my saviour muttered as his lithe but strong arms pushed me away from his chest in a sharp motion. I see he still doesn't like being touched by moi, I sadly thought.

"Sorry…." I mumbled as I wiped down my jeans and steadied myself before looking up at his stoic stare. He was looking at me strangely like I had something wrong with me. My arms quickly shot to my face to check for any dirt that had gotten on me until I realised that he probably was staring at my heavy make-up as I hardly ever wore any. Well, minus my usual red lipstick and eyeliner that was. I quickly tried to cover my face with my hands, "I know, it's too much, but Lexi insisted it looked nice and wouldn't let me wash it off before we left Hogwarts."

He looked like he was hiding a smile before his face became unreadable again, his eyes looking over me now instead of at me, "I can see she got her inspiration from all the dumb looking girls around Hogwarts who cannot seem to keep their legs closed around the Quidditch players."

"Did you just imply that I looked slutty?" My eyes widened as his words sunk in. I knew I had lot more make-up on than he was used to, but surely I didn't look that bad, did I? I hastily pulled a small mirror out from my bag and glared at myself in horror at what was looking back at me. If I thought I looked bad in the darkened dorm rooms of Hogwarts, it was nothing to what I looked like in the cold light of day. Merlin, I do look like a slut!

I rashly tried to wipe away at the layers of foundation that covered my skin making me look several shades more human than my usual Vampire white. What had Lexi done to me? I mentally screamed as I rubbed my skin raw with a random tissue I had managed to salvage from my jeans pocket. I pray this hasn't been used before! To be fair to Lexi, this look would have probably been very pretty on any other girl in the world bar me, but then no one was as averse to looking as done up as I was. I know she meant well, but I was going to murder her all the same when this horrid day was over with.

"Can I ask the need for the different look?" Severus was just standing staring at me now like I had three heads. I decided I was not going to look any better than I did at the moment and gave up with the furious face cleaning, hoping I hadn't now made myself all patchy and red. If only I had learned that make-up remover spell that was in last week's Witch Weekly.

"I've, ehm…..got a date…."

Every muscle in Severus' body seemed to tense as I muttered those words. I didn't know if he was upset by this revelation or shivering in sickness over anyone actually wanting to date me. The memory of how repulsed he seemed after my whole 'I like to envision us naked' scenario popped into my head.

"A-A date?" He sounded confused and slightly taken aback. His eyes seemed to widen in horror as he continued to sound perplexed, "W-where? And with Who?!"

I bit my lip as I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him the truth? Should I lie and say I was only joking and I was a sad loser who was actually holding out for the day he would want to take me on dates? Then it hit me! Did he just sound curious and-and jealous? My eyes brightened up as this revelation and I smirked up at him beneath my lashes, "That's for me to know and you to find out!"

This didn't seem to go down too well, as before I knew it his jealousy was gone and was quickly replaced with anger. Only it was the huffy sort of anger that I usually displayed when things didn't quite go my way and not his usual 'I hate everyone and the world sucks' anger.

"Fine. Don't tell me then! Probably some soppy 5th year Hufflepuff loser anyway!"

My arms crossed over my chest as I opened my mouth to shout something equally as huffy and childish back, but was cut off before I could even get one sulky word out.

"Olivia? Olivia, is that you?" A loud masculine voice boomed around us as a large figure began to appear behind me, blocking out what little sun was left in the sky. "I was just walking over to Puddifoot's to meet you."

Severus's face contorted into the most evil of scowls, one that I had only ever seen him use on Sirius before as he looked over my shoulder and at Vincent.

I didn't know whether this was a good sign from him or a bad one. Was he super jealous now that he had seen the specimen that is Vincent Normandy, brainless Ravenclaw Beater? Or did he think me super shallow and beneath him for being associated with the brainless Herculean form behind me? Either way I didn't really want to hang about to find how this scenario was going to play out.

"Oh, hello!" I awkwardly said and Vincent reached my side, his arm snaking over my showers and pulling me close to him. My knees bent instinctively to try and crawl my way out of the possessive hug he now had me encased in.

"So, who's this?" Vincent asked while nodding to the stoic and growling form of Severus. I swear if steam could emit from people's ears in real life then Severus would be boiling like a kettle at the moment.

"Oh, this is, ehm….this is my-my friend Severus. Severus Snape?" I stuttered. It's not like I had forgotten his name or anything just didn't quite know what to call him was all. Were we still friends? Were we just potions partners? I didn't know.

"I'm Vincent by the way, Vincent Normandy," Vincent extended his free hand to Severus, clearly wanting to shake his hand. The dark haired Slytherin on the other hand remained still and just glared at the hand before him like it was doused in boils.

"I just realised that I have somewhere to be" Severus hissed in reply before pushing past Vincent with such a force that it managed to knock his arm off from around my shoulders. I internally thanked him as I took a few steps away from my date in fear he may try to capture me once more.

"Well, that was rude!" Vincent chided before turning to face me, his eyes looking me all over which made me feel entirely uneasy. "You look absolutely beautiful today, Olivia. Please forgive me for not saying so before now"

I shrugged my shoulders in response to both of his statements. Severus was being rude as i knew he didn't like Vincent, and his polite compliment was nice and all, but just not true. I had seen my hideous orangeness and was anything but beautiful right now. Kudos to him for saying otherwise though.

Vincent started rolling his shoulder as though Severus had hurt it a little, but abruptly stopped the moment he caught me looking at him. Men and their bravados! Ugh!

"Well, uhm….should we go?" I mumbled as I caught the time on my watch. We had to be back inside Hogwarts before 6:30pm and it was already well pass 5pm. He looked behind him for a moment, my gaze following his to see Severus's billowing form stomping off in the direction of the Hogshead pub, before nodding in agreement and dragging me in the opposite direction. I shuddered at the thought of Severus going to that pub as it was known for its reputation, and it wasn't a good one! Why would he be going there? I thought as the ringing of an overhead bell chimed sweetly and all my senses were suddenly swarmed by what I could only describe as 'lust'.

In my almost four years of being able to visit Hogsmeade, I had only been inside Madam Puddifoot's once and that was a disastrous experience. (See under fire and Remus for a memory revamp) I cringed as we meandered through the tightly assorted tables of lace and candles which were mostly all occupied with 6th and 7th year couples who were currently sharing each other's saliva. Utter gross! I thought as I grimaced at them and subconsciously moved closer to Vincent who didn't seem to mind my actions at all.

"Oh hello, hello!" called a bright and cheery voice as we finally approached an empty table at the back, "would you like to look at the menu before ordering? We have a lovely special today of love lust tea. A tea which is specially brewed to help entice the feelings of wonder and happiness in each other's company."

Vincent pulled my chair out for me as I collapsed into it, unable to properly bend due to the tightness of the top of my jeans. He shot me a charming smile before taking his own seat across from me, Madam Puddifoot still standing over us with an expecting look. Vincent went to open his mouth but I cut him off in utter fear that he was about to order us the special.

"I will just take a muggle tea thanks. One simple cup of muggle tea with 3 sugars and lots of milk" I chimed before forcing a large smile. The old lady looked taken aback for a split second before Vincent took my lead and ordered himself a simple drink of Quidditch Coffee. What was in it who knows, but I had a suspicion it had something to do with energy levels and funnily enough, Quidditch.

The small dark haired lady nodded before disappearing, her short form struggling to meander around all the tables on her way to the kitchens. Why she insisted on squeezing quite so many tables into this little place without doing a simple Extension charm was beyond me. Or maybe she just wasn't that good with charms, like myself.

"Soo…" Vincent smiled at me, his ever glowing white teeth shining at me like sparkling pieces of ivory. It was then that I managed to have a real good look at him. His hair was shaggy but not unruly, it instantly reminded me of David Soul only without the receding hairline. He had a large tanned face with baby blue eyes and had dimples on both his cheeks, like an actual Prince from a Disney movie. This man was quite literally dashing! He wore simple dark blue wizards robes that were regal and expensive looking, but not overly flashy. He cut off my ogling by speaking again; "How are you finding classes this year? I'm finding it quite hard trying to fit Quidditch in with all my studying"

I 'hmm-ed' at him in response just as the candles on the table flicked on causing me to jump back in my seat in fear of setting something alight. I was actually surprised Madam Puddifoot didn't remember me from my last visit. Even now you can still smell the aroma of burnt doilies, i thought.

"I take that as you're not interested in talking about school then, which is perfectly fine by me" he chuckled as he leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his dusty blonde hair seemingly at total ease in our current situation. "I will let you lead the conversation."

I smiled awkwardly as i began thinking of what to say.

"Why did you ask me out?"

Trust me to blurt out the first thing that popped into my head. I gaped at my giant date to see him not phased by my question at all.

"Because you are mysterious and intriguing, Olivia" his tone sweet and charming sounding, "And you are also the only 7th year girl who i have yet to date"

I narrowed my eyes at his before he winked and started chuckling at his statement, one which i hoped was just a really bad joke.

"Ha ha, very funny Mr. Joker" i scoffed as i rolled my eyes at him. Where was that woman with our tea? I thought as i actually started to feel thirsty for it.

"I do try to be amusing",he countered. "So, what does someone as pretty as you like to do in their spare time?"

Slever over sexy Slytherins and brew semi-illegal potions in the dungeons... "I like to read, a lot!"

"What sorta books? My favourite are astronomy books and autobiographies. I'm currently halfway through Gerrard Sprinklers Astronomy in the Middle Ages. Find it fascinating".

I sat dumbfounded for a moment before Puddifoot came over with our drinks. I went to grab mines and somehow managed to catch one of my flared sleeves on fire while doing so.

"Oh no not again..."

"Aqua Eructo" Vincent whispered just before the flames got overly noticeable to anyone but us and caused a very small spray of water to erupt from his wand and extinguish the fire.

"Oh Merlin i am soo sorry. I am such a klutz!" i rambled as i began patting my sleeve dry and attempted to hide my burning embarrassment from him.

He took my wet arm into his and performed a simple drying spell on my sleeve before smiling gently at me in an understanding way. "No worries. We've all been there before and there is no need to feel embarrassed or worried anymore".

Maybe Vincent Normandy wasn't quite as big of a grinning moron as i had originally pegged him to be, i thought as truly smiled and relaxed for the first time that day.