The World Only the Girls Know: A Sorrel's Teasing

Chapter 33: Challenge Accepted

Author's Note: Sister Fic of the Azalea Side

Characters from the Light Novels and Manga will be included as well.


Original Title: The World Only God Knows / 神のみぞ知るセカイ

Original Concept by Tamiki Wakaki

Written by: wrathie

Author's Notes: Long overdue. I admit, Sorrel's Teasing is very difficult for me to write. BRP is much easier in retrospect. Right, I caught up to Vol.12 of Kami Nomi~ and every girl has their affection level increased by 5, with Minami gaining 15~ R&R people!



For Haqua it was a devastating blow and it could not have came from a more surprising person. She was so sure that her main rival would be that other human that had challenged her. What was her name again, Fuse Aoba?

Her thoughts had been so focused on her that she had last track on the other girls that were after Keima's affection.

A small forgotten part of her was telling her to do her job, the main reason that Keima had started to favor her recently but she ruthlessly squashed that thought away.

It was her responsibility yes... but somehow her heart told her to ignore it and just do her best now to win his favor in other ways.

Was this what love feels like? Or is this a twisted form of the 'most beautiful feeling' in the world? She wanted nothing more than to have him look at her, to pay attention for her and her only and she would do anything if he would just that.

Thus, she would ignore the mission that she was given... if it was to fill in this empty hole in her heart.

The hole that had been widened and created due to him... it was his fault, it was his fault for making her feel this way and it was that GIRL's FAULT for making it wider and bigger and for it to hurt even more.


In reality, Haqua De Lut Herminium knew that she was not quite the demon that she was before Keima approached him and perhaps she knows why, suspected why and has the solution to how she can resolve the situation.

Something in her has changed, something significant and she had been straying from the path that she had so long strive to stay on, the path of perfection and of discipline in her values and her mission to be the best.

But after meeting Keima, she has been forced to look at the world in a different perspective and it had been for the better and for the worse as well.

She has learned many things by being with him, learning that emotions can be one of the strongest motivators and the subsequent actions that can be done by humans because of their iron will was incredible, bordering on miracles.

Therefore perhaps a selfish part of her she wanted to see it first hand, wanted to experience what it would be like again to trust her emotions, to do what her heart tells her to do instead of her mind.

Even if it was wrong, even if it could be disastrous... as she knew that Keima or Elsi would be there to forgive her and to save in the end if she does go off the deep end.

'Do not think, just feel.'

She muttered to herself as she visibly controlled herself once again to not shout at the other girl so much.

So, her name was Shiomiya Shiori, huh?


'… you're the one that stole Keima from me.'

The words came out vicious and was dripping in venom and spite. In a sense she was truly a demon now as only a demon would be able to say it out in such a fashion. Or perhaps some humans were right to be called demon when they were struck by the cupid's arrow.

She had to give the girl credit though as although she did flinch and pale from her words, she never backed down. Instead her back got straighter and her eyes hardened in response, tightening her grip on Keima's hands as she simply looked back at her before opening her mouth to speak as well.

'I would not deny it, nor would I say it was a lie. Keima-san was the one who accepted me as well.'

Haqua's head spun so fast towards Keima that she was amazed she didn't snap her neck and she did not miss how the girl had called Keima by her name so easily, as if it was agreed between the two of them.

'Is the true, Katsuragi?'

He looked awkward for a moment but he did not falter as well, a trait that made him attractive to Haqua and the demon snarled slightly before straightening her back up and returning the same cold and confident treatment that she has build up over so many years.

'But do not forget, your engagement with me is something that have been per-determined with. It is a fact that you can never be with her for long.'

Using logic and the best weapon that she has in her disposal, Haqua was just as ruthless and Keima narrowed his eyes at the verbal response. One could almost imagine the two groups, Haqua versus Keima and Shiori duking it out above them even when their battle with each other was more mental than anything.

Blows were not exchanged but verbal responses were delivered quickly, sharply and to the point. If it was a war of words, there would be no better battle to watch.

'That is not a foregone conclusion. Although both of you are engaged... that does not mean that you will be a suitable partner for life.'

Shiori had to muster all her courage to say that to Haqua and the timid girl was glad that she did as all the color simply drained from Haqua's face and she took the initiative that her statement gave her to have a counter attack.


'Even if it was so... I'll be satisfied if Keima-san continues to hold me dear in his heart.'

She said so with confidence and pride and Keima backed her up with a nod and a smile. The two of them knew it was an uphill battle and with all things considered, this outcome was much better than anyone of them could have imagined.

Especially so as Haqua's best weapon was seemingly shrugged off by Shiori without phasing her at all. Was it fear or was that the power of 'love' that was supporting Shiomiya Shiori? The girl whose knees were shaking and knocking with each other was standing up to the terrifying demon in front of her.

The verbal argument would have gotten even more intense if someone else had interfered.


The sister, Katsuragi Elsi called out to them as she made her entrance behind Haqua, panting in the process as she whined that Keima was missing out on classes and that she was here to bring him back, right now!

'Kami-Onii-sama, even if school is ending, you should go back to apologize to Sensei for missing out on her lesson!'

Waving a finger in front of her to emphasize her point, Elsi tugged Haqua as she tried to make her best friend support her in her endeavor.

'Please, Kami-onii-sama! Ah, Shiomiya-san, Konnichiwa! You were with Kami-Onii-sama? I'm so sorry if he took up so much of your time! Did he have some unreasonable request again?'

Bowing to her repeatedly, Elsi seemed to have not realized that they were holding hands and unconsciously, Shiori wriggled out of his grasp as she bowed back humbly in reply.

'I'm sorry, Katsuragi-san, I'm the one who took up most of his time... Erm... Keima-san, you should go with Katsuragi-san now.'

Taking a step back, Shiori offered him a shy smile but she did give out a squeak in surprise when Elsi remarked that it was odd for Shiori to call him by his name.

'Did something happen between the two of you?'

Ignoring and feigning ignorance at how Haqua seemed to radiate even more hate when Elsi mentioned that, Elsi giggled as Shiori looked very awkward, looking towards Keima for help.

Unlike Haqua, who was a rival of love, Elsi was family to Keima and was someone important to him. Even if Shiori had the courage and the determination to be as ruthless as she was in 'dealing' with Haqua, Shiori would not want to hurt her chances with his immediate family members.

For Haqua it was an even more complicated situation as Elsi was her close friend and it would not do for her to lose her temper in front of her just like that.

She had her own image to protect and although she had done the proper emergency protocols, like using her raiment to discourage anyone else to hang around to watch her meltdown, Elsi was someone who should never be allowed to witness something like this.

'I'll tell you later, Elsi. Let us go now.'

It was Keima who finally answered and in the silence that followed, Elsi tried to search for answers in his eyes but failed when Keima frowned in disapproval, causing her to back down.

Even if they were partners, they had secrets between them... this was made especially clear when Elsi started helping Aoba behind his back.

The gap between the two of them had never been further and the line that was drawn between them had never been as distinct as before.

They were different beings in more than one way. Elsi and Keima were demon and human respectively and although they shared the same dream and goal, the methods that they wished to obtain those goals were very much different and that difference has never been more apparent now.

Naturally Elsi was the one backed down first and she just giggled before nodding her head in understanding.

'I won't tease the two of you then, let's go now, Kami-Onii-sama!'

Reaching out to hold his hand, Keima allowed himself to be pulled away by Elsi even though he knew that would mean leaving Shiori alone with Haqua.

That was a calculated but worthwhile gamble as the two of them were now officially at loggerheads. The sudden entrance of Elsi had helped to diffuse some of the tension and it made Keima eternally grateful to Elsi.

But the timing of her entry was a little perfect as it seemed like everything was about to boil over when she barged in...

Was Keima overthinking it after all?




Keima paused briefly before he entered the school, turning back to look at the two girls who wanted his affections.

He could not promise that he would be able to give anyone his heart, even now when he had so much lifted off his shoulders, Katsuragi Keima was still above all of them.

Even so, he was perhaps hoping for a miracle that he would indeed be able to solve his mystery by pledging his hopes and dreams on the remarkable normal girl, Shiomiya Shiori.

'I'll see you later.'

He spoke softly and was rewarded with Shiori smiling and nodding to him.

'I will see you later, Keima-san.'

She spoke quietly, the blush not quite disappearing from her face as Keima and Elsi made their exit.

The moment that they did however, the blissful expression on Shiori's face disappeared and her face adopted a more conservative expression as expected from the one who had the upper-hand over her foe.

'This isn't over, Shiomiya.'

Haqua managed a surprisingly weak comeback in the end as she herself beat a retreat after hearing Elsi call out to her from inside the school compounds. In the face of Elsi, even Haqua had to back down and that showed that the power balance could shift between one party to another in a heartbeat.

Such was the complexities of relationships and Shiori breathed a sigh of relief as Haqua retreated into the distance.

It was harder than she expected, the competition for Keima was really really tough and she wondered not for the first time whether she was willing or able to call him 'hers' at all.

Was she worthy? No, she has to be worthy as Keima had chosen her instead of any of the other girls!

She'll have to keep telling herself that from now on.

Even if it was hard to meet other's gaze this way...


As Shiori gathered her own thoughts and prepared to head back to class as well, another shadow appeared from the entrance, a person that she recognized and who made her pause in her step as the person advanced towards her purposefully.

'Ano... you are...'

'You know who I am, Shiomiya Shiori... or should I say, the 'chosen heroine'? I congratulate you for being chosen by the protagonist. You've achieved what none before you had been able to achieve. You made him confess to you... that is something that I've thought was impossible.'

Aoba was bluffing, Keima had confessed to her a long time ago as part of his plans to 'capture' her and they did not know how much she would love to hear him say those three words to her now.


'Please, call me Aoba... now that Katsuragi has chosen his princess, I have no right to compete with you for that position... All I wish to know for now is this.'

Putting her hands on her hips, Fuse Aoba stared into Shiomiya Shiori's eyes and asked the most basic question that could have came from her. It might be silly to ask this question but there was no hurry... now that the Capturing God has made his move, there was no reason for her to question his motives so far.

If anything, it was a good thing as it would stem the tide of girls that surrounded Keima and who was getting in the way of his investigation.

'Do you like him, 'Chosen Heroine'? Would you protect him from those who did not wish him well? That is all that I wish to ask you for now.'

'… I do.'

It was like a proposal of marriage but the way Shiori whispered it out to her, the unabashed blush that appeared on her face, the gentle way that her lips turned up at the sides and how she seemed to be staring off into another space told Aoba that she was speaking the truth.

'Then I should rightfully step down and withdraw from the competition. Bitter as it is... I do not wish to cause him and you, the one he had chosen, any more pain.'

Smiling wistfully, Aoba declared to Shiori and that declaration no doubt made the quiet girl feel lots better. It had been an emotional roller coaster ride for her and it seemed that the saying: 'saving the best for last' was valid in this point as she was able to get the blessings for one of her other rivals.

'Thank you... Aoba...san. It... means a lot to me.'

Shiori spoke out meekly while Aoba simply nodded in understanding.

'Please keep in mind that does not mean that I've accepted you as the right person for Katsuragi... but that I've accepted and respected his decision in picking you. There might be qualities in you that I have not seen yet. But let me make this clear to you.'

Aoba crossed her arms before coldly stating to her with no hesitation whatsoever. The serious and chilly expression on her face was enough to cause Shiori to take a few steps backwards in intimidation.

'I will not forgive anyone who tries to harm him. Even if it's you, Shiomiya... if you decided to accept him just to hurt him, I will not hesitate in taking preventive measures.'

A sinister smile disturbingly similar to Nikaido Yuri's appeared on Aoba's face as she made that threat and it made poor Shiori fall to her knees in fear.


In the verge of crying, Shiori know knew what the meaning of staring death in the face as Aoba approached wordlessly, the sounds of her shoes meeting the concrete floor seemingly magnified till she was staring at those same shoes.

'But if you do like him and wished nothing more than to be his strength and the shoulder which he can rest on... I will be your ally. Even if everyone is against you, rejected you... as long as you can bring a true smile to his face, to be able to share his burdens, I will be your ally. I will protect you, so that you can protect him... that I pledge, 'Chosen Heroine.''

Aoba whispered softly as she pulled Shiori up to her feet, looking firmly into her eyes to ensure that she understood what she meant.

Aoba wanted Shiori to trust her, to be one of her closest ally as if one has to fool the enemy, they has to fool their friends. Sure, the metaphor did not exactly work here... but if it was for Keima, she would do everything in her power to find the truth... even if that means giving up on her own chance to 'capture' him.

Shiomiya Shiori, the enigma within the enigma and the person who had the highest chance to be the culprit. If she hung around her long enough, she might just be able to grab hold of the Fox's tail when she lets down her guard.

'Will you trust me then, 'Chosen Heroine'?'

Aoba asked again and although it took a while for Shiori to muster the courage and belief to reply, she nodded her head with a happy expression on her face.

'P-please, Aoba-san! If you would... help me... I would forever be indebted to you!'

'So be it... please contact me when anything is bothering you... I will be praying for your safety, Shiomiya...'

Shiori did not know what she needed protection from, what she needed to do to continue to be Keima's girl, with Aoba's help, perhaps the road would be easier... That much she was certain of.

Party member, obtained?


Author's Notes: I'll try to get my muse back for ST, but ST is generally negative galore so it affects me alot. R&R people!