Chapter 1: The Return of the Dark Hero

In Eggman's base, a mustached man with the I.Q of 300 was sitting on his chair. His name is Dr. Eggman. Eggman got off his chair and went outside to take a walk.

"It's been a long time since I took a walk" exclaimed Eggman, walking around the forest. He stopped as he saw a black figure on the ground. "Hm?" wondered Eggman, going towards the figure. When Eggman was close enough to see who it was, his eyes widened.

"It can't be!" shouted Eggman, staring at the black and red hedgehog ahead of him. It was Shadow the hedgehog. The one who fell towards the Earth a year ago. "Shadow" whispered Eggman, going towards Shadow. As Eggman went towards Shadow, Shadow's fingers twitched.

That showed Eggman he was still alive somehow. Eggman saw that Shadow was badly wounded and kneeled next to him.

Eggman checked his pulse and whispered, "His pulse is weak." Eggman picked Shadow up from the ground and started carrying Shadow to the base.

When Eggman got inside the base, his robots greeted, "Welcome back doctor." The robots looked at who was in Eggman's arms and asked, "Who's this doctor?"

"There's no time to explain. We have work to do" replied Eggman. The robots looked at eachother, confused.

"Yes doctor" stated the robots. After that was said, Eggman and the robots went into the work room.

When they got to the work room, Eggman put Shadow on a bed that was in the work room.

"Put a heart monitor and life support on him while I make new energy rings" ordered Eggman. The robots nodded and started putting the equipment on Shadow. Eggman went to the computer to find a way to make the energy rings. He went to Professor Gerald's diary and saw how to make the energy rings.

"All I need is a Chaos Emerald and make some from metallic parts that can store chaos energy" whispered Eggman. The robots finished putting the equipment on Shadow.

"Should we treat this hedgehog's wounds also doctor?" suggested a robot. Eggman looked at the robots.

"Now that you mention it, yes treat his wounds" replied Eggman. The robots nodded and started to treat Shadow's wounds. Eggman went to get some metallic parts and the Chaos Emerald in a capsule. He went to a table and started working on the energy rings.

Meanwhile on the X-tornado, a yellow two-tailed fox named Tails and a blue hedgehog named Sonic are trying to find a Chaos Emerald. Suddenly the radar started going crazy.

"We found one!" shouted Tails.

"Where is the emerald Tails?" asked Sonic, excited. Tails scanned the radar and found where the emerald is.

"It's in Eggman's base!" shouted Tails.

"Alright then, let's go!" shouted Sonic. Tails nodded sped up the plane.

Eggman was almost done making the energy rings when all of a sudden, Shadow started to breath real hard and the heart monitor was going crazy.

"What's going on!" shouted Eggman.

"We don't know doctor!" shouted a robot. Shadow's condition started to get worse.

"There's nothing you can do for him now. HaHaHa!" laughed a voice.

"Who's there!" shouted Eggman. There was no answer and Eggman shouted, "Hurry and find out what's wrong with him before he dies!"

"There's someone or something killing him inside!" shouted a robot, checking Shadow's condition. Eggman quickly got the Chaos Emerald and put it on Shadow's chest. The substance came out of Shadow's chest and disappeared. Shadow stopped breathing hard and Eggman and the robots were relieved.

"That was too close for comfort" sighed a robot. The alarms went off.

"Oh now what!" shouted Eggman, irritated. The screen showed the X-tornado and Eggman shouted, "They must be here for the Chaos Emerald!" Eggman went to his robots and shouted, "Get my robot army! I can't let Sonic ruin Shadow's survival!" The robots nodded and went out of the room.

Eggman put the finishing touches on the energy rings and put the Chaos Emerald beside the rings and the emerald started to glow. The emeralds power went into the energy rings and would take three minutes to be complete.


Sonic and Tails landed by the entrance and the robot leader shouted, "Get them!" The robots got their guns out and started shooting Sonic and Tails. Sonic dodged the bullets and attacked the robots while Tails got out of the plane and went to the front door.

"Sonic Wind!" shouted Sonic, attacking the robots. The attack hit all the robots.

"Let's go!" shouted Tails. Sonic nodded and they both went inside the base.

With Eggman, the energy rings were complete and he put the energy rings on Shadow's wrists. The rings glowed and Shadow started to wake up. He woke up to see a familiar face.

"Doctor? Is that you?" asked Shadow.

"Yes it's me Shadow" replied Eggman. The computer in the room beeped and showed Sonic and Tails in the hallway.

"Doctor, Sonic and Tails are in the base" explained the computer.

"S-Sonic? T-Tails?" stuttered Shadow as he started to remember them.

"Shadow go get them and make sure they don't steal the Chaos Emerald" ordered Eggman.

"Yes doctor" stated Shadow, reluctantly. After that was said, Shadow ran out of the room. Eggman looked at the screen and laughed.

"Sonic, today you have met your match" laughed Eggman.


With Sonic and Tails, they were almost to the Chaos Emerald.

"How much farther Tails?" asked Sonic, running.

"We're almost there" replied Tails, flying next to Sonic. As they ran, a black figure was watching them.

The figure thought, 'Alright, time to attack." The figure started to run toward them. Sonic and Tails stopped, hearing footsteps.

"Whoever you are, show yourself!" shouted Sonic, turning to where the footsteps were coming from. There was a dark figure in the shadows.

"Who are you?" asked Sonic, confused.

All the figure did was raise his arm and shouted, "Chaos Spear!" Sonic and Tails dodged the attack.

"Only one person could use that kind of attack" exclaimed Tails.

"It can't be..." stated Sonic, eyes widened. The figure came out of the shadows and Sonic and Tails couldn't believe who they were seeing. It was Shadow the hedgehog himself. "Sh-Shadow?" asked Sonic, in disbelief.

"Well hello Sonic. Now get out of the base or I will have to defeat you" exclaimed Shadow, ready to fight the blue hero.

"Sorry Shadow, but I have to get to that emerald and if I have to fight you to do so, then bring it on!" smiled Sonic, getting ready to fight Shadow. The battle between Sonic and Shadow begins.