Finally, a new fic for me. I love Tifa fics and if I can toss Sephiroth in them ;) So the idea is, SOLDIER is recruiting women, they never give a public reason why but its for their secret Breeding Program. They intended to find the strongest, most fertile women to breed with Sephiroth in order to make an efficient army of super-SOLDIERS. World domination is always on the agenda as we all know. We'll follow through the program through the perspectives of Tifa, Sephiroth, and Hojo (I know a Hojo point of view, how wild!) Anywho, we start out in Nibelheim with the scene where Tifa and Cloud make a promise; but, instead of Cloud promising to save Tifa when he becomes a hero, it's Tifa making a promise to never forget where she came from. Yes, Tifa has been selected for the breeder program (duh!)

Anywho, this is just the starter, I'll have more up later tonight. And perhaps I'll get to my Prayer of Vengeance fic... I'm all about Seph/Ti fics, esp. when they might be having kids. :)

"I always wanted to be your hero, but I guess that'll be you now," he muttered leaning away from her. The back of his head hit against the rough wood of the water tower. Ever since he recognize the world around him Cloud Strife had one goal in life; to become the next Sephiroth. The young blond was enamored with the great General. Never once had he seen the silver haired military commander, but the world knew of his greatness; how he was taking the world in the name of the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company (has anyone seen the parallels with this game and Tank Girl? There aren't many but they're there). Now his best friend was going to take his place in that fantasy. The SOLDIER program had stopped recruiting men and had now turned their focus to women. This first generation of female SOLDIERs would fight just as well as the men, but they would also be able to bear the next generation at a portion of the cost. The general public had no idea that breeding was the true intention behind this shift in Shin-Ra's gears, but they accepted that Shin-Ra would take care of them.

"Promise you won't forget us," Cloud said, trying to be happy for his childhood friend.

"Cloud, how could you say something like that," Tifa replied smiling back. She had known that it was Cloud's dream to join up and become a SOLDIER, but she had secretly desired the same thing. For their short lives she had listened to his hopes of being one of the great ones, never once had she interjected her one thoughts. Now was her time to shine, her time to go be one of the great ones.

"I'm serious, you're going to be famous. Promise me you won't forget us small town people... that you won't forget me."

"Okay, I promise," she cheered pulling Cloud into a tight embrace. "I'll never forget you."

"Pinky promise?" he asked sheepishly holding out his pinky. Tifa could not help but smile at her goofy/awkward best friend as she grabbed his pinky with her own.

"Sealed with a kiss," she said bringing her lips to her fist. Cloud followed suit. The next morning, Tifa was whisked away, carried by the currents of Fate to the ocean of Destiny.