This hasn't been edited mainly because I couldn't be bothered. Add the fact the last time I updated this was in May I thought I would update it sooner rather than later. This chapter introduces you to the Major. Just remember he is not the most loveable people around, well unless you're Bella.

Enjoy. Oh yeah I don't own.

I stood watching my young mate fall back asleep before I quietly left the cottage. I needed to talk to Marcus and I needed to have done it several hours ago. It took him less than a second to answer and even less time for me to explain what had taken place on the plane.

"I know it's supposed to be 'normal' between vampire mates but Bella is still human. She shouldn't be showing signs of arousal from being punished. It took every bit of my strength not to take her then and there."

I managed to fall silent as I waited for Marcus to actually say something. It felt like a hundred years before he actually spoke and even then it wasn't what I expected to hear from him.

"This is to be expected Jasper, if you would calm down for a moment you would remember that the closer the submissive mate gets to being taken for the first time their body starts to react differently. Just because Bella, is human it doesn't mean that things would be any different. Now as for the other problem, it ties in with the fact your mate is coming of age. The monster as you call it knows that her body is all most ready to be taken and will do anything in its power to prove to her that you would make a good mate."

I found myself pinching the top of my nose a habit I had picked up from spending too much around Edward. I knew what he was saying made perfect sense but at the same time a part of me was still worried. I hadn't realised Marcus had handed the phone to Caius until his voice hit my ears

"Jasper, listen to me. Stop trying to hold back what needs to happen. I know our Princess is still human but she has spent her whole life near enough around us so she knows what is expected. Stop acting like a human and be yourself."

I told you so. You should listen to him. We are ready and so is our mate.

I let out low growl but knew that both the monster and Caius were right. I couldn't keep fighting what was normal and if what happened on the plane was anything to go by she was ready. Without another word I ended the phone call before throwing my phone into pool of water as I slowly let the Major come out from the cage I had placed him in.

You have nothing to worry about. I won't take her until she is ready for us. Now I think it's time that we woke her up and let the mating begin.


I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself face to face with the Major. After what had taken place on the plane it didn't surprise me in the least, even though I was still horrified over my body's reaction.

Jane had spoken to me about the start of the mating ritual several times since my last birthday though as she said she could only talk from a vampire's point of view. I knew that at some point he would take me hunting and try and feed me in order to show that he could provide for me, thought the very thought of me drinking blood as a human grossed me out. He would also scent me to warn other males away from me and if needs be destroy any that didn't get the hint. Jane also told me about the pecking order and that Jasper will dominate me to make me submissive to him. I am not talking about calling him sir and worshiping the ground he walks, but the kind where I allow him to look after me and prove me with what I ever I need whither it be food or protection.

"What is my mate thinking so hard about that she has yet to greet me?"

I shook my head before leaning up and lightly pressing a kiss to the Major's lips. At first he allowed it to remain soft before he dug his fingers into the rat nest I called hair as he forced my mouth open with his tongue. I couldn't stop the moan that left my throat as he battled me for dominance. The moment he pushed his hips against mine I serenaded and allowed him to have his way with me. With one last thrust of his hips he moved his mouth off mine before kissing his way to my ear

"You still didn't answer me question Princess. What were you thinking about?"

I let out yet another moan as he lightly sucked on my ear before nipping at it.

"I'm waiting"

I knew it was a warning but I couldn't focus on anything but what his mouth was doing. It was until he bite down hard could I answer

"I was remembering the talks I had with Jane and what was happening."

I watched as he pulled back so he could see my eyes before letting a sadistic smile cross his face.

"Caius was right. You are more than ready for what is to take place. We need to get you changed Princess."

I nodded my head and allowed the Major to pull me from the bed before he tore the clothes I was wearing off my body before doing the same to his.

"I am not going to hurt you, well not too much."

I found myself shaking as he stalked closer to me, looking at me like I was his prey. Much to my horror I yet again felt my tights become sticky with my arousal which only increased as the Major knelt in front of me before spreading my legs wide open to the point I had to hold on to his shoulders in order not to fall over. I couldn't stop myself from crying out as he thrust one of his fingers inside of me hitting the magic spot just as he bite down of my bundle of nerves. This was the first time he had been the one playing with me and I wasn't ready for the consequences. I felt as he picked up speed with his finger and he continued to suck and bite causing my body to quickly hit its peck, what I didn't expect was for a fine liquid to suddenly shoot out of my body drenching his face and upper chest causing him to let out a low growl. Before I could blink I found myself straddling him

"Again Princess, cum for me."

Without warning my body did exactly what the Major told it to do yet again soaking his body with the liquid. By the time he finally dressed me in a short white summer dress with black polka dots on it; his whole body had been covered with the liquid. I still had no idea where it had come from. I knew I hadn't peed on him because it was a completely different colour and it looked thicker.

"It's your mating essence Princess. I am the only that can cause you to release it. It marks me as being taken. Once we have hunted I will be doing the same thing to you."

I couldn't stop myself from shaking in a mixture of pleasure and fright. I suddenly found myself being pressed into the Major's still naked chest, semi surprised to feel that it was dry despite what had just taken place.


I did as I was told and soon found myself wrapped round the front of his body as were flying through the air towards the boat. Still keeping one arm wrapped round my waist the Major guided us back towards the main land. The closer we got the more I feared about what was to take place. I knew more often than not hunting and sex usually went hand in hand when it came to my family. Having spent time with Jane and Alec had taught me that even though at the time I wished it was one lesson I didn't need.

The moment we arrived at the dock the Major wrapped his hand round my waist keeping me as close to him as possible without actually carrying me. We quickly moved through the tourist side of town and into the less well light area of the less than desirable side. The close we got to our destination the stronger the Major's hold became on me. I knew tomorrow I would be sporting a hand shaped bruise on my hip.

I had idea how long we walked until the Major suddenly pulled me down a little ally way. There nestled at the end was a small bar, and from the look on the Major's face where he would find his meal for tonight. I suddenly found myself pressed against the wall as the Major looked down at my dress before ripping it down the middle so it showed of my breasts. I had forgotten that the Major hadn't allowed me to wear anything under the dress causing a blush to spread across my face.

"Much better. Now listen to me Princess, as you have worked out this is where we will find our meal for the night. Though first we are going to play for a while. You are to do exactly as I tell you; I promise I will keep you safe."

I nodded my head in understanding just as he bent down and latched his mouth onto my neck just as he pushed his finger back into me. I knew what he was doing but the very thought of someone walking past and seeing us caused me to freeze up.

"Relax Princess. Just enjoy what I am doing to you because trust me when I say this is only the beginning."

I slowly felt myself relaxing as he continued to finger fuck me against the wall. It wasn't until I had come did he remove his mouth from my neck and lick his hand clean.

"At least they know you are taken. Now lets the games begin."

I allowed him to pull me to the door where a young man covered in tattoo's stood with a smirk on his face. Oh god had he been there the whole time? I felt my face become hot causing him to let out a laugh.

"I take it your little slut here is new?"

The Major nodded his head as he did some kind of complicated hand shake with the guy.

"That she is, still a pure little virgin as well."

I couldn't stop the shudder that went through me at the suddenly look of lust in the guys eyes as he took in my body. I hoped that the Major knew what he was doing.

"In fact I was looking for someone to help me break her in. You interested?"

I watched in horror as the young guy nodded his head.

"Yeah I'm interested. I know just the place we can go as well. It's not far and no one can hear her scream if we get a bit carried away if you know what I mean."

The Major let out a small laugh that caused my toes to curl as he nodded his head in understanding before indicating for the guy to show us the way. We landed up in a old run down warehouse that smelt like rotting fish causing me to all most gag and by the look on the Major's face I wasn't the only one.

The Major pulled me across the open floor towards a door that was hidden by a pile of crates. The moment we entered the room I couldn't stop the sod that escaped my mouth. I had seen play dungeons before but they looked nothing like this one. Even I could smell the old blood in the air. I just hoped the Major would hurry up and finish his little game and feed so we could get out of here.

The Major must have sensed my displeasure or he too was over his little game because the next thing I knew the he had chained his victim to the wall and was slowly torching him. Peter had warned me that the Major liked to inflicted pain on his meals before feeding from them. Something about them tasting better or something.

"Did you honestly think I was about to let you even touch her?"

As he spook he slowly broke everyone of the guy's fingers causing him to scream in pain. A part of me was starting to become aroused by what the Major was doing and it scared the hell out of me. I watched in a mixture of horror and fascination as he continued to hurt the man before me. It wasn't until he had ripped his manhood off causing blood to go everywhere did the Major beckon me to his side.

"I told you I would look after you Princess. Now come and feed with me."

Running is nail across the man's chest the Major tangled his fingers in my hair pulling my head towards the wound. Without thinking about I was doing I let attached my mouth and started to suck and lap up the blood. I heard the moment the Major sunk his teeth into the man's neck causing me to let out a soft moan as he cupped my breast with one hand. All too soon the Major was pulling me away and licking my face clean. I was still trying to work out why I didn't feel sick.

"Once we have dealt with our little friend here I will explain everything to you but for now..."

I suddenly found myself standing outside as the Major did something inside. A second later I was wrapped round his front as the air suddenly filled with a large doom. It took us less time to return to the boat and before I knew it we were back on the island and the Major had stripped the dress off me throwing it into the undergrowth as he started to lick me clean.


I slowly felt the Major hand control back over to me. He knew what needed to be done now but didn't trust himself to do it without forcing our mate to do something she didn't want to do. Picking her up I moved her towards the waterfall and our little cabin. If I was going to mark her with my scent I wanted it close to home and where she had marked me.

The moment we arrived I lowered my Princess onto the sand beach that we had made years before. I couldn't stop myself from purring as my eyes landed on hers. They were filled with pure lust.

"I promise to be gentle with you my beloved one. Just relax and let your body do as it wishes."

After what had just taken place with the Major I wanted our marking to be gentle. I could feel as my skin started to leak the thick glue like venom that would soak into hers, not only marking her as mine but starting the turning process. Starting off slowly I started off at her feet and slowly snaked my body around hers. Covering every inch of her flesh, though I have to admit I spent more time covering her more interment areas causing her to fall over the edge several times causing her to mark me even more.

By the time I had finished my mate was shaking with a mixture of pleasure and exhaustion. I slowly moved picking her up as I stood before taking her into the house. The moment I placed her on the bed the sound of a phone ringing filled my ears.

"Don't move love. I will return to you shortly."

I watched as she nodded her head before going to hunt down the phone. I knew my Princess didn't have one and mine was in the bottom of the pond outside. I finally found the offending object in the bottom of my bag. Looking at who was phoning I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes before I answered it

"She needs to actually eat human food as well idiot. Though I am actually surprised that the Major actually let you take over the scenting."

"Hello to you as well Peter. I all ready had plans to feed her before you called. As for the Major we have come to an understanding."

I could hear a scuffle before a new voice filled the air

"Jasper, this is Charlotte, can I make the suggestion that you take her swimming. Your scent will stay in her and not wash away. It will make the next stage of the mating easier on both of you. Oh and Charlie asks that you take her to the main house. Something about having everything that she will need there."

I found myself smiling at her words. There was something about Charlotte that drew people to just like her. Personally I thought it was due to her bluntness.

"I will do as you suggest and tell Charlie thank you. I know this whole thing can't be easy on either him or Edward."

"Will do. Oh and by the way don't throw this phone away. Peter said you'll need it."

I found myself rolling my eyes at her comment before promising that I would keep hold of this one. With a final good bye I closed the phone before throwing it back in the bag. Turning around I was a little surprised to find my Princess leaning against the one door frame in the whole cabin.

"It was Peter and Charlotte reminding me that you are still human and need to be feed. Charlotte also suggested you might like to come for a swim with me after I had feed you."

The smile that crossed her face filled me with happiness. Even after spending the afternoon with the Major my mate still loved me. I couldn't wait to finally claim her.

Soon, very soon