Hello, readers! This here is my first Peter Pan fic. I was so excited to write it and even though it's a drabble, I would love for someone to tell me what they think, yes? This is more of an AU story since it's not during the time of the Movie/Book, but I hope you guys like it anyway! So onward, I shall let you read.

"To die will be an awfully big adventure."

Those were his exact words once upon a time; the words he chose when he was upon the brink of death himself but they were the last ones to grace his thoughts when he was put in a position where he would surely die once and for all.

No, instead, his thoughts wavered. They didn't bring him the prospect of adventure in another life like he had once thought or any sort of fear that would be accustomed when hearing about your impending demise; instead they brought him memories of a girl with twinkling brown eyes and motherly qualities, one who would surely by now be quite old if still alive at all. The feelings that he swore he didn't have back then rushed to him all at once, one by one in a wave of horrifying clarification, to show him just what exactly he had missed when he told her that the sound of love offended him.

It surely doesn't offend him now.

As the blade that would be his demise comes slicing through the air, he looks past it. He doesn't struggle, doesn't put up a fight. Instead, his penetrating green eyes stay locked on something that Hook could never see, for he saw his Wendy standing off in the distance, beckoning him to her. It was a sight that he'd seen in his dreams countless times by now because even though he had stayed a boy on the outside, he felt the pain of a man on the inside when he thought of her.

When Hook's sword finally cut through him, he didn't cry or scream in pain; rather, he smiled and it was the most puzzling thing any of the pirates on the Jolly Roger have ever seen. They never did understand it and surely, it was one of the more peculiar things that he had ever done, though what they didn't know is that it was done with good reason.

You see, even though he was to take his last breath at the hands of his mortal enemies, Peter Pan did not care. Why? Well, now he didn't have to pretend that he didn't love her; now he could finally have the one thing that he had been barred from so many years ago.

Now, he didn't have to share her.