Dangerous Love

Chapter 26

The rest of the day Morgana felt numb, shock couldn't even begin to express how she felt. She always knew that eventually she would be expected to give Merlin an heir, but this just felt like it was too soon. It was crazy to think that she had a little person inside of her who was part her and Merlin. She was going to be a mother, and that was perhaps the most horrifying thought of all. Her mother was never there for Morgana growing up and more often than not Uther was too busy to really be a hand's on father with her and Arthur. Over the years she'd have a number of faceless governesses, but never one that Morgana ever grew really attached to. How was she supposed to show maternal affection for her child when she never had that herself?

Morgana felt even guiltier when she thought about the fact that she had betrayed her husband. It was a fact that Merlin would be completely furious with her when he discovered her deception, and if her dreams were correct he would ask her for a divorce. If that really happened then would Morgana be forced to raise her child alone? The concept was frightening and though stress wasn't good for her or the baby, she couldn't help but feel like walls were closing in around her. Suddenly there were spots in her vision and Morgana lost all consciousness and blacked out before crashing to the hard floor.

"Morgana, can you hear me?"

The first thing that Morgana noticed when she started to wake was the horrendous headache she had. He eyes cracked opened and she blinked several times before she was able to focus on the person who spoke.

"Gaius?" she breathed.

The physician studied her closely and did a few mental stimulation tests on her before sitting back and relaxing. "You are most fortunate," he said.

"What happened?" Morgana asked, her mind a blank.

"One of the servants found you collapsed in the hall and they brought you straight here. You took a nasty fall and have a concussion, but you should be fine," Gaius replied.

Morgana suddenly remembered everything, "Is my baby okay?"

"Yes, as far as I can tell," Gaius replied. "But you need to be more careful; at this stage of your pregnancy miscarriages are common."

"Thank goodness," Morgana replied.

"It still doesn't explain why you collapsed," Gaius said peering at her curiously.

"I was just overwhelmed," Morgana said embarrassed.

"A very common thing," Gaius said kindly. "but next time you are stressed please come to me for a calming draught to ease your nerves."

"I promise," Morgana said.

The door to the room opened suddenly and a frantic Merlin ran in the room. He rushed immediately to Morgana's side.

"Are you alright? One of the servants said you fell and—" Merlin said in a rush before taking a deep breath and looking down at his wife. "I've never been so scared."

"I'm fine Merlin," Morgana said to him honestly. "I just had a stumble and bumped my head, nothing is broken."

Merlin's lips found Morgana's in a passionate kiss that left her breathless. As he pulled away eventually Morgana looked at Merlin's and felt the love she had for her husband surge through her again. She was so incredibly lucky to have him, and Morgana came to a decision.

"Merlin," she said. "There is something I need to tell you."

Camelot castle was locked up tight with all the modern electronic security measures in place. To the average person the building was impenetrable, and breaking in was an incredibly foolish risk. But for people who had magic Uther's secure compound was a complete joke. Cameras could be disabled, guards could be cursed, and locks were no challenge for magic.

As darkness fell, the only cameras that caught sight of the two dark figures as they leapt down from the gate onto the grounds. It only took a few magic words to disable all the cameras, proximity sensors, and the laser beams that crisscrossed the garden at night just waiting to be tripped. The figures moved quickly and three guards were put to sleep before they even realized what hit them. Entering the castle was far too easy.

One of the figures looked around before pulling off his black hood. "Are you sure about this Morgause?"

The figure next to him pulled down her hood as well, revealing her long golden locks. She turned her icy stare on the man. "Of course I am Cenred, don't you dare get cold feet now."

The man raised his eyes in alarm, "No, I'm not. Let's do this."

Morgause gave him one last withering stare before turning and making her way silently through the castle. It was a good thing she'd been held prisoner in Camelot because she knew exactly where to go. They walked silently for a long while, keeping vigilant to eradicate any security threat they passed. At long last, however they finally reached their final destination.

Morgause pushed the door open and she strode forward in the room silently, with Cenred closely at her heels.

Suddenly someone gasped and Uther Pendragon sat up in bed to notice his intruders. His eyes bugged out like a fish, before he regained his composure. "What are you doing here?" he demanded angrily. "Guards!"

"They won't come," Cenred commented.

"Hello again Uther," Morgause said, venom in her words. "Do you remember me?"

"You're that sorceress that escaped!" Uther spat.

"Oh I'm more than that Uther," Morgause challenged. "I'm your step-daughter for one."

Uther's eyes widened in recognition at last, "You—"

Morgause held her hand up. "Don't speak," she commanded. "There is much you have to answer for. You killed my people, you abducted my mother, and you imprisoned me."

"I will not surrender!" Uther declared.

"I really don't care if you surrender or not Uther, because it is high time you paid for your crimes!" Morgause declared. And then she pulled out the dagger from her shirt and held it up above her head.

"Your war against magic ends today!" she declared, and the dagger began to descend.

AN: I have a confession to make. I had actually had this chapter written over a week ago and I had it uploaded to document manager and everything and when I was updating my other stories it fell to the way side. Needless to say I was shocked when I realized it wasn't posted like I thought it was. And yes things are going to start getting crazy in this story, does anyone have any predictions for what is to come next? This story is going to begin to wind down and we are hurtling towards the crazy conclusion. Thanks to all of you who have kept up with this fic for so long and I'm always grateful for any feedback! Thanks for reading!