(A/N: Here is the next chapter as promised, Abby you all like and remember to let me know what you think. Enjoy and loves x)

Disclaimer: I wish, if they were mine there would have been Tiva a long time ago!

She became pregnant by one brother, and married the other. Now her first love is back — who will Ziva choose? Seven years ago Tony DiNozzo married the young and pregnant Ziva David when his brother had abandoned her. But now Marco DiNozzo is back in town and the two brothers are competing for the same woman. Who will Ziva choose?

Chapter 15

Driving to Abby and McGee's house on the other side of town later the next evening, Ziva couldn't contain a shudder at the memory of Marco's words. She didn't know why it hadn't occurred to her that Marco might be staying at the motel that comprised the rest of the building where Breena's apartment was located.

For years, the place had been the only motel her side of town. But since GeeTech had come to town, bringing with it a rush of new growth, one of the national chains had opened a new motel on the opposite end of town. Foolish of Ziva to assume that he'd have chosen the new place.

It had to be her preoccupation over that lamentable fact that kept her from noticing the familiar black car already parked alongside Abby and McGee's sprawling place. But Jake noticed Tony's vehicle. He bounded out of Ziva's car before she'd barely stopped.

"Daddy's here!"

A sudden knot tied itself in Ziva's stomach. She wanted to drive away. To run and hide and continue licking her wounds. But Abby had already thrown open the wide front door of her home, letting Jake inside as she walked toward Ziva's car.

"I didn't know," she said quickly. "This is Tim's doing. Please don't turn around and drive away."

Ziva sighed and climbed out of the car. "Jake saw that he's here. It's too late to back out." She made herself shrug even as she wished she'd changed out of the black jeans and green shirt that she'd worn to work.

But then, why should she dress up for a husband who'd more than made it clear he wanted out of their marriage? She followed Abby into the house and realized she was pressing her lips together, unconsciously urging some color into them.

It was immediately clear when she followed Abby into the kitchen where Tony had his hip perched on a high barstool that he'd not been expecting to see her, either.

"Hello, Tony. How are you?" Then felt her cheeks flame at such inane politeness.

His lips twisted a little. But there was no denying the pleasure on his face when he glanced down at Jake, who seemed to have forgotten his too-big-for-hugs stage, and had thrown his arms around his dad's waist.

Ziva turned away, an ache deep behind her eyes. She blindly picked up a knife and a burstingly ripe tomato that was sitting on the cutting board. Abby caught her gaze and must have read the desperation in them for she calmly announced to the men that, unless they wanted to finish cooking supper themselves, they needed to get out from under foot.

They went. So hurriedly that under other circumstances, Ziva would have laughed right out loud.

Instead, she found herself trying not to flinch when Tony's arm brushed her shoulder as he and Jake moved past. But she still felt his touch reverberate through her. And she still seemed to taste his kiss on her lips.

She couldn't help looking up at him, only to find his green eyes watching her closely. As if he, too, was remembering the previous afternoon when he'd kissed her as if there were no tomorrow...