Hello, lovelies!

Well, here it is-the epilogue. This story has taken a long time to reach this point. I know I've said it before but thank you all for sticking with me and this story. Thank you as well to those who sent well wishes and understanding when I've shared the ways my RL has fallen apart. Things are on the upswing though and again I appreciate all of you wonderful people.

Thanks to my wonderful beta, Jessica1971. She's a great friend. There aren't words for how much that means to me. xoxo

Disclaimer as always, I don't own it.


Edward groaned with the pull of strained and stiff muscles, as he rolled his head and shoulders. Too many hours spent at odd angles waiting in the hospital's less than accommodating chairs. It wasn't possible to put into words how happy he was to be home again.

He shifted ever so slightly in search of a more comfortable position. The notion of moving to the recliner in hopes of allowing Bella to sleep a little longer was proving less than a stellar idea.

Edward sighed, thinking how insane the previous days had been. Life did not return to normal once they were home. Had either of them taken a moment to think for a second, they would have realized that life would never be the same—how could it?

A heavy sigh escaped as he rolled ever so slightly to the left, finally procuring a modicum of comfort.

A cold, wet nose pressed to the bottom of his bare foot jerked Edward back from the brink of unconsciousness.

"What the—"

He glared down into a pair of deep, tawny eyes. Remi laid his grizzled, grey muzzle between Edward's feet. His eyes darted between the bundle in Edward's arms and Edward's face with an expression of obvious concern.

"He's fine. It's his mother who has to realize she needs more than an hour of sleep each night."

Remi chuffed and slowly sat back on his haunches, lifting his eyes to the ceiling in what would have been an impressive eye roll if the dog were human. Even after all this time, it still struck Edward how that dog could so clearly communicate what he was thinking.

It was eerie.

"I know, but what are we going to do with her. We love her, right?" Edward shook his head, chuckling. "I think it's going to be up to us boys to make sure she takes better care of herself."

Soft mewling and grunting sounds, coupled with the pushing of tiny feet into his side brought Edward's attention to the burden in his arms.

"Oh," he said. "You want in on this conversation too, huh? You think you could help us out on that. Maybe you could try to sleep a little more, hm?"

Soft, dark eyes blinked, before finally seeming to focus on some part of Edward's face. With a gentle touch, Edward slid a fingertip over the velvet skin of his son's cheek. The wonder of the precious gift Bella had given him tightened his chest, stealing his breath. If he tried for the rest of his life, he'd ever be able to repay that debt. He smiled into his son's face, knowing that he would never stop trying.

The last two years had been a struggle. Bella had almost given up hope that they would ever have a baby. Not that he hadn't been a little on the worried side himself, but he'd kept that small worry hidden. They had started trying on their first anniversary and Bella was pregnant within a couple months.

Unfortunately, she miscarried a few weeks later and again a few months after that. From that point it was a very long year of doctor's appointments, and then waiting only to be disappointed every single month.

Then came the miraculous day he came home to find Bella in a heap on the floor in their bedroom. His heart had stopped at the sight of the tears coursing down her cheeks. That was until she looked up at him with a smile like the rising sun and whispered, "I'm pregnant."

Outside of their wedding day that had been the happiest of his life. Only now he could add one more date to that short list. Nothing could replace the euphoria of seeing his child take his first breath, or hearing that initial cry of indignation.

"You've definitely got a set of lungs on you, son."

Christopher's eyes closed, his face scrunched up, and turned a very bright red just before a loud series of definitive wet, popping noises sounded. Edward laughed and looked down to Remi once more.

"I guess we know his feelings on that, huh?"

Edward released the footrest of his recliner and gently sat forward. "All right, champ, let's go get you cleaned up and then we'll see if we can scratch up some breakfast without waking Mommy."

"Mommy's awake."

Edward looked up to find Bella standing a few feet away, smiling. He stood as she crossed the room toward them. She gave Remi a light pat as she passed, and then reached for Christopher. Edward placed a steadying grip on her left arm as she settled the baby.

"I'm not going to drop him," she said her voice sharp as she looked up at Edward.

He said nothing, only returned her narrow eyed gaze with a steady one. It was difficult for her to admit how weak the arm was still; when fatigued that weakness worsened. That she had use of the arm at all was testament to Bella's stubbornness. He didn't always appreciate that trait in his wife, but it had helped her through the months of physical therapy she'd endured.

Bella sighed, her shoulders drooping. "I'm sorry. I just …"

"I know, baby. It's all right." Edward bent, and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

She smiled, leaning into him. "Why don't I go take care of the little man while you scrounge us up some breakfast?"

"That sounds like an excellent plan," he said, straightening.

A wide contented smile spread over his face as he watched Bella move off down the hallway toward Christopher's room. The soft tone of her voice wafted to him as she spoke to their son. A heavy weight leaning against his thigh brought his attention to the other occupant in the room. He placed a big hand on Remi's head. The dog sighed, as Edward scratched him behind the ears.

"Come on, we'll see what we can throw together." Edward started for the kitchen. He stopped at the entryway and turned back to where Remi still sat. "You coming?"

Remi looked at Edward, then down the hallway in the direction Bella had gone, and back.

Edward smiled, nodding. "They'll be all right, but go on if it makes you feel better."

Remi chuffed and began to slowly gain his feet.

Edward's heart squeezed. The dog had markedly begun to show his age over the last several months. He didn't have a lot of time left in him, Edward knew but did everything he could not to think about that. With a shake of his head, Edward turned, continuing on into the kitchen.


Late one night, as the snow fell, silently blanketing the ground outside Remi entered the child's room. He crossed the floor to where the small bed nestled along the far wall.

A quick sniff of the bed's occupant ensured everything was all right and the dog moved to his favorite spot in the boy's room; an overstuffed, bag chair which had seen its better days. He circled, stomping down the lumpy areas until it was perfect. Curling his body into a semi-circle, Remi released a heavy breath of contentment. His head rested on what served as an arm for the chair.

Remi looked over to where the child slept soundly. No danger presented itself any longer. His lady and her mate were safe. Their muffled laughter drifted from another room down the hall. The world was as it should be, and he was content with a job well done.

With a final satisfied sigh, Remi closed his eyes.

I hope you all enjoyed. I know so many of you have loved Remi from the start. He's one of my favorite characters to have ever written.

I'm hanging in the fanfic world although I'm working really hard with my original fiction. Some of you have mentioned that you purchased, or would be purchasing, my debut novel. If you've done so, I send you an emphatic thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you haven't but you're interested you can find it at your favorite ebook retailer. Starting Over by Savannah Yarbrough.

You can follow me on google+ at: google dot com / +SavannahYarbrough

Facebook: Savannah Yarbrough and Twitter: at bellasundrstudy

Again, my heartfelt thanks to you all.


until next time ...
