"When's the last time you wore this shirt?" Brittany asked coming out of the bathroom and sitting down on Quinn's bed. She absentmindedly stroked the plastic feel of the letters on her t-shirt as Santana popped popcorn and stirred two cups of hot chocolate.

"Why? Does it stink? I can give you a new one if you want," Santana feigned innocence hoping against everything that Leo was right about this one thing.

"Oh no, it's fine, it just smells a lot like you is all," Brittany replied still looking down at her shirt, engulfed in Santana's perfume.

"If that's a bad thing, I can really just get you a new shirt Brit," she said handing the other girl her cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. "Let me know how that tastes."

"I said it's fine, everything fine, it's always just fine Santana." Brittany's eyes were betraying her deceleration as tears started to slowly stream down her face. Santana hesitated just a second thinking back to Brittany telling her not to get in her bed or even talk about anything serious, but her hesitation was gone in an instant when she saw the first tear fall on her t-shirt. She practically ran over to the bed and put her hand on the crying blondes shoulder.

"I can't do this San, be in this room, smell like you, drink out of our love mug without falling apart. Why did you do it. Why?" The last word was choked out as Brittany's body shook with sobs.

"You left me first," Santana whispered moving herself off the bed and away from the conversation.

"No I didn't!" Brittany shot off the bed yelling and stood over the other girl sitting indian style on the floor, "I called you every day. I wrote. I made you stupid cards that I thought would help keep me in your heart and on your mind. I bet you just threw those away like you threw away us. I left for school Santana, I didn't go off on a whim to get away from you or so I could fuck around with anything that walks like you did. I hate you!" The blonde spun around on her heels and flung herself on the bed and buried her head in Quinn's pillows. Santana stayed rooted in her possions making no noise or giving away the fact that tears were flowing down her face and her heart was ripping itself apart.

After what seemed like an eternity, the sobbing noise from Brittany quieted while Santana had cried herself dry thinking of what to do or say next. There's no where to go from here, she hates me and that's that, she thought watching an unmoving Brittany from the floor. She was startled out of her thought when she felt her phone vibrate.


3:07 a.m

I swer to god if you don say sumthing to her im gona kik you fcking ass. stop bein a pussy and get yur act together idiot!

Santana whipped her head in Elaine's direction but she still looked completely zonked out. She squinted to see if her eyes were playing trick on her and to her surprise, Elaine's eyes were open and she was making the most Santana-esk smirk of all time. She shot Santana a 'get moving glance' and shut her eyes, going back to her pretend sleeping. What a sneaky little bitch, I guess I have to start liking her now, she thought as she finally gathered up the courage to get off the floor. She dug around in her closet for a wooden box before she walked to the edge of Quinn's bed and sat down. Slowly, and very hesitently, she put her hand on Brittany's shoulder.

"Britt?" no movement, "Britt, I promise after this I will leave you alone forever if that's what you want but will you please look at me this one last time." Blonde hair started to move and Brittany was soon sitting cross legged on the bed in front of Santana with puffy, red eyes. "Go on, I'll listen," she whispered softly to Santana, giving her the go ahead. The other girl took a deep breath in, instantly nervous, with butterflies going crazy in her stomach, this was her last shot.

"I know you didn't leave me, you never really will, even if the next tenish hours are the last I'll ever spend with you, you will always be in my heart." She gathered every ounce of nerve she had and pushed it in to what she was about to say. "I was just so hurt you left me behind, like I always knew you would. You're better than I am in every possible way and I knew you would eventually leave me to be better with someone else, I just didn't think it was going to be so sudden or so soon after I realized I couldn't live without you. I stopped living the minute I watched your plane leave. I'm selfish, I know that but nothing was bright or fun, nothing tasted the same, I didn't sing or cheer and I wasn't even cleverly mean to people like I used to be, I just resorted to punching. I was suspended five times you know. But I stopped because five is your favorite number, a dumb reason, but I was clinging to anything that revolved around you." Birttany's eyes were still downcast in her lap where her fingers were clutched tighly together. "For the first month, I went to your house every day after school and listened to your sister struggle with her trombone lessons and helped her with math, but I stopped that too when she started showing me her dance routines. I knew I had to start letting you go so you could finally be the person you were meant to be. So I stopped answering my phone and responding to your letters, but I was doing it for you. Do you understand that?" Her glistening blue eyes finally looked up at me, but they were once again filled with tears of rage.

"No! I don't understand Santana, I don't want to be better, I wanted you because with you, I already was better. You always knew I wasn't stupid, that I was just playing around with people's minds. You knew me more than I knew myself. Remember that time I had decathlon practice so I had to TiVo Grey's Anatomy? You know the episode because it was the only one we didn't watch together. It's like you knew the timing of my life and when I would get to the horribly sad part because the minute I started crying you were at my house with this damn shirt on and that stupid mug and those liliac scented tissues. I hate you because I still need you, that you, not that girl I saw three months ago." Tears were falling down Brittany's face once again. "You're stupid if you think you did that for me."

The two girls sat in silence lost in their own thoughts, uncertain of where to go next.

"Do you remember the end of junior year when we got beards?" Santana finally spoke, in a timid voice that was almost a whisper.

"Yeah mine had wheels." the tiniest of smiles tugged at Brittany's lips.

"That's right. We had those so we could lie to people and put up a front about us."

"I hated it."

"I know, theme of my life, but listen. We lied so we could protect our feelings, just like I lied to Q and all of our other friends and ever single person in high school when you left me. I lied about sleeping with the lacrosse team and they were all too eager to go along with my story. I figured that if people thought I was a whore and slept with anything with a pulse, they wouldn't notice the way I wore your sweatpants every other day or that I used your locker and carried your binder with all of your doodles as my own. I didn't want to be like the pathetically depressed cliche of a teenager that I was when the love of her life leaves. I lied to the glee club so they would leave me alone. Graduation.." Santana ground her teeth together and squeezed her eyes tight to prevent tears from falling. "He came in to the bathroom and I was crying over you not being there on the day we always talked about being the best day of our lives. I was upset and drunk and I thought if you weren't here on the only big day that I would ever have, you weren't ever going to come back for me at all. It was the only time I actually kissed or even touched someone else. I had completely given up on myself and us and then there you were in the doorway and in perfect Santana fashion, I didn't run after you. Partly because I thought it was some dream, but mostly because I knew you weren't going to forgive me this time and I didn't want you too. I wasn't lying when I said you would be better off without me, but I lied to protect myself, my own heart because I'm so selfish when it comes to you. In my eyes, your better without me, but in my heart, I only want you to be with me. So then I just kept lying about going to college parties so I could sit in my room watching old cheerios competition tapes and listen to Melissa Etheridge and fantasize about the duets I should have done with you and every other thing I should have done. Its always going to be about what I should have done with you. And tomorrow or in a few days, I will think of all the other more convincing, more loving, better ways that I could have said all of this to you, and it wont matter. I started off lying to keep you and I ended lying to keep you away. But I'll never lie about the way I feel about you and the way everything is just better with you." She grabbed the wooden box in her lap and set it on the bed next to Brittany's legs.

"And for the record, I didn't burn your letters or the cheesey cards. Or even that vile of dirt you kept from our lockers junior year that you said was magical. Here is the S+B bracelet we made in fifth grade and that post-it from eighth grade with the heart around our mash-up name. Brittana was much better than Santittany. And the note you wanted to leave in my locker freshman year about you hating the new me."

"But I crumpled that up and threw it away before I even let you read it."

"I know. As soon as you walked away I got it out, I wasn't about to not read a note you wrote to me. I wish I hadn't though, but it made me better. You make me better. I wish I could think of a different word, but it sums up everything about you, better than perfect, better than feeding ducks in the summer and better than anything else in my life. Brittany, I am so sorry for everything. Not calling or writing, not being honest, running from the only good thing in my life.. ruining everything. I'm just so sorry." Loud sobs finally took over Santana's body, she was curled in to herself, cradling her arms and shaking. It was the hardest Brittany had ever seen her cry. Through her own tears, she picked out each and every keepsake from Santana's wooden box with a heart carved on the top. The earliest card was from first grade, the year they met. It was a Barbie valentine that read: I Hope You Feel Like A Princess On Valentine's Day, and clumsily stapled to it was a pink card on which Brittany had written in her best first grade handwriting: Just like the time we played dress up, but instead of you being the knight, you can be my princess! It was decorated with heart stickers and stars. Brittany felt her heart pinch at the memory and the fact that Santana had kept it along with every other valentine or sappy note from all their years as friends. They had been friends for so long before their first kiss and way before the first time they slept together.

"Even if it was all a lie, you hurt more than all the bad things that have ever happened to me put together. I don't want to forgive you, but thinking about never seeing you or talking to you again for the rest of my life terrifies me. I still want you in my life, I need you in my life still. It's my turn to be scared for once about you and me. You have so much power over me, you don't even realize it." Brittany wrapped the still crying girl in a light hug slowly traced little circles against her back.

"I don't mean to," the feeling of Brittany's hands on her slowing her sobs a little, "But my life starts and ends with you. When you left I stopped, if thats not power over me, I don't know what is. I need you in my life too, so much, and if that means I am just that friend you see out and acknowledgement politely or that I simply get to say hi if we accidentally run in to each other somewhere, then thats fine. Just tell me what you want me to be, and I'll be that. I'll be anything you want."

Brittany release Santana from the hug and reached for her hands. She looked into her eyes, still swimming with unshed tears and intertwinded their fingers.

"San, you know I want you to be more than that."

"I just didn't want to assume," she said shyly and looked into those blue eyes that she loved and missed so much, "I love you Brittany, so much that it physically hurts sometimes and I know I have hurt you in the worst possible way, but I promise, I swear on your shirt and our terribly crafted mug of love and my box and I swear on you, that I will never lie or cheat or hurt you in any way ever again. I love you, just please, say you love back, please."

Santana pleaded with her eyes as alligator tears rolled down her face. She gripped tighter to the dancer's hands in her own and searched her face for any sign of an answer. Before Santana even knew what was happening, Brittany's soft lips were on hers. And before it even started it was over. It was a light peck but it held all the answer Santana needed.

"I love you too San," she said resting her forehead against Santana's, "So much. But I swear if you ever act like that again I wont forgive you." Her tone was serious but the mood was light and free and the two just sat in each other's company. Santana leaned in and captured Brittany's lips again. The kiss was tender and loving but soon grew hungry and demanding.

"Okay, cool it," Brittany smiled against Santana's mouth, "I only just got you back, I want to save this until the morning when I will love you more after cuddling and sleeping." She leaned back in and kissed her again.

"Mmm fine, as long as you still love me in the morning."


The two switched to Santana's bed across the room and cuddled under the covered. Brittany wrapped her arms around Santana holding her tightly against her.

After dozing on and off for the past few hours, Quinn and Rachel were almost completely out of their drug induced high. The two lay in each others's arms in the makeshift fort.

"This was the weirdest night of my life," Quinn said, planting a kiss on the tip of Rachel's nose.

"Tell me about it, I had no idea the back of cop cars were plastic," the brunette replied giggling against Quinn's lips.

"You know what I mean. Drunk then soberish then drugged up now sober. You and me, this fort, Haddie, talking back to a cop, my mom is going to kill me."

"It may have been weird, but it was the best night of my life," Rachel's lips forming a small smile, not wanting to give away her true feeling about Quinn just yet. Quinn turned Rachel around in her arms so they were fully facing each other.

"Mine too, I never would have thought jail would bring us together, although it does seem fitting. Trapping two people who supposedly hated each other in a room, seems a bit cliche if you ask me," Quinn smile brightly at Rachel hoping she would catch her playful tone.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," the shorter girl said with a questioning look on her face, "like we should have come to terms with out friendship some other way. Perhaps being cast in the same off-Broadway play or working at the same job."

"Nah that still seems too mainstream for me. What if we were abducted and then found our way to Pandora and became Na'vi and through trials and tribulations we became mates and.."

"Quinn that's awful," she nudged the other girl, "I don't want a James Cameron love story, I will barf if that's what we tell our seven children. No, it has to be romantic. Like I dressed as a boy and pretended to be a male.. cheerleader and went along with all of your rules and slowly fell in love with you while I just became your 'bro' who you would talk about other guys with and make me.."

"Okay not Yentl, thats worse than Avatar!"

"You know, I'm not even mad you didn't like that," she pecked Quinn's lips, "I'm just glad you knew what movie I was talking about." Rachel's face lit up in a huge smile.

"I told you I know more about you than you think."

Quinn leaned in and kisses Rachel more deeply. She ran her hands up her arms, stopping at her jaw, then weaving her hands in her dark hair. Rachel deepened the kiss, grazing her teeth along Quinn's bottom lip, and rolled them over so she was straddling the flushed blonde. Quinn let her hands wander down to Rachel's waist as their tongues danced and lips crashed. Her hands slid back to her ass and gave a little squeeze.

A soft moan escaped Rachel's mouth but Quinn quickly swollowed it with a searing kiss. Rachel moved her hand from cupping Quinn's face slowly down her neck, across her collarbone and down the side of her breast. She broke the kiss to look into the blonde's dark hazel eyes, seeking approval for her eager next move. Quinn responded with a squeeze and reconnecting their lips. Rachel slowly danced her fingertips across Quinn's chest, feeling her nipple harden under her touch. Slowly massaging with her hand, she pressed her hips down into Quinn's center, eliciting a loud, throaty moan. Completely lost in their own world, the two nearly jumped in the air when they heard a loud banging on the cell bars.

"Get on up girls, my shift is ending and the castle has to come down!" Stan hollered from right outside the fort. Quickly fixing their disheveled hair and righting their clothes, they crawled out from beneath their little bubble of bliss and resurfaced into the real world.

"Classy ladies, I'm proud of you, now hand me those blankets before the new guy comes in. I'm a bit bummed I wont be releasing you ladies. I thought we bonded, I could call you later in life when you're both famous and I need money, so I took the liberty of taking your phone numbers down."

"Stanley that is a direct violation of privacy and I will have my Daddy, who is a lawyer, down here so fast, that you will be paying me when I'm famous and I will have no remorse," Rachel retorted, stomping her foot on the ground. Quinn wrapped her arm around the diva's back to calm her down.

"He's only joking baby, you're so hot when you're mad," Quinn whispered in her ear.

"There she is! I just wanted to make sure the institution didn't change you. But you my Queen, I believe you have been changed for the better, am I right little Diva?"

"As you know I must condemn you for your height remark, but I cannot retain any of said anger due to your blatant Wicked reference. Brava Stan my man. Although you cannot keep my number, I will one day be famous and thank you in my first award speech. 'I would also like to thank Stanley the Jail Guy for being a lovely individual who passive aggressively took jabs at me, but created within me a persona I could later use for this astounding role as an inmate'" Rachel wiped fake tears and did a curtsy and pretended to walk off stage, "And scene. See, I thanked you but retained that level of anonymity that you so love. But in all serious, bring it in for the real thing Stanley."

Rachel pressed her chest up to the bars and stuck her arms through, holding them out for a hug. Stanley raised his eyebrow in confusion, but stepped forward and embraced the tiny diva in a hug.

"Thank you for giving me my first drunk tank hug, Little Foot, if I was the diary keeping type, I would certainly put this in there, but put this in yours for the both of us."

"There will be several pages dedicated to this night, don't you worry."

"Thanks for everything Stan," Quinn said in a sobering tone, "You really helped me out tonight, and your daughters are lucky to have you as a dad. I promise I wont ruin their lives, if anything, I'll help promote them to the top of the proverbial pyramid. I'll never forget you Stanley and if you can, keep my number and look me up if you ever get in any legal trouble or need help penning a memoir of the times spent catering to drunk people." Quinn put her arms through the bars just as Rachel did and gave Stanley a meaningful hug.

"Good luck with everything girls, and don't come visiting no matter how much you miss me." Stan waved one last time before he put the blankets in the office and went home.

"How fuckin' precious. If that douche treated us the way he treated you, this would be heaven on earth," Miss Haddie spoke, making her presence known.

"Don't you dare speak about Stanley that way!"

"Rach, hey, it's fine, I think you are getting the Jail House Madness. Lets sit down for a bit yeah?" Quinn rubbed circles on Rachel's back and guided her towards their bench.

"I was only joking Shorty, but as long as we are being sentimental, I would appreciate my thank you, before you guys leave." Miss Haddie said with a sassy shake of her head.

"Excuse me?" confusion was spread across both girl's faces.

"Duh, getting you two love birds together, you don't think you did that on you own now do you. My shoes held up your world baby girls. And I like my credit where credit is due."

"What Haddie means to say is sorry for drugging you with my sass and actual drugs, sorry for making it impossible for you to interview for serious jobs for the next two months because your pee wont clean, sorry for maybe almost killing and sorry for not giving you privacy when you were getting your mack on. Does that about cover it Had?" Kathy asked looking at Miss Haddie and the two opened mouthed girls across the room.

"YOU WHAT! How could you do that, there are serious repercussions to drug use and I-" Rachel rant was cut off Quinn's lips against her own, slowly making her forget the rest of the world.

"Thank you Haddie," Quinn said turning away from Rachel, "For the drugs, for being a peeping Tom, for the shoes, for it all. Because without it," she turned back to Rachel, "I wouldn't have gotten you, silly." She kissed her once again, caressing her cheek with her thumb. The two sat kissing and cuddling on their bench, loving every minute they got to spend with each other.

"Shows over ladies, break it up. Your times up as long as you blow zeros, so Blondie, come to the front of the cell please," the new guard, a skinny, black hair man with a horrible mustache called to them through the bars. Quinn untangled herself from Rachel and walked to the bars.

"Just blow air in to the tube, don't suck it, now funny business."

Missing Stan already, Quinn blew in the plastic tube and waited for the reading.

"Perfect zero, lets go."

"Wait, can she come at the same time?" Quinn was almost scared to leave Rachel without getting to say goodbye. The new guard thought for a second and then waved his hand for the other girl to come blow as well. Rachel did as she was told and blew into the tube.

"Zeros, now lets get out of here."

Quinn quickly ran back to Miss Haddie and Kathy and wrapped them in hugs.

"I'll never forget you guys, be safe and if you're ever at NYU, look me up, I will totally buy those drugs any day," She shot them a wink and ran back to the door. Rachel simply waved and said goodbye to the two ladies and walked to the office with the other two.

"Quinn, Rachel!" Brittany was yelling and running down the hallway towards the two girls, "Oh thank God you're alright." She grabbed Rachel, picked her up and spun her around, kissing her on the cheek every now and then.

"Yes, we are quite alright Brittany, although I must say I am starved, what about you Quinnie?" she asked taking her hand in her own.

"Completely starved," looking down at the shorter girl with something like love in her eyes.

"Alright, what is that lovey shit happening. Did you capitalize on that Q?"

"Way to be vulgar and ruin a perfect moment San," Brittany wrapped her arm around Santana's waist and pulled her close.

"Hm is the pot calling the kettle black here S?" Quinn said eyes the loving display between the two former cheerios.

"Bite you tongue, Q-ball. So munchkin, how did the slammer treat you?" Santana took Rachel's chin in her hand and moved her face side to side as if examining it.

"Perfectly fine Santana, thank you for your false concern, no can we please get out of here?"

She looked up at Quinn's face begging to leave. Quinn leaned down giving her a sweet kiss.

"Sure thing baby," she smiled and turned to Santana, "how did you know when we would be out anyways, I never called or told you."

"A guy named Stan called from your phone and told us to be here in two hours so we were here, so much for my fake concern hey Rach. Looking back I think I should have asked a few questions but I was a bit... occupied if you know what I mean," She nudged Brittany's shoulders and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ugh didn't need to know that. But I'm happy for you, and I swear San, if you ever hurt Britts like that again, I am disowning you as a roommate and a friend. Speaking of roommates where Elaine?"

"Oh Jesus, you will never guess, that girl is a sneaky little bitch, we have to start being nicer to her."

"What? Why, what changed in the span of ten hours?"

"Everything Q, absolutely everything."

The four girls walked out of the station, Quinn and Rachel hand in hand and Santana and Brittany as close as physically possible.