DISCLAIMER; HP belongs to JKR. The story line and all new characters, new character development, new developments are my intellectual property.

a/n Well we are at an end. I will miss them. But surely they will be back in a re-incarnation in one of my fic. Thanks to all those who stayed on for the long ride.

Right Mate-Wrong Time Day

Three hours later and still no Molly; nobody knew or could find out where he'd taken her. Vortex had gone by the old cave and nothing. When he tried to look forward on time, the view was blocked. Of course, the entire family had turned into a close book to him. Since he wanted to be in Rose's future or in Hermione's if he were able, anyone closely related was blocked.

"Where is Arga?" Her relatives can go into space-pockets. She knew her other kin disliked gatherings but she could enlist their help, Hermione kept asking. Guests were arriving, and everyone pretended that all was well. Apparently none were reachable probably visiting relatives.

Arga was no where to be found, last that anyone had seen her was inside Molly's small backpack.

Hermione sat on Bill's lap, Lobo was peeved. Are you all crazy, letting that mad fairy get close to my pup. Quit sitting around, do something. Bill growled he didn't need this. Viktor was pacing, not happy at all.

There was great commotion outside, a rain of wild flowers was falling from the sky. They looked up, a globe was descending. Inside the small globe they could see Molly, alone and carrying a small animal, not clear what kind.

Every adult hurried after the landing globe. When it landed, it disappeared and Molly ran towards, "Mama mama, hir," a tiny monkey with wings flew next to her. "Manky, mine," and the mini beast stood on top of her head.

Molly was filthy and her face covered with sticky stuff. She wore a unknown metal circlet studded with precious stones, most not from this world, and carried a bouquet of wild flowers. "For Mama." She declared stretching her arms to be picked up. As soon as Hermione had Molly in her arms, Molly was out like a light.

They removed her backpack. And while they examined, the monkey-critter flew above, out their reach squeaking and hissing, making them smile.

Bill scanned her, and she was well; nothing wrong except for a belly full of sweets. The filth turned out to be a strange, non-worldly looking mud that smelled rather well. While undressing her, they found a tiny star shining and twinkling over her heart, not a tattoo, a part of her. Bill searched for curses, nothing, only benign energy emanated from the new mark.

Teddy came, "I'll take her, I am baby sitting today." He held the chubby tot like she was made of fragile porcelain.

As he walked away, he growled, "Naughty little witch, you need to learn to…ouch." The tiny monkey nipped his ear. He growled louder, and the creature flew above them keeping its distance, message loud and clear, boundaries had been established.

Arga who was sleeping inside the backpack, jumped out. She wore a gold thread adorned with a diamond chip around her curls. Her new 'clothes' were made of gold threads, actual gold.

She was mute as to where and how. Viktor's eyes gleamed with a touch of malice, "He bought you out, traitor. Don't worry, your new threads don't make you trendy, just overdressed. How could you let Hermione worry so much, black-hearted traitorous fiend." He was peeved with Arga.

Arga refused to answer, she refused to take the bait. She pursed her lips and just stared away from them. That was when they noticed her slippers made out a very shinny material, each with a precious stone chip, no wonder.

Doer was no where to be found. This made all the watchers, wolves, and the guards unite in a mental cheer. He was one of the only ones able to escape the councils' reach, even with so many present; this new feat made him more of a folk hero. And they all had realized that Molly had found a real fairy godparent, a powerful protector to keep her safe forever, the star was the prove. She had been blessed.

Bill turned to all the guests who were already there and aware of the drama, "As you can see we have our hands full. After Molly, I think this is it for a while."

Viktor and Hermione made a strange face and both cast their eyes down. They had been careless, Viktor had reached for her a night a few weeks before and forgot the cardinal rule, he could only be with Hermione after she had been with Bill, unless they wanted a child. That night they had been in between asleep and awake. Next day they had wondered if it had happened, and neither had said anything, until the truth downed on them.

She whispered, "That might not be true, but it is early." If she were pregnant from Viktor, they wouldn't know for a few days, yellow eyed babies cloaked their existence for the first trimester, so they must wait to find out.

Bill growled, they had planned a long trip since the children were a little older, and Molly was off nappies. If she were pregnant the baby would be like Hermione until she reached adulthood at 80, then she would be something in between.

"But then who knows if my words are premature, we shall see. This day has already been eventful, but so it was the day now known as Right Mate at the Wrong Time day, and may I add, we need to thank my mother for it." At this almost everyone laughed, except for Ron who had to look down and clenched his teeth. Yup, he still held a grudge.

Vortex who had decided trading Sirius for Rose wasn't going to cut it, considering that a) Hermione had already called him irresponsible; and b) she told him to stay away from her; he decided on an anniversary present. After seeing Hermione's temper, he was again leaning towards Rose. Who needed such a female ready to tear your head off.

The party was nearly beginning when a large black dog walked by Hermione and jumped on her, muddying her dress, making a mess out her, she was about to chew the dog out when Remus and Harry screamed joyfully, " Padfoot!"

Sirius morphed to the children's delight thinking it was part of the entertainment.

It was Sirius, who was immediately smooched, hugged, and celebrated by all who knew him.

Vortex stood by Hermione and said, "Your present, I hope to be forgiven."

Hermione in her exuberant happiness grabbed Vortex and kissed him full in the mouth, which somehow got more than a little heated. Viktor and Bill saw it and growled and snarled, Viktor was growing horns, and Bill's fangs were elongating. They were jealous of everyone other than the two of them. Fortunately, between the noise and the music nobody heard.

She hugged him tightly and let him go, "You are, you are my hero, and I am eternally grateful. Oh yes, I am. You may have whatever you wish." She quickly corrected herself after hearing the nasty growls and snarls, "Within reason that is."

During his long life Vortex had never been kissed, scratch that, he had never been touched. His father's mourning had staved him off females and males alike. He'd never wanted to feel until that moment. He stood there frozen, he wanted to ask for another kiss or two, or maybe more; thus it was a good thing that he couldn't speak.

"Let's hope you haven't snared another dangerous beau, like you don't have enough. Let's start here at home. Don't act coy, just here we have two permanent pains, Ron and Moony." Bill sighed, forever and ever.

Viktor had his eye on Vortex. He had seen how the being was looking at his beloved princess and stared back at him with his yellow eyes, the ones so many feared. Vortex ignored him as he always did everyone; with his powers and his family he could do as he pleased.

She laughed, "Nah, I think that he is going to ask for Rose. He is foolish, because Rose will decide who she wants when it is time. Let's us straighten him out, and…"

Several screams stopped them, their twins were running towards them followed by the Potter twins, Rose stood livid watching their approach, "Mama, mama, we went by mistake near by a nest of magic ticks."

"Likely story, mistake my foot. I warned the four of you 'bout today, no pups and no forest. Ugh, I don't get paid enough." Rose's skin was nearly blue, and she was showing fangs. She snarled in warning, pointed her finger, "Stay still," and pulled their shirts off.

"Yup, they are covered with glowing ticks, yuck." Rosed complained, sounding disgusted.

The four screamed, "Mommy, Auntie, you do it, she will hurt us. She is going to bite and pinch us. Stop her, stop her."

"Oh, yes, I will hurt you, a lot. I surely will and you know it, darn pups." Nine year old Rose, going on twenty, looked positively wicked. A low growl warned the four trouble-making-disobedient pups that it was paying up time, "I think that Kreacher needs to ready the anti-tick dip and the enchanted tweezers. Follow me, now."

The four whimpered while both sets of parents made a mental note to pay Rose a bonus. The four followed Rose as she marched them inside. Other pups took notice, Rose was nobody to be messed with. She was every inch the princess, and not necessarily a nice one.

Bill and Hermione guffawed, "I wanted to give you the perfect day, and so far not one planned thing has worked." Bill told her.

"It is perfect we're together. I have a deja-vu, dunno, like this day is different of what it supposed to have been."

Vortex knew, it was different thanks to him.


Aha, she looked to her uncle Maurice who was always sad. Her eyes moved to her mother who looked very happy while looking at Maurice holding Sirius' hands. Lord Elm, Lear and Lucius were shaking their heads disapprovingly, as Fenrir approached ready to argue with them.

They saw him and moved to the side to whisper, but Maurice's sisters, mother and many others ignored the trio and went to wish the couple well. Maurice's children were also approaching to greet the new comer, they already liked him because he was making their father smile.

It was good that he was back, Harry had missed Sirius, and he guessed that he wasn't the only one. Harry hurried his step now that the twins were under control.

"Wait," Völker and Urlic, her eleven and nine year old brothers were coming to hug her. Ulric who now remembered being Regulus.

After a brief hug, "Let's go and meet Uncle Mauro's friend." Ulric winked and both ran towards Maurice. "Sirius," Ulric yelled from afar. Sirius turned, grinned and opened his arms to hug Ulric, when he reached him, he picked him up and swung him around a few times.

Helena looked at them curiously and asked Völker, "How does your brother know Sirius?"

"Dunno." He amswered.

"Yeah, it is, a perfect day." Hermione leaned on her husband's shoulder.

"I need to change and probably bathe. I am a mess. The guests are still coming shall we go?" The sultry witch and princess suggested.

Eeha, Lobo yelled, Bill agreed. "Let's hope the rest of this day is better than thus far. We already had enough excitement."

Viktor was grinning, "You know, a bath sounds great," and followed them, casually. His people smiled, they could always hear their leader's voice whenever he was with his princess. The future was bright, one day there might be more females of their kind, and, while they waited with their absolute mind link, one female, even a princess went a long way.

Who knew about the future, Vortex was at that moment evaluating how to cause mischief. He had after all helped to save Fred, but his help was of the worse kind. Making him aware of anyone's existence was not such a bright idea. The kiss had opened his eyes, and not in a good way. He had a cousin…he disappeared to make calculations, and to retrieve the most perfect present for the celebrated couple, a polished stone.

The End-

A/N it is not an open end, life is a continuum, I would like to imagine their lives never got dull. Hugs to all who read my stories.