Wow! it's been a very long time. I'm ashamed.

For a while she had died. Seven minutes that is.

During those seven minutes she remembers seeing Gene and her parents. She doesn't remember much of what they had spoken about but she remembers that she had a choice to pick.

She chose to live.

Death would come later.

After she had her first kiss, fell in love, got married, had children, lived a happy life and watched her children's children grow up then she would happily die.

But for now she was going to fight to survive.

After being revived she wasn't aware of much, just images and words here and there.

She was in a vehicle.

Then she was being wheeled into a building.

She was surrounded by people in white.

She knew that she still had a chance of dying again and she knew that she had to fight with everything she had. At the moment she didn't have much because she couldn't even feel her body anymore. She couldn't feel the pain from the bleeding wound or from her breaking heart.

She stared up at the ceiling as something was placed over her mouth and she barely saw the doctors and nurses running around shouting orders.

She remembered when Mrs Tako came into the SPR building, she had a small child hiding behind her legs and both of them looked so terrified that Mai ushered them in straight away.

/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ FLASHBACK \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\

Mai was sat at her desk near the entrance to SPR, she was glaring hard at her bosses closed doorway.

What a Jerk! Saying he was going to dock my pay because I was two minutes late! Two frigging minutes!

"Mai Tea!" she heard the cold unattached tone of her Boss.

She sighed and slowly stood up to walk to the kitchen but before she could enter she heard the bell of the front door. She placed a smile on her face and moved in to the main office so she could welcome who ever it was.

She knew it wasn't Ayako or Monk because they were always arguing when they first arrive. When the door opened she was shocked to see a small plump women staring at her with wide terrified eyes.

She smiled kindly "hello, do you have an appointment?"

The woman looked nervous for a moment as her eyes widened "oh, well no I didn't think I needed one. I'm sorry should I have called first?"

Mai took a small step closer to her and beckoned the woman in "no, of course not please come in. I'll get Na . . . Mr Shibuya and Mr Kojo to join you now". She hesitantly stepped in with a small smile.

"Thank you" as she stepped in a small boy who looked to be about five or six clutched to her leg whilst staring at me in fear.

"Oh, hello there" Mai knelt down so that she was his size "my name is Mai what's yours?"

He glanced fearfully at his Mother and she smiled softly at him whilst nudging him forward towards Mai.

"I'm Kiyoshi and I'm . . ." he seemed to count on his fingers and then he held up one hand with his fingers spread wide, he pointed to that hand with his other "that old".

Mai laughed "well aren't you the little gentlemen" and stood up and turned to his Mother "My name is Mai Taniyama (I know you're supposed to put there surnames first but …" if you would like to take a seat whilst I get my boss" she smiled at the woman as she sat down. The little boy jumping onto the chair next to her, he watched Mai leave with innocent fascination.

Mai went to Naru's door and knocked waiting for the 'enter', when she went in he was reading through his files. She rolled her eyes when he didn't look up "Naru there's some one here to see you".

He raised an eyebrow at me but she just exited quickly mumbling about getting Lin-san.

Lin was just coming out of his office as Mai was about to knock. He nodded to Mai and walked past her silently holding his laptop. Mai stood looking dazed for a moment before she shook her head and moved to where they were all waiting.

How does he do that?

Naru and Lin were talking when she entered the room. Mai smiled at the Mother and son "would you like some tea?"

"Oh, yes please. Is there anyway my son can have some water?"

Mai smiled kindly at her "yes of course, I'm sure I have some orange juice if he wishes for some?"

Kiyoshi jumped up and down slightly with a big smile on his face "yes, yes!"

"Manners dear" his mother scolded him lightly.

He pouted making Mai's mind go awwww before he smiled at me "please?"

She laughed and nodded "of course".

Mai was just about to walk off when Naru said "Mai Tea!"

She turned to him and rolled her eyes before turning back around again, she was about to walk off when Naru said "tell me what is the problem".

"Erm well" the woman started nervously. Mai turned and glared at Naru for asking so bluntly, the poor woman was terrified.

Mai noticed how she kept shooting nervous glances towards her son so Mai stepped forward "would you like to help me in the kitchen Kiyoshi?"

The Mother looked relieved and grateful when the little boy smiled widely and jumped up running to Mai.

She could hear them talking from where she stood beside the kettle in the kitchen.

"My husband passed away five months ago and ever since then strange things have been happening in the house, at first they were relatively harmless but for the past week my son has been terrified".

Mai glanced at the little boy beside her who was drinking his juice, he smiled brightly up at her making her wonder why anything would want to scare such a cute little boy.

"Has the ghost become violent?" Mai could hear Lin's clicking pause as the woman seemed to struggle for an answer. Much to her frustration she didn't get to hear the answer because the kettle whistled to tell her it was done.

Kiyoshi giggled and Mai turned to look at him, he was watching her with his head turned to the side.

She smiled at him whilst finishing the cups of teas before placing them on the tray to take into the main office area.

She held the tray with one hand and took Kiyoshi's hand with the other "come on Sweetheart, lets go see what your Mummies up to".

He smiled and handed Mai his cup half full of juice, she laughed and placed it carefully on the already heavy tray before gently taking his small hand and walking out of the kitchen.

There was a pause in the conversation as they both entered the room before Kiyoshi glanced up at Mai and said quietly "Thank you".

Mai smiled softly and watched as he ran up to his Mother, his Mother laughed and kissed him on his forehead as she gently picked him up and placed him on her knee.

Mai's smile fell slightly at the thought of when her own Mother used to do that but she pushed the memories away and put her smile back in place. She didn't notice Lin or Naru watching her and then exchanging a quick glance between them.

She handed out the teas and went to sit in between Naru and Lin. Mrs Tako smiled gratefully at Mai before turning towards Naru "please you must help us I'm not sure what to do and I am afraid for my son's safety".

I glanced towards Naru who as usual had his emotionless mask on before I glanced at Lin who was also watching Naru. With one short nod towards Mrs Tako Naru had calmed the poor women's terrified pleading.

"Mai please take down any details we need" he turned towards Mrs Tako again "we shall need a room for the base and two rooms to sleep in, three women in one and four men in the other" he stood up nodded once and walked off.

I watched him go before turning towards the guests with a warm smile.

/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ END FLASHBACK \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\

She was brought back to the present by a rack of awful coughs that had her coughing up her own blood. Her vision was once again blurring and tears of pain were falling from the corners of her eyes.

She stared up at the light above her wondering if dying would really be that bad. She would get to see her parents again . . . and Gene.

She barely heard some one as they shouted "we're losing her again, someone get the -" she didn't get to hear the rest as she noticed a shadowy figure in the corner of the room.

She stared at it and ignored everyone else in the room. It stepped out of the shadows but no one else seemed to notice it.

It was a beautiful woman with an angelic smile but that wasn't the only angelic thing about her. She was wearing a long flowing shimmering white gown, she had white flowers here and there in her long brunette hair that seemed to move around as though a wind was blowing it. The one thing that shocked Mai the most was the pair of wings flapping slowly behind her.

The woman smiled at Mai and gazed down lovingly at her and that was when Mai's heart stopped. Not because of death but because the woman . . . no the angel stood in front of her was someone Mai new very well.

Mai's eyes widened as the angels pale hand slowly moved forward towards Mai.

"You'll be okay Mai" Mai couldn't help the new set of tears that came to her mind.

The Angel's hand covered Mai's eyes and all Mai could do was whisper one word before everything turned white.
