WARNING! If you have not read My Laker Boyfriend first you will be confused! This is the sequal to My Laker Boyfriend! So please go and read that first if you havent read it yet, then come back to read this one!

Disclaimer: The plot and Liam:) Oh and the other non high school musical characters.

This also takes place just days after the birth! So it takes off where it leaves off, :)

Chapter 1- Home Sweet Home

"Troy" I said giggling, "Scoot over!" I said we were currently sitting in the hospital room. Liam sitting on my lap, we were getting ready to watch the Laker game. It was wonderful to be a family; it was great to see Troy interact with Liam. Troy had gotten him into a Laker onsie today, which was on video tape.

"Brie, this bed isn't that big!" He said laughing; Liam was fast asleep in my arms. We were getting to leave tomorrow morning, which was exciting for us. We have been in the hospital for three days now, since Liam was a preemie.

"Don't you think I know that?" I asked giggling

"Yes, I think I know you know that!" Troy said kissing my temple.

I handed Liam too him which he cradled gently in his arms. I smiled and I grabbed my iPhone out. "I still havent even looked at those pictures from the beach." I told him, I did not even catch his attention he was so drawn into Liam. I smiled greatly and I took a quick picture of the two.

I smiled and I scrolled through the pictures to see on of the two of us with our avocado masks. I giggled and then I saw a picture of all three of us right after Liam was born. I still had the sweat beads on my forehead, Troy was beaming and Liam was sleeping. I felt small tears catch in my eyes; I had been emotional since the birth.

"Hey Brie, can you take Liam for a moment?" He asked, I nodded my head and then I let him lay on my chest. His small breaths going in and out. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. He had such a small head, such a small body. How could this small thing live inside of me? I sighed and I rubbed his small back.

Troy nudged my shoulder; I looked up at him to see him starring down at me. "What?" I asked

He gave me a smile and then handed me his cell phone, I looked at him confused then I pulled it up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked

"Congratulations!" was blown through my ear, I was a bit shocked but I knew who it was. I giggled and I looked down at Liam.

"Thanks everybody!" I said back, I looked up at Troy who winked at me. "Good Luck to you all too, have you seen pictures?" I asked.

"Only the one from Chad" somebody said in the background

"I'll send you guys another one, but you guys play hard tonight!" I said, they all said thanks and I hung up the phone. I grabbed my phone and I got the one of us three. I sent it to Kobe and he knew what to do.

I sighed and I looked at Troy who now had Liam again, it would go like this all day. From me to him to the crib back to me, we did not have anything better to do.

"So we need to figure out where the Liam is going to sleep," He asked me, I looked over at him to see that Liam was awake and squirming around in his arms.

"He is awake! Can I see him please?" I begged, he looked at me and then back at Liam, "Sure sure" he said handing him to me, I supported the back of his neck I pulled my sore very sore legs up to my chest to lay him flat on.

His eyes wondered around, his eyes looking straight into mine, "Gabs why don't when the boys get back go up the gym for the first practice and bring Liam." Troy said, I let my hands touch his body and then looked at Troy. "Sounds good to me, since we will probably be all cooped up anyways. They get back in what two days?"

Troy nodded his head, "Right before the first playoff game" He said letting his fingers run through his hair. I looked back at Liam who was shifting back to sleeping. I touched his nose and then I watched his lips flicker around while he slept.

There was a knock on our door and we both looked up to see Taylor standing there with Lucille, Jack, and a nurse. We waved them in and gave them a smile; they left us alone yesterday but the day before they were in and out all day. Which made me even tired, I was the most rested as I was right now.

"Hi!" I said I was more awake now then, I was the other day. Today was February 28th, playoffs starting in three days, which Troy had to get back too. Liam was born on February 26th his birthday.

"Hi Gabi" Lucille said, I smiled and then looked down at Liam who was flutter between sleep and open eyes.

He squirmed a little in my arms and then he opened his eyes, his bright blue eyes. I shook my head and then I looked up at the group, his little wail started to fill the room.

I tried not to panic a little but then the nurse stepped in, "Its time for Liam to eat," she said, I nodded my head biting my lip, Troy and I decided that we were just going to use formula instead of breastfeeding. We did not really want to even go there, he wanted to help with feeding and I did not want to use a pump and all.

"Troy you want to feed him?" I asked, he looked happy but then looked towards his mom, "Mom you want to? When is the last time you feed a baby?" He asked, she blushed but a smile was taken onto her face.

"Gabi could I?" she asked, I smiled at her, "Sure, I think Liam would love it" I said smiling, she then came over and took Liam out of my hands, his cry still echoing throughout the room, the nurse handing a bottle to Lucille. I smiled up at her and then Troy buried his nose into my neck. His arms were wrapped around me, "I can't wait to go home tomorrow," He said quietly

"How do you think Oreo is going to react?" I asked, he shrugged, "I don't know hopefully well," Troy, said

I smiled, "Yeah I hope she does too"

We all looked towards the screen in the room to see tip-off getting ready to happen, Troy turned up the volume a bit to hear the announcers.

"So here we go" we caught one of them saying, one of the people tipped the ball of and Chad took it down court. Passing it back and forth along the way.

"Now you see most of the regular guys right but it looks like we are missing somebody" John asked, "Yes John I think we are, Troy Bolton has been a little busy these last few days and is going to keep busy for 18 years." Austin said laughing; Troy and I looked at each other.

"That would be a little accurate," John, said laughing, "more like in a hospital"

"Now before his entire fan base freaks out," Austin said, we all laughed in the room. "He is not hurt he is probably on top of the world. On February 26th he had his first kid, at the age of 22 almost 23." John said reading off the card, Shit that is right, his birthday is March 14th.

"No joke, they named him Liam Troy Bolton," Austin added, "I knew he had a girlfriend but I didn't know she was the far along in pregnancy."

"I don't think they mentioned it, she also has a small body." John added, Troy and I giggled and we looked over at Liam and Lucille. Lucille was feeding him and Troy and was smiling. We then saw her start to burp him, "Damn you are a pro huh Lucille" I said, she brought up a smile.

Troy then turned down the volume when they went to a commercial, the Lakers winning by ten so far. "Ah, we are excited to go home tomorrow" Troy said

"We took that one blanket home that Liam used and we gave it too Oreo to see what she did." Jack said sitting on the couch with Lucille.

"What did she do?" I asked

"She took it and played with it smelling it for a while, and then she slept with it." I smiled, "Hopefully that is a good thing," I said with a smile.

We chatted for a while watching the Lakers play for the rest of the game watching them win easily. They came to take Liam for a while to make sure everything was okay with him still.

"Well we are gonna go, we will be at the house when you guys get home." Lucille said giving me a hug, then one to Troy.

"I would hope so; we are getting home like at seven in the morning. They are discharging us at 6:30." Troy said laughing, "Yeah, they are letting us go early." I added

She nodded her head, "Alright, well we will see you tomorrow morning, get a good nights rest now. You wont get one for a long time" Lucille said, Jack snorted, "More like 18 years" He said laughing, and we all looked at him.

"What! I was"

"Jack, just stop talking" Lucille said grabbing his hand, Taylor then came over towards us. "Thanks for letting me come and hangout" Taylor said giving me a hug.

"Taylor, you are going to be Liam's second mom" I told her, "Since you will be living with us and Troy will be away," I said drawing out a sigh and looking at him. He only looked around, "What are you talking about me?" He asked pointing to him I only shook my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning" she said pulling me into one last hug, I looked over to see that Troy was holding Liam getting ready to put him in a crib that was laying next to my bed. I sighed and I watched as they all left. It was a little after six at night.

Troy then sat down in a chair next to me, "You never told me where we were gonna have Liam sleep" Troy said

"I thought about our room while we finishing painting his room and the fumes are gone, then he would go sleep in his room." I said he nodded his head. "Unless we choose different later, it might be we like it the other way around." I told him, a yawn coming up my throat.

"I need to pick out his outfit for tomorrow," I said pushing back the blankets on my bed and letting my legs fall over the side of the bed. I was still extremely sore from all of this birth stuff, Troy helped me out and I looked down in my sweatpants and t-shirt I was wearing with some soft fuzzy socks. I took small steps and groaned at ever steps. They said I was going to have more pain since I had more narrow hips.

I grabbed my bags and made sure everything was packed and then Troys arms slide around my waist, "What you looking for?" he asked

"Nothing, I am just making sure I have everything, I bet we don't have the car seat" I murmured, "Yeah we do, my parents brought it up and helped me put it in." He said looking over my shoulder, I nodded my head. "Good, now what do we want to put him in tomorrow?" I asked

"Sharpay put the hint in that she left the shirt we gave her for Christmas in one of the bags; it's supposed to be like 75 degrees tomorrow." I nodded my head, "How about that blue one that said Bolton on the back, somebody got it for me at my baby shower." I said

He nodded his head, "Fine by me" He said turning back towards Liam; I turned too to see his arms in fussing around. They usually came and got Liam at nine thirty to put in the nursery for the night. It let Troy and I get some sleep before we had to take him home.

I then pulled out a pair of sweatpants then a pair of jogging shorts; I then pulled out a t-shirt that said mommy to baby Bolton on the back. It was a just like the onsie Liam would wear.

I made sure everything else was packed away and then I went to climb back into bed painfully. I smiled as Troy and Liam were looking at each other.

I smiled down at Liam who was awake in my arms; I was currently in a wheelchair going down to our car, which was waiting for Liam and me. I smiled and I knew Troy was waiting, it was 634 and we were getting to leave the hospital, which left scary, and nervous thoughts go through our mind.

I looked down at Liam once again and I let myself breathe, I know how to change and diaper and I know how to feed a baby. I know how to burp the baby. I told myself to relax; Lucille was going to stay at our place for a week to help us be adjusted. Jack and Jenni were flying back to New Mexico in three days, staying for the first play off game and then leaving.

When they rolled Liam and I out of the door, Troy was there leaning against the car. He then heard us looking up at us he smiled but I could see the nervous look in his eyes. His hand went to rub behide his neck and then he looked at the nurse. It was different to be outside; I took a deep breath and let the area around me sink in. I had been inside the hospital for four days. I was getting cabin fever.

"Thank you," He said

"Would you like me to stay and make sure the car seat is all in place?" She asked him, "Yeah, yeah that would be great" He said with a small smile, Troy let her over to the car seat side and then she checked it all out.

"It all looks good to me; I have done this multiple times to. So I think it is all set, I hope you have an amazing time with little Liam here." She said with a smile, I smiled and thanked her as she went inside, I got up carefully with Liam in my arms and I walked around to put him in his car seat. I lay him down carefully into the seat. I heard the trunk slam shut and I fumbled with the buckles moving his little arms so I could pull the strap over his body.

"Troy, I need your help," I said as I tried to figure out how to tighten the straps, they were loose on his body. Troy came around the corner and saw what I was fumbling with.

"Why don't you go over and get situated in the back, I will fix this okay?" He said pulling my into a quick kiss before I walked towards the other side of the car. The sun was just beginning to rise in the sky as we all got into the car. Troy locked all of the doors while I buckled my seatbelt in the back. I looked at Liam who was wide-awake and alert. He looked like he was getting ready to freak out too.

I fumbled for my bag and pulled out the camera to take a few pictures, he was under a blanket that the hospital gave us. It was somewhat soft but thin. I rubbed in between my fingers and I looked for his small toes. I let them rub between my fingers and I smiled as our car lurched forward and I watched as his lips quivered.

A soft cry left his mouth and I silently started to panic, I could see Troys eyes look at us through the rearview mirror. I looked down at him.

"Liam Whats wrong buddy?" I asked as he continued to cry a little louder with each passing second. I grew a bit more frantic but I searched through my bags looking for a pacifier. I finally found one from the hospital, they gave it to me in a case, which I pulled it out. I then grabbed it and turned back to Liam whose crying settled into a loud cry.

Troy kept giving me small glances as he drove down the highway towards the house, I tried to play the pacifier in his mouth, which did not work since he spit it right back out. I let my fingers run through my hair and I let my small hands find his small fingers. I said soothing words to him but nothing really worked.

I took a deep breath and looked Liam again who wasn't settling down all that much. When we drove down our street it was dead, we pulled into the driveway and when the car stopped Liam started to quiet down a little. I offered him his pacifier again and he took it this time. I took a deep breath again and then I looked up at Troy, "We have officially found out that Liam does not like car rides." I said laughing Troy gave me a smile.

"Who have no idea how nervous I am" Troy muttered, I laughed and laugh and then started to get out of the car. "Troy, the scariest thoughts are going through my head." I said he only shrugged as he started to get Liam's car seat out of the car. I grabbed all of the bags, well most of them and we headed inside.

"Home sweet home" I said taking a breath of our Vanilla air fresheners.

"Hello?" Troy called into the house; we started up the stairs and into the living room. When we got up there nobody was there yet, "They must all still be sleeping" I said as we entered the living room, it was still dark and quiet in the house. Troy placed Liam's carrier on the table and I placed the bags on the floor.

I looked at Liam to see him falling asleep, I sighed and I went to unbuckle him out of his car seat. "Troy I am gonna take him to our bedroom. Did you get the Bassinet into our room set up?" I asked him, he nodded his head, "Chad and my dad put it together before Chad left." Troy said heading towards the kitchen, I then heard him in the fridge and gathering water.

"Are you making coffee?" I asked him, my ears perking up as I lifted Liam out of his car seat. "Yeah?" he said

"Make sure there is enough for two, I am dying for a cup," I said as I let Liam's small headrest on my shoulder. Troy shot me a smile and I took Liam down the hallway and around the corner to our room. I opened it to see Oreo sitting on the bed; she wagged her tail and then pounced up. I smiled as her and saw the bassinet sitting next to my side of the bed. Our room was nice and clean and the bed made.

I smiled and I checked out the bassinet before I laid Liam in there. I laid him on his back and he shifted around for a moment before curling his fists and pulling his legs close to his body. I smiled and I placed a thin soft blanket over the half end of his body. I smiled and I turned on the video camera baby monitor. I grabbed the other end and I grabbed Oreo.

"Come with my sunshine, we are going to see daddy and eat some breakfast okay?" I said picking her up, I barely shut the door leaving a tiny crack. I sighed as I walked down the hallway the small pain still in my legs.

When I got closer to the kitchen I could smell the coffee brewing, it was nice now that I could have some instead of watching others drink it.

I walked into the living room with Oreo in my hands to see Troy half past out against the couch. I went over to him and crawled into his lap. I still had some baby weight on me, I lost seven pounds after birth and they told me no hard core exercising for six weeks. I could go for walks though I smiled greatly at Troy.

"So are you glad to be home?" I asked him quietly, he nodded his head before he sat up and then Oreo jumped into our laps.

"Has she met him yet?" Troy asked me, I nodded "kind of I didn't let her see him yet" I said, I placed the monitor on the table to see him sleeping. I smiled knowing he was going to wake up shortly to be feed; the nurses already told me he was one to wake up for sure. Troy and I only groaned in response.

"Gabi Troy?" we both looked towards the basement stairs to where Lucille was standing all dressed for the day, "I thought you guys weren't going to be home until 730ish?" she asked, Troy shook his head, "We were discharged at 630 this morning." Troy said she nodded her head.

"Well welcome home, where is Liam?" she asked, I smiled "He is in our room sleeping" I said, she nodded her head and then headed towards the kitchen. Troy and I followed her after getting up slowly. When we reached the top she looked at both of us, "How was the ride home?" She asked us, I laughed, "We found out that he doesn't like car rides." I said laughing Troy cracked a smile.

"Are you serious? Did he cry the whole way?" She asked, I nodded my head, "Yup and I had no idea what to do, I was panicking." I told her, Troy put his hand on the small of my back. "Oh need to worry honey, you'll get this all figured out." She said sending me a smile.

"So what are your plans for today?"

"To figure out a routine and try to get some sleep. We are not really letting visitors in today," Troy, said rubbing the back of his neck, I nodded along with him.

"Yeah, I guess he woke up six times last night in the middle of the night according to the nurses" Troy said, "Yeah Troy we need to figure out one of those schedules too." I said

"How about every other time?" He asked me, "Lucille how did you and Jack do it?" I asked

"Well when they were infants it was usually me because of breastfeeding so Jack and I never really had a schedule." She said Troy and I looked at each other.

"We will figure it out" He told me, I gave him a soft smile before I realized that Kyle had walked into the kitchen. "Hey sis" he said yawning, "Hey, I havent seen you since the other day" I said pushing his shoulder; he only gave me a brief smile. "Well I have been busy hanging out with Jenni; she was going to want to spend all day with Liam, that's all she can talk about." He said laughing.

Troy smiled and then he went over to the coffeepot and made three cups of coffee, he put some milk in two of them and then a little coffee mix in another. He handed me the one with milk and caramel coffee mix, the milk only to Lucille and black for him.

"How about a good breakfast for our first morning home as a family?" Troy asked me, I nodded my head, "Sure" I said, he then started to pull out the eggs and bacon. I got up onto a bar stool as Taylor came into the kitchen with her glasses perched onto her nose and papers filling her hands.

"Good Morning and welcome home" She said giving us all a smile, I smiled back and then she sat down next to me. I took a small sip of my coffee to taste the goodness sliding down my throat.

"Mmm…coffee sounds good can I get a cup?" Taylor asked I saw Troy nodded as he cracked two eggs, "Yeah give me just a second." Troy murmured

"Gabi what do you think of this hotel?" she asked pointing to one; I looked over to see her pointing to a Hilton. "Fancy" I said she nodded her head.

"That is what I thought too but I didn't know…" she started

"It would be a nice honeymoon hotel," I told her, and then a cup of coffee came sliding across the counter.

"Have you talked to Chad?" I asked her as she took a sip of coffee, "Yeah he is ready to come home and see Liam, he didn't like he only got to see him once before leaving." Taylor said I smiled greatly at how my friends all wanted to be around Liam.

It was truly perfect; I sighed as Troy came over and put a plate in front of me. He then let his arms drape around the front of my body. His lips kissing the side of my neck, "I love you Brie," He murmured, I giggled and then I turned to kiss him.

"Thanks for the amazing breakfast," I said giving him a kiss; he then looked at the monitor to see what Liam was doing. I gave Troy one last kiss.

It was nice to be home and not in the hospital, it was home sweet home.

So there it was! The first chapter to the sequal to My Laker Boyfriend! Ahh did you guys like it? It was only the first chapter so it might have been a little boring but I promise it will get a little better! Remember they are all new to this baby stuff so it could be…chaos. Lol I hope you liked it and you all liked My Laker Boyfriend

I hope you guys can review like you did to My Laker Boyfriend so this story can be just as good in reviews and a better story!

So lets start it off right!