Moyashi-neechan: I'll start posting updates later. I just have to dispel this little plot bunny first to have some peace and quiet.

Disclaimer: This is getting old but anyways: I do not own DGM or any of its characters. They belong to Hoshino Katsura only.




A leaf fell into a still water.

It caused ripples in the surface.



After a long moment,

The ripples stopped.

The water was still as glass again.



Nothing has been changed.








It was night.

It was cold.

This is the end.

The last night of this pathetic charade.



His lips twitched to sardonic smile.

"What is the meaning of this?"

He asked,

Voice dripping with rage.

Sharp eyes promising a ruthless demise.



"Do you honestly think I'll do that for your sake?"

I answered.

"I thought you were smarter than this."

I smiled,

Stretching my lips oh so wide.

"Guess, I expected too much."



I laughed at him

And he growled at me.


It started.



Songs and hymns,

Tunes and melodies,

Filled the air.











There was no blood

There were no wounds

Although there are bruises

Here and there



It was night.

It was cold.

This is the end.

The last night of this pathetic charade.



Smoke cleared

Surroundings in rubbles

Ruined trees


Ground with craters



"Well, this is interesting."

I smirked.

"Seems like you could keep up with me."

I let my guard down

And that was one of my biggest mistakes

As I felt something pierced me,

Stabbed me,

Behind my back.



Blood trickled from my mouth.

I saw him smirked.

I looked behind me

And saw two figures,

Figures I knew so well,

Especially the elderly one.



I became filled with cold fury.


I bellowed

Before I was shot in the knee and the shoulder.

I dropped on the ground.






I heard his footsteps coming near me.

His voice filled with amusement.

"I thought you weren't coming."

He asked the elderly man.



I heard the traitor answered tonelessly.

"This is much more beneficial for our clan."





I should have never trusted someone like him.

Blood flowed out of my wounds.

I heard a click.

I didn't need to see that he's aiming his weapon at me.

"Any last words?"

He asked smugly.



I didn't make a sound.

I didn't make any moves

I just looked upwards

And stared at the white white moon.



I won't give him that satisfaction.



I smiled.

The moon was very lovely.

At least this way they're safe.



I heard him scoffed.

"Very well."

He said finally after my silence.



After that,

There was an intense commotion,






Stomping shoes and boots




I heard furious flapping of wings.

I then heard her cry my name.



When her voice reached my ears,

It was filled with





Hopeless Hope





I forced myself to sit up.

My mouth ready to call them,

My mouth eager to say their names,

My eyes wanting to see their faces.



But there was nothing…



The words died in my throat.


My eyes saw nothing.


I felt pain…


Swift but incredible pain my head


Then I felt cold.


And then



Moyashi-neechan: No, the main protagonists of this story are not in here yet. But you're welcome to guess who are the characters in this chapter. XD

Anyways, what do you think? Review, please. =3