Clare searched for a cold spot on her pillow, as she mentally groans; he throat hurt to much to be able to even whisper.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay home, Clare Bear?" Mrs. Edwards asks, laying a hand on her daughter's sweaty forhead.

Clare nods slowly, to tired and ill to object her mother's pet name for her.

Mrs. Edwards sighs reluctantly. "Okay, honey." she kisses the top of Clare's head. "Bye, honey."

Clare doesn't reply, but instead dives deeper into her covers.

She doesn't know how much time passes until she hears her front door shut, and she finally relaxes.

I hate being sick... She thinks, snuggling under her thick blanket.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she hears a boy's voice whisper into her ear, "Boo."

Clare jumps, looking up to see no-one other than her boyfriend.

"Eli!" She exclaims hoarsely, whacking him in the arm. "What are you doing here?"

He smirks. "Why, hello, Eli, how are you? Fine, Clare, how are you?"

Clare scowls and gathers her blankets around her.

"Well, I heard you were sick." Eli starts, sitting on the edge of the bed. "And I decided to come spend the day with my girlfriend." He notions Clare to scootch over, and he sits down next to her, back to the headboard, and kisses her forehead "Besides, I need to finish my English essay."

Clare was about to object, but she was just too plain tired.

Eli grabs the TV remote from her bedside table, and flicks the small television.

"Ugh..." he groans as Clare lays her head on his chest. "All they play during the day is 'The Price Is Right'."

She grins to herself as she closes her eyes, and drifts into a deep sleep.

She was awoken by her boyfriend shaking her awake.

"Oh." her mother says, standing in the doorway. "Hello, Eli."

Eli nods.

"He was just making sure I was okay, mom." Clare speaks up, and she realizes her throat was a little more bearable.

Mrs. Edwards nods. "Okay. Uh, Eli, I think it's time for-"

"I was just about to leave." he interrupts, lifting himself off the bed, after kissing Clare on the head.

After he leaves the house, Mrs. Edwards walks up to her daughter.

"You okay?" She asks, stroking her hair flat, and Clare nods.

Mrs. Edwards sighs. "You know I don't like him hear when I'm not here, Clare Bear."

Clare shrugs. "He was just making sure I was okay, mom."

"You really like him, don't you?" Mrs. Edwards asks, and Clare nods.

Mrs. Edwards chuckles. "I'm sure you got him sick , you know." And, with that, she exits the room.

Clare was feeling much better the next morning, and just as she slings her bag over her shoulder, her phone vibrates.

She slides it out of her pocket, and sees it was from Eli.

Sick today. It reads. Can't pick you up :-( U totally got me sick :-) What I do for you :-)

Clare laughs silently as she heads to school.