Title: A Hero's Sacrifice

Disclaimer: Bones and its affiliated characters do not belong to me. I mean no copyright infringement.

Summary: What if Booth's relationship with Hannah isn't all that it appears to be? Who is the mysterious informant that Booth has been working with? The secrets pile up and Booth wonders if he'll ever be able to unbury the truth without permanently losing Bones and all of his friends.

Spoilers: Season 6

Rating: T for language and mild sexual content

A Hero's Sacrifice: Prologue

Idiot, idiot, idiot! Of all the idiotic things Seeley Booth could possibly get himself into, it had to be one driven by self-pity. And look where it got him? Did I actually expect Bones to lie for me so I could have lots and lots of sex with "my girlfriend?" And she believed it? How far had Seeley Booth sunk that his Bones would be accepting of such a thing?

Geez, Bones! Did you not hear me say that Hannah was out of town on an assignment? Since when did she ever return home early?

Damn it, Bones! Why can't you see what's going on? Why can't you see the truth? Damn, this assignment was worse than the time he had to pretend he was dead. Surely he would never be forgiven for this one. Damn it!

Bones wasn't the only genius in his life. Didn't any of the squints question why the army would just let him return home whenever the hell he wanted? Damn, his buddy Trevor didn't even get to go home and see his son born. And everyone accepts Caroline's excuse that I'm allowed to leave the army for a case? I thought for sure Bones would figure something was up when I told her the real reason I was home was for Parker. The army doesn't just let a soldier go home because his kid misses him.

He was furious with Caroline, with special ops, with his commander, with himself… Basically, he was furious with life.

I need to get control of my emotions… and fast. My informant just texted, for God's sake. I need to pull it together. Angela and Hodgins certainly don't need me to ruin their celebration and Bones is better off without me.

Booth hopped into SUV and hit speed dial #9.

"Gabe's Pool Hall. May I help you?"

"It's Booth. Whatcha got for me?"


Author's Notes: I promise that I haven't forgotten or given up on my other stories. This idea hit my imagination and I couldn't put it to rest despite my badly injured hand. If this prologue has left you curious, click the button and let me know you'd like some more *wink*

Cyber hugs,

hot4booth ((a.k.a. Miss Boo in the Boneyard and in the papercraftingcorner of cyberworld ))